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Stinger_Dude 12-13-2003 03:00 AM

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Is anyone going to watch this film. I heard this one is going to be better than the first two prequels so I cant wait for.


JBird 12-13-2003 03:48 AM

is anyone gonna watch it? lol, it will easily be the biggest grossing film of 2003 . and yes i will be seeing it at least twice in the theatres. rock:

Madmartagen 12-13-2003 04:40 AM

i'll be there opening day at midnight. it will be empty and i will be able to get the back center seat and make all the weird noises i want during the movie. as much as the second movie blew, im hoping that peter jackson doesnt turn into george lucas and ruin the series by showing just how gay frodo and sam can get with a naked golum running around. ive never read the book, but im hoping all the hobits die, and i get to see liv tyler and cate blanchett nude.

Tystnad 12-13-2003 05:46 AM

Not to long ago some one made a thread on this subject, but.. Wtf..

Yeah, im going to watch.. Im gonna wait till after christmas though, then i can see it for free..

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 12-13-2003 06:00 AM

That elf guy used to live 10 miles from my town, must mean I have some l337 archer skilz myself!



Oddball 12-13-2003 12:40 PM

Anyone who wants to see huge fuck off battle scenes is going to want to see this movie. Also I think it will have some moments in it that will be so emotionally overpowering some people are going to need therapy afterwards.

Oddball 12-13-2003 12:41 PM

Also the video game is sweet. I bought a copy but if you don't want to own one, rent it and get a mate over and play through it. Should take you about a whole night.

Machette 12-13-2003 01:16 PM

I'm not going to see it.

Oddball 12-13-2003 01:20 PM

Your loss, IMO opinions they are all truly epic movies. If fantasy isn't your thing, hey, fine.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 12-13-2003 01:29 PM

hell yes im going to see it

Unknown_Sniper 12-13-2003 01:47 PM

BOREING I saw it 3 years ago it sucks ass man not worth the money. THey might as well send that money to me for safe keeping......But I guess il lwatchi ti again

Storm - Nazgûl - 12-13-2003 03:14 PM

im definetly going to see it.when is it coming out in america? 16th dec here ( Holland )
The book is the only book i ever read.

Unknown_Sniper 12-13-2003 03:46 PM

the only book you have ever read lol

Storm - Nazgûl - 12-13-2003 03:48 PM

yeah, i never read something for school ( THANK YOU INTERNET! *kneels* )
and maybe some childbooks,but there was no text in those

12-13-2003 07:28 PM

there doing a thing where i live that you can go see all three in a row

Pyro 12-13-2003 07:33 PM


12-13-2003 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by KingWade
there doing a thing where i live that you can go see all three in a row

Arn't the movies like 3 hours each?

12-13-2003 07:35 PM

ya its like all day but its in a mall so yo can get food and there should be a break

descry 12-13-2003 08:12 PM

my friend works at the odeon so i get to see it monday. ill tell you what happens and ruin the movie.

Tystnad 12-13-2003 08:30 PM

[quote="Coublacka_":cfebb]my friend works at the odeon so i get to see it monday. ill tell you what happens and ruin the movie.[/quote:cfebb]

I pretty much know already..
Read the books a couple of times and played the game aswell..
Want me to ruin it for you instead? eek:

JBird 12-13-2003 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
i'll be there opening day at midnight. it will be empty and i will be able to get the back center seat and make all the weird noises i want during the movie. as much as the second movie blew, im hoping that peter jackson doesnt turn into george lucas and ruin the series by showing just how gay frodo and sam can get with a naked golum running around. ive never read the book, but im hoping all the hobits die, and i get to see liv tyler and cate blanchett nude.

hey martagen, i dont wanna flame ya here...but saying the second movie blew....and then following up with

"ive never read the book"




Bucknub 12-13-2003 10:59 PM

They say it'll have the biggest battle sequences ever in the history of film making.

Shawn, let me know when you wanna see it, so we can snuggle happy:

Madmartagen 12-13-2003 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by JBird

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
i'll be there opening day at midnight. it will be empty and i will be able to get the back center seat and make all the weird noises i want during the movie. as much as the second movie blew, im hoping that peter jackson doesnt turn into george lucas and ruin the series by showing just how gay frodo and sam can get with a naked golum running around. ive never read the book, but im hoping all the hobits die, and i get to see liv tyler and cate blanchett nude.

hey martagen, i dont wanna flame ya here...but saying the second movie blew....and then following up with

"ive never read the book"




The second movie imo wasnt as good as the first, in fact it sucked except for the part when the trees attacked the white wizard. I haven't read the books, so I don't know how the third one ends or what to expect. All I know is that there is supposed to be some great battle going on, but thats what everyone said about the two towers, and that siege was horrible. It was completely ruined with Legolas and Gimli getting their fag on during the battle, while at the same time, the director tried to infix the impression that the soldiers were in a state of grave morale. I don't see how these two characters could deteriorate from expert fighters to jackasses who shout out kills, and slide down the stairs on a shield to shoot 3 or 4 orcs. Plus, if Legolas is an expert archer, which was shown in the first movie, how come he couldn't kill a single orc when the critical moment occured? I am pretty skeptical about this film because of the huge let down ratio of movie series in general.

JBird 12-13-2003 11:34 PM

"getting their fag on" , oh man you killed me there happy: that is in the book, they have a "gentlemens contest" while see who can kill the most orc.

i really recommend you read the books. they are really engrossing. plus if you read them maybe you will become more learned and find out what engrossing means. jk biggrin:

Oddball 12-14-2003 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen

Originally Posted by JBird

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
i'll be there opening day at midnight. it will be empty and i will be able to get the back center seat and make all the weird noises i want during the movie. as much as the second movie blew, im hoping that peter jackson doesnt turn into george lucas and ruin the series by showing just how gay frodo and sam can get with a naked golum running around. ive never read the book, but im hoping all the hobits die, and i get to see liv tyler and cate blanchett nude.

hey martagen, i dont wanna flame ya here...but saying the second movie blew....and then following up with

"ive never read the book"




The second movie imo wasnt as good as the first, in fact it sucked except for the part when the trees attacked the white wizard. I haven't read the books, so I don't know how the third one ends or what to expect. All I know is that there is supposed to be some great battle going on, but thats what everyone said about the two towers, and that siege was horrible. It was completely ruined with Legolas and Gimli getting their fag on during the battle, while at the same time, the director tried to infix the impression that the soldiers were in a state of grave morale. I don't see how these two characters could deteriorate from expert fighters to jackasses who shout out kills, and slide down the stairs on a shield to shoot 3 or 4 orcs. Plus, if Legolas is an expert archer, which was shown in the first movie, how come he couldn't kill a single orc when the critical moment occured? I am pretty skeptical about this film because of the huge let down ratio of movie series in general.

OK, not to sound too nerdy here, but what the hell. Sliding down that shield, not to hard for an elf seeing as they have superhuman abilities in sight, hearing, strength and agility. You see it all the time. Like when Legolas was on the hill shooting those wolfs from ages away, he then grabbed the horse from the other side and used one arm to fling himself on top. Do you see a pattern here? He also pulled both Aragorn and Gimli to the top of the wall singlehandedly.

Also, the orc he was shooting at was a beserker uruk hai, this is never really mentioned in the movie or the book, but they are a beserker type. You can see because they have no armour on as it restricts their speed and movement, only a tough cunt would do that.

Hope that clears a few things up.

IMO Helm's Deep is an amazing battle scene.

Madmartagen 12-14-2003 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by Oddball

Originally Posted by Madmartagen

Originally Posted by JBird

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
i'll be there opening day at midnight. it will be empty and i will be able to get the back center seat and make all the weird noises i want during the movie. as much as the second movie blew, im hoping that peter jackson doesnt turn into george lucas and ruin the series by showing just how gay frodo and sam can get with a naked golum running around. ive never read the book, but im hoping all the hobits die, and i get to see liv tyler and cate blanchett nude.

hey martagen, i dont wanna flame ya here...but saying the second movie blew....and then following up with

"ive never read the book"




The second movie imo wasnt as good as the first, in fact it sucked except for the part when the trees attacked the white wizard. I haven't read the books, so I don't know how the third one ends or what to expect. All I know is that there is supposed to be some great battle going on, but thats what everyone said about the two towers, and that siege was horrible. It was completely ruined with Legolas and Gimli getting their fag on during the battle, while at the same time, the director tried to infix the impression that the soldiers were in a state of grave morale. I don't see how these two characters could deteriorate from expert fighters to jackasses who shout out kills, and slide down the stairs on a shield to shoot 3 or 4 orcs. Plus, if Legolas is an expert archer, which was shown in the first movie, how come he couldn't kill a single orc when the critical moment occured? I am pretty skeptical about this film because of the huge let down ratio of movie series in general.

OK, not to sound too nerdy here, but what the hell. Sliding down that shield, not to hard for an elf seeing as they have superhuman abilities in sight, hearing, strength and agility. You see it all the time. Like when Legolas was on the hill shooting those wolfs from ages away, he then grabbed the horse from the other side and used one arm to fling himself on top. Do you see a pattern here? He also pulled both Aragorn and Gimli to the top of the wall singlehandedly.

Also, the orc he was shooting at was a beserker uruk hai, this is never really mentioned in the movie or the book, but they are a beserker type. You can see because they have no armour on as it restricts their speed and movement, only a tough cunt would do that.

Hope that clears a few things up.

IMO Helm's Deep is an amazing battle scene.

Yeah Legolas was pretty handy with his bow, but WTF is the point of sliding down on a shield to shoot 3 orcs, when he could have just as easily shot at them from the walls. Maybe if he was on the wall, the other elf wouldn't have died. That whole stunt was just eye candy for some fag who is all into his Xtreme hardassness. Thats BS about the Urak Hai, though. I have a fucking Fiery flame arcane magic fuckin bow with like +35 orc and repels fairy's, elfs, dwarfs, and the toughest cunt urak hai, and I know I could have taken his ass out. Legolas just fucked that one up because he was wearing that gay ass blonde cant-aim-for-shit hair hat with -20 points of dexterity and +10 chance of blowing a critical shot.

Stinger_Dude 12-14-2003 06:17 AM

Who has read the triology. Does it make any difference when watching the movie? Are the books worth reading?

Tystnad 12-14-2003 06:56 AM

Yes, the books are well worth reading..
So many things that have been left out in the movies, like Tom Bombadil for starters.. hake:

Storm - Nazgûl - 12-14-2003 07:50 AM


i dont want to be the bitch, but is 'The cleaning of the Shire' going to be in the movie or in a new one?

Oddball 12-14-2003 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Tystnad
Yes, the books are well worth reading..
So many things that have been left out in the movies, like Tom Bombadil for starters.. hake:

Thank God Bombadil was left out. That guy is a fucking poofter.

And the reason Legolas sped down the stairs on the shield wasn't for eye candy, it was to rescue Gimli. Sliding down is way more fun. Although I admit it must have been done for the effect rather than practical reasons.

It's like asking "whenever a good guy is about to shoot the bad guyin a movie, he always cocks his gun, he has already cocked the gun, but that sound is cool. That's why he does it."

Eight Ace 12-14-2003 12:27 PM

[quote="Stinger_Dude":aa1d2] Are the books worth reading?[/quote:aa1d2]
If you actually ask that, then in your case I'd say a fucking comic instead, eh.

Cyberdoc 12-14-2003 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
I have a fucking Fiery flame arcane magic fuckin bow with like +35 orc and repels fairy's, elfs, dwarfs, and the toughest cunt urak hai, and I know I could have taken his ass out. Legolas just fucked that one up because he was wearing that gay ass blonde cant-aim-for-shit hair hat with -20 points of dexterity and +10 chance of blowing a critical shot.

As an ex-AD&D h4x, thats the best stuff ive seen today HAW HAW biggrin:

12-16-2003 11:26 PM

day it was illegal for him to watch but the theater he works at let him see it

im going to see it at midnight tonite

Trudel 12-16-2003 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by KingWade
day it was illegal for him to watch but the theater he works at let him see it

im going to see it at midnight tonite

At the paramount in chinook?

12-17-2003 12:36 AM

Sunridge Mall my brother just left and got the 4 of the last 9 tickets

Trudel 12-17-2003 12:38 AM

Oh, well thats not too far for you from Airdrie.

Madmartagen 12-17-2003 12:42 AM

I heard about the theatres showing all 3 movies, but I missed out on that, I couldn't get the time off from work. That would have been pretty cool. Im going to downtown disney in about 2 and a half hours to see the third movie I better get my Legolas blonde hair hat ready.

Trudel 12-17-2003 12:45 AM

Yeah thats happening everywhere. Infact the news was just talking about people driving from Michigan to Toronto to watch all three movies.

You can watch all movies here for $50. Kind of expensive to sit around a bunch of stinky fat people in a theatre for 12 hours. I'd rather watch the first two at home.

12-17-2003 12:51 AM

I'll have to wait until finals are over (Friday) or I won't study mad:

Trudel 12-17-2003 12:53 AM

[quote="Sgt Stryker":c06d1]I'll have to wait until finals are over (Friday) or I won't study mad:[/quote:c06d1]

Hah, me too. I ahve a final tomorrow and on Friday. I was tinking of going tomorrow night thugh, I don't really need to study for my comp class eek:

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