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Ydiss 09-02-2003 01:00 PM

Allied Assault dot com now has moderators - Please all read
As some of you may know we now have mods appointed here.

Shortly we will have rules ready to publish and a fair and consistent system to enforce those rules.

Until then we request that you are all patient and just try not to cause any trouble, please.

Whilst there are no official rules at this time and everyone now has a chance to start fresh, don't think that you can abuse this place and not be noticed.

It's my honest opinion that you should all regard what we have planned (and still have yet to plan) as fair and that it reaches a decent compromise.

All we ask of you is your patience and we will repay that with consistency and even-handed moderation, hopefully to a degree that means you don't notice us too much (as mods).

If anyone has any questions please ask them here - Or, if you want to, PM me.


Reppirt 09-02-2003 03:09 PM

Remove the 'S' from "Mods," dude.

GG BS! oOo:

[DAS REICH] Blitz 09-02-2003 03:10 PM

Oh joy i look forward to see this new set of rules oOo:

Zoner 09-02-2003 03:15 PM

1. There's more than one active moderator around here. There's at least 3 right now. The others will return as RL dictates.

2. Why do you feel the need to slag the rules before you even read 'em? You saw what this place was like without rules, didn't you? It was a rectal breach without lube...painful to witness.

Give us a friggin' chance to get things organized, then if you so desire, you can slag it all to hell. It's your right. Until then, go play outside or something.

Reppirt 09-02-2003 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner91
1. There's more than one active moderator around here. There's at least 3 right now. The others will return as RL dictates.

2. Why do you feel the need to slag the rules before you even read 'em? You saw what this place was like without rules, didn't you? It was a rectal breach without lube...painful to witness.

Give us a friggin' chance to get things organized, then if you so desire, you can slag it all to hell. It's your right. Until then, go play outside or something.


Okay.....I thought you'd left - my bad.

So you have teh 3 mods? Who is the other?

Zoner 09-02-2003 03:23 PM

Ydiss, rudedog, and myself are here and actively working on the forum.

ED! 09-02-2003 03:24 PM

No rules? There WERE rules. There we NO MODS. Honestly, the rules dont need any changing. People need to stop focusing on rules (which are pretty obvious) and get to the real issue - making this site relevant again.

Zoner 09-02-2003 03:28 PM

Yeah, that too.

Rules are there to fall back on...a "I have it in writing" type thing. We're going to put common sense back into the modding of the site, so I expect that the written rules will just be an aside. They need to be established, however.

Relevance will need to come from both the mods and users. Maybe we need to devote some new sections to newer games like CoD and HL2. It's something we can discuss as a group.

Bazooka_Joe 09-02-2003 03:58 PM

I guess I was subjected from the mod position. eek:

ED! 09-02-2003 04:36 PM

[quote="Bazooka_Joe":bb1c6]I guess I was subjected from the mod position. eek:[/quote:bb1c6]

I'll only celebrate if and when BadScript announces that himself.

Ydiss 09-02-2003 06:32 PM

[quote="ED!":9e954]No rules? There WERE rules. There we NO MODS. Honestly, the rules dont need any changing. People need to stop focusing on rules (which are pretty obvious) and get to the real issue - making this site relevant again.[/quote:9e954] For probably the first time ever I'm going to disagree with you, ED.

Go read the rules again. Then come back and say they are all still relevant. I'm not asking you to actually quote each one and tell me how each one may still be desirable (some are fine and will be kept), but if you honestly believe they're all perfect then I'm not sure I can be a mod, based on them.

What we are working on is a set of rules with the members in mind, not ourselves. If you actually feel the old rules are better, not only will I be very surprised, but I'll probably just let you get on with it yourselves.

Do you seriously want us to ban people who flame? That's what those rules basically say. You are not allowed to flame, effectively - everyone should be nice to eachother. Moderate swearing. "Don't piss off the Vets?" Come on.

Feedback on the new rules will be great, but to dissaprove through sheer bullishness and a need to disagree for the sake of it will just piss me off. I'm here to help, not lecture. But what's the point if we're not even allowed to try to change things?

We aren't just re-writing the rules at this time we are also sorting out a proper and consistent punishment system that should do away with mass lockings and petty whim-bans - How can we even begin to do this if we don't have a fresh set of rules to work by?

As for getting this site back to relevance? That's up to the members who post, not just the moderators. We will stop the people who are out to just cause trouble and we will do our best to make sure things go smoothly (and by doing that we will hopefully ensure that the site doesn't go off the rails), but we cannot be expected to provide any more than that, besides what we normally post as members.

And, Blitz. Honestly, just shut up, ok? Please? I've not seen you contribute to this forum in a worthwhile manner for a long time and you're really starting to get on my nerves, moderator or not.

You can say what you like when we have released the rules but until then why don't you just be considerate and try to act maturely? I know this is on the internet so your behaviour carries no consequences. I also don't care what you think or type here, that's your business and under the new rules you'll be allowed to do that.

But, your sarcasm amuses no one, except yourself. You're not being funny, you're just being negative.

RD, myself and Zoner have given you no reason to worry about the rules - To be honest, if we keep the rules as they are now then you would be one of the first to be banned.

Go, read them for yourself. You've broken a number of them on frequent occasions.

So, either stop posting here now and leave if you don't like what we're doing before we've even done it, or post with some measure of decorum and let us try to get things straight for everyone, please.

EatMyFook 09-02-2003 06:47 PM

[quote="Bazooka_Joe":0974d]I guess I was subjected from the mod position. eek:[/quote:0974d]

BAhahahhahahahahahaahaahhaahhahahahahaahahhaa stfu joe.

Don't worry, im sure you're the phantom admin and this is just a little charade for the sake of the forum goers. All 5 of em.

Ydiss 09-02-2003 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by "Bazooka_Joe":2b9da
I guess I was subjected from the mod position. eek:

BAhahahhahahahahahaahaahhaahhahahahahaahahhaa stfu joe.

Don't worry, im sure you're the phantom admin and this is just a little charade for the sake of the forum goers. All 5 of em.[/quote:2b9da]

Damn, lads. We've been scuppered already. GG Sherlock.

Why has everyone got a conspiracy theory to tell here?

U.P.U.O.A. 09-02-2003 10:03 PM

un ban those that bs banned

ahh fuck it i dont care what you guys do

newt. 09-02-2003 10:21 PM

BS = BS?

ED! 09-02-2003 10:42 PM

[quote="Lt. SnowBall [70th ID]A2":3240c]BS = BS?[/quote:3240c]

You sir get a prize. Honestly BS brought it on himself really. His little "bring it on" speech, and then outraged that the forum got as out of control as it did.

EatMyFook 09-02-2003 10:45 PM

Don't think he'll be making a speech like that again anytime soon. Then again he might as he won't have to clean up the mess.

Ydiss 09-03-2003 02:16 AM

Simo, why are you posting under two member names? Just curious.

U.P.U.O.A. 09-03-2003 06:29 AM

im not, this is just me o0o: i dont know who eat my fook is, and he is probably using my proxy i setup at

rudedog 09-03-2003 07:12 AM

As posted on the front page. I have agreed to be a moderator again here in the forums and post as much MOH and community news you guys can handle. I plan on spending more time here to help out as well.

To add to zoner and ydiss we plan on simplifying the new rules. As well as agreeing on our own set of bylaws to enforce these rules as a team of moderators, not individual moderators. we are going to build on the mistakes of past MEMBERS and MODERATORS.

thanks and welcome to the new

AADiC_ 09-03-2003 08:04 AM

[quote="U.P.U.O.A.":d7c58]im not, this is just me o0o: i dont know who eat my fook is, and he is probably using my proxy i setup at[/quote:d7c58]

Eat my fook is gerard, Duhh.

EatMyFook 09-03-2003 09:23 AM

[quote="AADiC_":34bf0][quote="U.P.U.O.A.":34bf0]im not, this is just me o0o: i dont know who eat my fook is, and he is probably using my proxy i setup at[/quote:34bf0]

Eat my fook is gerard, Duhh.[/quote:34bf0]

No shit a--dick.

EatMyFook 09-03-2003 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by EatMyFook

Originally Posted by "Bazooka_Joe":fb790
I guess I was subjected from the mod position. eek:

BAhahahhahahahahahaahaahhaahhahahahahaahahhaa stfu joe.

Don't worry, im sure you're the phantom admin and this is just a little charade for the sake of the forum goers. All 5 of em.

Damn, lads. We've been scuppered already. GG Sherlock.

Why has everyone got a conspiracy theory to tell here?[/quote:fb790]

Not a matter of it being a conspiracy theory.

First of all we get joe "ringing" badscript to tell him the forums were taken over.

Then we get the clueless owner coming and laying in a load of bans after pondering "deerrr i have a website? since when?" for about a week.

Then after that we get the news post saying the admin may or may not be a moderator.

Mods are put in place and one of the longest serving mods\admins isn't reinstated, even though he was the one that informed bs about the overtake of the forum? Yeah right pull the fucking other one. Any idiot can see through this shit.

Not that it makes a slight bit of difference, this sites virtually dead now so you lot can spin all the bullshit you want. Personally i don't give a fuck anymore.

ED! 09-03-2003 09:39 AM

[quote="AADiC_":c5e9f][quote="U.P.U.O.A.":c5e9f]im not, this is just me o0o: i dont know who eat my fook is, and he is probably using my proxy i setup at[/quote:c5e9f]

Eat my fook is gerard, Duhh.[/quote:c5e9f]

Look out Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys - you've got some competition!

EatMyFook 09-03-2003 09:46 AM

[quote="ED!":d45f6][quote="AADiC_":d45f6][quote="U.P.U.O.A.":d45f6]im not, this is just me o0o: i dont know who eat my fook is, and he is probably using my proxy i setup at[/quote:d45f6]

Eat my fook is gerard, Duhh.[/quote:d45f6]

Look out Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys - you've got some competition![/quote:d45f6]

Whats scary though is i never thought geriatrics were that smart. GG addick only took you a week to figure it out.

Zoner 09-03-2003 09:49 AM


Will this crap ever end?

EatMyFook 09-03-2003 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Zoner91

Will this crap ever end?


Not when my account gets fucked by some retard site "owner" (and i use the term owner loosely) for something i didn't do. I'll assume hes posted something in the mods forum to incriminate me anyway, pity no-one outside of 2 people will ever know what really happened. Unless i decide to mention it in irc sometme.

Jasper 09-03-2003 09:58 AM

nope. too many 3 yr olds. Gerard? If your any indication of your countrymen no bloody wonder you need the British to rule you.

EatMyFook 09-03-2003 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Jasper
nope. too many 3 yr olds. Gerard? If your any indication of your countrymen no bloody wonder you need the British to rule you.

Oh fuck me return of captain bitch tits. Where the fuck did you crawl outta granpaw? Forget your medication for the last week and you've only just remembered you're meant to be on here boring the living shit out of everyone? Fuck off back to geriatrics annonymous and bring your band of cronies with you.

EatMyFook 09-03-2003 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by Jasper
nope. too many 3 yr olds. Gerard? If your any indication of your countrymen no bloody wonder you need the British to rule you.

Oh and before i forget (GG NO EDIT HINT) i see you and the mr magoo brigade still never gave a reply to getting your asses handed to you by an team in a game of moh. Still too chickenshit to do it? Don't reply and ill take that as a "yes we are a pack of snivveling wankers".

Zoner 09-03-2003 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by EatMyFook
I'll assume hes posted something in the mods forum to incriminate me anyway.

Actually, BadScript hasn't posted a thing about you in the mod forum...not a word. Actually, BS hasn't posted ANYTHING at all in the Mod forum.

So, I'm as in the dark as anyone.

EatMyFook 09-03-2003 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Zoner91

Originally Posted by EatMyFook
I'll assume hes posted something in the mods forum to incriminate me anyway.

Actually, BadScript hasn't posted a thing about you in the mod forum...not a word. Actually, BS hasn't posted ANYTHING at all in the Mod forum.

So, I'm as in the dark as anyone.

Thats a suprise, though im expecting him to come out and say it was me that was at fault. Funny thing is, it wasn't :D

Ydiss 09-03-2003 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Ydiss

Originally Posted by EatMyFook

Originally Posted by "Bazooka_Joe":36f69
I guess I was subjected from the mod position. eek:

BAhahahhahahahahahaahaahhaahhahahahahaahahhaa stfu joe.

Don't worry, im sure you're the phantom admin and this is just a little charade for the sake of the forum goers. All 5 of em.

Damn, lads. We've been scuppered already. GG Sherlock.

Why has everyone got a conspiracy theory to tell here?

Not a matter of it being a conspiracy theory.

First of all we get joe "ringing" badscript to tell him the forums were taken over.

Then we get the clueless owner coming and laying in a load of bans after pondering "deerrr i have a website? since when?" for about a week.

Then after that we get the news post saying the admin may or may not be a moderator.

Mods are put in place and one of the longest serving mods\admins isn't reinstated, even though he was the one that informed bs about the overtake of the forum? Yeah right pull the fucking other one. Any idiot can see through this shit.

Not that it makes a slight bit of difference, this sites virtually dead now so you lot can spin all the bullshit you want. Personally i don't give a fuck anymore.[/quote:36f69]

Joe didn't call BS.

Joe is not mod because he said he did.


What you said.


Don't believe everything you read.

Bazooka Joe has as much chance of being the admin as me running for the presidency of Nicaragua.

EatMyFook 09-03-2003 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by EatMyFook

Originally Posted by Ydiss

Originally Posted by EatMyFook

Originally Posted by "Bazooka_Joe":ee246
I guess I was subjected from the mod position. eek:

BAhahahhahahahahahaahaahhaahhahahahahaahahhaa stfu joe.

Don't worry, im sure you're the phantom admin and this is just a little charade for the sake of the forum goers. All 5 of em.

Damn, lads. We've been scuppered already. GG Sherlock.

Why has everyone got a conspiracy theory to tell here?

Not a matter of it being a conspiracy theory.

First of all we get joe "ringing" badscript to tell him the forums were taken over.

Then we get the clueless owner coming and laying in a load of bans after pondering "deerrr i have a website? since when?" for about a week.

Then after that we get the news post saying the admin may or may not be a moderator.

Mods are put in place and one of the longest serving mods\admins isn't reinstated, even though he was the one that informed bs about the overtake of the forum? Yeah right pull the fucking other one. Any idiot can see through this shit.

Not that it makes a slight bit of difference, this sites virtually dead now so you lot can spin all the bullshit you want. Personally i don't give a fuck anymore.

Joe didn't call BS.

Joe is not mod because he said he did.


What you said.


Don't believe everything you read.

Bazooka Joe has as much chance of being the admin as me running for the presidency of Nicaragua.[/quote:ee246]

1. Joe stated in a post he called badscript and said in irc that bs sounded pissed on the phone.

2. UH?

What i said was theory but its a theory that happens to fit the facts, its my belief so thats all there is to it.

Ydiss 09-03-2003 10:59 AM

And did BS tell you that Joe called him?

Did BS tell you why Joe is not a mod?

ED! 09-03-2003 11:13 AM

Interesting then that members can be "called out" yet something of this size and magnitude is only mentioned when it can be used to debunk a theory.

Having said that, if this is TRULY the case, then Badscript needs to rethink his previous bans. You may have a problem with what happened before, but since it seems some of that fallout came as a result of Joey Joe Joe's posturing then what happened needs to be damn sure reevaluated.

If this IS all true, then I'd sure as shit like to see anyone of those AAN snobish bastards defend his actions now.

And as Gerard has said, we have one petulant child saying one thing, and another "site owner" saying nothing. All we have now is your word Ydiss against BS no-comment and Joe slinking in the corners.

AADiC_ 09-03-2003 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by "U.P.U.O.A.":fe7be
im not, this is just me o0o: i dont know who eat my fook is, and he is probably using my proxy i setup at

Eat my fook is gerard, Duhh.[/quote:fe7be]

No shit a--dick.[/quote:fe7be]

Yawn, still using that tired material of yours.

AADiC_ 09-03-2003 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by EatMyFook

Originally Posted by Jasper
nope. too many 3 yr olds. Gerard? If your any indication of your countrymen no bloody wonder you need the British to rule you.

Oh fuck me return of captain bitch tits. Where the fuck did you crawl outta granpaw? Forget your medication for the last week and you've only just remembered you're meant to be on here boring the living shit out of everyone? Fuck off back to geriatrics annonymous and bring your band of cronies with you.

More tired threats and insults, some originality would be nice.

ED! 09-03-2003 12:17 PM

[quote:d2a44]More tired threats and insults, some originality would be nice.[/quote:d2a44]

It WOULD be original if smurfs wouldnt hobble around inciting flames. That would be very original.

EatMyFook 09-03-2003 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by EatMyFook

Originally Posted by Jasper
nope. too many 3 yr olds. Gerard? If your any indication of your countrymen no bloody wonder you need the British to rule you.

Oh fuck me return of captain bitch tits. Where the fuck did you crawl outta granpaw? Forget your medication for the last week and you've only just remembered you're meant to be on here boring the living shit out of everyone? Fuck off back to geriatrics annonymous and bring your band of cronies with you.

More tired threats and insults, some originality would be nice.[/quote:890e5]

LOL says the undercover aan lackie. Please die.

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