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Drew 09-21-2003 02:18 AM

Do You Smoke?
Do you? I don't. I hate smokers. Here are some reasons:
[*] They smell like a dead gerbil in a donkey's rectum (thanks to Buckweed for the info on that smell)[*] Their breath smells like an STD with a sewage overtone.[*] Their teeth are freaking brown. 'Nuff said.[*] They cause birth defects.[*] THEY'RE RETARDED ENOUGH TO SMOKE[*] God refuses to grant my wishes and render smokers infertile, so their genes continue to spread[*] A majority of them are inconsiderate pricks who won't hesitate to light up right next to me and blow their rancid, cancer-laced halitosis right in my face, as if I wanted to share their ignorance.

To quote myself:

[quote:807d9]<@Noctis> Smoking is like committing suicide by stabbing yourself in the face with a spoon until you die of exhaustion.[/quote:807d9]

Judas 09-21-2003 02:21 AM

noctis , you are gayer than i ever imagined ...

1. how can you know what a gerbil out of a whatevers ass smells like ?
2. what does an std smell like exactly ?
3. die.

i smoke, and i think it sucks , but i do try to wash the smell off of me when in public (your hands are normally where most of the smell comes from). Im not an asshole smoker ... the addiction is real ... plus id rather die 10 years or so early and still keep my girlish figure ... so ,


Oddball 09-21-2003 02:30 AM

I don't smoke but being me I'll probably end up taking up smoking. Everyone smokes when they were young.

Bazooka_Joe 09-21-2003 02:37 AM

I've honestly never smoked a cigarette in my 21 years on earth. oOo: The closest I came to smoking was putting an unlit cig in my mouth, one of the things during pledging a frat was that you and your pledge brothers has to be equal, unified. So if one wanted to smoke, you all did.

Anywho, never smoked, never did any drugs, but I'm a social alacholic. heh

Judas 09-21-2003 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by Oddball
I don't smoke but being me I'll probably end up taking up smoking. Everyone smokes when they were young.


ShagNasty 09-21-2003 03:41 AM

[quote:4fbee]They cause birth defects.[/quote:4fbee]

where is the facts to back that up. not that i like smoking. i dont smoke but dont talk out your ass.

Poseidon 09-21-2003 04:01 AM

Re: Do You Smoke?

Originally Posted by Noctis
[*] A majority of them are inconsiderate pricks who won't hesitate to light up right next to me and blow their rancid, cancer-laced halitosis right in my face, as if I wanted to share their ignorance.

I dont smoke but i have many friends who do and i cant say that they are "inconsiderate pricks"

So i'd say the minority of them i.e 2 out of 20

KTOG 09-21-2003 04:15 AM

I smoke when i drink. Usually only like 5 or 6 in a night.

Star85 09-21-2003 08:56 AM

I cant stand smoke after seeing my parent smoking. Disguisting and I feel bad for the addicted.

wintersforge 09-21-2003 09:30 AM

ive just quit. Been maybe 3 or 4 months...lost track...Judas youa re a filthy redneck, and it doesnt matter how many times you "warsh" your dick beaters,,,you still stink...NOW SQUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLL sleeping:

Sergeant_Scrotum 09-21-2003 09:41 AM

shrink that avatar! my view of smokeing has allways been the same. how is it cool to light some paper & tabbaco on fire then inhale it?

Sicilian_Summers 09-21-2003 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Star85
I cant stand smoke after seeing my parent smoking. Disguisting and I feel bad for the addicted.

Couldn't have said it better myself..

Accept maybe for that fact that my grandparents also have smoked for years and I've also seen the negative effects through them as well.

But do I hate smokers? No, not really. I just wish more smokers would smoke in a secluded area, I don't really enjoy inhaling second hand smoke in public. Although it's never bothered me to the point of actually getting upset..

Bean 2 09-21-2003 10:02 AM

Smoke what?

09-21-2003 10:33 AM

why on Earth would I want to inhale the fumes of smouldering organic material?

No I don't smoke.

Bane 09-21-2003 11:03 AM

Judas is right. The addiction is real. It's not just the nicotine either. The nicotine withdrawal goes away after a couple days or so. It becomes a habit... a psychological dependency. After a meal, driving, smoke breaks at work, after sex, while you're drinking... all these instances and more are when the habit of smoking kicks in whether you want one or not.

I didn't start because it was the "cool" thing to do. I resisted for quite some time actually. Once I did cave and have one... I liked it. They taste good believe it or not. Well, most of 'em. Newports are fucking nasty.

Smokers know cigs are bad for you physically. Duh. They take people to the hospital for inhaling as much smoke as we do over the course of the day. But knowing every cig takes about 7 minutes off of your life doesn't make it any easier to quit. Nope.

Honestly... until you truly understand what's involved with the habit of smoking don't bash those that do it. It's a lot harder to quite than it seems.

butch 09-21-2003 11:09 AM

[quote="Sergeant_Scrotum":92230]shrink that avatar! my view of smokeing has allways been the same. how is it cool to light some paper & tabbaco on fire then inhale it?[/quote:92230]

ive smoked for 35 years. nobody talked me into it. i started when i was about 15 years old. i dont smoke inside public buildings or other peoples cars. after reading this perticular post ive decided to quit. it was so insightful and well thought out. thanks dude...i think you may have saved my for the nonsmokers.

its been my experience that the people who raise the most hell about people smoking are people who used to smoke and have quit. people who have never smoked before dont care much one way or the other. i think the people who quit want a smoke so bad they take it out on those who still smoke.

Vance 09-21-2003 11:25 AM


Drew 09-21-2003 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by ShagNasty
[quote:8ed69]They cause birth defects.

where is the facts to back that up. not that i like smoking. i dont smoke but dont talk out your ass.[/quote:8ed69]

Smoking while pregnant has been proven to cause birth defects. Also, smoking has been proven to cause cancer, and cancer patients who reproduce have been prove to pass on defective genes which can make their offspring more likely to have cancer or some other defect. But thanks for coming out.

To address the angry smokers: if you go out of your way to NOT smoke around people who don't enjoy it, brush your teeth, and try to keep yourself smelling decent, then you aren't a part of the majority.

Old Reliable 09-21-2003 11:35 AM

smoking is fucking disguisting! theres nothing worse than coming from a bar and having your clothes smell like shit! for those of you who must be nice droppin hundreds of bucks on cigarettes.....rofl

White Rabbit 09-21-2003 11:43 AM

you should try being a cashier at my grocery store, we have to get the smokers cigaretts for them, i love it when we dont carry their brand, because they get so pissy happy:

Jotun 09-21-2003 11:46 AM

i find smoking incredibly pointless....people used to smoke in my school cuz you were "cool" if you smoked, i find no positive outcome from smoking...if you dont smoke you live longer, you dont smell, save a shitload of money, and your teeth are clean.

Snuff 09-21-2003 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by ShagNasty
[quote:3ae16]They cause birth defects.

where is the facts to back that up. not that i like smoking. i dont smoke but dont talk out your ass.[/quote:3ae16]

Many studies have shown that smoking is correlated with a higher incidence of premature births and lower birth weights at term. Also, babies go through their own nicotine withdrawel once the cord has been cut.

ED! 09-21-2003 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by ShagNasty
[quote:67f3b]They cause birth defects.

where is the facts to back that up. not that i like smoking. i dont smoke but dont talk out your ass.[/quote:67f3b]

It's only on like - every pack of cigarettes. But yea I guess the Surgeon General is full of shit.

In laymans terms, think of the CIG as a piece of pie. The woman eats the pie, and so does the baby. But we know CIGARETTES arent all fun and games, there are numerous poisons and additives - all what a healthy baby needs right?


Jotun 09-21-2003 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by ShagNasty
[quote:64f08]They cause birth defects.

where is the facts to back that up. not that i like smoking. i dont smoke but dont talk out your ass.[/quote:64f08]

It's only on like - every pack of cigarettes. But yea I guess the Surgeon General is full of shit.

In laymans terms, think of the CIG as a piece of pie. The woman eats the pie, and so does the baby. But we know CIGARETTES arent all fun and games, there are numerous poisons and additives - all what a healthy baby needs right?

wow i love ed.

ShagNasty 09-21-2003 12:42 PM

no one gets my sarcasm.

and it says it may cause birth defects not that it will. there is a difference there.

Short Hand 09-21-2003 12:55 PM

quit back in grade 9.

-quit the buddah in grade 11 (I saw how much o an ass I was when high) hellfire:

Short Hand 09-21-2003 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by ShagNasty
no one gets my sarcasm.

and it says it may cause birth defects not that it will. there is a difference there.

you kinda have to put brackets with the word sarcasm in it for our slower forum members to understand eg i love working it is fun to work(sarcasm)

Pyro 09-21-2003 12:58 PM

I've only smoked for like uh...3 months or so. And I usually only do it when it's night and i'm doing something with friends.

I actually enjoy it, especially if I have one in the morning after I wake up.

Old Reliable 09-21-2003 12:59 PM

ugh it smells like shit....... cuss:

MrLevinstein 09-21-2003 01:45 PM

Ive lived with my grandparents my whole life and they are the reason I'll never smoke.

1. It Smells like shit

2.The cancer and diseases

3. Ever looked a smokers walls? All the tar creates a black film over drywall

4. What it does to your car, that musty disgusting odor

5.Ive seen my grandparents go through way to many coughing attacts and the wheezing

6. The money

7. I enjoy breathing, a lot actually

8. Its nearly impossible to quit

Simo Häyhä 09-21-2003 02:10 PM

i dont smoke

09-21-2003 02:59 PM

Nah... Almost everyone in my family smokes. I don't. Those Sin Sticks are fucking nasty.

Maplegyver 09-21-2003 03:02 PM


look waht it does to your mouth

Dr. Deleto 09-21-2003 03:18 PM

mmmmm nicotine. I smoke and a big FUCK YOU to all you who will bash me for it. I started when I was young and didn think about shit like not being able to breath or the physical fatigue it causes. All in all I still very much enjoy smoking. It's an addiction like no other.

for all of you who think it's nasty, well think for one second about the habits you have (and dont say you dont have any, because we all have at least one) and compare it. If smoking made you smell like flowers and made your teeth white then it wouldnt be called a habit would it? All habits are nasty to the people that don't harbor that particular one. You don't see me calling you a "Nasty Fuck" because you don't wash your hands after pissing, or because you snort white powder into your nasal cavities. At least us smokers have the balls to admit that our habit is bad for us.

Doc Hayward 09-21-2003 03:27 PM

ive been smoking for a month. Trying to quit but its hard cuss:

gtboys34 09-21-2003 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Vance

cslol, good 1 vance

I personally think the reason i dont smoke is b/c my mom used to smoke and died of cancer back in 1990. That and the fact that my bro woulda beat me down if he ever caught me smokin. Ive smoked once in my entire life but it was only paper, lol.

Bucknub 09-21-2003 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
I actually enjoy it, especially if I have one in the morning after I wake up.

I hope you enjoy Cancer and Emphysema when it kicks in. n00b

Dr. Deleto 09-21-2003 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by BucKweEd

Originally Posted by Pyro
I actually enjoy it, especially if I have one in the morning after I wake up.

I hope you enjoy Cancer and Emphysema when it kicks in. n00b

Are you the one going to suffer from those diseases? No. so why the hell do you care? And don't give me that second hand smoke bullshit. You would have to literally stand against a person who was smoking and try to inhale the smoke to get enough to affect you, and if your stupid enough to do that then you deserve what you get.

noob because he enjoys the things he does in his life? I don't think so.

noob for critisizing someone for something they do that affects you in no way at all? You tell me.

Bucknub 09-21-2003 03:53 PM

[quote="Dr. Deleto":0d5cb]

Originally Posted by BucKweEd

Originally Posted by Pyro
I actually enjoy it, especially if I have one in the morning after I wake up.

I hope you enjoy Cancer and Emphysema when it kicks in. n00b

Are you the one going to suffer from those diseases? No. so why the hell do you care?[/quote:0d5cb]

I'm not allowed to look out and be concerned about someone? if you didnt know, I actaully know pyro in real life.

and I can suffer, not necessarily from the desease, but emotionally, knowing the a good bud of mine has has to suffer from cancer and what not. so dont gimme ur shit

Pyro 09-21-2003 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by "Dr. Deleto":ea276

Originally Posted by BucKweEd

Originally Posted by Pyro
I actually enjoy it, especially if I have one in the morning after I wake up.

I hope you enjoy Cancer and Emphysema when it kicks in. n00b

Are you the one going to suffer from those diseases? No. so why the hell do you care?

I'm not allowed to look out and be concerned about someone? if you didnt know, I actaully know pyro in real life.

and I can suffer, not necessarily from the desease, but emotionally, knowing the a good bud of mine has has to suffer from cancer and what not. so dont gimme ur shit[/quote:ea276]

...yeah, thanks buddy.

Not many people from what I hear get cancer unless they are a long time smoker, which I am not and don't plan to be.

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