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Merlin122 12-10-2003 11:09 PM

games you grew up with
What was the PC did u grow up with. I myself have fond memories of Wolf 3-D and Doom

Short Hand 12-10-2003 11:16 PM

Double Dragon for sega master system, King's Quest, X-Wing, Tie-Fighter all great classics i played as a kid, I never played fps's until Quake 2.

Also of course the classics
Sega Master SYSTEM

Super mario 1,2,3
Duck Hunt !!!!
Rocket Man
(That Battle toads game)
ninja turtles 2,3

Street Fighter
Mortal kombat
Turtles in time
Super Mario World

CLASSic pc hits as kid
X-COM any of them.

Was quite the gamer as a kid. Wish i still had thatm uch time : (

Vance 12-10-2003 11:21 PM

I didn't grow up with any PC games....only Mortal Kombat, Sonic 1, 2, and 3, and several others on the Sega Genesis

[MOD]Gen.WikiWeaponn 12-10-2003 11:32 PM

I remember Super Mario Land and Tetris. And also Mario world and Zelda for SNES.

Also way back when when me and my cousin would talk... "Wouldn't it be cool if there was a color gameboy?"

Madmartagen 12-10-2003 11:36 PM

Atari: Dig dug, pacman, centipede, galaga
NES: super mario brothers, zelda, kung fu and castlevania
childhood was robbed by never owning a SNES
PC: doom, thief, warcraft, starcraft, and diablo

White Rabbit 12-11-2003 12:37 AM

[quote="Short Hand":8bd17]
Super mario 1,2,3
Duck Hunt !!!!
Rocket Man
(That Battle toads game)
ninja turtles 2,3


right there rock:

Pyro 12-11-2003 12:45 AM

Doom II
Where in the world is carmen sandiego

Mario 1,2,3
Final Fantasy I, IV (II in Us forgot if it was on sNES or NES)
Ninja turtles 2,3
duck hunt
battletoads (hard but amazing)

Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy VI (III in US)
Super Mario World
Secret of Mana
Turtles In Time

Phantasy Star II,IV
General Chaos
NHL 95
Sonic I,II,3D

Wilko 12-11-2003 12:51 AM

[quote:f345a](That Battle toads game) [/quote:f345a]

SoLiDUS 12-11-2003 03:00 AM

I grew up with ATARI 2600 (yes, THE 2600) and 8086 PCs with 5.25in flopz.
Good times playing Missile Command, Pong and Defender on the Atari and
Zaxxon, Ninja, Math Castle and Police Quest on the PC! Then the Nintendo
came along and we all know what happens from here...


guarnere 12-11-2003 03:09 AM

well for PC only.....i played Duke-Nukem 3D a lot rock:

Chango 12-11-2003 03:20 AM

X-com and Super Metroid

BadScript 12-11-2003 04:03 AM

Empire, Duel Test Drive 2, Mission Impossible, Romance of Three Kingdoms, Civilization...

Okay, I'm old. cry:

Da_Bian 12-11-2003 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by BadScript
Empire, Duel Test Drive 2, Mission Impossible, Romance of Three Kingdoms, Civilization...

Okay, I'm old. cry:

i remember playing those oOo:

General Cobra 12-11-2003 06:35 AM


1080jibber 12-11-2003 06:51 AM

King's Quest and Police Quest rocked!!!

m00nraker 12-11-2003 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by guarnere
well for PC only.....i played Duke-Nukem 3D a lot rock:

Wilko 12-11-2003 08:17 AM

*Captain Wilkins remembers the old Leisuresuit Larry games, with all the pixellated boobies*

Zoner 12-11-2003 08:44 AM

Oh many to list.

Atari 2600

- Pacman
- Breakout
- Asteroids
- Combat
- Keystone Kops
- Chopper Command
- Missle Command
- Berserk
- Ice Hockey
- Pole Position
- Pitfall 1 & 2
- Frogger

Commodore 64

- Impossible Mission
- Murder on the Mississippi
- Bop n' Wrestle
- Friday the 13th
- Airborne Ranger
- F-19 Stealth Fighter
- Bard's Tale 3
- Test Drive 1 & 2
- Leaderboard Golf


- Star Wars
- Cabal
- Splatterhouse
- Tron Deadly Discs
- 1942
- Hai-Ar Kung Fu
- Punchout
- Galaga
- Galaxian
- Space Invaders
- Double Dragon

Tystnad 12-11-2003 09:52 AM

Duckhunt.. eek:

Plus loads of RPG's..
All i played for quite a while..
Think i spent summin like a year on Secret of Mana, trying to get it all..

I remember some game when you ran around in the ancient Greece and stuff, really awesome...
For the NES it was, but i cant remember the name of it..

Bane 12-11-2003 10:07 AM

Kid Icarus?

Tystnad 12-11-2003 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Bane
Kid Icarus?

Heh, nah..
More of a RPG style game..
Think it was Popoulus or something.. rolleyes:

Zoner 12-11-2003 10:19 AM

I forgot to mention good ole paper & dice-based AD&D!!

woot! I started playing that stuff 10 years old. Good times.

MuZzA 12-11-2003 10:26 AM

Delat force series

Tystnad 12-11-2003 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by MuZzA
Delat force series

How young are you?

BadScript 12-11-2003 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by 1080jibber
King's Quest and Police Quest rocked!!!

Right on, Police Quest from Sierra was great, you can always expect a good laugh if you get your friend to play and let him drive for the first time.

Now we gotta give an honourable mention to Leisure Suit Larry too cool:

And Eyes of the Beholder.. the list goes on...

EDIT: Wilkins beer: for LSL

12-11-2003 11:10 AM

when I was a kid (around 10-12) Sega Genesis and SNES were popular, so I played Sega at my house and SNES at my freind's.
Before that I played all kinds of real old-school computer games, but I can't remember much about them anymore.

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 12-11-2003 11:39 AM

My most favourite games are still probably the ones from the king of all computers, yes, ladies and gentlemen;

The Amiga 500

I remember it was Christmas, I was about 10 or 11 and my friend had had an amiga for a few years, I was desperate to be able to play computer games and as an imaginative child I was in awe of this virtual world. My father had convinced me that I wasn't going to get a computer, because they were rather expensive in those days. I had opened all my Christmas presents and to my dismay it seemed that he was right, there were no computer sized boxes left to be opened, and I thought that all was lost.
Then, there was one small obscure present left on the tree, I thought it was a chocolate bar or something mundane. With some disappintment and reluctance I opened this pathetically small present up, then I realised it was a floppy disk! biggrin: ed: cool:
I went upstairs like the sad little kid I was with my grandmother beside me, shaking with excitement to play on this new computer. Some of my fondest memories are playing old amiga games with my father & friends, Monkey Island 1 & 2, Wild Cup Soccer (by far the best amiga game), Lemmings, Sam & Max hit the road and FA/18 Hornet. Back in the days of 2d computer games when the grafics looked like they had been plucked from the pages of a story book and the game backgrounds were as pretty as any Cézanne.


Wild cup soccer, a game where the players are animals and the game rules include using guns, swords, sheilds and rockets.

[img][/img] Monkey Island 1

[img][/img] Monkey Island 2

Tystnad 12-11-2003 11:45 AM

Shit, that reminds me..

Lovely games, pure joy all the way.. rock:

bukdez 12-11-2003 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner
I forgot to mention good ole paper & dice-based AD&D!!

woot! I started playing that stuff 10 years old. Good times.

me too, got players manual for 9th b-day, awesome....

Coleco Vision was my first system:
Spy Hunter
Mr. Do

then Sega Master system:
Dead angel
Wonderboy 1 & 2
Shinobi (fuckin ninjas everywhere!)

Super Mario Bros 3
Bubble Bobble
Skate or Die

Super Mario Cart (dude that game was the shit, straight up)

Kings Quest 1-5
Police Quest 1 & 2
Space Quuest 1& 2
a game called Hack 1.02 later 3.4 built on a super computer, old school shit, any one remenber?
Leisure Suit Larry (every hornball in my day played that series...)

So many too remember, those are some that i liked that weren't posted as much, but you guys are making me remember so many games damn,

oh yeah C64 -- ZORK! remember that? it was a text based game, remember text based games? lol

geRV 12-11-2003 12:43 PM


Streetfigheter 2 (fucking addicted to that game musta pumped a few grand into that thing over the years with ease and got really good at it). Sf2 champion edition, turbo edition, new challengers, new challengers x. Mortal kombat, Mortal kombat 2.

atari 2600

Centipede millipede pacman mrs pacman...pacmans cousin twice removed..jesus did they ever milk that series for all it was worth. oOo:


Mario bros mario 1 2 and 3, ninja gaidan, ghostbusters 1&2. duckhunt...ph34r the accuracey of the zapper oOo: batman and a ton of other nes games.

Super N.E.S

Mario world, Streetfighter 2, Streetfigher 2 turbo, Streetfighter 2 new challengers, lemmings (loved that for some odd reason) mario kart <pwnage Final Fight, Starfox, uniracer <-- addicting as hell, killer instinct <the game they said the snes couldn;t do, A ton of others i can;t even remember

Nintendo 64

Killer instinct gold, Lylat wars, Mario kart 64, mario 64 (<- first 3d game bar none another landmark for gaming and nintendo had to be the ones doing it) cant really remember a lot of my n64 games, id sorta grown out of the whole console gaming thing by then.

Pyro 12-11-2003 01:13 PM

oh ya I forgot Super Metriod...Kid Icarus was a good game.

gtboys34 12-11-2003 03:41 PM

Turtles In Time ( i still play this online beer: )
Street Fighter (arcade edition)
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (arcade)
Nba Jam
Super Mario (the first 1 that came out for the snes)
Killer Instinct
My brother owned (possessed) like all of the castlevania's
Nba live
Tecmo Bowl
Madden (all earlier versions)

Cyberdoc 12-11-2003 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
I grew up with ATARI 2600 (yes, THE 2600) and 8086 PCs with 5.25in flopz.
Good times playing Missile Command, Pong and Defender on the Atari and
Zaxxon, Ninja, Math Castle and Police Quest on the PC! Then the Nintendo
came along and we all know what happens from here...


ja, and asteriods, adventure and defender.

Arch 12-11-2003 03:55 PM

[quote="White Rabbit":b052e][quote="Short Hand":b052e]
Super mario 1,2,3
Duck Hunt !!!!
Rocket Man
(That Battle toads game)
ninja turtles 2,3


right there rock:[/quote:b052e]

Same here, i hated when people cheated in duck hunt. Stick the gun to the screeen of the t.v mad: lol

Snuff 12-11-2003 05:46 PM

[quote=Arch][quote="White Rabbit":bc29b]

Originally Posted by "Short Hand":bc29b
Super mario 1,2,3
Duck Hunt !!!!
Rocket Man
(That Battle toads game)
ninja turtles 2,3

right there rock:[/quote:bc29b]

Same here, i hated when people cheated in duck hunt. Stick the gun to the screeen of the t.v mad: lol[/quote:bc29b]

Atari 2600 and Nes games

SoViEt 12-11-2003 08:53 PM

all pc:

quest for glory 1-4
conquest of longbow
conquest of camelot
king quest 5, 7
monkey island 3
full throttle
the dig
day of the tentacle
wing commander 1-5
xcom 1-3
ultima 4,7,8
world of ultima: savage empire
sword of the samurai
romance of 3 kingdom 1-5
warcraft 1,2
dungeon keeper 1-2
theme hospital
defender of the crown
aces of pacific
aces of europe
b17 flying fotress
commander keen 1-3?
earthworm jim
wolfenstein 3d
duke nukem
crusader: no regret
crusader: no remorse
star control 2
little big adventure (twinsen's) 1-2
mechwarrior 2,3,mercenaries
ancient art of war
ancient art of war at sea

and a lot more that i couldn't think of right now.... freak:

newt. 12-11-2003 08:57 PM

actually didn't play any games... oOo:

unless of course dodgeball counts...

Madmartagen 12-11-2003 11:50 PM

hell yeah!!

dodgeball > football, baseball, hockey, rugby, tennis, LIFE!

Hobbes 12-12-2003 12:16 AM


Fireal 12-12-2003 12:16 AM

So many versions of dodgeball. So many great versions.

Like the one where you have to send a person from one side of the court, to the other, and back, and everyone that was out comes in.
Or when you catch a ball, 1 person comes in.

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