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Captain Bunny 04-14-2003 11:42 PM

Should I Date A 15 ear Old???
Ok to cut a long story short, i unexpectedly met a stunning girl last tuesday, and wasnt long before we were kissing. nothing else happened, just kissed. Anyway i got it bad for her, and knowing where she lives, i left my phone number at her door (she wasnt in when i knocked).
She phoned me tonight, wondering if i was still interested in a date.
Unfortunatly, she also told me she was really 15. last tuesday she was 17.
But really, she does not look that young, i was actually quite surprised.

Anyway, the dodgy thing being is that i am 20, going on 21 in june, and in the eyes of the law, this is not good.
Now the laws states that sex with someone under 16 is illegal. it doesnt however say anything about just meeting and going out.
well obviously if i was a 40 year old wanting a date with a 15 year old i would be arrested for being a sick bastard, but in my case, is it really so bad?
i dont know when she turns 16, but i hope to find out soon. i really like this girl and shes keen on me.

air your views please.

Captain Bunny 04-14-2003 11:44 PM

Dammit no edit. title should obviously read year not ear...

Pyro 04-14-2003 11:44 PM

techically if she lied to you...she is not honest and not worth your time...

Milla 04-14-2003 11:45 PM

Re: Should I Date A 15 ear Old???
[quote="Captain Bunny":37430]well obviously if i was a 40 year old wanting a date with a 15 year old i would be arrested for being a sick bastard[/quote:37430]


Well i would say, just meet up with her, its really sketchy man, same thing is happening to redhawk, only the shoe is on the other foot. Its your choice, but make sure you REALLLLLLLY wanna see her. Good luck eek:

Milla 04-14-2003 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
techically if she lied to you...she is not honest and not worth your time...

Also a very valid point.

redhawk_six 04-14-2003 11:47 PM

well... it's a 5 year diffrence, but if you really love her, than I don't see why age has to be a big deal... and there are older couples with a larger age diffrence between them... I would question why she lied to you though.

CaP bUsTa 04-14-2003 11:48 PM


1080jibber 04-14-2003 11:55 PM


i wouldnt touch it

well i would if i was 15

Captain Bunny 04-14-2003 11:56 PM

Well, i dont love her. i dont know her well enough for that, but i would really want to meet up with her.
She lied about her age as she thought i would of thrown her out my car if i found out.
it not so much the 5 years that bothers me its the fact she is illegal, and its generally frowned upon to even date someone underage.

I hate this though. I look like im 17, i always get ID'd to get into pubs and clubs. She could easily pass for 18. i mean i easily beleive she was 17.
so pyshically, both of us walking along the street together would seem normal enough.
I'll wait and see if she calls me again.

Milla 04-14-2003 11:59 PM

[quote="Captain Bunny":ae5e5]Well, i dont love her. i dont know her well enough for that, but i would really want to meet up with her.
She lied about her age as she thought i would of thrown her out my car if i found out.
it not so much the 5 years that bothers me its the fact she is illegal, and its generally frowned upon to even date someone underage.

I hate this though. I look like im 17, i always get ID'd to get into pubs and clubs. She could easily pass for 18. i mean i easily beleive she was 17.
so pyshically, both of us walking along the street together would seem normal enough.
I'll wait and see if she calls me again.[/quote:ae5e5]

Just keep it hush hush biggrin:

04-15-2003 12:01 AM

underage girls are a go!!! i wouldnt worry about it. when i was 19 i got together with several girls that were 15, 16 years old. from what i understand now any sex with girls under the legal age no matter what the age gap is illegal.

Milla 04-15-2003 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by ChickenHawk
underage girls are a go!!! i wouldnt worry about it. when i was 19 i got together with several girls that were 15, 16 years old. from what i understand now any sex with girls under the legal age no matter what the age gap is illegal.

I agree, even a 2 year diffrence now is considred a big no no. 17 year old dating a 15 year old?!? HOLY SHIT THE WORLD HAS COME TO A HALT!

SoLiDUS 04-15-2003 12:05 AM

"I'm gonna go with fuck'n'chuck for free, Alex."

"I'm sorry, Sloi, there's no such price in that category..."

"There is now..."


ninty 04-15-2003 12:06 AM

Dude, a 15 year old could be in grade 9. I couldn't possibly think of dating a girl in grade 9. but i know your not dating... anyway I bet if you meet up with her you'll see that she is so immature that you won't want to go out with her again. 15 is pretty young dude.

And BTW, didn't you have a wife and a kid or something?

04-15-2003 12:09 AM

if a 40 year old dates a 15 year old..and a 21 year old dates a 15 year old. it really dont matter cause her dad would probably kill you both. just another view from a father with a 17 year old daughter. id find out if he has a gun collection before going any further with this. and has he been in jail resently for assault. goin to jail could be the least of your advice to you would be find someone your own age.

Captain Bunny 04-15-2003 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by ninty9
Dude, a 15 year old could be in grade 9. I couldn't possibly think of dating a girl in grade 9. but i know your not dating... anyway I bet if you meet up with her you'll see that she is so immature that you won't want to go out with her again. 15 is pretty young dude.

And BTW, didn't you have a wife and a kid or something?

Well here we dont have grades. at 15, she would be in "3rd year" at high school.
you can leave school after 4th year, but can stay on if you like to do 5th and 6th year. leaving when youre 18.

I was never married, but i was with a girl for 7 months of her pregnacy then she dumped me about a month after the kid was born. she was 25.

wtf is it with me and 5 year age gaps?? anyway, i find it hard to find girls my own age as i look young for my age, and girls today look a lot older than they are.
Yeah i was with that 25 year old, but we can all figure out simply that i was used. hake:

Its interesting reading all these different opinions though. some saying yes, some saying maybe, and others a flat no.

.....ill wait for another call though.

cameltoe 04-15-2003 12:41 AM

i donno, it would be weird for me cuz i have a sister around that age. so going young would be kinda fucked up since theres a chance my sisters friends with her. on the other hand fuck and chuck does seem like a nice propositon evil:

Harlen Maguire 04-15-2003 12:48 AM

Just make sure you don't force her to leave school, just so you can get with her...

If that's a concern.

ED 04-15-2003 12:50 AM

I look at it this way...

You're nearly drinking age -

She's a freshman.


This shouldn't even be an issue.

Captain Bunny 04-15-2003 01:08 AM

[quote="ED! Ban #127":2a11f]I look at it this way...

You're nearly drinking age -

She's a freshman.


This shouldn't even be an issue.[/quote:2a11f]

look at it another way, that means sod all to me as im from the uk biggrin:

drinking age = 18, and a fresher would be a college/uni starter which are usually 18 anyway.

ohh.....and she drinks anyway oOo:

ED 04-15-2003 01:18 AM

A foreigner.

THAT explains it.

ninty 04-15-2003 01:30 AM

That means "sod" all to me too.

Drinking age here is 18 and I don't even use the terms "freshman". Only time I hear that is when I watch American TV and it alwas confuses me.

Captain Bunny 04-15-2003 01:31 AM

[quote="ED! Ban #127":f4e11]A foreigner.

THAT explains it.[/quote:f4e11]


could be worse. i could be french

or from alabama, and the 15 year old is my sister....

cameltoe 04-15-2003 02:48 AM

[quote="Captain Bunny":30d90][quote="ED! Ban #127":30d90]A foreigner.

THAT explains it.[/quote:30d90]


could be worse. i could be french

or from alabama, and the 15 year old is my sister....[/quote:30d90]

lol bamma people get pissed when you say that but it never gets old

Himmler 04-15-2003 04:40 AM

dude that would be like me dating a 11 yr old =| i couldnt imagine the horror

Ferich 04-15-2003 04:51 AM

I think an 11 year old is more developed than a 15 year old. oOo:

Ferich 04-15-2003 04:52 AM

Umm,SHIT. Fucking Edit button, LOL.

*I think a 15 year old is more developed than an 11 year old*

04-15-2003 05:42 AM

go for it - there's nothing illegal about dating a 15yr old, just don't fuck her

you're keen, she's keen - why not

my Dad met my mom when he was 20, and she was 15 - big deal huh
they married couple years after

you're not breaking the law, you can stick your fingers in, but not yer willy - bonus, she can sucky sucky

to sum up


Swill 04-15-2003 06:03 AM

hey man
i`m 15 , so whats her number?
lol jk...
Uh dude i say just go with her for about a month and at the end of april see how it goes, but i think if she was maybe 16 then that would be alot better.....
Just my oppinion


Wilko 04-15-2003 06:10 AM

I'd suggest having a "trail" relationship with her for a while. If things go well, then cross the Age bridge if it becomes necessary. Just be sure not to do anything...ungentlemanly...before then biggrin:

Static 04-15-2003 07:19 AM

Ive gone out with a 15 year old before but I was only just 17 so it wasnt that bad but I say just go on the date she might turn out to have one of those really pushy attitudes or something :/ *shrugs*

Ydiss 04-15-2003 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by BUTCH
id find out if he has a gun collection before going any further with this.

This is Britain, it's highly unlikely he has a gun collection.

My advice is this: Get to know her, find out her birthday.

If you really like her I don't see what is wrong with that.

One piece of advice though. If it gets past kissing refuse out-right.

No matter how much you like her you don't want to be putting yourself up for liability on rape charges, which is exactly what you'd get if anyone found out you'd slept with her.

I'd not risk her backing you up by saying "I told him I was over-age".

If you get along great then ignore everything anyone says. Age is a number and so long as you aren't breaking the law there's nothing wrong with it.

Age does not equal maturity, either.

As for parents? Well, I'd wait until she was 16 before telling them if I could, but if it's unavoidable make sure you meet them asap and let them see you're a good bloke.

Hope everything works out.

Chronic Diarrhea 04-15-2003 08:20 AM

Like someone else said about the maturity thing... I agree in some points and disagree with others. Usually most 15 year old girls are pretty immature, and don't know shit about life. Most of em try to act mature, since they are about to receive ther driver's license. On the other hand, I know this 14 year old freshman who is very mature, a helluva lot more mature than a lot of girls in my grade. And then again I know some weird immature moron girls who are in college, so in ways age does have an effect, others it doesn't.

04-15-2003 09:36 AM

The younger the girl the tighter the pus.....nevermind.

Zoner 04-15-2003 09:49 AM

15 years old?!?! Dude, no.

Even if it was legal, she's not mature enough to carry on a serious relationship. You will find that the years 20-25, your tastes, expectations and goals are going to change. You're going to want more meaningful relationships. When you've hit that level, she'll still be immature and will (I guarantee) want to sow her wild oats, as it were. You'll be back to square one and will be left wondering why you wasted so much of the best years of your life for nothing.

So, in a nutshell, should you date a 15 year old?


pest 04-15-2003 09:56 AM

Date a 15 year old?

Only if you dont mind your friends ragging you for having to pick her up at the school bus stop.

The five year difference isnt a big deal, its the fact that she is just too young.

Zoner 04-15-2003 09:59 AM

haw! School bus! Watch your step, honey.

A 5 year difference isn't a big deal when the two people are 35 and 40. 20 and 15 is definitely a big deal.

Old Reliable 04-15-2003 10:37 AM

ive been through that shit for dating someone younger. ive had a girl lie to me about her age and I got made fun of it pretty bad. who cares! its your life, choose your women wisely

Captain Bunny 04-15-2003 11:19 AM

You know whats really messed up though, a few months ago in britian a 22 year old policeman ran off with his 15 year old girlfriend.

it was all over the news, and they abandoned their car in a lake.

they were eventually found safe, but no actions were taken against the policeman. i mean wtf???

rules for some different rules for others. mad:

sod it, if she calls again, im meeting her, just to get to know her.

04-15-2003 11:49 AM

the prince says: don't do it

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