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jonesy-the-cat 01-07-2002 06:33 AM

Okay, unless I missed something (which is possible since I haven't really analysed this game), the German rifle is pathetic compared to the American rifle. Single-shot reload, compared to 7 rapid shots for the M1. Also, the German bazooka has horrible visibility compared to the American bazooka. Does it slow you down more too? And sometimes it seems that the other American weapons tend to hit more easily than their German counterparts, e.g. the machine gun. When I mentioned this in a game, someone replied that it's realistic. Is this all in the name of realism? My response was that this game is far from realistic, and that some things need to be less realistic to be more fun (it is a GAME afterall).

Does anyone have the lowdown on the weapons? Or at least observations?

HedgeHog 01-07-2002 06:35 AM

Ive used all weps alot, and it seems to me that you cant see with german zook obviosly, and the german rifle just plain sucks. Besides that, Im fairly certain theyre all relatively the same, except maybe the bar hits harder? The german mg has more ammo, by 12 shots.. thats quite a few. I havnt really tested the german mg too much. The smgs are identicle in my beleif.

Ramza 01-07-2002 06:37 AM

Okay, first of all the Mauser is intended to be a single shot weapon. That's what it's design specs were. America was the first country to have a successful semi-automatic rifle, so yes they have the advantage in this respect. Doesn't make the Mauser worthless without a scope, as it still fires a 7.62mm round and is very accurate. The MP-40 has quite a bit of kick, since it's such a lightweight weapon, nonetheless it is still a useful weapon. I prefer it over the thompson, but the tommy gun is a bit heavier and thus it won't jump around in your hands as much.

Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
There is no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole.
"Just call me Doom." - Flynn Taggert

JOkeR 01-07-2002 06:50 AM

The weapons are pretty much balanced. Like the saying goes, a weapon is only good as it's handler. Or something like that

intrestedviewer 01-07-2002 07:03 AM

personally i like the scoped mauser over the sprigfield but i like the thompson better than the mp40 and i like the colt over the whalter and i prefer the stg 44 over the BAR, its combined power

3/504th-Cpt.Knight 01-07-2002 07:26 AM

I like the KAR98. I think its much more accurate than the Garand. I've picked people off many of time with it at long range. I wish it had a bayonet though.

Ramza 01-07-2002 07:38 AM

Mauser is mucho fun. I do agree, a bayonet like in DOD would be fun, or at the very least, a melee combat option.

Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
There is no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole.
"Just call me Doom." - Flynn Taggert

FuBarGrn 01-07-2002 07:44 AM

well...first off the Garand Vs. The Kar98...the Kar98 has A TON more Punch than the garand,BUT the garand has a better cyclic rate.
second..the MP-40 vs. the Thompson....
the thompson has the punch,the Mp-4o has the cyclic rate.
third the BAR vs. the StG44....
the StG44 has VASTLY superior punch at a longer range...the BAR has better punch at close-range...and the StG44's 30rds are better taht the BAR's 20....
finally....the zooks...I hate 'em...never use 'em...but the panzershrek seems to lose this one because of the limited visibility....

Mein Ehre Heisst Treue
Das Geminschaft
2nd SS Panzer Division

W. Voss 01-07-2002 07:50 AM

I actually prefer the Kar98 to the garand, I think the weapons are balanced in the demo. (Just my opinion).

Player X "You Cheater"!
Me "Why thank you"!

Arclight 01-07-2002 07:52 AM

In the SP Demo Allies side, why do they refer to the "bazooka" with a German name?

Howler 01-07-2002 08:14 AM

In reference to the lack of a bayonet for the Kar98 - am I crazy, or do the Germans in the single player demo occasionally smash you over the head with the butt of their rifle?


[This message has been edited by Howler (edited January 07, 2002).]

Hans 01-07-2002 08:18 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Arclight:
In the SP Demo Allies side, why do they refer to the "bazooka" with a German name?


Because that isn't a Bazooka, it's a Panzer-Schreck, a German rocket launcher.

8827Echo 01-07-2002 08:21 AM

Arclight, the weapon that you pick up is actually a German Panzerschrek, not the American Bazooka, that's why the called it a Panzerschrek (since it is).

KrautKiller16 01-07-2002 08:34 AM

Well, it makes sense:

Mauser Gewehr 98K: 7.92x57mm (gigantic death bullet!)
M1 "Garand": 7.62x63mm A.K.A. .30-06. (also a gigantic death round, but a bit smaller to be handled in semi-automatic fire.)

You can't really say they have varying levels of "punch"--the Mauser's bullet wasn't that much bigger, and both bullets can easily kill with one round virtually anywhere on the torso.

Now, MP40 vs. Thompson: This is different. Here, we have one of the all-time battles:
9mm VS. .45!!!!
Both of these submachine guns have almost equal recoil. The MP40, because it's so light, and the Thompson because, even though it's heavy, it fires dang 230-grain .45 ACP rounds and kicks like a mule, as all .45s do.

And I prefer the Springfield to the Mauser sniper.

Mustang 01-07-2002 10:32 AM

For some reason I prefer the scoped mauser over the springfield, it's probably my imagination but it seems quicker to cycle than the springfield.

But apart from that all the other weapons are pretty well much on par, what the mauser looses in cyclic rate from the garand it makes it up in accuracy and punch.


W. Voss 01-07-2002 10:47 AM

The springfield for some reason is the only gun I am downright DREADFUL with, i never get any kills with it, the scoped mauser is pretty good, but I choose the unscoped over the scoped.

2nd SS Panzer Pvt.
Thanks for reading this post.

KurganQ2 01-08-2002 12:02 AM

the crosshair on the american rifle is so huge i can't usually see who i'm shooting at if they are peaking over a ledge.

I agree without limiting snipers, the german single shot non scoped rifle is worthless. What is the gun in DOD, that Germans snipe's a semi automatic sniper rifle.

We definately need better hand to hand weapons...bayonet or whatever.

Dodd 01-08-2002 12:59 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Howler:
or do the Germans in the single player demo occasionally smash you over the head with the butt of their rifle?


yes they do.

btw, welcome to the forums!

Frost 01-08-2002 01:47 AM

Gewher 43 is the snipe in DOD.


Assassin788 01-08-2002 01:48 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jonesy-the-cat:
compared to 7 rapid shots for the M1.

im pretty sure that the garand has a 8 round clip if im not mistaking

Sandman 01-08-2002 02:07 AM

Raped Souldrinka: how can you say that the Kar98 has "extremely more firepower" that the Garand? Maybe it is more accurate but the round used in the Garand was a 220-grain monster and had equal if not more killing power than the Mauser's 7.92x57mm. Remember, although the Mauser round was of larger caliber, the .30-06 used by the Garand was longer. In any case, the two rounds are probably quite equal in power and to say that the Mauser had more killing power is a false statement.

-R@p3D-$0uLdr!Nka- 01-08-2002 02:15 AM

its not my opinion that it has more firepower because of the little higher caliber, but because of the muzzle velocity or whatever its called in english. i think the bullets fly faster and so they hit harder. tell me if im wrong but im pretty sure

once - inside - all i hold is ash

-R@p3D-$0uLdr!Nka- 01-08-2002 02:21 AM

oh sorry i was wrong the kar98k has 755m/s while the garand has about 825m/s

well like i said i think in close combat the garand is better cause of its rate of fire but on long range i would prefer a kar98k, because of its accuracy. i think 2015 should make the garand a bit more unaccurate

Mithrandir 01-08-2002 04:41 AM

I dunno, I was playing with my friends once. One of us used just the bazooka while the rest of us stuck with the rifles. I got pretty irritated after about 20 deaths by his zook, so I switched to the 'schreck. I ran up to the top floor in Stalingrad and went out onto the balcony. He was on the other side and didn't see me since he was looking at the place with the machinegun, so I sent a rocket at him and backed into the room. He took a direct hit, but he's still alive (with about 19 health, I later found out). He turned around, saw me, and fired back. His zook hit the floor beside me (about 2 feet away), and I dropped dead. I had 100 health.

-R@p3D-$0uLdr!Nka- 01-08-2002 07:32 AM

although many of u say the weapons are balanced i disagree with u. i thing they are a bit unbalanced, and far from realism (which probably is better cause it would make i even more unbalanced to make them realistic)

in reality, the karabiner98k has extremly more firepower than the m1garand, cause its a bolt action rifle while the garand is a self loader. this also leads to higher accuracy. it has not much to do with the a little bit higher caliber. short: the garand rulez in close combat because of its higher rate of fire while the mauser karabiner98k is a very good distance weapon and sniper rifle. in ww2 many allied and sowiet snipers used a kar98k if they got the chance by capturing one.
about the thompson and the mp40. the thompson has a little bit more power than the mp40, cause the mp was concepted as a mass-production-gun and was very cheap to produce. i dont know exactly but i think its rate of fire was a little bit higher.
the stg44 and the bar were both good weapons, but stg has a bigger magazine, but is heaver is far as i know.
i didnt use the rocket launchers much so i cant say if they are balanced. but i would like it if the shield built on the panzerschreck would protect from bullets.

*cant wait for the full game*

once - inside - all i hold is ash

Frost 01-08-2002 07:40 AM

The damage for the 'shrek and 'zook is screwed up, Im sure everyone can agree on that one. The funny thing about the snipers is that the springfield '03 is a copy of the mauser


01-08-2002 08:49 AM

OK rifle goes to American

SMG i like mp40 better

mg american i dont like the german

sniper rifle GERMAN

bazooka german ( all my opinion )

A little c4 knockin on ur door.
The luftwaffe bombing at ur back doors.
And the panzer rolling on the shores

-R@p3D-$0uLdr!Nka- 01-08-2002 08:51 AM

well everybody has his fav weapon he uses and its hard to make a game balanced for everyone cause everyone has different opinions and talents for different weapons

Ara 01-08-2002 11:21 AM

I usually play Axis to use the scoped mauser or the MP 44

Edit: Damn typos!

[This message has been edited by Ara (edited January 08, 2002).]

Goresk 01-09-2002 05:04 AM

"the stg44 and the bar were both good weapons, but stg has a bigger magazine, but is heaver is far as i know."

Nope your wrong There m8

BAR- weighs 8.8kg(19.4lb)

Stg44- weighs 5.2kg(11.5lb)[this bugs me in the CPR mod-i.e you should move faster]

And also the stg44 was not a MG but an "Assault Rifle". This weapon is the baby that gave birth to todays assault rifle.

The MG42 gave birth to the M60

Germany in all had the more advanced weapons ,yeah the USA had the advanced rifle i.e the garand but the germans were way ahead with the "Sturmgewehr 44"

The BAR was a relic from the Great war but still a good support weapon[Pity they didn't include in the game the two rates of fire]

Grenades- these weapons were used not as "gib" weapons, but more of a shock and maiming weapon i think these weapons are Ott i also really think they should do around 50 damage max - it would be good if grenades stunned the enemy more instantly kill them.

People have mentioned before about balancing weapons - so they are all fair- NO NO war is NOT fair some weapons have advantages over others but it comes down to the individual soldier [and player ]to use that weapon in a way it was intended for- Assault, support etc. did you think the Germans called the yanks "lamers" for using a Garand because it fired faster and the us Brits for having a TEN round magazine in the "Enfield"- i can see now why they didnt include the "Gewehr43 as the axis sniper weapons because ALL the yanks would moaned about it having TEN rounds and was semi-auto.


Ydiss 01-09-2002 05:18 AM

The Mauser 98k is deadly in the right hands. It's only called lame 'cos it doesn't work when you run in with it blindly looking for frags, rather than using it tactically and keeping distance from your targets, or using the scenery to your advantage.

Soon as I upgrade my PC and manage to get higher than 15 fps in a fight I'll be using this weapon a lot as Axis.

Mauser/pistol-finisher combo is deadly.

DaveTinCT 01-09-2002 05:30 AM

Owning an M1 Garand and having fired the German Mauser, I can say that the eight round semiautomatic Garand is *much* preferred and a much speedier weapon to fire. Bolt action (Mauser) vs semiauto (Garand) is usually a no win situation.
I love my Garand. :-)

Thank you U.S. WWII combat veterans

DaveTinCT 01-09-2002 05:35 AM

By the way, the .30'06 Garand's round and the 7.62mm Mauser round are both equally deadly. Heck, when a bullet is travelling at 2800 feet per second, the thing it hits will be damaged quite severely. And yes, the '06 is a larger round - but not by much.
If you're qualified, you can buy your own M1 Garand for $500.00 from the CMP. Check it out if you're interested:

b0n0 01-09-2002 05:46 AM

Its all about how you use the weapons, some you have to go full out to be effective, others you need to use in burst or single fire.

-R@p3D-$0uLdr!Nka- 01-09-2002 10:33 AM

too bad they didnt include the fallschirmspringergewehr fg42. thats the coolest ww2 weapon in my opinion. but i dont know an allied weapon that could even it out if it was included.

once - inside - all i hold is ash

Quik 01-09-2002 10:37 AM

Bayonets would be great! Playing a COOP game last night and my buddy was running into a building just a German soldier was coming in. The German "butted" him right in the nose with his Mauser and dropped him to his knees. I laughed so hard that I got shot in the process by the same German!

Quik 01-09-2002 10:39 AM

OOPS...didn't thnik that 1st post went through.

Bayonets would be nice! Playing COOP last night, my bud ran straight into a German soldier coming through the doorway. The Kraut "butted" him smack in the nose with his Mauser and dropped him to his knees! I laughed so hard that I got shot in the process.

[This message has been edited by Quik (edited January 09, 2002).]

jonesy-the-cat 01-09-2002 11:32 AM

I think we are getting confused between 'were the weapons better in real life' and 'are the weapons better in MoH.'

It would be nice, maybe not realistic, for the Axis to have a weapon comparable to the Garand.

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