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Pvt Flagg 08-23-2003 08:24 AM

Realisum VS Non-Realisum
ok your opinion ..what makes for a beter game ..realisum or non-realisum ..just looking for a few opinions..


Strik0r 08-23-2003 08:39 AM

you mean stock or enhanced damage...i choose rockets

Hobbes 08-24-2003 04:43 AM


Originally Posted by Strik0r
you mean stock or enhanced damage...i choose rockets

Now thats funny!

Rockets own.

Bucknub 08-24-2003 04:58 AM

CRK = gay

SS.SGW.Julie 08-24-2003 05:31 AM

realism CKR is da best biggrin:

Ydiss 08-24-2003 05:41 AM

Stock: More skill to kill, less skill to live.
Realism: Less skill to kill, more skill to live.

Nutshell. In. A.

Strik0r 08-24-2003 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by Ydiss
Stock: More skill to kill, less skill to live..

rockets & shotguns biggrin:

Ydiss 08-24-2003 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by Strik0r

Originally Posted by Ydiss
Stock: More skill to kill, less skill to live..

rockets & shotguns biggrin:

Perhaps in US servers, mate. I rarely see shotgunners particularly on Euro servers anymore.

Rockets I do, still, but I enjoy a good blast from time to time. Stealth rocketeer. biggrin:

Madmartagen 08-24-2003 05:59 AM

realism makes the game much better to play, cause it forces players who want to be better at MOH to develope tactics and skills instead of running and jumping in circles all over the place. one good hit and youre dead, like in real life.

Ydiss 08-24-2003 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
realism makes the game much better to play, cause it forces players who want to be better at MOH to develope tactics and skills instead of running and jumping in circles all over the place. one good hit and youre dead, like in real life.

I can still run in cirlces and jump around in realism (although I don't jump - what fool ever thought that made them harder to hit?)because I can kill in one hit so your theory doesn't hold water.

Heard and read that one plenty of times but realism does not improve gamelpay it just makes it different.

I like both modes, but I prefer stock. I find realism far too easy and sadly I get kicked for cheating too often because of that. Apparently because I can aim at a slow moving target and press the mouse button once with great frequency I must be using an aimbot (see "learning curve" below)
  • Realism teaches you to aim faster, stock teaches you to aim consistently,

  • Realism makes the game closer to real life, but stock creates more variety of gameplay.

  • Realism has a steep learning curve but is easy to master, stock has a shallow learning curve but takes much more time to master.

  • Realism is fun because you can often kill enemies with one shot, Stock is fun because you can do that and still have longer fights that make your blood pump.

  • Realism is, effectively, an insta-gib mod based on statistics, stock is a nice blend of realistic fireing physics and adrenaline action.

  • Realism is NOT better than Stock because it takes more skill.

  • Realism is NOT worse than Stock because it is so easy to kill.[/*:m:e73a2]

Anything else?

quickfist 08-24-2003 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by Ydiss

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
realism makes the game much better to play, cause it forces players who want to be better at MOH to develope tactics and skills instead of running and jumping in circles all over the place. one good hit and youre dead, like in real life.

I can still run in cirlces and jump around in realism (although I don't jump - what fool ever thought that made them harder to hit?)because I can kill in one hit so your theory doesn't hold water.

Heard and read that one plenty of times but realism does not improve gamelpay it just makes it different.

I like both modes, but I prefer stock. I find realism far too easy and sadly I get kicked for cheating too often because of that. Apparently because I can aim at a slow moving target and press the mouse button once with great frequency I must be using an aimbot (see "learning curve" below)
  • Realism teaches you to aim faster, stock teaches you to aim consistently,

  • Realism makes the game closer to real life, but stock creates more variety of gameplay.

  • Realism has a steep learning curve but is easy to master, stock has a shallow learning curve but takes much more time to master.

  • Realism is fun because you can often kill enemies with one shot, Stock is fun because you can do that and still have longer fights that make your blood pump.

  • Realism is, effectively, an insta-gib mod based on statistics, stock is a nice blend of realistic fireing physics and adrenaline action.

  • Realism is NOT better than Stock because it takes more skill.

  • Realism is NOT worse than Stock because it is so easy to kill.[/*:m:228ce]

Anything else?

all true

Hobbes 08-24-2003 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Ydiss
Stock: More skill to kill, less skill to live.
Realism: Less skill to kill, more skill to live.

Nutshell. In. A.

Best and shortest discription of the two modes of play that does not include the word gay or any variation of it that I ever read.

MPowell1944 08-24-2003 07:41 AM

I like both. But, the real reason I hate CKR is because every player has an MG. Its like, CKR = MG. Thats it. Thats what pisses me off about realism mods in general. MG.

Strik0r 08-24-2003 07:44 AM

true, but there's not really much else you can do. the bar wasn't designed for the same manner the stg was. the bar is a support weapon, the stg is an assault rifle (in retrospect) the physics in moh simply don't allow a wide variety of roles and uses for the different weapons.

MPowell1944 08-24-2003 08:09 AM

I can understand Crow King going for the more balanced feel in CKR, but the MG is too out of hand. While with what you said being true, I've never seen so many MG users on a server running CKR. Try going to a BAH clan server. 90% MG. Not saying they have no skill, but it feels like all there is are MGs. You can literally take 1 shot at someone and kill them like you sniped them. Thats insane. lol

Strik0r 08-24-2003 08:26 AM

of course they're all MGs, all you need are binoculars with a crosshair in them and you have an automatic sniper rifle

Gerv5500 08-24-2003 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by MPowell1944
Not saying they have no skill, but it feels like all there is are MGs.

Thats just the problem, imo if you use an stg or an mg in ckr you have no skill. The thing is far too accurate and overpowered. Not exactly coincidence how 99% of the morons on that server use it, reason being its the easiest weapon to kill with.

MPowell1944 08-24-2003 10:17 AM

Exactly. I think some clans run it just so they don't have to try very hard to get anything accomplished. Nail someone with 1 shot with the Mauser while running CKR. Thats skill.

Pvt Flagg 08-25-2003 04:56 AM

ydiss ...i beleve you got somthin there brotha ...

so what it comes doun to is ..what the player/admin likes more


C20H25N3O 08-26-2003 08:44 PM

Ironicaly enough, my early memories of crow was him running around his server with a Thompson. You'd think that would be the most 'powerful' wepon in the game. Heh.

Personaly, I can't add much. But it is simply a matter of opinon. CKR and other realisms have changes in the game that some people like, and others hate. Simple enough...

C20H25N3O 08-26-2003 08:46 PM

**sonofabitch, I forgot there is still no edit button. So sry about two concecutive posts.


Originally Posted by MPowell1944
Exactly. I think some clans run it just so they don't have to try very hard to get anything accomplished. Nail someone with 1 shot with the Mauser while running CKR. Thats skill.

Running kill with a mauser is no longer consider skill, in my opinon. If you can do this with a sniper rifle, than it may be skill. Of course, you can't use that scope on the Sniper rifle.

ductz3 08-26-2003 10:16 PM

i made my own realism mod for allied assault
is there a code to turn off moh's realism? ( like spearheads...g_realismmode 0)
coz i made the garand damage 900 for test and it stil takes like 3 hits to kill someone, but i changed normal 6 grenades to only start with 3 and that works...

ambulance 08-26-2003 10:38 PM

listen to ydiss kids, he knows what hes talking about

08-27-2003 10:00 AM

I like realism when I'm looking for a gunfight,

I play stock when I want to dogfight and am too lazy to hook up joystick and play IL-2 biggrin:
basically that's waht you see on US servers, dogfights. My favorite tactic is to dive on teh Germans out of the sun biggrin:

pest 08-27-2003 11:45 AM

I prefer realism, but I do really miss the rockets and shotties. mwah:

[DAS REICH] Blitz 08-27-2003 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by quickfist

Originally Posted by Ydiss

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
realism makes the game much better to play, cause it forces players who want to be better at MOH to develope tactics and skills instead of running and jumping in circles all over the place. one good hit and youre dead, like in real life.

I can still run in cirlces and jump around in realism (although I don't jump - what fool ever thought that made them harder to hit?)because I can kill in one hit so your theory doesn't hold water.

Heard and read that one plenty of times but realism does not improve gamelpay it just makes it different.

I like both modes, but I prefer stock. I find realism far too easy and sadly I get kicked for cheating too often because of that. Apparently because I can aim at a slow moving target and press the mouse button once with great frequency I must be using an aimbot (see "learning curve" below)
  • Realism teaches you to aim faster, stock teaches you to aim consistently,

  • Realism makes the game closer to real life, but stock creates more variety of gameplay.

  • Realism has a steep learning curve but is easy to master, stock has a shallow learning curve but takes much more time to master.

  • Realism is fun because you can often kill enemies with one shot, Stock is fun because you can do that and still have longer fights that make your blood pump.

  • Realism is, effectively, an insta-gib mod based on statistics, stock is a nice blend of realistic fireing physics and adrenaline action.

  • Realism is NOT better than Stock because it takes more skill.

  • Realism is NOT worse than Stock because it is so easy to kill.[/*:m:3c1c1]

Anything else?

all true

nice dots...

Ydiss 08-27-2003 01:40 PM

[quote="[DAS REICH] Blitz":317bd]

Originally Posted by quickfist

Originally Posted by Ydiss

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
realism makes the game much better to play, cause it forces players who want to be better at MOH to develope tactics and skills instead of running and jumping in circles all over the place. one good hit and youre dead, like in real life.

I can still run in cirlces and jump around in realism (although I don't jump - what fool ever thought that made them harder to hit?)because I can kill in one hit so your theory doesn't hold water.

Heard and read that one plenty of times but realism does not improve gamelpay it just makes it different.

I like both modes, but I prefer stock. I find realism far too easy and sadly I get kicked for cheating too often because of that. Apparently because I can aim at a slow moving target and press the mouse button once with great frequency I must be using an aimbot (see "learning curve" below)
  • Realism teaches you to aim faster, stock teaches you to aim consistently,

  • Realism makes the game closer to real life, but stock creates more variety of gameplay.

  • Realism has a steep learning curve but is easy to master, stock has a shallow learning curve but takes much more time to master.

  • Realism is fun because you can often kill enemies with one shot, Stock is fun because you can do that and still have longer fights that make your blood pump.

  • Realism is, effectively, an insta-gib mod based on statistics, stock is a nice blend of realistic fireing physics and adrenaline action.

  • Realism is NOT better than Stock because it takes more skill.

  • Realism is NOT worse than Stock because it is so easy to kill.[/*:m:317bd]

Anything else?

all true

nice dots...[/quote:317bd]

Thanks. oOo:

YourFragged 08-27-2003 05:28 PM

realism is gay. look at all the realism ladders, and almost every realism ladder is dominated by a non realism clan. realism takes NO SKILL. anyone who thinks that realism makes u aim better or rewards u for making a more accurate shot.. lol come on. if u cant do that in stock, dont play.

ummm whoever said mausering was hard in realism.. is retarted. dominates all, except for stg. i'm sorry but if u can play stock, u can play realism, and own all the people who play realism. simple as that.

Ydiss 08-27-2003 06:27 PM

This must be a record. It took 27 posts before someone in a realism verus stock thread said realism takes no skill and all that malarky.

Normally takes far less than that biggrin:

08-28-2003 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by YourFragged
realism is gay. look at all the realism ladders, and almost every realism ladder is dominated by a non realism clan. realism takes NO SKILL. anyone who thinks that realism makes u aim better or rewards u for making a more accurate shot.. lol come on. if u cant do that in stock, dont play.

ummm whoever said mausering was hard in realism.. is retarted. dominates all, except for stg. i'm sorry but if u can play stock, u can play realism, and own all the people who play realism. simple as that.

not really,
I for one have lees trouble switching to dogfight mode from realism than vice-versa

Drew 08-28-2003 10:50 AM

I released a "realism" mod awhile back. It's more of a balance mod though (hence the name, Noctis Balance Mod, or NBM). I released it back when I was running a couple of servers, including the server, which never even once (except for downtime from the server host once) dropped below 16 players. Not even at 5am, OC48gaming can confirm this.

Anyway, the mod was immensely popular with everyone who played it, but I got busy and had to shut my server down and never really promoted it after the initial release. You'll find that it balances the game pretty well, eliminating a majority of the flaws found in CKR in regards to MG whoring, etc.

Anyway, here it is and enjoy yourselves kiddies.

YourFragged 08-28-2003 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Ydiss
This must be a record. It took 27 posts before someone in a realism verus stock thread said realism takes no skill and all that malarky.

Normally takes far less than that biggrin:

some people just dont get it oOo:

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