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MrLevinstein 11-01-2003 02:10 PM

Just got my permit! HELLS YEA!
Turned 16 2 days ago, \man it was the birthday I couldnt wait for. I got my permit on halloween and I tell you people at the DMV dont know shit about anything and customers get pissed its so funny. Driving with parents has to be one of the mstg enjoyable experiences in my life so far. I could be going 20 under the speed limit and theyd tell me to slow down. I could be 5 feet away from hitting something and they still freak out and clutch the interior. Dont get me wrong Im not a bad driver they are just spaztic.

Feel free to leave any driving stories in here. biggrin:

White Rabbit 11-01-2003 02:16 PM

you wanker, come back when you get your liscens


Art Attack 11-01-2003 02:17 PM

I'm turning 17 in about 3 months, I could of got my G1(learners permt)last January, I have the 100$ to do it but i'm to lazy to do, but I still drive. meh.

gtboys34 11-01-2003 03:24 PM

your 16?? annoy:

Simo Häyhä 11-01-2003 03:52 PM

i love not having to drive without my parents. no more nagging

Sergeant_Scrotum 11-01-2003 03:53 PM

12 more days till i get my G1. w00t

intrestedviewer 11-01-2003 04:06 PM

Man driving with my parents was horrible, especially if both of them were in the car with me. My dad would be like "your going to slow go faster", and he would start yelling but then my mom would be like your going to fast! Then she would yell. I hated learning how to drive, but once that was over it got cool. LOL i remember when i took my test i fucked up a lot, i stalled the car, i cut this one guy off. Somehow i passed my first try though ;)

Snuff 11-01-2003 04:22 PM

Damn whippersnappers

Fireal 11-01-2003 04:52 PM

Im 14, and i drive withou a permit, if you obey the rules, they wont pull oyu over.

Tripper 11-01-2003 04:53 PM

[quote="Animal Mother":04660]Im 14, and i drive withou a permit, if you obey the rules, they wont pull oyu over.[/quote:04660]

What a rebel. rolleyes:

Sergeant_Scrotum 11-01-2003 04:55 PM

[quote="Animal Mother":c9e39]Im 14, and i drive withou a permit, if you obey the rules, they wont pull oyu over.[/quote:c9e39]

how cool. if you killed someone you would loose a percentage of your every pay check for the rest of your life to pay it off because you dint have insurence. real smart jerkass.

Fireal 11-01-2003 04:58 PM

Thats why you dont be an idot, and drive good. The car is insured just not to my name.

Chango 11-01-2003 06:06 PM

[quote="Animal Mother":c87d0]Thats why you dont be an idot, and drive good. The car is insured just not to my name.[/quote:c87d0]

Do you really think that your insurance would still cover a car with an illegal driver?

1080jibber 11-01-2003 06:28 PM

now prepare to get RAPED by insurance companys

Sergeant_Scrotum 11-01-2003 06:39 PM

[quote="Animal Mother":880a1]Thats why you dont be an idot, and drive good. The car is insured just not to my name.[/quote:880a1]

1. you have no experience
2. you cant control what how other INSURED drivers will act
3. its still not insured in your name so you have 0 coverage

Machette 11-01-2003 06:45 PM

[quote="Animal Mother":dfb64]Im 14, and i drive withou a permit, if you obey the rules, they wont pull oyu over.[/quote:dfb64]
Oh god...

MrLevinstein 11-01-2003 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by gtboys
your 16??

Yes, whatd you think I was? 37?


Originally Posted by interestedviewer
Man driving with my parents was horrible, especially if both of them were in the car with me. My dad would be like "your going to slow go faster", and he would start yelling but then my mom would be like your going to fast! Then she would yell. I hated learning how to drive, but once that was over it got cool. LOL i remember when i took my test i fucked up a lot, i stalled the car, i cut this one guy off. Somehow i passed my first try though ;)

LOL, youll telling me i drove 27 miles to go toa resutraunt my mom was bityching so much my dad turned around and was like "HEY! Would you just shut up already?!?!".

[quote:a6a4f]Thats why you dont be an idot, and drive good.[/quote:a6a4f]

*Thats why you dont be an idiot, and drive well
^Most ironic post evar.^

[quote:a6a4f]now prepare to get RAPED by insurance companys[/quote:a6a4f]

They're always be someone who wants to take your money away. Chances are its an insurance company, or your government.

Simo Häyhä 11-01-2003 08:06 PM

[quote="Animal Mother":50e12]Im 14, and i drive withou a permit, if you obey the rules, they wont pull oyu over.[/quote:50e12]
please dont post again

Tripper 11-01-2003 08:07 PM

[quote="Animal Mother":3d5c9]Thats why you dont be an idot, and drive good. The car is insured just not to my name.[/quote:3d5c9]

OMG - Go away. hake:

Da_Bian 11-01-2003 08:49 PM

[url=]mein car[/url:a748d]
[url=]mmm clean[/url:a748d]
[url=]watch pr0n while i drive[/url:a748d] happy:

and you just got your learners? hahahahhahaha....


Cpt. Obvious 11-01-2003 09:00 PM

[url=]mein car[/url:46ff7]
[url=]mmm clean[/url:46ff7]
[url=]watch pr0n while i drive[/url:46ff7] happy:

and you just got your learners? hahahahhahaha....

i thought you had a moped

Sergeant_Scrotum 11-01-2003 11:25 PM

here is mine...i can know...listen to the radio when i drive.

BTW im too lazy to shrink em down

Judas 11-01-2003 11:27 PM

i hear drinking and driving is pretty fun to do ...

Unknown_Sniper 11-01-2003 11:32 PM

congrats on the permit. A litle hint. If you have the slightest doubt the roads are icy dont accelerate too fast or brake to fast....1st hand expierence. my truck aint ment to go sideways but it did.
My truck doesnt like the road

Eight Ace 11-02-2003 02:30 AM

...yes, well done MrLevinstein!
Enjoy the road and always remeber these two key points:
1) Let courtesy be your byword
2) No pig bastards gunna catch you! WOOHOOO!!! cool:

Cool Fool 11-02-2003 02:47 AM

[url=]mein car[/url:f8872]
[url=]mmm clean[/url:f8872]
[url=]watch pr0n while i drive[/url:f8872] happy:

and you just got your learners? hahahahhahaha....

how much did that cost? looks nice

11-02-2003 02:56 AM

Re: Just got my permit! HELLS YEA!

Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
Turned 16 2 days ago, \man it was the birthday I couldnt wait for. I got my permit on halloween and I tell you people at the DMV dont know shit about anything and customers get pissed its so funny. Driving with parents has to be one of the mstg enjoyable experiences in my life so far. I could be going 20 under the speed limit and theyd tell me to slow down. I could be 5 feet away from hitting something and they still freak out and clutch the interior. Dont get me wrong Im not a bad driver they are just spaztic.

Feel free to leave any driving stories in here. biggrin:

Good job! Now I will tell your future!.....

You will die in a horrible car accident.

Da_Bian 11-02-2003 06:46 AM

LMAO @ Quze

Cool Fool, it was $630,000nt
paid $130,000 deposit and paying off $10,000nt per month

back on topic
uh... i have nothing more to add except for you new learners,
be careful on the roads, the road ragers will kill you hake:

BadScript 11-02-2003 12:43 PM

[quote="Animal Mother":e30c4]Thats why you dont be an idot, and drive good. The car is insured just not to my name.[/quote:e30c4]

You could easily get yourself and the car owner (and/or the person the car is insured to) loads of trouble, if you even hit a damn cat.

If in the unlucky event that you injure a person, depending on which state you're in, you might be banned from driving again by court orders, no this isn't a joke; and think about it, you're only 14, years to go without being able to operate a vehicle would be hell.


Unknown_Sniper 11-02-2003 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by "Animal Mother":f879c
Thats why you dont be an idot, and drive good. The car is insured just not to my name.

You could easily get yourself and the car owner (and/or the person the car is insured to) loads of trouble, if you even hit a damn cat.

If in the unlucky event that you injure a person, depending on which state you're in, you might be banned from driving again by court orders, no this isn't a joke; and think about it, you're only 14, years to go without being able to operate a vehicle would be hell.

ha in New Hampshire its ok to hit cats. but if you hit a dog you have to tell someone. I haent hit any yet but Id brake for a rat before I do for a cat

intrestedviewer 11-02-2003 10:42 PM

Wow, Badscript posted something freak:
Yea dont go driving if your 14 and with no insurance. Very good chance your gonna fuck yourself.

Short Hand 11-02-2003 10:57 PM

welcome to my life 6 months ago. g1 is shite on a stick. I want meh G2

Unknown_Sniper 11-03-2003 09:34 PM

I was tlaking with this foreign exchange girl dont know which country but probably somewhere in europe. I was sifting through some loose change and found I had been given a canadian quarter. I showed it to her and the first thing she said was "Canada is the weirdest country"...ok back on topic. whats with all thise g1's and g2's and g53's or w/e you guys have. why not just call it a permit or a liscense

Sergeant_Scrotum 11-03-2003 09:52 PM

G1=you can drive but only with a person with 4 years experience in the car. & it cant be after midnight. lasts for a year or 8 months if you take drivers ed

G2= you can drive alone but only during daylight hours & not on the 400 series highways, have to have it for a year.

G= fully lisenced driver

Short Hand 11-03-2003 10:06 PM

[quote="Sergeant_Scrotum":9aeeb]G1=you can drive but only with a person with 4 years experience in the car. & it cant be after midnight. lasts for a year or 8 months if you take drivers ed

G2= you can drive alone but only during daylight hours & not on the 400 series highways, have to have it for a year.

G= fully lisenced driver[/quote:9aeeb]

Im pretty sure with your g2 one of the only diffrences is that you must have a alchohol to blood rate of 0 that is one of its only stipulations. "you can go on the 400 highways and you candrive after midnight with your g2 beer:

newt. 11-03-2003 10:11 PM

Re: Just got my permit! HELLS YEA!

Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
Turned 16 2 days ago, \man it was the birthday I couldnt wait for. I got my permit on halloween and I tell you people at the DMV dont know shit about anything and customers get pissed its so funny. Driving with parents has to be one of the mstg enjoyable experiences in my life so far. I could be going 20 under the speed limit and theyd tell me to slow down. I could be 5 feet away from hitting something and they still freak out and clutch the interior. Dont get me wrong Im not a bad driver they are just spaztic.

Feel free to leave any driving stories in here. biggrin:

u fucking n00b

MrLevinstein 11-03-2003 10:25 PM

Re: Just got my permit! HELLS YEA!

Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
Turned 16 2 days ago, \man it was the birthday I couldnt wait for. I got my permit on halloween and I tell you people at the DMV dont know shit about anything and customers get pissed its so funny. Driving with parents has to be one of the mstg enjoyable experiences in my life so far. I could be going 20 under the speed limit and theyd tell me to slow down. I could be 5 feet away from hitting something and they still freak out and clutch the interior. Dont get me wrong Im not a bad driver they are just spaztic.

Feel free to leave any driving stories in here. biggrin:

u fucking n00b[/quote:4bf78]

Fuck me sexy.

Leaners permit-learn to drive

Liscnese get it like a month later biggrin:

newt. 11-03-2003 10:26 PM

Re: Just got my permit! HELLS YEA!

Originally Posted by "newt.":241d9

Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
Turned 16 2 days ago, \man it was the birthday I couldnt wait for. I got my permit on halloween and I tell you people at the DMV dont know shit about anything and customers get pissed its so funny. Driving with parents has to be one of the mstg enjoyable experiences in my life so far. I could be going 20 under the speed limit and theyd tell me to slow down. I could be 5 feet away from hitting something and they still freak out and clutch the interior. Dont get me wrong Im not a bad driver they are just spaztic.

Feel free to leave any driving stories in here. biggrin:

u fucking n00b

Fuck me sexy.

Leaners permit-learn to drive

Liscnese get it like a month later biggrin:[/quote:241d9]


Art Attack 11-03-2003 10:42 PM

a nice car, purs at 60 nicely and I good sound system for stock, so I am happy.

Scalping Chief 11-03-2003 11:33 PM

yea i've drove a go-cart thats the best i've done and animal mother bullshit your parents would let you drive

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