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Swill 05-12-2003 07:36 PM

Movie FLAWS!!!???!?!!
Do you know any movie flaws guys?
God theres so many that i`ve seen....
Ok this one is funny,have you ever seen indian jone and the last crusade?
well at the beginning when the one bad guy puts his hat on indiana when hes young and he puts his head up and hes like 40 years old on the raining boat...LMAO ok he gets punched in the face and his lip is bleeding on one side, then they do another shot where his lip is only bleeding on the other side only!....lmao check that flaw out, its so funny!....
I have also seen one in the lord of the rings fellowship of the ring.
They say you can see a car in the corn fields,well you could till they edited it out,when frodo and sam are walking through the corn fields with the scarcrows,you`ll see in the back that theres an image of a road and it goes away,lmao!
Do you guys have any !!!???!!!


cashwarsplaya 05-12-2003 07:38 PM

for somer eason the only one i can remember is in liar liar when the kid is in the car, one second he is wearing his seat belt, the other he isnt. I udnno why i remember that one.

Dj RaNnY kAn 05-12-2003 07:44 PM

in ace ventura pet detective 2 there is a chess table that has all the things on it and like 1 secnd later they r gone

Swill 05-12-2003 07:48 PM

thats funny......


Vance 05-12-2003 07:48 PM

Coleman 05-12-2003 07:49 PM

American Pie

During the first party scene, where Steve & Sarah are on the bed, while Sarah is holding the "special" beer, the cup changes from clear to blue then back to clear in an angle change.

When the "bible" is retrieved from the library, it is under the section "982.1 Fluid Dynamics"; In the Dewey Decimal System (the 982.1 part...) Fluid Dynamics would actually be under 532, the 900 series is for Geography & History.

When the foreign exchange student is changing her clothes she opens a drawer in the guys bedroom. The first shot shows a tub of Vaseline, but when the camera goes back it is gone.

The note left for Jim by his mother has a misused word on it. The note uses you're instead of your. It reads "apple pie, you're favorite."

They mention that Nadia comes from Czechoslovakia. Hello! Czechoslovakia ceased to exist in 1993 when it was divided into two countries: The Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The movie takes place in Michigan: When Heather drives up to school and talks to Oz, her car has a front license plate, despite the fact that Michigan doesn't use front license plates.

When Finch goes into the toilets after drinking the laxatives he puts paper down on the seat first. He puts down three sheets of paper then the camera pans up the toilet roll and his hand is reaching for more. When the camera pans back down all of 3 seconds later the whole seat is covered in toilet paper.

When the guys are in the chorus room watching Oz, the book bag in front of them moves from scene to scene.

hell there's no reason to copy and's the link [url:961b2][/url:961b2]

EasyTrick2.0 05-12-2003 08:03 PM

If I made a movie I would throw in mistakes all the time. Just for people who have seen it so many times to have a reason to see it again. Make a game out of it. Like where's waldo. Yah that would be pretty funny to do. I'd try to make them pretty scary though, with subliminal messages and such. IS that legal?

Swill 05-12-2003 08:47 PM

ya its called scary movie and scary movie2?
or not another teen movie???


EasyTrick2.0 05-12-2003 09:17 PM

I fail to see the point here, did they have subliminal messages? I mean crap like the demon face that keeps popping up in the exorcist or something. Or like in Fight Club with the flashes. but make them more hidden. The stuff you could do in a movie man, the stuff you could do.

Wilko 05-12-2003 09:38 PM

This in't really a flay...but if you look closely in 'Return of the Jedi', after Princess Leia is shot in the arm, Han Solo gropes her. Seriously, he grabs her arm, then her boob

Priceless biggrin:

Swill 05-12-2003 11:19 PM

ahhh .... i just watched that and i saw what you mean ,lmao!....


Bleuachdu 05-13-2003 12:17 AM

In the opening scene of The Transporter, the BMW that the police are chasing has both side view mirrors in some shots, and is missing the passenger side side view in other shots.

Bazooka_Joe 05-13-2003 10:53 AM

Star Wars had a couple.

In the first film when Luke comes off the X-Wing to celebrate blowing up the Death Star, he calls Leia but instead of saying Leia, he says Carrie, the actresses first name.

There was a bunch of other ones, but that's the one thats most noted.

Bazooka_Joe 05-13-2003 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Bleuachdu
In the opening scene of The Transporter, the BMW that the police are chasing has both side view mirrors in some shots, and is missing the passenger side side view in other shots.

Who cares?! That was a kickass movie! Who ever thought Turkish could kick so much ass! heh

Zoner 05-13-2003 10:56 AM

[quote="Bazooka_Joe":5a41d]Star Wars had a couple.

In the first film when Luke comes off the X-Wing to celebrate blowing up the Death Star, he calls Leia but instead of saying Leia, he says Carrie, the actresses first name.

There was a bunch of other ones, but that's the one thats most noted.[/quote:5a41d]

No WAY! Man, I never picked up on that! Must watch it again tonight...heh

Bazooka_Joe 05-13-2003 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by "Bazooka_Joe":d9d05
Star Wars had a couple.

In the first film when Luke comes off the X-Wing to celebrate blowing up the Death Star, he calls Leia but instead of saying Leia, he says Carrie, the actresses first name.

There was a bunch of other ones, but that's the one thats most noted.

No WAY! Man, I never picked up on that! Must watch it again tonight...heh[/quote:d9d05]

Here's another: In ROTJ, when Han plants the Charges in the Radar tower on Endor, and runs out Screaming "Move Move", on the 2nd word move, in slow-mo, you can see a guy with a red shirt in the middle of the screen. LucasFilms said they had a plexiglass sheild by the camera from debris protection, and it reflected the image into the camera lens.

Does anyone know about the Infamous Roger Rabbit / Jessica fly from the cab scene? evil:

gtboys34 05-13-2003 03:53 PM

the fast and the furious had 2 that only i know about hahahahahaha jk. Well it was leading up to the last scene where brian was racing down those streets in the supra,chasing the guys on the dirt bikes and in 1 scene,the guy on the dirt bike shot at brian's supra and hit this red looking old car and then like 5 secs later, he shot again and and hit the same freakin car but it was on a different street biggrin:. In that same scene there was another. They had this other part, in the same scene that was from a camera though and as brian's car was passing through the street, u see this guys face with a camera recording it and looking pretty gay lol

Colonel 05-13-2003 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by "Bazooka_Joe":070be
Star Wars had a couple.

In the first film when Luke comes off the X-Wing to celebrate blowing up the Death Star, he calls Leia but instead of saying Leia, he says Carrie, the actresses first name.

There was a bunch of other ones, but that's the one thats most noted.

No WAY! Man, I never picked up on that! Must watch it again tonight...heh[/quote:070be]

Here's another: In ROTJ, when Han plants the Charges in the Radar tower on Endor, and runs out Screaming "Move Move", on the 2nd word move, in slow-mo, you can see a guy with a red shirt in the middle of the screen. LucasFilms said they had a plexiglass sheild by the camera from debris protection, and it reflected the image into the camera lens.

Does anyone know about the Infamous Roger Rabbit / Jessica fly from the cab scene? evil:[/quote:070be]

I didn't know about those Joe! I'll do the same as Zoner! Must watch again! The summer that the original Star Wars came out I had just graduated from high school - I went about twice a week all summer. The main one I remember catching was when R2D2 is locked in a control room and the Storm Troopers come rushing in as the door slides up. The first guy ducks and runs in. The second (or maybe third) guy just runs straight in before the door is far enough up and he hits his head.

Captain Bunny 05-13-2003 04:39 PM

In braveheart, when murin is being burried, in the distance in the tree line you see the sun reflect off a car or van.

and im sure we all know about the sexual refrences in disney films.
i cant remeber them all but in alladin, near the end, the sultan (little fat dude) has a bonor. you see the line drawn on his trousers.

and in the lion king, when simba slumps down and the leaves float up in the air, and the monkey catches them and smells them, just when the leaves float up, they spell out S.E.X

05-13-2003 05:14 PM

That are some links about what some of you guys said

05-13-2003 05:19 PM

bump because it didnt go to top

Static 05-13-2003 06:39 PM


descry 05-13-2003 07:24 PM

i dunno if this is really a mistake, but in indiana jones and the temple of doom (is that what its called?, the one with the big ass stone ball), when jones throwns the big gold head to that other guy, it would be impossible for just about anyone to do that. A peice of gold that big would way about 50 + pounds, and he throws it like a baseball. I know they wouldnt actually use real gold but they coulda made it more realistic.

descry 05-13-2003 07:26 PM

lol, how many spelling and grammar mistakes did i just make?

1080jibber 05-13-2003 08:20 PM

in the transporter, when the guy and the girl go into the water when his house blows up and then come up to another house (boat garage) the guy comes out of the water dry but the girl comes out soaking wet

well it looks like the guys dry, i will check again tonight biggrin:

Jotun 05-13-2003 08:38 PM

this isnt a flaw, buts its an "easter egg" so they call them... in Cunning Stunts, a Metallica DVD, during the sone One there is alot of flashing, and if you pause it at the EXACT second, you can see a fan holding up a book, and the editor wrote the director's name on the book in glowing white letters. i think its pretty cool...

Jotun 05-13-2003 08:39 PM


Zoner 05-14-2003 06:07 AM

[quote="Captain Bunny":ab82b]In braveheart, when murin is being burried, in the distance in the tree line you see the sun reflect off a car or van.

and im sure we all know about the sexual refrences in disney films.
i cant remeber them all but in alladin, near the end, the sultan (little fat dude) has a bonor. you see the line drawn on his trousers.

and in the lion king, when simba slumps down and the leaves float up in the air, and the monkey catches them and smells them, just when the leaves float up, they spell out S.E.X[/quote:ab82b]

Actually, I've seen that one debunked. It's not SEX but SFX, the studio that did the special effects, apparently.

05-14-2003 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Zoner91

Originally Posted by "Bazooka_Joe":0e055
Star Wars had a couple.

In the first film when Luke comes off the X-Wing to celebrate blowing up the Death Star, he calls Leia but instead of saying Leia, he says Carrie, the actresses first name.

There was a bunch of other ones, but that's the one thats most noted.

No WAY! Man, I never picked up on that! Must watch it again tonight...heh

Here's another: In ROTJ, when Han plants the Charges in the Radar tower on Endor, and runs out Screaming "Move Move", on the 2nd word move, in slow-mo, you can see a guy with a red shirt in the middle of the screen. LucasFilms said they had a plexiglass sheild by the camera from debris protection, and it reflected the image into the camera lens.

Does anyone know about the Infamous Roger Rabbit / Jessica fly from the cab scene? evil:[/quote:0e055]

I didn't know about those Joe! I'll do the same as Zoner! Must watch again! The summer that the original Star Wars came out I had just graduated from high school - I went about twice a week all summer. The main one I remember catching was when R2D2 is locked in a control room and the Storm Troopers come rushing in as the door slides up. The first guy ducks and runs in. The second (or maybe third) guy just runs straight in before the door is far enough up and he hits his head.[/quote:0e055]

What can you expect. They can't even a barn 20 meters away. biggrin:

Oddball 05-14-2003 08:59 AM

Easter Eggs are cool, even MOHAA has one. The ark is in the back of one of the trucks in the training mission.

Also the Millenium Falcon makes an appearance in Blade Runner a few times but its really hard to spot.

Hollywood 05-14-2003 09:17 AM

[quote="Bazooka_Joe":23445]Star Wars had a couple.

In the first film when Luke comes off the X-Wing to celebrate blowing up the Death Star, he calls Leia but instead of saying Leia, he says Carrie, the actresses first name.

There was a bunch of other ones, but that's the one thats most noted.[/quote:23445]

Actually this wasn't the case, people seem to think so though. Here is the aswer to that urban legend.

Incorrectly regarded as goofs: It is frequently claimed that upon returning to the Rebel base after destroying the Death Star, Luke exclaims, "Carrie!" when he hears Leia (Carrie Fisher) call "Luke!" Sound designer Ben Burtt has confirmed that, after extensive listening, it appears to be "Hey" or "Yay"; Mark Hamill reports that he said, "Hey! There she is!" but mumbled the last word.

Go to [url=""][/url] . Pick any movie by searching and check out the goofs link on the left. Pretty much every mistake is listed, as well as trivie.

Bazooka_Joe 05-14-2003 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Oddball
Easter Eggs are cool, even MOHAA has one. The ark is in the back of one of the trucks in the training mission.

Also the Millenium Falcon makes an appearance in Blade Runner a few times but its really hard to spot.

You forgot about the breakdancing germans in the U-Boat level. biggrin:

Ok, here's a bunch of Star Wars ones.

the Special Edition, when Greedo gets shot, you can tell the new model isn't a man in a suit, just a dummy.

-When Princess Leia is in her cell and is about to get toutured by the robot with the syringe, you can see the crane's cable that is holding it up.

-When Luke is eating with his uncle and aunt, the cup he's drinking from keeps switching hands. (Due to the negative being reversed in post production.)

-If you watch Leia while they're in the garbage compactor, her belt, at various points, has fallen down around her thigh. It moves from her thigh to her waist (depending on the camera angle) during the whole scene.

-On the Jawa's Sandcrawler, when R2 looks around in one of the shots, you can very clearly see the person who is inside R2 through his little eye hole.

-When Vader and Tarkin learn that Leia has lied about the location of the Rebel base, we hear Darth say "I told you she would never consciously betray the Rebellion." There is a pause and Vader continues to move. An obvious dubbing error. His hand keeps moving and he's not talking! biggrin:

-Right after Luke and Vader fight for the first time, Vader gets kicked off of the carbonite freezer. Then Luke jumps down to fight him again. After he jumps, you hear the sound of a trampoline. Then in the lower right screen you can see Mark Hamill's head jump back up.

-When the Star Destroyer starts shooting asteroids in the asteroid field, the first one explodes before the laser even hits it.

-When Han, Leia, Chewie and C-3PO are hiding in the asteroid from the Empire and the cave appears to be unstable, characterized by sudden movements which throw Leia in Han's lap. When she protests, he tells her not to get excited. To which she replies, "Being held by you is hardly enough to get me excited." If you watch Harrison Ford's lips, he mouths the line at the same time. Most likely because Carrie Fisher was stoned for this entire movie and he was always having to prompt her.

-When Leia is shot by a stormtrooper at the shield generator, Han reaches down and grabs her shoulder. He then quickly reaches down and grabs her breast.

-In the space battle, when Lando says "fighters coming in!" the millions of ties come in. Watch in slow motion - a TIE fighter can be seen going through the Millennium Falcon.

-When Oola, the dancing girl, is trying to get away from Jabba, she briefly falls out of the top of her costume. It isn't as visible in the widescreen version, but quite visible in the regular version.

-When Lando is is hanging over the pit, he has gloves on, then he has no gloves, then they're back and so on.

-When Han is unfrozen and gets back up again his shirt is dirty, then it's clean, then it's dirty....

-There is a shot of a hangar filled with TIE Fighters, and a brigade of stormtroopers. One of them has a smiley face on his white helmet.

-After Lando is shot off the skiff above the Sarlacc when Han is trying to save him, look for Lando to actually walk down the sand in the bottom of the screen. The very next scene, he is hanging on the rope.

Hollywood 05-14-2003 12:18 PM

How come I only see 2 pages on this thread? What the hell?

Hollywood 05-14-2003 12:19 PM

Wierd, I couldn't see the 3rd page until I went to all of my posts and clicked the last link, then I posted a new message and finally the last page appeared.

Zoner 05-14-2003 12:44 PM

[quote="Bazooka_Joe":3dbaa]On the Jawa's Sandcrawler, when R2 looks around in one of the shots, you can very clearly see the person who is inside R2 through his little eye hole.[/quote:3dbaa]

Kenny Baker pwnz.

Ever wonder why Carrie Fisher talks with a british accent in the scene in Episode 4 with Tarkin and Vader, just before they destroy Alderaan? She doesn't have one in any of the other movies at any time.

Was she just trying to sound distinguished or was she unconsciously doing it because her dialogue was with Peter Cushing, a legendary british actor?

That always bugged me.

Bazooka_Joe 05-14-2003 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by "Bazooka_Joe":640c7
On the Jawa's Sandcrawler, when R2 looks around in one of the shots, you can very clearly see the person who is inside R2 through his little eye hole.

Kenny Baker pwnz.

Ever wonder why Carrie Fisher talks with a british accent in the scene in Episode 4 with Tarkin and Vader, just before they destroy Alderaan? She doesn't have one in any of the other movies at any time.

Was she just trying to sound distinguished or was she unconsciously doing it because her dialogue was with Peter Cushing, a legendary british actor?

That always bugged me.[/quote:640c7]

Probably because she was stoned. They said she was so fauked up when shooting Empire Strikes Back.

Just before Han goes into Carbonite and she says I love you, he was sopposed to say I love you too, but he ad libed it, cuz she was all fucked up, so he said "I know". Thats why she looks so shocked.

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