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caco794 03-11-2003 10:22 PM

What was your worst nightmare?
Mine had to be today man. ffs, I really thought some goddamn gargoyle look alike type beast was after me in the street. Got in my house and hid in my room. Then I hear some freakish sounds behind the door. Then that's when I awoke. Lol ya had to see me when I was walking to the bathroom. I was so sooooooooooooo slow trying to pick up anything. freak:

Anyone else?

cameltoe 03-11-2003 10:25 PM

i had one a while ago not so scary as weird. i had a dream where i was jacking off in my room and all of a sudden my whole family walks in and my sister pops her head out the door and says " i knew it" thats when i woke up in a cold sweat. ive had scarryer but i cant remember them right now

Cpt. Obvious 03-11-2003 10:29 PM

I hate that dream where u fall off ur bed and then u wake up and ur in the middle of ur bed.

[RA]ZdaN 03-11-2003 10:40 PM

ok this was scary shit i drempt i was golfing with OJ simpson and he tried to kill me

Old Reliable 03-11-2003 10:41 PM

my dreams are pretty realistic to me at least, one time I dreamt i got shot in the head and i woke up feeling like i had gotten shot in the head, you know the shock

Maplegyver 03-11-2003 10:47 PM

my worst one was when i was aboot 6-7 my mom was doing the laundry in the basement then a bulldozer came through the wall and ran her over cry:
any peeps know how to make yourself have bad dreams? I havent hade one 4 a while.

Old Reliable 03-11-2003 10:48 PM

lol you cant make yourself

one time I owned a casino and was in charge of the army, I was wearing a combination of patton uniform and nazi uniform and I bulldozed tanks through my casino...that was a while ago

another one i was being chased by a giant fish in a maze and it ate me

caco794 03-11-2003 10:52 PM

[quote="Maple SyRuP":fb32a]my worst one was when i was aboot 6-7 my mom was doing the laundry in the basement then a bulldozer came through the wall and ran her over cry[/quote:fb32a]

[Doctor Evil]Riiiiiggghht[/Doctor Evil]

Maplegyver 03-11-2003 10:52 PM

[quote="Old Reliable":abd90]

i was being chased by a giant fish in a maze and it ate me[/quote:abd90]

another one was me and a friend were checking out my old "HOOD" late at night
and there was a phetophile stalking us and we tried to run but we coulkdent he caught up and i woke up
thank god that would have been nasty
can someone plz PLZ tell me how to make myself have a nightmare???

Old Reliable 03-11-2003 10:54 PM

well if you really want to have a advice is to go a few days without sleep and focus on doing a few things such as using the computer, reading books, just keep yourself busy doing things and forming mental images. watch tv, look at internet sites, watch people.

Maplegyver 03-11-2003 10:55 PM

heh its march break
but thrusday morning i got to wake up 5:00
to go to a hockey tournament

[RA]ZdaN 03-11-2003 10:57 PM

before u go to sleep to ge nightmares watch the sci fi channel and wait for one of those freaky movis to come on then wacth it when you go to bed just keep thinking about the movie

Simo Häyhä 03-11-2003 10:57 PM

i have occuring dreams where i am falling oOo:

KLNKLR+wArLoRd 03-11-2003 10:57 PM

LoL trying to go to sleep

i have aLoT!

LiKe sOmEtImEs sOmE wIeRd LooKiNg pEoPLe cHaSe mE or mY fAmILy mEmBeRs dIe! :(

Pyro 03-11-2003 10:59 PM

really, my head deals with enough shit in the day...nightmares brighten up my day.

Innoxx 03-11-2003 11:05 PM

Scariest nitemare that I can recall was when I was fucking some chick and a ghost of another chick popped through the wall and that scared the shit outta me. Looked like the ghost of that animated gif in the basement.

Jedi Marksman 03-11-2003 11:11 PM

My worst nightmare would have to have been when I dreamed that my g/f and I were driving on this cliffside highway when I lost control of the car. I got thrown out of the vehicle, but she went over the cliff with the car and I could hear her scream all the way to the bottom. I woke up in a cold sweat from that one 3 nights in a row.

Vance 03-11-2003 11:26 PM

Mine is similar to Old Reliable's, I was shot 3 times in the back of the head with a silenced pistol, only to survive and find out I had lost some of my intelligence. (I could feel the sting in the back of my head when I got shot!)

cameltoe 03-11-2003 11:35 PM

yea ive had one of those. when that happends i get this piercing cutting feeling in my gut.

Bazooka_Joe 03-12-2003 12:33 PM

When I was like 7 or 8, I had a dream a shark ate my mother as I just sat and watched by the shore.

03-12-2003 03:48 PM

I had one (This is really scary when this happens to you) where I woke up, but I was paralyzed. You try as hard as you can to move something, but you cant, there were goblins and demons and stuff just haunting all around me, I tried to scream, or lift a finger, but I just couldnt. I then woke up in a cold sweat. That is called sleep paralysis (i think). It scares the shit outta you. And i think its weird sometyime when youre just watching tv on bed and its late at night. Youre in the middle of the bed, but then all of a sudden, you start to fall through the bed, but just capture yourself. It seems like you are falling, but then when you sense it, you stop. Its weird and scary oOo:

Maplegyver 03-12-2003 03:50 PM

ive had that you try to scream but all that comes out is a ras pe sound

Jedi Marksman 03-12-2003 03:50 PM

[quote="[1st] Maj.Sclass12":7c96e]I had one (This is really scary when this happens to you) where I woke up, but I was paralyzed. You try as hard as you can to move something, but you cant, there were goblins and demons and stuff just haunting all around me, I tried to scream, or lift a finger, but I just couldnt. I then woke up in a cold sweat. That is called sleep paralysis (i think). It scares the shit outta you. And i think its weird sometyime when youre just watching tv on bed and its late at night. Youre in the middle of the bed, but then all of a sudden, you start to fall through the bed, but just capture yourself. It seems like you are falling, but then when you sense it, you stop. Its weird and scary oOo:[/quote:7c96e]

That has happened to me. Scary as hell.

Sgt. Pepper. 03-12-2003 04:41 PM

A Rhino was chasing me but I couldnt use my legs only my arms so I was trying to run on my arms.

Bleuachdu 03-12-2003 04:56 PM

[quote="[1st] Maj.Sclass12":959ef]And i think its weird sometyime when youre just watching tv on bed and its late at night. Youre in the middle of the bed, but then all of a sudden, you start to fall through the bed, but just capture yourself. It seems like you are falling, but then when you sense it, you stop. [/quote:959ef]

Thats called acid.

Jedi Marksman 03-12-2003 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by "[1st
Maj.Sclass12":d85a4]And i think its weird sometyime when youre just watching tv on bed and its late at night. Youre in the middle of the bed, but then all of a sudden, you start to fall through the bed, but just capture yourself. It seems like you are falling, but then when you sense it, you stop.

Thats called acid.[/quote:d85a4]


Big Jake 03-12-2003 05:17 PM

The most scariest dream I had and still have sometimes its when I'm in a middle of a battle against demons and these figures in black clokes, I swear to god when I first saw Lord of the Rings I just about shit my pants when I saw a ringwraith, those look exactly like the figures from my dream.
But anyways, we're fighting and I get hit in the jaw and I get stabbed and then I always wake up in a very cold sweat..but the weirdest thing I can't get over is my Jaw is really fuckin sore!! Don't know how to explain that

Captain Bunny 03-12-2003 06:40 PM

[quote="Maple SyRuP":cdc38]
can someone plz PLZ tell me how to make myself have a nightmare???[/quote:cdc38]

Get married and get a mortgage.

I remember when i was about 8, i had the same dream on two different nights.
I would get up and go to the toilet, then when i get to the toilet i look out of the bathroom window, turn around, and see a monster poke its ehad around the door, then i see myself through the monsters eye and i faint at the window. I wake up then. short and sweet.

Scariest dreams i had was something was trying to catch me, so i run out of my room, and then everything goes in slow motion, and i do a diveing roll over the banister of my stairs, but during the dive, the thing shoots a ball of fire at me - and it hits me and kills me! I wake up then.

I hate it when dreams dont swing your way and you actually get hurt or killed.
I got killed during the gulf war in one of my dreams.
And ive also hit the bottom after falling off a cliff. I didnt wake up before hitting the bottom.

Vance 03-12-2003 06:59 PM

[quote="Big Jake":d62c5]but the weirdest thing I can't get over is my Jaw is really fuckin sore!! Don't know how to explain that[/quote:d62c5]
I think its because when your brain registers that you have been hit in the jaw, you clench your jaw real tight. If you clench yor jaw really tight for about 2 minutes, it really hurts. When you are in a dream, you obviously can control how long you clench your jaw. This might be what happened to you

cameltoe 03-12-2003 07:00 PM

someone told me that if you see yourself die in a dream you died in real life, i donno if this is true or not

Bean 2 03-12-2003 07:03 PM

The scariest was when i was getting chased by freddy crougar through my house and he eventually kills me in my basement. Also it wasnt a dream but i woke up and i must have been sleeping on my hand and i couldnt move my hand. I had no feeling or anything and i though my arm was paralyzed or something. That was scary.

Captain Bunny 03-12-2003 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by cameltoe
someone told me that if you see yourself die in a dream you died in real life, i donno if this is true or not still alive, so there is your answer.

Sgt. Pepper. 03-13-2003 03:25 AM

Ever have a dream you are actually in a Mohaa map and playing. I have.

Tripper 03-13-2003 03:37 AM

[quote="Sgt. Pepper.":3fb9f]Ever have a dream you are actually in a Mohaa map and playing. I have.[/quote:3fb9f]

Too much MOHAA for you.


Harlen Maguire 03-13-2003 03:56 AM

Any of you guys have imaginary scary things that lived in your room, and whenever you went to bed they would 'come out of the closet' and scare the living crap out of you?

Mine was a clown, this scary ass little clown with big sharp pointy teeth and a demonic laugh... Think, Bart Simpsons clown bed in The Simpsons, cross, Leprechaun...

Jesus, that guy would never go away... he would just dance on the end of my bed... one night I was just shitting myself, so I went into Mum and Dad's bedroom, and saw them having sex... oOo:

That was pretty fucked up... Scarred me for life... eek:

Wilko 03-13-2003 08:22 AM

I still draw the line at Robin Williams in the SS uniform, making visual gags about Baby Foetus, with the actual Foetus' (ie: making it dance, etc) ed:

guarnere 03-13-2003 08:34 AM

This one is sick...and f*cked up...

I was having a dream I was having sex with this wicked hot chick in a hallway...and we were all frisky and stuff...then I went to make out with her and as I was kissing I opened my eyes only to realize she was dead...and looked like she was floating in the water for a few days...I woke up from that dream and had a nasty taste in my mouth...and seriously...everytime I think of makes me sick...

And another...

I had this one for about 2 months on and off...where I would be in a tropical forrest, and its dark out...and I come creeping to a bamboo tower type thinking it was a dream about Vietnam because after a few seconds...I get attacked from behind by 2 people speaking jibberish (Vietnamese?)...and I fall down...and everything goes black...the end

Dreams are very

Innoxx 03-13-2003 09:36 AM

Herbie ran me over in a dream once, until now I never enjoy Herbie movies.

Simo Häyhä 03-13-2003 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by guarnere
This one is sick...and f*cked up...

I was having a dream I was having sex with this wicked hot chick in a hallway...and we were all frisky and stuff...then I went to make out with her and as I was kissing I opened my eyes only to realize she was dead...and looked like she was floating in the water for a few days...I woke up from that dream and had a nasty taste in my mouth...and seriously...everytime I think of makes me sick...

And another...

I had this one for about 2 months on and off...where I would be in a tropical forrest, and its dark out...and I come creeping to a bamboo tower type thinking it was a dream about Vietnam because after a few seconds...I get attacked from behind by 2 people speaking jibberish (Vietnamese?)...and I fall down...and everything goes black...the end

Dreams are very

yuo = oOo:

some dreams just dont make sense. i rarely have dreams and havent had a nightmare in years. my dreams are pretty much something normal like just one i had which i remember staring at a very thich vanilla colored carpet..ehhh

pest 03-13-2003 10:46 AM

I cant really remember any bad dreams. Maybe a falling dream, or a dream where you get in a fight, but you just can seem to get any power to your punches. I hear that comes from your arms being restricted by either covers or sleeping on them.

Has anyone ever noticed how if in a dream you come across a book or a note, you usually know what it says, but if you have to actually read it, you can never make it out and then it wakes you up?

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