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06-09-2003 12:19 AM

Good-Bye AA
PLEASE. Do Not move this thread. This is the section where I always post.

I used to come to this forum as a place to learn and understand the mechanics of this game we all play. I enjoyed speaking to the people here and exchanging ideas. But a couple of weeks ago I realized that Guarnere, Deleto and others had the right idea by wanting to get done here. But then I thought, no I won't let these asses get in the way of me posting my work for the people that like it.
Now this forum and most of the others have been over run with assholes, critics, and really ignorant people. And I have come to the obvious conclusion that the moderators don't have the time to be banning and sassing people for being asses to each other. That would be why there are so many floating around. Those who are nice know I am not speaking about you. Like modern everyday life is stressfull enough... I don't need peoples crap from this forum stacking on top of it. And neither do you.

I am in the developement stage of the biggest mod I have ever made. While some of you may not like my work, the last thing I need is the pricks that come here to drag me down with bitching PMs and horrible ignorance. Because of what I have seen in last week or so from this site, I will not be returning. For those of you who like my work I am sure we already know each other and you can keep tabs on it. For those of you that don't and feel a need to shit on me about it... You can go screw yourself with a splinter covered, wooden, broomhandle, with salt poured on it.


101stSpeirs 06-09-2003 12:28 AM

hate to see you go, i love ALL your work, especially the city nights mods. i am sure we all hate to see you go

06-09-2003 12:33 AM

I hate to see this happen..........
Well Gen Cobra, I dont know if you really know who I am or not, If you dont I will tell you my name is Anthony. I was here from the very beginning, tho I did not catch on to modding and mapping as fast as others did, such as yourself, I still loved the game. MOHAA has a kind of spirit in a way. I mean coming home from a hard nights work and all you wanna do is relax and play some MOHAA right? Well at least that is how it is for me. I know and asloutetly love and adore your work. I am not one for talking trash at all, however I will not back down from any kid. Gen Cobra, I am truly amazed that all of the great modders and mappers of the MOHAA Community have not left sooner. I want to say that I am ashamed of over 99% of the people in this forum. The modders and mappers dedicate their hard hours and sweat trying to make the elite for everyone's advantage and all the people do now a days is B*tch and moan about what small ity bity thing is wrong. Or if it is not b*tching about whats wrong it is "KEWL WHERE CAN I GET IT" or "ARE YOU GONNA MAKE A DIFFERENT VERSION WITH MG42's?" lmao I mean cmon guys this is BULLS*IT. I am truly sorry for all of the problems people around here have caused you. They truly are just kids, and when I say kids I mean immature and do not know sh*t from their brain. Well Gen Cobra, I hope you remember the few of us that admire people like you and look up to you always!


-=+(Great Modders and Mappers of MOHAA)+=-
Gen Cobra
Scorpio Midget
The Storm
Body Bagger
Cookie Monster
Captain Kick Your Azz
+ More

[DDR]psykotic_chiken 06-09-2003 12:47 AM

are you goin to finish city nights 2?

06-09-2003 12:52 AM

[quote="[DDR]psykotic_chiken":864d5]are you goin to finish city nights 2?[/quote:864d5]

Of course. I just won't be coming here anymore for the above reasons.

Timur the Lame 06-09-2003 01:12 AM

It justs seems too me like your complaining for the same reasons as you did before after people were making fun of your snow mobile accident. You're just letting stupid people get to you. You make great maps, and you enjoy doing it, so why don't you just not pay attention to stupid people. If someone sends you a "bitching" pm, just delete it and move on. Who cares. You visit these forums to see other people's work, and to comment yourself, so just stick to that and don't even respond to idiots. If you really think visiting these forums are stressful then you may need medical help.

Anyway, there is no point for you to leave. If you do it's just like you following what everyone else is doing. Im just sick of all this I'm leavign shit. Sorry if I offended you, this is just how I feel.

[DDR]psykotic_chiken 06-09-2003 01:13 AM

oh well.not my problem,but i will help ''you'' in anyway i can.would you maybe teach me to map some?i can do a basic DM map but i need some help.

06-09-2003 01:17 AM

I agree to an extent........I agree with the part about keep on doing what you want to do and Ignore the little buggers that annoy you day in and day out. But that is the problem, how can one feel good about theirself if he/she are being trashed left and right about their hard work? I mean any normal, sane person would be doing the same Cobra is doing. I dont think he needs medical help, he is just a guy that is fed up with the b*tching and complaining that goes on everytime he releases a mod or a map. I agree you should just move on and forget about it......but how? It is too hard. It really hurts a person when he/she gets these messages, and especially when the people sending them are nothing but lowlifes that do not know anything at all. It still has an effect on that person. SO I agree and disagree.


[DDR]psykotic_chiken 06-09-2003 01:31 AM

cobra,i always wanted to be a great mapper... and i always looked up to you and JV_map,you guys are the bomb and i love your work,so dont leave.just let them bitch,there is always 1 person who will d/l your

06-09-2003 01:41 AM

[quote="[DDR]psykotic_chiken":5262d]cobra,i always wanted to be a great mapper... and i always looked up to you and JV_map,you guys are the bomb and i love your work,so dont leave.just let them bitch,there is always 1 person who will d/l your[/quote:5262d]

Leaving AA isn't gonna stop me from modding. If anything I'll be modding more cosidering the size of the task I am undertaking with the airport edition obj map and tdm map for the new City Nights. I map most of the day. I'm getting much better after my accident so I have a lot more strength and my mind is clearer.
So no I am not stopping. You can find me at over a dozen forums across the globe. Infact Hobbs, Deleto and a few others will have our own site for modifying Medal of Honor. I feild over 20 e-mails a day about city nights. 80% are "Great Work" e-mails. Some are technical issues that I always help people with. But when I come here I get people pming me like they were infants. Saying shit that I don't need to listen too. Like they were jealous little 14 year old girls.

Timur the Lame 06-09-2003 01:43 AM

I'm sorry about the medical help thing but i have to disagree with you. Most of the people on these forums who bitch and flame are little kids so ur just letting children get the best of you. These kids live their lives in order to fuck with people because they think its funny. If your an adult and mature enough then you should have no problem dealing with these immature morons.

[DDR]psykotic_chiken 06-09-2003 01:45 AM

wel im glad cobra.can i help in any way?like make a prefab of a 747?aint got to give me no credit.

Innoxx 06-09-2003 01:50 AM

Well my only gripes with the modding community are these novelty/cheat skins and not giving credtis. I saw the readme of city nights and I was very pleased.

Innoxx 06-09-2003 01:55 AM

Well my only gripes with the modding community are these novelty/cheat skins and not giving credtis. I saw the readme of city nights and I was very pleased.

06-09-2003 01:55 AM

Any help will always be welcomed, and credited to correct people. I have some pretty amazing people I work with. They are great workers and give me a lot of support.

Innoxx 06-09-2003 01:56 AM

Double click = baaaaad.

[DDR]psykotic_chiken 06-09-2003 01:57 AM

i will make a 747 prefab

k-i-a 06-09-2003 02:50 AM

Cobra it is sad to see you leave! But this forum is a bit of a bitch!

da_neural 06-09-2003 03:23 AM

farewell and goodbye
We will miss ya Gen and I always loved your work biggrin: .

and I have one thing to say, I am hope your happy MPowell you super fucking faggot

mohaa_rox 06-09-2003 03:38 AM

THE BEST N00B FRIENDLY FORUM is .map. there's no flame war records at all. 0 out of 10 threads are flame wars

LOCC 06-09-2003 04:00 AM

Also Check out the Chill Lounge forums! Absolutely no gripes, we are a Drama free Lounge, so all who likes to Chill, Talk about MOHAA and other cool stuff than your always welcome to visit our Site biggrin: biggrin:

Hope ta see some of ya there!! We Chill ~~ biggrin:

later M16:

misfits859 06-09-2003 06:14 AM

Cobra, where will we be able to find your future releases?

MPowell1944 06-09-2003 06:18 AM

Sorry to hear that you are dropping the ball on AA. I cannot fully understand why you are doing this, but I can understand why you will not return to these forums. If anything I said to you has pushed you in your decision, well I apologize. I just wanted to state my opinion which I feel I am entitled to do.

Good luck with any future projects you may work on.

Wolf-Man 06-09-2003 07:26 AM

Come to Planet Medal of Honor. We ban assholes, not encourage them like here.

k-i-a 06-09-2003 12:57 PM

Cobra, add me to your msn! Just pm me for my email

Walker 06-09-2003 01:38 PM

i agree that this forum has gone to hell... it used to be fun when I started because when you asked for something, you got it and new things were made every day. now that more and more people caught on, everyone starts fights and every topic gets changed to something dumb. i dont even play mohaa anymore because it got old. now i play dod, but thats another story. i am done here too, later all.

Slaughter 06-09-2003 02:07 PM

god luck man hate to see u leave AA but continue ur great modding love ur mods. cya

macstu23 06-09-2003 02:08 PM

I dont blame you Cobra. This 34 year old gamer has had enough of it as well...constant bitching, flaming. I could go on about all the great skins and mods people promise but we never see. (apologies to Guarnere) When you work at a professional level, like me, you learn not to do that. Adios amigos

9mm BeRetTa 06-09-2003 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by misfits859
Cobra, where will we be able to find your future releases?

yes, i am sorry to hear you are leaving, but it is totally understandable with your reasoning. i also wonder where i can go to see any of your future mods.

Gauv 06-09-2003 03:00 PM

People suck... get used to it lol but I think you're being really unfair to those who appreciate your work.. that goes for all the modders who leave because of flamers or whatever the nerd word for arsehole is... It sounds like you just want people to beg you to stay .. to boost your ego or something like that .. I won't judge.. maybe you have yur reasons.. self esteem issues and etc. but .. really ... if you really wanted to leave you would ahve just left.. and wouldn't have made a thread about it .. and made it all dramatic.

Elfastball7 06-09-2003 03:36 PM

If your tried of people flaming each other, use the forums more often.

06-09-2003 04:55 PM

He4y your a great modder, loved your work. Good luck with your future mods. See ya around.


06-09-2003 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Gauv
... if you really wanted to leave you would ahve just left.. and wouldn't have made a thread about it .. and made it all dramatic.

But I actually like some of the people here and want them to know that I didn't leave because of them. It's only the cool thing to do Gauv.

As far as where to get my future releases. They wil most likely be held exclusively by either our web site or
You will, with out a doubt, see my work.

Uber_Soldat 06-10-2003 05:24 PM

i probably wont make any more public maps since operation sealion. i got about 6 replies on TMT, mostly from the clan that tested it for me, and some people saying stuff like 'nice map, ill have to dl it later', and last time i checked here and on .map there were just as many replies. i check the logfiles for my webspace every few days, and after a few days of the map being out, 12 people had dled it, after i spent 3 months working on it, making it as realistic as i could with every single building detailed as much as it could be, and in the last 5 days theres been 1 dl. ill finish off SS Manor and Ramelle, then probably wont make any more maps, apart from maps for 1 on 1 with other people that ill never release or SP maps. from now on im doing nothing outside trench rats.
when the beta of sealion came out, semberger told me he put it on his server, and some people were telling him it was already their favourite map, after playing it once, and that it could be a classic. then i release the final, and get just a few downloads, after spending a few hours a day for weeks making it

Hobbs 06-10-2003 06:10 PM

why dont you come work with us?

k-i-a 06-11-2003 03:23 PM

Gen cobra will u plzz answer my pms?

06-11-2003 09:02 PM

[quote:017fb]Gen cobra will u plzz answer my pms?[/quote:017fb]

lol pms.. heh

kicker 06-12-2003 04:17 PM

Any modder is like the bomb
i dont understand why people that dont mod always complain, i cant make the simplest skin mod or anything, so even if someone puts out what i think is a dumb mod i dont say anything cause there is no way i could ever make that mod! so i just give them massive props for putting in the effort. i think that its the right decision for modders to move out of here, cause there are so many complaining people who cant even mod or play mohaa very well at all! anyways, cobra man you work rocks! haha wish i could do that stuff but i dont have the brain power haha good luck to u guys!

Sgt.Riggs 06-12-2003 04:45 PM

i uninstalled mohaa tok up to mutch disc space lol

9mm BeRetTa 06-12-2003 07:09 PM

[quote="Sgt.Riggs":51766]i uninstalled mohaa tok up to mutch disc space lol[/quote:51766]

lmao...i know this a little off topic and this is going no where, but what game are you playing now that you rid of mohaa?

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