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snipes 10-02-2003 12:08 AM

Who Bought Breakthrough
Just a simple poll asking how many people bought Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Breakthrough, so please vote.

geRV 10-02-2003 12:11 AM

Id request a mod change poll question to.

Who was STUPID enough to buy breakthrough.

Seriously..its pure shite. Makes spearhead look like a friggin masterpiece and thats saying something. oOo:

bored 10-02-2003 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Gerard
Id request a mod change poll question to.

Who was STUPID enough to buy breakthrough.

Seriously..its pure shite. Makes spearhead look like a friggin masterpiece and thats saying something. oOo:

in your opinion which is a shitty one

geRV 10-02-2003 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by bored

Originally Posted by Gerard
Id request a mod change poll question to.

Who was STUPID enough to buy breakthrough.

Seriously..its pure shite. Makes spearhead look like a friggin masterpiece and thats saying something. oOo:

in your opinion which is a shitty one

In anyones opinion jerkweed, go check the gamespot review i think it got around 6.7, real value for money that pos.

I gotta love your comments though, you just another lurking jackoff who chimes in now and again with a pathetic attempt at an insult only to have your ass handed to you with ease, so you slither away untill you can think of another "witty" remark. Do me a favour and run out infront of a semi will ya kid.

pest 10-02-2003 07:25 AM

I disagree, I think bt is way better than sh. The single player is standard MOH, maybe even a little harder and faster. But the big thing is that the framerate issues are much better. MP sucks, but thats not really a surprise.

MPowell1944 10-02-2003 07:55 AM

Hey Gerard. How about we put up a review about the way you post on here. Since most of your posts are all about hating MOH and flaming others, I would say the review would get a 3/10. Now, enough of your dumbass comments. If you do not like BT, simply vote. No need to flame it and others as well.

10-02-2003 08:21 AM

I bought it,
detailed SP review and halfass MP review on

short review here:

Africa and Sicily are good missions, everything else sucks balls.

bored 10-02-2003 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by bored

Originally Posted by Gerard
Id request a mod change poll question to.

Who was STUPID enough to buy breakthrough.

Seriously..its pure shite. Makes spearhead look like a friggin masterpiece and thats saying something. oOo:

in your opinion which is a shitty one

In anyones opinion jerkweed, go check the gamespot review i think it got around 6.7, real value for money that pos.

I gotta love your comments though, you just another lurking jackoff who chimes in now and again with a pathetic attempt at an insult only to have your ass handed to you with ease, so you slither away untill you can think of another "witty" remark. Do me a favour and run out infront of a semi will ya kid.

Blah Blah Blah, fucking piky

Bane 10-02-2003 12:11 PM

I bought BT. I think it runs much smoother than SH... both in SP and MP. I had no qualms about spending the $20. It was worth it to me. At the very least it's a nice addition to mohaa until CoD comes out.

pest 10-02-2003 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Gerard
Seriously..its pure shite. Makes spearhead look like a friggin masterpiece and thats saying something. oOo:

I guess you got your money's worth, huh?

Doc Hayward 10-02-2003 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Gerard
Id request a mod change poll question to.

Who was STUPID enough to buy breakthrough.

Seriously..its pure shite. Makes spearhead look like a friggin masterpiece and thats saying something. oOo:

i have to agree

geRV 10-02-2003 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by bored

Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by bored

Originally Posted by Gerard
Id request a mod change poll question to.

Who was STUPID enough to buy breakthrough.

Seriously..its pure shite. Makes spearhead look like a friggin masterpiece and thats saying something. oOo:

in your opinion which is a shitty one

In anyones opinion jerkweed, go check the gamespot review i think it got around 6.7, real value for money that pos.

I gotta love your comments though, you just another lurking jackoff who chimes in now and again with a pathetic attempt at an insult only to have your ass handed to you with ease, so you slither away untill you can think of another "witty" remark. Do me a favour and run out infront of a semi will ya kid.

Blah Blah Blah, fucking piky

LOL omg what an insult. oOo: BY th way its "pikey" retard.

Oh and powell as for "dumbass coments" ill assume you were one of those that actually bought this steaming piece of shit. I hope you have fun playing on hard mode and standing 5 feet away from groups of germans only to have them totally ignore you. Well worth the cash this expansion. rolleyes:

pest 10-02-2003 01:21 PM

Heh, I think some of you had some unreasonable expectations. Its an EA expansion of MOHAA. Extra missions, new skins and weapons and playable framerates. Thats it, short and sweet. No new AI, no new vehicles, new new anything else really. It lasts about 6-7 hours from what I have heard. If you are so inclined to pay, $20 seems like a fair price.

Personally, it exceded my expectations, mainly by not being spearhead.

I am wondering just what you guys expected? How much do you have to get for $20 to be happy? How much would you need to be happy if it was free?

geRV 10-02-2003 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by pest
Heh, I think some of you had some unreasonable expectations. Its an EA expansion of MOHAA. Extra missions, new skins and weapons and playable framerates. Thats it, short and sweet. No new AI, no new vehicles, new new anything else really. It lasts about 6-7 hours from what I have heard. If you are so inclined to pay, $20 seems like a fair price.

Personally, it exceded my expectations, mainly by not being spearhead.

I am wondering just what you guys expected? How much do you have to get for $20 to be happy? How much would you need to be happy if it was free?

No new ai, possibly right but what they did do was make the current ai dumber than what it has ever been,

pest 10-02-2003 01:30 PM

I honestly hadnt noticed. The AI in MOH was never all that great. It was all about trigger points. They actually did calm down the very annoying super snipers from AA. I will trade that improvement for the negative you were talking about. Anyway, I know I am getting my moneys worth - a minor distraction while I wait for COD and HL2.

Doc Hayward 10-02-2003 01:31 PM

all this flaming isn't needed

bored 10-02-2003 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by bored

Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by bored

Originally Posted by "Gerard":f6470
Id request a mod change poll question to.

Who was STUPID enough to buy breakthrough.

Seriously..its pure shite. Makes spearhead look like a friggin masterpiece and thats saying something. oOo:

in your opinion which is a shitty one

In anyones opinion jerkweed, go check the gamespot review i think it got around 6.7, real value for money that pos.

I gotta love your comments though, you just another lurking jackoff who chimes in now and again with a pathetic attempt at an insult only to have your ass handed to you with ease, so you slither away untill you can think of another "witty" remark. Do me a favour and run out infront of a semi will ya kid.

Blah Blah Blah, fucking piky

LOL omg what an insult. oOo: BY th way its "pikey" retard.


well at least you can spell your own name

MPowell1944 10-02-2003 03:48 PM

Gerard, it seems as if you look for reasons to flame. Go ahead and "download" your version if you are so inclined not to pay. At least don't smear your crap onto everyone else.

Short Hand 10-02-2003 06:12 PM

dl it. If the game meets longterm expectations then buy it. Thats my motto.

Andros Maul 10-02-2003 06:26 PM

I got it and I was disappointed. I guess I had unrealistic expectations. I used to love the MOH series until I started playing Enemy territory the free multiplayer online war game.

It just has so much more to offer than MOH. It make MOH seem more like a arcade shooter.

MOH BT is a decent expansion but with the good attempt to jolt up the game with the "liberation" mode. I was not all that much impressed.

newt. 10-02-2003 08:13 PM

mohaa best game.

geRV 10-02-2003 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by MPowell1944
At least don't smear your crap onto everyone else.

Wonder who bought the game and wishes they hadn't. rolleyes:

So hard to tell.

geRV 10-02-2003 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by bored

Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by "bored":51970

Originally Posted by "Gerard":51970
Id request a mod change poll question to.

Who was STUPID enough to buy breakthrough.

Seriously..its pure shite. Makes spearhead look like a friggin masterpiece and thats saying something. oOo:

in your opinion which is a shitty one

In anyones opinion jerkweed, go check the gamespot review i think it got around 6.7, real value for money that pos.

I gotta love your comments though, you just another lurking jackoff who chimes in now and again with a pathetic attempt at an insult only to have your ass handed to you with ease, so you slither away untill you can think of another "witty" remark. Do me a favour and run out infront of a semi will ya kid.

Blah Blah Blah, fucking piky

LOL omg what an insult. oOo: BY th way its "pikey" retard.


well at least you can spell your own name[/quote:51970]

Pity that pikey is a "slang term" and not an actual name. Nice try, come again kid.

Judas 10-02-2003 10:16 PM


MPowell1944 10-02-2003 11:34 PM

Ok you mental patient. Keep it on topic.

[MOD]Gen.WikiWeaponn 10-03-2003 04:52 AM

O bought i and am damn glad i am, both speahead and breaktrough are awesome on multiplayer, and is hella nice to not hear anyone complaining about how fast the stg fires.

Star85 10-03-2003 08:20 AM

I wasnt impressed with the MP demo so I never felt like wasting $20.

Oh well $20 more towards CoD.

Zoner 10-03-2003 08:25 AM

Don't judge Breakthrough by the shitty demo. It's much better than that.

I got it and I'm having no problems with it. I'm absolutely infatuated with the italian rifle. That thing's a monster!


MPowell1944 10-03-2003 08:58 AM

I love how you say that. Mama Mia! biggrin:

Zoner 10-03-2003 10:02 AM


That'sa spicy meat-a-ball!

MPowell1944 10-03-2003 10:22 AM

lol. Now I want some Italian food. Damn you! cuss:

Colonel 10-03-2003 11:45 AM

Yep - full version is much better than demo.

WombleDieH@rd 10-03-2003 11:58 AM

breakthrough sucks
ok i bought it im ashamed of myself breakthrough is a bad add on slightly better than spearhead on the single player side but for the multiplayer its bad actually its shit.
ea games need to go back to making dogy fifa games and leave it to activision who seem to be doing well with the concept of call of duty.
i wont be playing breakthrough on multiplayer and i feel ea games owe me 16 pounds for this shite its an injustice to my wallett.
im tempted to call my lawyer and the consumers act for a game trying to impersonate a good shoot em up war game.
anyone heard the expression someone trying to flog a dead horse well ea games have just done it and its cost us stupid junkie moh players some dosh.
now if anyone from ea games read this post just to say kiss my arse suckers and next time you release such poor shite give it away as a patch for free and not to charge but then again when call of duty comes out people will be saying breakthrough who?????????????????? the_finger:

snipes 10-03-2003 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner
Don't judge Breakthrough by the shitty demo. It's much better than that.

I got it and I'm having no problems with it. I'm absolutely infatuated with the italian rifle. That thing's a monster!


lol I agree. Dont judge Breakthrough by that peice of crap demo, its alot better then that. I have to admit after playing the demo I didnt feel like buying the game. But I did and I certainly don't regret it. BTW, Italian rifle all the way!

Madmartagen 10-04-2003 08:52 PM

i thought BT was totally worth the $20 i paid for it, but i dont like the POW concept they have because every server i went on, my teammates didnt really care for rescuing us, so its just like round based.

BTW the carcano rifle does kick ass

bored 10-07-2003 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by bored

Originally Posted by "Gerard":6917a

Originally Posted by "bored":6917a

Originally Posted by "Gerard":6917a
Id request a mod change poll question to.

Who was STUPID enough to buy breakthrough.

Seriously..its pure shite. Makes spearhead look like a friggin masterpiece and thats saying something. oOo:

in your opinion which is a shitty one

In anyones opinion jerkweed, go check the gamespot review i think it got around 6.7, real value for money that pos.

I gotta love your comments though, you just another lurking jackoff who chimes in now and again with a pathetic attempt at an insult only to have your ass handed to you with ease, so you slither away untill you can think of another "witty" remark. Do me a favour and run out infront of a semi will ya kid.

Blah Blah Blah, fucking piky

LOL omg what an insult. oOo: BY th way its "pikey" retard.


well at least you can spell your own name[/quote:6917a]

Pity that pikey is a "slang term" and not an actual name. Nice try, come again kid.[/quote:6917a]

but it's your name pikey

Reefer 10-07-2003 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by pest
Heh, I think some of you had some unreasonable expectations. Its an EA expansion of MOHAA. Extra missions, new skins and weapons and playable framerates. Thats it, short and sweet. No new AI, no new vehicles, new new anything else really. It lasts about 6-7 hours from what I have heard. If you are so inclined to pay, $20 seems like a fair price.

Personally, it exceded my expectations, mainly by not being spearhead.

I am wondering just what you guys expected? How much do you have to get for $20 to be happy? How much would you need to be happy if it was free?

That pretty much sums it all up... What exactly were you guys expecting anyway? If you were expecting EA to re-invent the round wheel for $20 then you deserve to be dissapointed. I got all I expected and some more. A new SP game to help pass the time for a couple of hours (whether or not the AI sucks, is slightly off topic), some great new MP maps, new MP gamemode, new weapons and new skins. I guess I would have been more than happy to spend my $20 on it if I hadn't received it as a gift! biggrin:

Reefer 10-07-2003 03:41 PM

Re: breakthrough sucks
[quote="WombleDieH@rd":a8497]ok i bought it im ashamed of myself breakthrough is a bad add on slightly better than spearhead on the single player side but for the multiplayer its bad actually its shit.
ea games need to go back to making dogy fifa games and leave it to activision who seem to be doing well with the concept of call of duty.
i wont be playing breakthrough on multiplayer and i feel ea games owe me 16 pounds for this shite its an injustice to my wallett.
im tempted to call my lawyer and the consumers act for a game trying to impersonate a good shoot em up war game.
anyone heard the expression someone trying to flog a dead horse well ea games have just done it and its cost us stupid junkie moh players some dosh.
now if anyone from ea games read this post just to say kiss my arse suckers and next time you release such poor shite give it away as a patch for free and not to charge but then again when call of duty comes out people will be saying breakthrough who?????????????????? the_finger:[/quote:a8497]

Talking of flogging a dead horse... CoD seems to fit that description perfectly. The original MoH:AA devs knock out basically the same game under a new title and with a few different features (Iron Sights and the ability to go prone seem to be the only differences I noticed in the demo), and everyone seems to think it's going to be sooo much better (maybe it will, maybe it won't). Well... basically, we're going to have 3 different camps now instead of 2... RTCW, MoH and now CoD... same shit... different smell! Once the excitment of running through a new SP game wears off, you're left with exactly the same game to play in MP. I'm starting to feel some Deja-Vu... CS vs RS, Mac vs PC, and now CoD vs MoH! stupid:

Spartan61 10-08-2003 07:01 AM

I bought it and enjoy it. The SP levels are good and having fun. The Bunker Defense level is a riot. While you are getting juicy drawers wreaking hell on the dumb attackers, you had better notice the hits to you from the side and back cuz the STUPID AI has soldiers sneak up on you. Guess thats why that health pack is on the crate in back of you. All I have to do now is have more than 6 health when the dog-face tells me they need me at the next bunker. I get there just in time to get shot to pieces.

The game is what you make it. Most people complaining have copies of MOHAA and can't play the Breakthrough Expansion.

Nuff said


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