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Jedi Marksman 06-25-2003 11:40 PM

RIAA is coming for you. . .
I think these people have lost it. . . ... ng_music_4

06-25-2003 11:42 PM

dont they have enough money? I mean, theyre like "I need that extra 1 million to support my 7 wives and 16 children, and my 17 ferraris" oOo:

Drew 06-25-2003 11:45 PM

I used to run an internet radio station with about 400 users through donated-in-return-for-advertising bandwidth. The FCC sent me a letter in the mail following the CARP ruling stating that I owed $52,840 and $3,780 per month afterwards in royalty fees or I could just shut down. Assholes.

Pyro 06-25-2003 11:48 PM

I bought two cds today

06-25-2003 11:49 PM

you muist love X-MEN2

Office Depot 06-25-2003 11:51 PM

damnit schlass just STFU

Pyro 06-25-2003 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Sclass12
you muist love X-MEN2

I like the movie yeah...but being the mutant is Pyro, and thats a scene from X Men 2 featuring Pyro, and my nickname just happenes to be Pyro

I thought it would make a good sig.

1080jibber 06-25-2003 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Noctis
I used to run an internet radio station with about 400 users through donated-in-return-for-advertising bandwidth. The FCC sent me a letter in the mail following the CARP ruling stating that I owed $52,840 and $3,780 per month afterwards in royalty fees or I could just shut down. Assholes.

dang, thats fucked up

ever see the movie Pump up the volume biggrin:

Tripper 06-26-2003 12:07 AM

Fuck them, they'll never catch me. mad:

Airborne Butters 06-26-2003 12:28 AM

[quote="Office Depot":19354]damnit schlass just STFU[/quote:19354]

suck it nublin. I'd take Sclass over you anydays. HE plays DoD and isn't named after a godamn store...

Anyways. That's BS. Why do they think they'll get everyone. They shut down Napster, Morpheus comes. They give Morpheus shit, then comes KaZaA. They don't understand they're fighting in a circle.

11 Bravo 06-26-2003 12:33 AM

They'll never win. Heil Internet Piracy!

06-26-2003 01:03 AM

[quote="11 Bravo":c431e]They'll never win. Heil Internet Piracy![/quote:c431e]
HEIL! They will never get me, with my warez games, dled movies, and shitload of music! NEVER!

But they should STFU, they have enough money, and some people only like 1 song by some people, so do they have to go out and buy a CD for only 1 song they like, while the rest are about fucking your mother and murdering your dad while you sleep?

Tripper 06-26-2003 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by "11 Bravo":c2011
They'll never win. Heil Internet Piracy!

HEIL! They will never get me, with my warez games, dled movies, and shitload of music! NEVER!

But they should STFU, they have enough money, and some people only like 1 song by some people, so do they have to go out and buy a CD for only 1 song they like, while the rest are about fucking your mother and murdering your dad while you sleep?[/quote:c2011]

Maybe they'll let you off because you only have Dixie Chicks Mp3s..... oOo:

:Hybrid: 06-26-2003 02:40 AM

what wrong with losing a couple million, when you makeit back by overpricing the CDs anyways

Eight Ace 06-26-2003 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by Noctis
The FCC sent me a letter in the mail following the CARP ruling stating that I owed $52,840 and $3,780 per month afterwards in royalty fees or I could just shut down. Assholes.

tough, which way did you decide to jump?

:Hybrid: 06-26-2003 02:47 AM

[quote="Eight Ace":23b3a]

Originally Posted by Noctis
The FCC sent me a letter in the mail following the CARP ruling stating that I owed $52,840 and $3,780 per month afterwards in royalty fees or I could just shut down. Assholes.

tough, which way did you decide to jump?[/quote:23b3a]

probley rounded down to an even 3, and went that route

SoLiDUS 06-26-2003 02:57 AM

I can already see it: statutes forcing a mandatory purchase of two compact
disks per month, every month.


Brave New World + 1984 + Farenheit 451 = Near future.

Zoner 06-26-2003 06:18 AM

Good call on the Brave New World...heh. Awesome album.

I just bought St. Anger and Life is Killing Me, so the record industry can kiss me arse.

Eight Ace 06-26-2003 06:38 AM

...even better book.

Strik0r 06-26-2003 07:53 AM

the riaa is gonna get me, i'm sooooo scared, please somebody save me oOo:

Zoner 06-26-2003 08:23 AM


/me steps in front of Strik0r and puffs out chest threateningly.

06-26-2003 08:41 AM

I wouldn't mind if it was the artists that kept the profits, not some fat dumbfuck CEO who sits at a desk all day.

CEOs need to be introduced to 16" medicine [img][/img]

Simo Häyhä 06-26-2003 10:02 AM

i hope all the assholes in riaa slit their throats..yeah they may have won the fight with napster but they are pissed even more because kazaa is is growing stronger each day.

Mp3 pIrAcY 4 LyFe DeWdZ!

pest 06-26-2003 10:29 AM

Cool pic Sgt Stryker. I like how you can see the shock waves on the water.

A few things -

1- It is stealing, it is costing the recording industry money, They are doing what needs to be done. You do not have the moral high ground if you are downloading files.

2- Saying "they have plenty of money so its ok" is not a good justification. A bum could say that I have plenty of money so its ok to break into my house. I would still be very pissed and I would, at the very least, call the law.

3- If the above dont bother you, then do whatever you feel is cool, but keep a realistic point of view about what you are doing.

4 - Dont be dumb. Dont share 800 files on napster. I dont play nice, I dont share with strangers on the well known networks. I like kazaa, it keeps the attnetion focused on the noobs and away from me. Keep a low profile. Remember, they are after the dealers, not the users. The free-for-all days of music downloads are probably coming to an end in the not so distant future. Find differnt sources or methods if you must. It probably wont be too long before many of these file sharing sites go offshore, if there is any money in it.

Simo Häyhä 06-26-2003 10:37 AM

napster was able to crumble because all the files were shared on one single network. its alot harder for riaa to taget networks like sharezza,kazaa,aimster, imesh, ect ect because there is no one central downloading place all the users are their own database for songs to download.
but i mainly download alot of old songs anyways

Strik0r 06-26-2003 10:39 AM

irc + proxy

they'll never run out of college kids

pest 06-26-2003 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Strik0r
irc + proxy

they'll never run out of college kids

You're smarter than you look, duffman. :P

ED 06-26-2003 11:29 AM

I dont care. The product nowadays (Justin Guarini, American Idol cD's, Madonnnas American Life, etc.) are shit - this is why noone is buying. Linkin Park didn't have a problem selling 8 million cds. Eminem doesnt have a problem clearing 8 mil. There are TONS of CDS released last year that past the 3 4 and even 5 million marks. They want to sell more CD's - improve the product and the price and you'll get buyers back in the stores.

O71394658 06-26-2003 11:31 AM

Ha. I say consumers start filing countersuits for price inflation. $18 for a fucking CD. It costs 25 cents to make, and the artists only get a dollar. Thats a $1.25 Where does the other $16.75 go? Fucking assholes.

ED 06-26-2003 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by O71394658
Ha. I say consumers start filing countersuits for price inflation. $18 for a fucking CD. It costs 25 cents to make, and the artists only get a dollar. Thats a $1.25 Where does the other $16.75 go? Fucking assholes.

Uh okay your understand is way off.

ARTIST are paid based on a DOLLAR scale - but its what percent of that dollar that they get.

An artist like Eminem probably gets 70 cents to a dollar maybe -

Someone like Kelly Clarkson - 15-20 cents.

In any case, let them start suing, that'll alienate the MILLIONS of cd buyers - because downloading music or buying a cd is not exclusive of each other - out there, and further degenerate profits. As soon as the RIAA starts changing the way they distribute CD's, you're gonna have piracy. And this only applies to the n00bs who dont know P2P exists beyond Kazaa and other COMMERCIAL FILE SHARES.

pest 06-26-2003 12:02 PM

[quote="ED! Ban #127":27688]And this only applies to the n00bs who dont know P2P exists beyond Kazaa and other COMMERCIAL FILE SHARES.[/quote:27688]

Sssshhhhhh....quiet, I like that buffer zone.

Tripper 06-26-2003 02:49 PM

Meh, I download.....But I don't share my downloads.... biggrin:

ED 06-26-2003 02:54 PM

Here's my post from another forum; it's more succint:


In a story today, the RIAA has finally thrown that ultimate of gauntlets down on file sharers, and will now be personally going against the "major distributers" of P2P file-sharing. What does this mean? If you have a large deposit of music that you are sharing online, then you are going to be targeted for substantial lawsuits ranging up to 15000 a song.

To this I say - "Ha Ha - way to further shoot yourselves in the foot". The RIAA since day one has attempted to bully file-sharers and music users into accepting it's rules in regards to distributing and purchasing music. And now its telling those users who it WANTS to buy CD's that if they dont buy them the normal lucrative way, we will sue you into learning your lesson and buying our CD's. Yea. This has all the makings of a sure fire plan.

We all know the debate - it's stealing, its wrong, it takes money out of so-and-so's pockets. I agree with that. However, the RIAA has it's own self to blame. The average CD is now 17-18 bucks. CD's are NON Returnable. If you purchase a CD you think is cool, and it turns out that poppin single was the ONLY good song on the CD, you've just paid a cool 18 bucks for the pleasure of wearing out 3 minutes of music. Add to this the fact that most of the music released today is garbage, and you have a avery frustrated consumer that has no confidence in purchasing music the normal way, and taking that financial risk on whether or not something is going to be good.

So then you have NAPSTER, which during its heyday receives worldwide attention, and alerts the common man to the ability to share your favorite songs with other people. And of course the RIAA steps in and shuts that down. Does this stop file-sharing? Of course not. It empowers hundreds of programmers to create new, non-centralized music sharing that is easy to use, easy to navigate, and offers any song your heart could desire. So by killing it's "biggest foe", the RIAA creates dopplegangers, stronger and more powerful than its predecceser. Another great move.

So what we have is a large lobby group threatening your supposed consumer base, and challenging computer savvy folks out there to create better methods of hiding their online stashes (those that are in the know already have several options for this, and of course with Kazza being the most high-profile, it's this file sharing method that is being targeted).

This is a no-win situation for the RIAA and the recording industry. It'll win some battles and scare some folks away from file-sharing online. But in the long run, just another foolish move on their parts to further push them away from what the consumer wants..

Sergeant_Scrotum 06-26-2003 03:44 PM

[quote="Airborne Butters":63feb][quote="Office Depot":63feb]damnit schlass just STFU[/quote:63feb]

suck it nublin. I'd take Sclass over you anydays. HE plays DoD and isn't named after a godamn store...

I dont know about you but i always go down to the local sclass on the weekends to do my shopping.

Drew 06-26-2003 04:09 PM

[quote="Eight Ace":552b5]

Originally Posted by Noctis
The FCC sent me a letter in the mail following the CARP ruling stating that I owed $52,840 and $3,780 per month afterwards in royalty fees or I could just shut down. Assholes.

tough, which way did you decide to jump?[/quote:552b5]

I had to shut down. I don't have the time/knowledge to operate a radio station surviving by collecting advertising money. Oh well.

pest 06-26-2003 04:15 PM

So Ed, please tell me how pissing off the people that arent paying for your product are going to make them not pay even more? It sounds to me like they are only pissing off the people that are not paying already.

What the RIAA is hoping is that they can hit a few hundred big violators hard enough and public enough that they will get the more temid of the downloaders to stop and go back to buying music. They will also get the big file sharers to quit sharing and make the process of downloading enough of a chore that people will go back to buying.

Will it work? Dunno. Probably will help them a bit, but there will always be a way.

Will it backfire? I cant really see how. God forbid that I hurt the feelings of the shoplifter by calling the cops. He might not come back and buy anymore from us, because he stole it just to "test it out".

Please note - I make no reference to right or wrong. I dont care. But its kind of silly to say that they are hurting themselves by going after teh guys that are costing them tons of money. I dont care what a cd costs. When one option is free, the other option will always be too much.

ED 06-26-2003 04:42 PM

The problem is that file-sharing isn't seen as something tantamount (in the PUBLICS eye) as stealing a mink coat from Tiffany's. I would buy CD's if I didnd't get alot of it online. I still buy CD's that I know are of good quality (Deftones, Radiohead, Audioslave being recent purchases).

The point I was trying to make, is if you shut down one avenue, that's not a garuntee that folks will say "ah fuck it" and start buying as much as they were downloading. It's not gonna happen. If it DOES happen, then I will be incredibly suprised.

And I will be the first person to say that if someone is downloading music that is copyright protected then they deserve to face the penalties. RIAA has every right to do this. However I question the thought-process in going after 61-year old Marth Howard with 500 songs littered on her hard drive for the world to see.

Add to the fact that you're going to have make sure that the content downloaded DOES violate copyright issues, and the RIAA has an uphill battle, not the consumer.

Arkan 06-26-2003 08:40 PM

I laughed when i 1st heard the news about this. Are these people serious? This is more than an uphill battle for the RIAA. Go ahead and shut down all those P2P'll never stop the bleeding.

Innoxx 06-26-2003 08:41 PM

Yeah, if they shut down Morpheus and Kazaa more PSP proggies will pop up. File sharing is like drugs; it'll never go away.

Bucknub 06-26-2003 08:50 PM

and I just realized there was a thread about this.. and I posted one of my own... oOo:

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