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Uber_Soldat 04-17-2003 08:45 PM

Operation Sealion [TDM]
i started on this map about 2 or 3 weeks ago, and now its almost done, just need to fix the few bugs left. heres some info:

1942 [i think], hitler plans operation sealion, an invasion of england by sea and air, along the south and east coasts. but it never happened in real life after the luftwaffe failed to gain control of the skies over england in the battle of britain, so an invasion would be impossible [thats when the blitz started, so people would get the government to surrender to germany].

so thats the story. heres some stuff about the map:
set on the south east coast of england, near rammsgate in a peaceful english village by the sea. the axis land in landing craft in the east, with 3 ways off the beach: straight up the beach, a pier, or a pipe leading into a car garage.
theres a row of terraces with an alley at the back, 2 pillboxes looking out over the beach, the pier, 3 shops, 2 hotels, a church, 1 bigger house, a car garage and a red telephone box, all surrounded by the sea and cliffs. it uses loads of custom models and textures, eg posters and adverts, and meat and bread for the shops. its a small map, but you can go in every building, so anything from 6 to 32 players would be ok, for all types of weapon

thats all i can think of for now, im too tired to think of anything else. the map isnt that good for FPS, but i dont care. i wanted to make a high detail map, and i have. even the chimneys are full of detail.

anywho, heres the screenshots. these are constantly changing. the map didnt have very good fps, so i deleted the trees around the edge and put that tree texture in, ill have to compile to see how that looks tho.

1st lot of screens:

those are all at least 5 days old, so lots has changed since then. heres the newest ones:

ill put up more tomorrow of the other places, but i think ive wrote enough for now. probably the longest thread on a new map ever seen. just wanted to see what people here thought. it should be done by the weekend or early next week, the first map ive ever released

Gauv 04-17-2003 08:47 PM

Looks awesome Uber! you're by far one of the best mappers out there.

Ferich 04-17-2003 09:20 PM

Looks tubular. oOo:

macstu23 04-17-2003 10:27 PM

Very much looking forward to playing this map. Always wondered what it would have been like to fight Jerry on the Home Front. I just had a great idea! Someone should do a set of 'Home Guard' skins for this map based on 'Dads Army' the classic Brit TV comedy series. We could have Captain Manwairing, Private Pike (wearing the scarf his mum knitted), Private Godfrey the geriatric medic and Corporal Jones with his bayonet. They do not like it up 'em !, indeed they do not. Seriously though, keep up the good work.

Wilko 04-18-2003 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by macstu23
Very much looking forward to playing this map. Always wondered what it would have been like to fight Jerry on the Home Front. I just had a great idea! Someone should do a set of 'Home Guard' skins for this map based on 'Dads Army' the classic Brit TV comedy series. We could have Captain Manwairing, Private Pike (wearing the scarf his mum knitted), Private Godfrey the geriatric medic and Corporal Jones with his bayonet. They do not like it up 'em !, indeed they do not. Seriously though, keep up the good work.

...Stupid Boy biggrin:

Yes, this looks like a compelling idea for a map. Good idea! I'll be keeping an eye on it cool:

Scalping Chief 04-18-2003 12:43 AM

that map looks amazing !!!!!
when you gunna release it??!?!

Uber_Soldat 04-18-2003 08:19 AM

im finishing off the last bugs today, trying to help get FPS up. ive deleted a lot of the static models of trees and stuff. i played DV yesterday to test a weapon skin, and there was less than 10 tree models, i had about 30 or 40, so ive got rid of most. and ive put that treeline texture around the edge instead of trees. a full vis should help a lot tho. each house is full of detail and furniture, and all that is being drawn now.

it should be out early next week, as TDM, or even by sunday

Itamar 04-18-2003 08:52 AM

That one looks realy groovy biggrin: Nice job Uber... :-)

btw - You think you can work on creating a realistic map ? I mean , creating a real event map... maybe expanding the Omaha beach and put it on for SP ... I have a good idea for a map with a bit of a story if you want....

Well actually it's two ideas..

You can try and create the SPR story in an SP map which is quite hard , but as I see from your screenshots , you're quite good at that...! biggrin:

This is the first idea..

Next is : creating an expanded version of Omaha beach for SP ... Make a few more obstacles to go through like seen in SPR and maybe using the imagination in order to create a few more things for it..

I think that's enough work for the upcoming months..! ;-)

Hope you'll adopt it ..! happy:

Uber_Soldat 04-18-2003 09:03 AM

ive been working on an SPR map since last october, an almost exact replica of Ramelle [the final battle], with almost everything exact to the film, apart from the back of the main street, behind the church and the road the tanks come from. you dont see any of that in the film. that should be out soon.

the SP omaha beach level was supposed to be a lot longer than it is. i looked at th escr for help when i first started mapping, and theres stuff about having to blow up the 88s. the captain was supposed to meet with you outside the bunker, then he told you to go and blow up the flaks, where theres officers looking thru binoculars, and some firing and reloading. then once you did that you had to meet up with the captain again. i tried to get that to work but it didnt. now i know more about scriptign ill have another go. that would be a lot more realisic than how it is now, and would add another 10mins to the level

Itamar 04-18-2003 09:06 AM

That'll be cool biggrin: But adding more from SPR wouldn't hurt..! :-)

Tell me when the SPR level of Ramelle is done , would sure like to look at it... ! :-)

Is it SP or MP ?

Uber_Soldat 04-18-2003 08:23 PM

new final screenshots
heres the final screenshots. i just need to test a new version and fix a shader problem that stops people seeing the textures for the new models, then get it compiled.

heres the screenshots:
back of the church
the garage
view of beach from pillbox
air raid shelter

Sgt KIA 04-19-2003 12:50 AM


Great map Uber!

04-19-2003 01:05 AM

im want beach......eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee so tired oOo:


Himmler 04-19-2003 01:27 AM

looks like a pretty tight map, ill download it..when is it gonna be available?

De_jay 04-19-2003 03:54 AM

can't u make an obj and tow version of the map cause it looks so cool

Muff 04-19-2003 07:05 AM

Great map, id always wanted a what if scenario, think about it, the whole world would probably be nazi occupied if england had been invaded.

Just to correct you on your history though, it was 1940 not 1942 and the blitz started in october 1940 after the luftwaffe had lost the battle of britain

Our army had been defeated in france so we retreated to dunkirk. Luckily we managed to pull off most of our soldiers, thanks in part to civilians who bravely steamed across the chnnel ib their little craft to rescue the soldiers alongside the royal navy. however, all our heavy guns etc were left on the beach. Luckily the germans waited whilst invasion plans"Operation sealion" were prepared. This gave the Royal Air Force time to prepare and although outnumbered 4-1 managed to win the most vital victory in the history of the world.

think about it, no britain means no allied bombing raids, no d-day, germans control all the oil in north africa. They can use all their resources to beat russia and then join japan in attacking america

Muff 04-21-2003 04:31 AM

If you could convert it to tow that would be cool, imagine if we had around 5 or 6 tows to do with a german invasion, like sabotaging a spitfire factory or a train station and finally something set around westminster like trying to blow up 10 downing street or the bunker underneath the war rooms. if could get them on a server it would be great because i for one am getting ed up of the stock maps and the only servers i can find with different ones are us based, so when i want to play theres no one online

mohaa_rox 04-21-2003 06:09 AM

How do you manage to be so familiar with textures and know what to use in order to build nice houses? I can't build houses as i dunno what textures are suitable.

Uber_Soldat 04-21-2003 09:42 AM

i only got the internet last august, and i used to make SP maps then, so i spent ages playing thru the SP levels, and i found out loads of tips and stuff just from looking at them, like how to make good rubble and roofs etc. ive made probably about 20 maps so far, even tho none have been released. i start a map, but then if somethings not good or i dont like how its turned out i just leave it and start another. maybe ill finished some one day tho, so i know almost every texture in the game now, and what folder its in from hours spent searching for them, and the search box is useful for finding all the brick, concrete, wood etc textures. i just type a word, and then pick the best one that comes up. also, i base most of the stuff in my maps on real places. ive been to france and belgium before, so i know what the places there look like, and theyre not that different from britain, so its easy to come up with stuff. SS Manor was based on sherbourne house on the isle of wight where ive been before, so it was easy to come up with that, in just 2 weeks.

i might make another map set in england, i was gonna make westminster, but that would take ages to do, with all the detail inside and on the walls.
this map is too small to be TOW, and theres no room to put anything else in. theres cliffs around the edge that take up a lot of space, and i need to keep half the map free for the sea so it doesnt just end

anyway, the final compile should be complete by today, ill go and take some more screenshots from the first full compile [done by Kalti] and post them on here. i should be emailing it out tomorrow or wednesday

Hobbes 04-21-2003 11:12 AM

Awsome work Uber look forward to p;aying it.

I always felt that SP omaha ended rather abruptly now I know why. (BTW has anyone ever made all the way to the shale without getting killed once on hard.

Also want to try Ramelle please let us know when its ready

Uber_Soldat 04-21-2003 01:08 PM

the map should be released tomorrow, Kalti is recompiling the proper version for me now. ill upload it to my site and put a link on here, and TMT and .map. then ill email it to all the moh sites i know so ill be able to find a server to play it on.

btw, i dont know if anyone on this site has seen ramelle, but heres some [old] screenshots of it: ... ...

04-21-2003 01:14 PM

nice fucking work! can't wait!

Wilko 04-21-2003 08:44 PM

The more i see of this map, the more impressed i am. It actually has a vibe of being in England, not just being a converted French map. Again, Bloody good job, and i look forward to the release greatly!

Uber_Soldat 04-21-2003 09:00 PM

ive tried to make it a british as possible. eg the church has got a square tower, like most english churches [its based on the church near me], and living in britain i can just walk down the road for ideas.

btw, more stuff about the map
loading screen is now done, its full screen instead of the normal DM ones. it should be compiled by now, and Kalti said he'll upload it soon.
fps for me was about 10, with high settings, but thats about average for me with those settings. with lower settings i get good fps, apart from when i look at the hotels from the garage. that street is full of detail, but my pc is very slow [only just good enough to run moh, hardly even good enough to run SH], and i wanted a detailed map, so ive made one. if people's pcs cant run it, then theyll have to just not play it

ill post a link to the map here tomorrow

Uber_Soldat 04-21-2003 09:14 PM

ive tried to make it a british as possible. eg the church has got a square tower, like most english churches [its based on the church near me], and living in britain i can just walk down the road for ideas.

btw, more stuff about the map
loading screen is now done, its full screen instead of the normal DM ones. it should be compiled by now, and Kalti said he'll upload it soon.
fps for me was about 10, with high settings, but thats about average for me with those settings. with lower settings i get good fps, apart from when i look at the hotels from the garage. that street is full of detail, but my pc is very slow [only just good enough to run moh, hardly even good enough to run SH], and i wanted a detailed map, so ive made one. if people's pcs cant run it, then theyll have to just not play it

ill post a link to the map here tomorrow

Uber_Soldat 04-22-2003 08:52 AM

the maps finally done now, and im gonna email it off to all the moh sites later today.
btw, this is the first map ive released, and ss manor should be out in a few weeks once i sort out the FPS problems [too many oak trees]. post any comments etc in here, like spawning problems etc. maybe if theres too many things wrong ill have to fix them in v2.

you can download the map from [url=]here[/url:e1cad] and the newest screenshots are in the zip

EoMac 04-22-2003 09:57 AM

Is this for objective?

Uber_Soldat 04-22-2003 10:20 AM

title of thread:

Operation Sealion [TDM]

its tdm, dm, and rb. i think theres 64 player spawns, but im not sure

04-22-2003 11:02 AM

Lol this is very nice. If people think it is not then there wrong actually if you think about it it is really fun. Coming up from the beach and there are people in that house trying to snipe you. One monkey runs ahead of you thinking he is so cool and throws a granade then he gets sniped in the head. Wow i think that im already playing this map. Anyway good job. It must have taken alot of work codeing and designing that map. Something that most poeple dont think about. ANYWAY I GIVE IT A TWO THUMBS UP.

Muff 04-22-2003 11:58 AM

Thats a excellent map uber, i especially like the propaganda poster which you must have made yourself. I have 2 litttle issues though, the sea looks a bit too clear and tropical for england, i think if you could make it the colour used in allied assault for arzew and omaha then it would be fine. also i would like some smashable stained glass windows in the church in the church, just for some fun

Uber_Soldat 04-22-2003 02:21 PM

which poster is that? i think i got all of them off google, apart from the garage sign and the sign in the air raid shelter. i did have a more dirty colour for the sea, but it didnt look right. and i dont know which sea texture is the right one. most sea textures have huge waves that wouldnt be any good for the map

one thing about it tho, it doesnt work in dm - theres no info_dmspawns, only allied/axis and info player start. this is the first mp map ive finished, so im still not sure on spawning. im gonna dl a hex editor to change the player spawns to deathmatch ones, then ill email it off to this site, tmt and

can people post their fps in here aswell, so i know how that is? its ok for me with my usual settings, about the same or better than most SH maps

macstu23 04-23-2003 12:40 PM

Yeah, good stuff. The church looks great, and I Like the telephone box, even if the telephone itself does look a little 'Eighties'. Good mix of open terrain and built up areas, something a lot of the predominantly urban maps lack. If I really wanted to grumble about something, It would be the tunnel down at the beach. It looks like the type of lighted corridor you dont often see appearing out of cliff faces down by the beach but I guess its not easy to do. I noticed you can exit that tunnel but not enter it from the beach, I assume that was intentional, so as not to make things too easy for the Axis. I thought it might look more sensible if it was just slightly higher up, then, while playing as Axis, I wouldnt get the feeling I could just hop in there to avoid the MG fire from the bunkers. I did try though angel:
Anyway, that aside....I still give it a thumbs up. When is the bot version available ? biggrin:

Uber_Soldat 04-23-2003 12:53 PM

there is a way into the tunnel from the sea. you just have to jump while your walking towards it, when you get about 1 or 2m away. youll land inside already crouched. its supposed to be a waste pipe from the garage, i dont know what for tho.
ive made the map symetrical, like nearly all dod maps, which is why i put the pipe in. so on the one side theres the pier, and the tunnel on the other, both leading to either the chuch or garage. but some things not being the same on each side, like the path from the alley to the hotel street and the ww1 memorial stop it looking too fake and unrealistic.

until about 2hrs before the final compile, you couldnt go inside the phone box, so youd only see the phone in the dark thru the windows, which is why there isnt much detail. i tried doing a bot version, but no bots spawned, so i dont know if i will do one yet

the version im gonna email to all the sites will be different from the one in the link in this thread. Semberger edited the spawns to make it easier for axis, so im gonna use that version, so if any one has downloaded it from the link here, youll have to dl it again from this sites dl page

semberger 04-23-2003 02:01 PM

As I posted in the other forums I played this map today with 12 to 15 people and it is now running in the rotation on our server. I and many others think this map has the potentioal to be one of the top masp of all time.... it plays great, and it is just an awesome map.

Great job Uber...... now give us some of those maps you have in the junk

Uber_Soldat 04-23-2003 04:22 PM

Kalti said hes tested it with his clan and on lan, and they found a few bugs, and a way to get under the map. so im gonna fix all these, and then release the absolute final version. hopefully that should be done by the end of the week, all that needs changing in the map is the spawn points and some clip brushes. ill try to get it done by friday if i can, so ill have to add all that stuff tomorrow.

Muff 04-23-2003 04:30 PM

The wate pipe could be turned into a sewer, extending across the map to the hotels and houses, with more manhole entrances, that way you could have cqb in the sewer, which would be good. I agree with mac though, the entranmce should be slightly above head height as with most waste pipes as the are above eye level. its good though, i had a 2 on 2 in it and it was pretty fun. probably one of the best mp custom maps ive played so far

macstu23 04-23-2003 06:21 PM

[quote="Uber_Soldat":5676d]there is a way into the tunnel from the sea. you just have to jump while your walking towards it, when you get about 1 or 2m away. youll land inside already crouched. [/quote:5676d]

So it can be done. Fair enough then i see the point of it being low down. I better get practising that jump. cool: Cheers.

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