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Ladmo 01-17-2002 05:25 AM

Don't get me wrong, I think using shotguns and rockets is fine, but it seems to me that every game I play ends up with everyone using rockets and shotguns. The worst is rockets, that seems to suck all the fun and realism out of a multi play game. I just wish that some players would have more respect for others. As soon as you ask them to change weapons, the response is always the same. "Why? Because I'm kicking your ass?" No. It because you managed to ruin a perfectly good game, because you could hit the broad side of a barn with any weapon in the game. I don't mean to complain, but too many good games have been ruined by people with no respect for their fellow gamers. Thanks for letting me rant for a few.

CorpusDan 01-17-2002 05:28 AM

And technically, yes, it is because you are continually kicking my ass.

Simply having a realistic reload time on the bazooka would put an end to the rocket problem altogether.

adam11851 01-17-2002 05:30 AM

It's the same with sniper rifles...

CorpusDan 01-17-2002 05:31 AM

Damn, if I could reload that fast, I'd be the deadliest hunter in Texas.

Ramza 01-17-2002 05:31 AM

I agree, the Bazooka and Panzerschreck reload far too quickly. Then again, think about this, you want an advancing Panzer to catch you flat footed, trying to jam a new rocket into the tube? I remember it was tricky enough taking out the SDKFZ/251 Halftrack in the beginning of the demo (I didn't know about the radio/field glasses deal at the time)

Grossdeutschland Division.

Ladmo 01-17-2002 05:31 AM

It's not even that. Usally I'm beating the person with the rockets, I guess I'm just old fashioned. I would rather have a fun fire fight, in-between buildings, then get killed on the other side of the map, behind a wall, crouching and reloading.

intrestedviewer 01-17-2002 05:32 AM

i personally hate shotgunners more than rocketer(eers?)er? ah whatever. With the bazooka at least u can get out of the way and if u do, u have plenty of time to whip em with ur handgun. or if theyr in close range they go with ya

[EC]Mjr. Winters 01-17-2002 05:33 AM

the same with the sniper rifle, hahaha

i wont start...

CorpusDan 01-17-2002 05:33 AM

True, but you look around a corner and instantly have a rocket in your face. Like the GIs were carrying these in house to house combat...

jujumantb 01-17-2002 05:35 AM

i dont mind rockets if theyre used in a more realistic wide open space like the streets of THE HUNT...i like how they have that randomized flight path making it harder to hit things at a distance...but they shouldnt even be allowed in stalingrad... shotguns i dont mind caz they usually take 2 shots and i can usually pepper them enough with my bar to kill them

Next to God...
...A Grunts Best Friend

Ladmo 01-17-2002 05:36 AM

I don't mind the sniper rifle as much. It's just fustrating when someone launches a rocket in your face, standing 3 feet away, kills you then keeps running. The thing that bothers me most is that they never swich weapons, no matter how many people in the game ask.

Ladmo 01-17-2002 05:37 AM

When rockets are used in the Hunt that's fine. It's when someone ruins a perfectly good DM or TM because they are tired of getting killed.

spiewalk 01-17-2002 05:39 AM

You know I bet solders were complaining about sniper rifles durring the war too...

To bad, eh.. cuz they were used in the war, and used whenever possible!!

Get over it all you bitchin whinin morons, 2015 is not going to get rid of any of these weapons.. (atleast leave sniper rifles alone)

feindliche Übernahme

[This message has been edited by spiewalk (edited January 17, 2002).]

adam11851 01-17-2002 05:39 AM

I don't mind rockets because the people run out of ammo so fast and they are easy to dodge. And if they do shoot 3 feet in front of you they are dead too...

FuBarGrn 01-17-2002 05:44 AM

o.k...this is just because of the maps,guys...once the full version is released,we will see more open maps...
shotguns and zooks are short-medium range weapons.If you try and use either of the two,you will succeed only in getting your butt waxed by the opposing team....
the trouble is that the two maps we have are rather constricting,so naturally the Shotty and the zook are going to own...
so when we are able to play on maps as large as the beach those guys using the shotty/zook are going to get a weapon for range rather than power....

And adam11851 I agreee that the sniper rifles could use a bit of sway or recoil,as this would make them a bit more "realistic"..a sniper could,however drop th crouch position to counter the sway/recoil....

Perhaps someone will make a mod that incorporates all of these in a nice,neat little we can play on all maps without either of these weapons....
but for right now I suggest that when you encounter someone using either of these weapons,just change your tactics to counter...I know it is hard,but it can be done.Each of these weapons has a weakness that can be exploited....for instance the shotty only holds five shells,and thus makes it a bitch to reload.The zook has a slow reload time,though not as slow as I'd like...
so,just change your tactics around and take them out!!

Ladmo 01-17-2002 05:46 AM

I said I don't mind sinper rifles. It's the rockets I have the bigest problem with, I'm sure many soilders were running around shooting at other soldiers with sniper rifles, I'm not to sure however on how many soilders were running around with rocket launchers shooting at each other. I'm not asking for a patch or a fix or anything, I'm just saying that more players need to learn some respect for the other people playing the game with them. When the majority of the players in the game ask you change your weapon the polite thing to do is change it.

spiewalk 01-17-2002 05:54 AM

This game is going to be so awsome that I doubt anyone will waste their time modding when they can just deal with the game and play it, that is untill they've finished single player and some multi player. Give the full version a chance.

RTCW MP demo was soo much more diff then the full version and I diden't really hear alot of people complain about the game on RTCW forums. I find it very weird that people criticize this game so much, it's come to the point of bashing. No wonder 2015 never replys to peoples questions in the "board of developers" section. They know exactly what people are going to say, bitch,bitch, whine, whine, I think there running out of chesse to provide for all that "wine"

Chances are unless the mods are official 2015 changes not everyone is going to run them. Server side mods are just going to be a pain, peoples work might not get recognized and might feel their time and effort was a waste.

feindliche Übernahme

spiewalk 01-17-2002 05:55 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ladmo:
I said I don't mind sinper rifles. It's the rockets I have the bigest problem with, I'm sure many soilders were running around shooting at other soldiers with sniper rifles, I'm not to sure however on how many soilders were running around with rocket launchers shooting at each other. I'm not asking for a patch or a fix or anything, I'm just saying that more players need to learn some respect for the other people playing the game with them. When the majority of the players in the game ask you change your weapon the polite thing to do is change it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thats stupid man, you don't tell anyone how to play, unless their cheating know body has to listen to anyone.

You can easily find a diff server.

feindliche Übernahme

[This message has been edited by spiewalk (edited January 17, 2002).]

Ladmo 01-17-2002 05:58 AM

I'm not bashing 2015, this game is better than I ever imagined. I'm bashing selfish players with no respect for others. I guess the problem is that there are far too many children playing the MP demo, and they think they have the right to be jerks, because it's cool to be a jerk.

spiewalk 01-17-2002 06:13 AM

So there a jerk cuz they use a weapon you don't like??

I think we know who the real jerk is here, although I would use other words like asshole, retard, and moron and i'll also accept half wit...

feindliche Übernahme

Ydiss 01-17-2002 06:22 AM

Good to see someone compain about weapons without actually resorting to the tired old 'They are lame/newbies cos they use them' crap.

You have a good point in that you get a lot of abusive idiots in games, but you'll always get those.

One thing that I'd like is an ignore option

But, really. There is no better feeling than being confronted by mass spamming of a particular weapon and actually overcoming it.

People who use only one gun all the time, or people who tend to do the same thing over and over become predictable.

Use that and get revenge in the best way you can...

Beat them.

You'll find that you only have to rape them once or twice and they will either change weapon or, even better, leave.

If they truly are lame they will get sulky and bugger-off.


CorpusDan 01-17-2002 06:29 AM

I don't think that he's inferring that any wepaons should be banned, simply that in the limited levels we are playing, certain weapons are advantageous, whereas in reality grabbing a 12 gauge and charging through enemy lines was pretty rare, as was firing rockets around corners into houses. When you have 6 guys with rockets v. 6 snipers, it can be entertaining, but resembles Serious Sam more than WWII. While both are entertaining, the lack of motivation for self-preservation effectivly can turn this game into a generic shooter where the only concern is racking up a kill total as opposed to winning and surviving. Hyphenate half-wit, too.

nailhead 01-17-2002 06:36 AM

There's nothing wrong with rockets if used properly. Hell, I love gettin fragged by a good player with a zook...well thats the difference, a good player will use it simmilar to a sniper rifle, find cover with a line of sight and simpley wait and stalk his prey. Where as a mutt will run around blasting everything in site (teammates included)

spiewalk 01-17-2002 06:42 AM

this is getting ridiculous, use whatever you want, don't listen to people telling you to switch weapons in games.

[HEL]Killa123 01-17-2002 06:42 AM

Ok soon there will be complaints about SMG's And MG's hell lets just make a mod where you pick up the dirt from the ground and throw it at eachother huh? In real life you would use WHATEVER POSSIBLE to survive i dont mind the shotguns or rocketeer's just in my opinion add's one more thing to be careful about out there.But thats just my 2.

spiewalk 01-17-2002 06:46 AM

The problem with dirt is sometimes theres other things in the dirt. Little pebles and sometimes bullet shells. I think dirt would be very unfair to use and there should be a mod stoping people from throwing "mixed" up dirt, it should be pure!

Hehehehehhehe... my point proven.

feindliche Übernahme

01-17-2002 06:50 AM

Also when the game is released the omaha map will be hard all becuse of sniper rifles.

spiewalk 01-17-2002 06:54 AM


SS.SGW-Siggi 01-18-2002 12:18 AM

Ydiss, for somebody who left the server in an abusive huff because you were getting your arse whupped you sure talk a lot of bull.
Seems you are cock of the walk and full of wisdom only when you are winning. Soon as you meet your match you start whining about "lag" or make some other excuse to leave in a hurry.

Your mate may be good with his sniper rifle (who couldn't be with a 'rifle' like that and countless hours of 'I-have-no-life practice), but you are mediocre at best.

Get off your high horse mate, you come across like a dork.


Ladmo 01-18-2002 12:29 AM

What are you talking about. I was making an observation about some games that I played and I got flamed for it. I wasn't saying any thing bad about the people playing, the weapons they were using or the atitude they had. I was simply making an observation. I guess I hit a nerve with some people. Sorry. I'll shut up and keep my opinions to my self.

spiewalk 01-18-2002 12:36 AM

You're getting flamed because your saying that a weapon that you can select from a list of weapons in the game is giving someone else a un-fair advantage over the weapon you pick.

Dude... no one is making a weapon up and then using it in the game, these are weapons that 2015 designed and threw into the game, anyone and everyone can use them whenever, however they want, you shouldn't even raise a question or point about it. Figure out some tactics if you tend to get killed a lot by a specific weapon.

None of the weapons "ruin" the game, you just need to play better and work on some start..

feindliche Übernahme

Ladmo 01-18-2002 12:42 AM

I guess I worded my topic wrong then. I was just trying to make an observation that every DM game I play ends up with a server full of people using the Shotgun and rocket launcher.

Ladmo 01-18-2002 12:57 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>You're getting flamed because your saying that a weapon that you can select from a list of weapons in the game is giving someone else a un-fair advantage over the weapon you pick.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I never said any thing about one weapon giving somone an unfair advantage. I was simply making a comment on where every DM game I'm played ends up. The only negative thing I said is that there a lot of players out there who are rude and inconsiderate. It's just a game for God's sake.

spiewalk 01-18-2002 01:00 AM

Exactly, it's just a game...

Next time you decide to make a comment about someones choice of weapon or how the play, think twice

Tanks0rs 01-18-2002 01:14 AM

well i think that if 2015 didnt want us to use the weapons, then they wouldnt be in the game. though i dont use those weapons too much, only if i need a quick 5-10 kills.

the only thing that really ruins a good game for me is uneven teams, ill start a 5on5 match on my t1 and almost every n00b that joins the game HAS to be allies. why the hell cant anyone just buckle down and be germans once in a while.

What Would Rambo Do?

SS.SGW-Siggi 01-18-2002 01:18 AM

But Ladmo is right. Do you really think 2015 intended their game to be played by a bunch of bunny-hopping retards armed exclusively with rocket launchers?

We have quake...a pure fantasy bullshit game aimed at morons who can't cope with anything more complex than a few keys and a mouse.

Cue games like MoH...intended to appeal to the more complex gamer, those who like to think about their moves and make them in a more realistic environment.

So it's hardly suprising that they get pissed off when a bunch of selfish, spiteful brats invade the servers with no other intention than to show how 'clever' they are by trashing the experience for everyone else.

Real soldiers don't bunny-hop as they run. Real soldiers don't kit themselves out with rocket-launchers for house-to-house fighting. If they did they would die.
How many times have you been killed by a moron who fires his rocket into your face at point-blank range, killing both you and himself? That's 'gameplay'? No, it's not. It's a pathetic inadequate brat getting 'even' because he consistently dies with any other weapon. "I can't win, so I'll just spam the map with inane rocket-fire and piss everyone off."

The saddest thing about FPS games is they attract mostly dull-witted kids. The simplicity of the controls and lack of real-world physics is what makes the genre so appealing to them. That's why very very few kids get into sims...most of them can't even decipher the manuals.

In my expereience American brats are the worst in the world. Selfish, spoiled, arrogant little pricks who can't even spell. What they need is a thrashing, but unfortunately the parents are largely trailer-trash scum who think it's clever to teach little junior to tell everyone else around him to "F**k off" and call them "Gay".

Almost every American I've met in the simming community has been a sound stand-up guy (or gal). The flip side of that is almost every American kid I've come across in the FPS community has been a moronic, foul-mouthed scum-bag. A disgrace and shame to your nation across the http://WWW. across this side of the pond and try it on, you'll go home in an air-ambulance...our kids are civilised, but they don't tolerate degenerates.


Ladmo 01-18-2002 01:20 AM

The next time I have any opinion on this game, I'll make sure everyone else agrees before I make it.

Lt_Col_Tall 01-18-2002 01:22 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ladmo:
I don't mind the sniper rifle as much. It's just fustrating when someone launches a rocket in your face, standing 3 feet away, kills you then keeps running. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

yes, this is the biggest problem with the rocket launchers. Just doesn't make sense. I'm not for removing them, they should just do more spread damage when fired indoors...and ESPECIALLY at close range. They should also have longer reload times and you should not be able to reload while moving them. Pulling out a clip while moving is understandable, not a bazooka. It's a balance issue that 2015 overlooked.


The only time you should start worrying about a soldier is when they stop bitchin'.

SS.SGW-Siggi 01-18-2002 01:29 AM

2015 are a bunch of second-rate coders. Proof? The BS about clipping. MoH is based upon the Q3 engine. Has anyone noticed any clipping in Q3? No? Then why is it so rife in MoH? I read 2015's BS excuse for it and it's just that...bullshit.

MoH has so many flaws, inconsistencies and in-the-face f**k-ups it's almost beyond belief it got so hyped. It's a fun game, but I was led to believe it would have realism out the ying-yang. Snort. You can't even lie prone in it.

The easiest way to send a message to these pricks that shoddy, lazy, half-arsed coding won't be tolerated at £35 a throw is to warez the game. If that means they go out of business and produce no more games...bring it the f**k on. Games like these we don't need when there are gifted coders in eastern europe looking for a break.


Ladmo 01-18-2002 01:33 AM

I think the game will be fun, flaws and all, and considering this is their first full game, I think they did a great job. I for one will be paying full price because they deserve it.

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