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11 Bravo 07-20-2003 04:07 PM

leaving for basic in a week, w00t!
Seeya you guys later. It's here. I leave in a week for Basic at Fort Benning Georgia for 13 weeks, then airborne school there for 3 weeks. Probably will end up at Fort Bragg, NC with the 82nd. Who knows, I might get a chance to put in for Italy. That would be fucking awesome. For anyone that cares, my MOS is 11X Airborne Infantry. I'll be jumpin' outa planes, shooting guns, and blowing shit up for a living. and get paid to do it, how much better can it get? lol, but anyways, in all seriousness, I know the dangers, however I feel prepared and can't wait to go. Maybe I'll stop by the forums when I get some leave in December? nah biggrin:


Fireal 07-20-2003 04:48 PM

FUCKS YEAH! man good luck.

07-20-2003 04:50 PM

just to piss you off because you're Army:

Semper Fi Mac! biggrin:

Fireal 07-20-2003 04:51 PM

LOL. Stryker did you serve in the marines? Im going too without a doubt Semper Fi!

07-20-2003 04:52 PM

I wanted to be a Marine Aviator,
but I found out that it would be extremely hazardous for me to get the anthrax and smallpox vaccine (now required) due to a childhood fuckup by my doctor,
what a bum deal cry:

Vance 07-20-2003 05:24 PM

Re: leaving for basic in a week, w00t!
[quote="11 Bravo":944a2]Seeya you guys later. It's here. I leave in a week for Basic at Fort Benning Georgia for 13 weeks, then airborne school there for 3 weeks. Probably will end up at Fort Bragg, NC with the 82nd. Who knows, I might get a chance to put in for Italy. That would be fucking awesome. For anyone that cares, my MOS is 11X Airborne Infantry. I'll be jumpin' outa planes, shooting guns, and blowing shit up for a living. and get paid to do it, how much better can it get? lol, but anyways, in all seriousness, I know the dangers, however I feel prepared and can't wait to go. Maybe I'll stop by the forums when I get some leave in December? nah biggrin:

That's exactly what I'm doing. Maybe we will see each other, what is your name?

Strik0r 07-20-2003 05:28 PM

if you encounter milla in any bar fights, let him win evil:

McCoy 03 07-20-2003 05:54 PM

Just to let ya know, Bravo 11, the Army isn't all fun and games. It's not like a video game...

Sergeant_Scrotum 07-20-2003 06:02 PM

^what he said. have fun i guess eek:

Captain Bunny 07-20-2003 08:22 PM

You never know, you might fuck up and fail basic, or you might decide its not your cup of tea...

but hey! good luck man, all the best.

11 Bravo 07-20-2003 10:24 PM

Of course I know it's not a damn video game, it's a very hazardous job that requires a lot of discipline and stamina. I will succeed and excel. I have a few friends that are already in. One of them has the exact same job as I will have, has been in for a few months in the 1/505th of the 82nd and he told me he absolutely loves it. Another one is at Fort Knox in BCT and writes me a lot. He told me it's a blast and wouldn't even think about doing something else. These two guys, before they went in, were not nearly as excited, or as physically ready as I am, and didn't know half the shit I do. And now both of them love it. This is something I've wanted to do all my life. So I'm not one of these fuckfaces that think they're gonna be Navy Seals or join the Delta Force with the snap of a finger. I know my shit. Not to mention I have a lot of family in the military. They've given me tons of advice. Hell, one of my cousins is a Green Beret and just got back from Afghanistan. It's in my blood. I will be fine.

11 Bravo 07-20-2003 10:45 PM

Of course I know it's not a damn video game, it's a very hazardous job that requires a lot of discipline and stamina. I will succeed and excel. I have a few friends that are already in. One of them has the exact same job as I will have, has been in for a few months in the 1/505th of the 82nd and he told me he absolutely loves it. Another one is at Fort Knox in BCT and writes me a lot. He told me it's a blast and wouldn't even think about doing something else. These two guys, before they went in, were not nearly as excited, or as physically ready as I am, and didn't know half the shit I do. And now both of them love it. This is something I've wanted to do all my life. So I'm not one of these fuckfaces that think they're gonna be Navy Seals or join the Delta Force with the snap of a finger. I know my shit. Not to mention I have a lot of family in the military. They've given me tons of advice. Hell, one of my cousins is a Green Beret and just got back from Afghanistan. It's in my blood. I will be fine.

Sergeant_Scrotum 07-20-2003 10:52 PM

well, at least your thinking posativly

Captain Bunny 07-20-2003 10:57 PM

Its would be a bitter irony if the bus taking you to basic crashed and killed you.

Cpt. Obvious 07-20-2003 10:57 PM

good luck bravo

Sergeant_Scrotum 07-20-2003 11:06 PM

[quote="Captain Bunny":56676]Its would be a bitter irony if the bus taking you to basic crashed and killed you.[/quote:56676]

ahh yes, thats the spirit! happy:

negative 07-20-2003 11:47 PM

congrats, did you get bragg/airborne school in your contract? If not, i wouldnt count on eiter one. Also, did you enlist with RIP option? If so you would have to go to Korea your first tour (hardship tour) I also know its hard to get to Italy, but they have talked about adding a third Battalion. Congrats-i glad you didnt decide to join the...marines

11 Bravo 07-21-2003 12:49 AM

as it reads in my contract, it is unassigned aiborne. When I contracted, I wanted Rangers, however the only slots available to me at the time were for cook (yeah, fuck that) and field artillery. so I went for AB infantry instead. My recruiter (definitely not the typical stereotyped car sales type) a fellow infantryman no BS guy who served with the 10th Mtn, told me more than likely if I let the course ride for itself, and made sure things were straightened out, I will end up at Bragg. Actually, 2 guys who graduated a year ahead of me are at Vicenza with the 173rd. Hell I'd be happy with anywhere really. Even if I get assigned to Korea, or was in the 82nd, I'd still end up deployed over there anyway since they are a QRF. I've never heard of the RIP option. the only RIP I know of is the Ranger Indoctrination Program. and that doesn't sound right. hmm...

07-21-2003 01:08 AM

Cool thats great man i'm not old egnof to get in the army or anything but i want to fight on the ground i would love it. Good luck Bravo

11 Bravo 07-21-2003 01:21 AM

Well, if you're smart, definitely go Army. biggrin:

11 Bravo 07-21-2003 01:57 AM

[quote="Captain Bunny":b087f]Its would be a bitter irony if the bus taking you to basic crashed and killed you.[/quote:b087f]


Cool Fool 07-21-2003 02:41 AM

[quote="McCoy 03":8192e]Just to let ya know, Bravo 11, the Army isn't all fun and games. It's not like a video game...[/quote:8192e]
You cannot respawn in battle.

MrLevinstein 07-21-2003 06:41 AM

[quote="Captain Bunny":0d17a]Its would be a bitter irony if the bus taking you to basic crashed and killed you.[/quote:0d17a]

What the hell is with you in this thread? hake: Good luck bravo pop me a few skinnies!

Infernal_ 07-21-2003 09:16 AM

i know a guy in the 101st airborne, mike ferussi (dono if last name is spelled right) he has the medal of honor, medal of valor and he is going to school to be the next rank up from a 1st sgt. he lives in georgia.

he got the medal of honor for rescuing some people in a plane that went down in afghanistan or something.

good luck at basic.

negative 07-21-2003 11:16 AM

[quote="11 Bravo":78cc4]as it reads in my contract, it is unassigned aiborne. When I contracted, I wanted Rangers, however the only slots available to me at the time were for cook (yeah, fuck that) and field artillery. so I went for AB infantry instead. My recruiter (definitely not the typical stereotyped car sales type) a fellow infantryman no BS guy who served with the 10th Mtn, told me more than likely if I let the course ride for itself, and made sure things were straightened out, I will end up at Bragg. Actually, 2 guys who graduated a year ahead of me are at Vicenza with the 173rd. Hell I'd be happy with anywhere really. Even if I get assigned to Korea, or was in the 82nd, I'd still end up deployed over there anyway since they are a QRF. I've never heard of the RIP option. the only RIP I know of is the Ranger Indoctrination Program. and that doesn't sound right. hmm...[/quote:78cc4]

yeah-good choice.
RIP does + ranger indoctrination program, and from what i understand it is ONE way you can become a ranger-RIP, Korea, Ranger School-then cross your fingers. Also, since you have signed up for ABN, either way you will most likely end up Light Inf. Maybe even the 10th Mtn-which deploys every six months somewhere. Also, maybe you will get Italy, that would be awesome. Are you just enlisting or going green to gold or anything? just curious

Sergeant_Scrotum 07-21-2003 11:19 AM

if i were you id wanna be as far away from korea as possable.

negative 07-21-2003 11:54 AM

[quote="Sargent_Scrotum":3d391]if i were you id wanna be as far away from korea as possable.[/quote:3d391]

then he couldnt get ranger (if thats what he wants)

Blitz-krieg 07-21-2003 02:06 PM

Good luck there dude, and if u could.. u can also post some pictures of u in ur uniform this year too, that'll be awesome cool:

11 Bravo 07-21-2003 08:17 PM

definitely. and Negative, 10th Mountain is Air Assault (choppers) not airborne. I will eventually go to Air Assault School though, only 10 days long. that way, I will be what is called "stacked". (AB badge, Air Assault badge, and CIB/EIB hopefully by next spring)

11 Bravo 07-21-2003 08:19 PM

Oh yeah forgot to mention, fuck Green to Gold. Officers suck cock. Enlisting is the only way to go!

Captain Bunny 07-21-2003 08:35 PM

I'll refrain from making any comments about how you wouldnt have the guts to tell an officer to his face that he sucks cock.... seeing as im just the bad man in this thread happy:

negative 07-22-2003 12:18 PM

I know the 10th is not Airborne. It really isnt even considered Air Assault. It is ligt infantry like the 25th. However, Ft. Drum has an Air assault course. Anyways, was i was saying if you have qualified airborne, but dont get an airborne unit, you will be likely to get a highspeed unit-like the 10th. Most likl=ely they will not put you in Mech, thats all i was saying. Also, officers suck cock? Will you be saying that when your 45 years old, have had 4 wives, and are divorced beacuse you move every 3-5 years? You see, someone needs to lead the troops. However, i do think thats officers should be required to serve 2 years enlisted. Anyways, good luck.

11 Bravo 07-23-2003 05:19 AM

Any good NCO will tell you how much they hate officers. true, there needs to be leadership, however brand new lieutenants out of ROTC, etc. don't know dick but think they know everything. the NCO's will give the officer really good advice on the best way to run the unit, but the fresh gold will pull shit like "oh that's not how I think it should be ran" and then fucks everything up. that's really what i'm trying to say.

Bazooka_Joe 07-23-2003 10:29 AM

Going to become a True Blue huh? Wear that blue cord proudly man, then grab yourself a pair of wings and a red baret. Just remember when you are on that 25 mile road march; it's all for your country.

I did the same you did, cept airborne.

negative 07-23-2003 06:26 PM

true, but that is not all officers. What about Patton, Powell, Schwartkaughf (sp). Bradley, ect. You see, that is what is good abput green to gold. enlist then officer. Anyways, before you go arround talking bad about ALL officers in the ARMY, i suggest you go to...

You know that the first 6 months of the Citadel is harder than MArine Boot Camp? THis is said by MArines in the MECEP program. So in some cases the officers have the harder training, I will say that ROTC is not really accepted well by Many Senior NCOs

negative 07-23-2003 06:26 PM

true, but that is not all officers. What about Patton, Powell, Schwartkaughf (sp). Bradley, ect. You see, that is what is good abput green to gold. enlist then officer. Anyways, before you go arround talking bad about ALL officers in the ARMY, i suggest you go to...

You know that the first 6 months of the Citadel is harder than MArine Boot Camp? THis is said by MArines in the MECEP program. So in some cases the officers have the harder training, I will say that ROTC is not really accepted well by Many Senior NCOs

11 Bravo 07-24-2003 03:27 AM

sometimes I say things that people take the wrong way. I didn't really mean to say ALL officers, well really justLieutenants biggrin: . My recruiter had a friend that did Green to Gold, just to earn the extra pay as a Captain when he put in his 20. That fool absolutely hates it. I would never want to be an officer. the job is more of a pain in the ass than anything. Senior NCO is the way to go. I don't think there is much difference in pay either...

Airborne Butters 07-24-2003 03:37 AM

hey man, I don't really know you, but good luck. It takes real balls to sacrafice part of you for the good of everyone else. Good Luck and remember, it's ; Pull the pin, wash your hands.

11 Bravo 07-28-2003 02:16 AM

Well, here is my last post. talk to you all in 4 months. seeya laterz. cool:

Zap. USMC 07-28-2003 08:54 PM

what the fuck? 13 weeks for basic?? isn't army 9 weeks??

Anyways, fuck ARMY! GO MARINES!


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