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Do u consider binding keys cheating
such as lean and strafe
Haven't done it.
Not really, but its cheap and people will hate you for it.
I think its lame, its exactly the same as running the `dance` script in my eyes.
Binding two functions to one key allows a player to perform movements which regular players cant, without these binds, it gives an unfair advantage and by definition is cheating cry: |
Since anyone can do it, no its not cheating. It just like going onto roofs your not supposed to; its cheap, and you look like a moron, but its not cheating.
Personally I think its lame and looks silly. And nothing gives me more pleasure then puttin' a bullet into one of those wobbling fools.
Scorpio |
[quote="Gothic_child180":cbe1b]Since anyone can do it, no its not cheating. It just like going onto roofs your not supposed to; its cheap, and you look like a moron, but its not cheating.[/quote:cbe1b]
Anyone can download wallhacks. That's cheating alright. So I don't think that's a valid argument. Binding more than 1 function to separate keys is not possible through the 'normal' control options. Only via the console. You don't need to download a tool to gain access to the console, that's why I don't consider it cheating. I do consider it lame though. One should develop skills in playing, not in handling the console. Question is: How far is one willing to go calling binds cheats? I have taunts bound to keys. So I don't need to press 3 keys for a taunt. Takes less time, thus giving me a (negligible?) advantage. As far as getting on roofs goes: I don't consider it cheating. Getting there takes skill and time (and sometimes the effort of several players), making you vulnarable to attacks. I always find it funny noticing someone is on some roof. And, 'going onto roofs your not supposed to'; which roofs are out of bounds, which are allowed? It's a thin line... |
haha...all this whinin about lean/strafe. and yes, anyone can do it with a key remap or simply using the keymap as it . a cheat? omg...how in the world would this be a cheat? every single player with this game can do it either by assigning the keys, binding the keys or positioning yourself on the keyboard properly. i think you all really know what cheating is..but it seems that anything thats done in/with this game that you dont do you yourself..then its cheating?..pfft.
Getting on a roof is not cheating either, so long as you can do it alone, using the buddy-jump is amusing to get higher or out of the map but this is regarded as cheating by most ladders including clanbase. Gothic you should know better! *smacks legs* lol biggrin: |
Sweet honourable JEEZUS! Stop talking about this worn out topic!!
*curls up into fetal position* ItNeverStops-ItNeverStops-LeanBindNotCheating-LeanBindIsCheating-1234-look at all the pretty n00bs..heehee You might as well talk about shotguns, rockets, nade spamming, and butt-sliding while yer at it Fuck, I need a coffee... Zone |
and beweive it or not theres already 2 other threads on the first page about this ...
http://www.alliedassault.com/phpBB2/vie ... p?t=158202 http://www.alliedassault.com/phpBB2/vie ... p?t=158137 |
No disrespect, Zoner (and I know your post wasn't entirely serious) but with a game that is still available to buy you will always get new players asking questions that seem old to you, so you should expect this to happen.
The search option isn't really viable, either... Not on this chuggy slow-arse site. Just try typing leanbind into search and you'll get tons and tons of responses, half of which are bloody useless (after a few hours of searching hehe). It's a lot easier to do this and just as easy to either ignore it or reply to it :) On topic: Leanbinding is the same as anything in this game... One person doing it is ok, but a whole server doing it becomes old and very boring. You know the scenario.. You join a nice quiet server where everyone is about your level of ability and everything's going great, and then someone joins and starts leanbinding with the SMG. Before you know it everyone is using SMGs (this used to be shotguns) and everyone is bobbing left and right like complete idiots. 30 minutes of that and I'm typing quit into my console. Using lean and strafe (whether bound or not) on corners and in positions of cover makes sense to me. Using it in the middle of an open area is just plain stupid and you can tell the mentality of the player by it. They think that by moving their head like epileptic chickens that you'll have a hard time hitting them in critical areas. Sadly, when a good player uses it, this can the case. It escapes me why these good players still use leanbind like this... Surely they have "grown out" of this newbie bind by now (and it really is for newbies... No self-respecting above average player will cut corners like that)? This is the single reason why I am still tempted to get Spearhead, despite all the bad stuff I read about it here. I can put up with a little butt-scooting if I can play a full game without seeing some nob jerking his head about whilst running at full tilt. Why oh why EA couldn't have patched MOH:AA with this I don't know. |
And Judas yeh you're right it's been mentioned but the first topic asks how to do it, and the second asks specifically about lean and strafe whereas this asks about binding in general.
Slightly different (anally so) but still different all the same. Yet again, it's easier to just reply or ignore, imo. |
I just think that these repetitive topics are the equivalent of waltzing into the official Microsoft forum (if there IS one) and stating "Man, Windows 95 blows!" No coffee and little sleep make Zoner something something. Zone |
Here's another question: I don't lean+strafe bind, but I do however lean with my 4th and 5th mousebutton. Is this cheating?
To get directly to the point: No.
If you have the money to have a 25 button/8-wheel optical nuclear mouse, more power to you. S'all good. Zone |
lol this debate wasnt about lean-binding, it was about lean-strafing which is totally different! oOo:
Lean-binding is fine say if you have a 5 button mouse, but assigning two functions to one key IS considered cheating, at least in any clanwar iv ever played, including ClanBase wars. That would enable you to perform two functions at once, like lean-firing, which is also a cheat. cheet cheeeeet cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet CHEEET cheeet cheeet cheeet cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet *coughs*....sorry biggrin: |
how is lean-binding and lean-strafing different from each other? do they not both perform the same action when used?
Nope lol
Lean-binding is just binding the lean function to a key or button, ie mouse 4 or mouse 5, where as lean-strafe is binding the lean function + the strafe function to One key, which is the cheat part. Its not cheating like wallhacking but its boarderline and some people dispute it, like the officials at ClanBase and a few others, they dont consider it fair-play. Its along the same lines as no-fog where its easy to apply but still impossible to set under regular game menu. |
Multiple binds are not a cheat.. They are an option.. Anyone that's been playing Quake since it's birth knows that multibinding has been around since the beginning. If it were a cheat.. ID Software would have cheat protected the semicolon years ago.. Just because someone's a newb and doesn't know how to use the console doesn't mean the rest of us veterans are cheaters. Personally I believe all the lean whiners must really suck at MOH to spend all their time crying about something so irrelevant. Binding Lean+Strafe only gives you a disadvantage.. Because when you bind lean and strafe to one key.. You.. uh.. Basically lean whenever you strafe.. It's a disadvantage.. Anyone on the other end of the scope that thinks it's a disadvantage.. You need to wake up.. the only disadvantage you have is the inability to aim at moving targets. |
Its not cheating, but it is widely viewed as cheap or lame or choose your own adjective. It is a mod. It is not a fix the average gamer could do on his own and it cant be done from the in game menu. Asthetically, it is offensive. Tactically, it is marginal.
If you use it, you are going to get flamed, much the same as you would if you know how to use the rocket or shotgun. I'm not saying that it is right to be flamed for these, its just the way it is. The real question you need to ask yourself is - Do I really want to be that guy? |
I agree with pest.. As I said before I can't see how any self-respecting player who considers themselves to be good+ at the game would lower themselves to using such a short-cut.
It's very mid-level-ish (ie, mid-level players who think they're awesome but in reality are good but not quite there). It amazes me when I see what I would call a very good player using binds. It's just lazy. And restrictive. |
Pseudo edit: Oh, and it looks stupid. Once you've gotten to a certain level of ability (woo, you can own with the SMG, good for you) then the game's all about looking the part, in my opinion.
We all know you can theoretically take out 3+ people as the last man if you use SMG and are quick witted and have a bit of luck. We all know someone can rack up a lot of kills in realism by camping in a room with the STG44 and we all know you can keep your death ratio low this way too. We all know you can bind strafe and lean and it's really not that impressive. But to see someone own with the mauser, never using lean and never camping is just cool. No matter what. |
Sorry maybe I didnt make myself clear...
Clanbase ladder rules: 9. It is NOT allowed to change any other setting in the console. Doing so will make your clan forfeit the match Check info at http://www.clanbase.com I dont care about your personal views in this matter Mr_nicestuff im just stating ladder rules, theres many similar ladders which also disallow this kind of console tweeking, but ClanBase is the biggest example to hand. On a personal note: Do what the fuck you like on mohaa I gave up caring 2 months ago biggrin: |
Theres the link to rules page (just had to make sure Im not signed in first)
http://www.clanbase.com/ladderrules.php?gid=9&sgid=50 |
Hah.. Clanbase.. Sounds like a league ran by sniveling whiners to me.. =]
Anyways.. Sure you bind lean-strafe to one key your "being that guy" but I personally feel "being that guy" is a lot better than "being that guy that cries about it" lean and strafe bound to one key is simply that.. All other comments on the subject are opinions. |
[quote="Mr_nStuff":c1e9d]Hah.. Clanbase.. Sounds like a league ran by sniveling whiners to me.. =]
Anyways.. Sure you bind lean-strafe to one key your "being that guy" but I personally feel "being that guy" is a lot better than "being that guy that cries about it" [/quote:c1e9d] To me, the double binders and the whiners are in hte same league. The whiners are annoying, but the binder continues to bind, knowing full well what to expect. Who is at fault? Not to mention, it really does look stupid. I stated my opinion because the question was asked. It is ironic to me, that you are pro-binding, when you have always seemed to be so pro-stock when it came to everything else in the game, even to the point that you have disabled force models on your server (a stock feature). |
Binding Lean+Strafe only gives you a disadvantage.. Because when you bind lean and strafe to one key.. You.. uh.. Basically lean whenever you strafe.. It's a disadvantage.. Anyone on the other end of the scope that thinks it's a disadvantage.. You need to wake up.. the only disadvantage you have is the inability to aim at moving targets.[/quote:22cba] You're an idiot, if it gives you such a "disadvantage" then why the fuck do so many people do it? It can be used to peoples advantage by making them harder to hit, for example battering a+d while running with leanbind enabled makes you a far harder target to hit especially to people attempting to snipe you. Doing this with leanbind disabled would be a lot harder as you'd be pressing 4 buttons instead of just 2. There goes your theory down the shitter. Ive lost track of the amount of idiots i see running about with leanbinding enabled firing smg's and getting cheap kills while theyre duckwaddling about like some kinda of inbred retard. Maybe you should actually do some research on it before spouting a lot of bollocks. oOo: |
Lol, nice post, Gerard. Sadly, you don't yet know about Mr_nstuff who is a die-hard advocate of leandbinding. He'll adamantly defend it, even if there was an official government warning that using leanbinding seriously means you are an inbred invalid.
Nothing you say will alter his perception that, by definition, he leanbinds therefore he is. By the way, I lean and strafe from time to time but I have it bound to my mouse keys. I find it way better and easier than using binds. And I don't look like a twerp :) |
It may be lame but c'mon. These ppl are as easy/hard to kill as everyone else. Don't see any difference really.
[quote="[DDT]ServerAdmin":44bb1]It may be lame but c'mon. These ppl are as easy/hard to kill as everyone else. Don't see any difference really.[/quote:44bb1]
eek: Read my previous post. |
mr nstuff = [img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerald.marley/Smilies/gaytard.gif[/img]
Take it you like that smiley happy: |
i see that you are feeling left out ... gerard = super [img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerald.marley/Smilies/gaytard.gif[/img] |
so lame...
alot of the best players play keybound. at least the ones i know of. every single individual player who wants to know how to do this can very very very easily find out how to do such a thing. its just as easy as getting custom maps/mods/skins. so the excuse of it not being in a menu is just stupid. there is no menu for fps display...no menu for maxfps..no menu for downloading and installing maps and mods. and how in the hell can you guys say no-fog and lean/strafe bind are alike? thats one of the more ridiculous things i have heard around here in a long time. pfft...not even in the same league. ones a cheat..the others a manuvering tactic. lol...ok i dont care how i look to anyone while i play this game. as long as i use stock skins..them im fine with that. nobody flames me for lean/strafe..and i have shown a helluva lot of people how to bind the two keys..just as i was shown by a rather elite player who will remain anonymous. so whine, laugh, do whatever it is you do when you see a binder...although we knows its because usually the binders are strong players to begin with and you see your fate clearly :) after all..its just a game people...this game isnt real life. i know you all know and say this..but that seems to be conveniently forgotten at times too. oh..and clanbase is ONE LADDER! HAHAHA!! there are plenty others..much bigger and reveered than clanbase. so pfft on clanbase .. but i will say i have particpated in clanbase ladder matches bound and nobody ,and i mean nobody, whined or bitched...cuz half the other team was doing the same thing. lol. the clan was ranked #1 on the realism ladder. figure it out if you really wanted to know who and what i/we are/was. so take your clanbase ladder analogy and toss that one right out the window too while your at it eek: |
I agree it's not a cheat. I also agree that any analogy that anyone can do it thus it means it's not/is a cheat is not true, as well.
At the same time, just because loads of people do use it doesn't mean it's cool, nor clever. Some people -cough- me -cough- like to stand apart from the crowd and prefer to stay away from bandwagons and keep my style a little more unique. I'd like to think that most of the other players around my ability or higher agree with this sentiment. The question from this thread's author was "do you consider binding keys cheating" which most of us agree it isn't. The tangent it's gone off on is that most have also added that although it's not cheating it's looked upon by most players as pretty amateurish. Other than that what exactly is the argument? Fact: It makes you look stoopid to me. Fact: You don't agree with that Fact: It can alter your ability as it changes the way you move to normal players. Fact: It isn't cheating, as you can do this with or without binding. Make your minds up but is there really much more that this thread can offer to discuss about? It's all been said. |
Zone |
if it matter to anyone what other people think about there style of play..then i guess they can rave on. but like ydiss mentions, both sides have exhausted the points pro and con. well said ydiss. |
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