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[DAS REICH] Blitz 12-29-2003 01:00 PM

Greatest Member ever?
Having missed the glory days so to speak I have no right to say anything Ill leave the deciding to j00 guys

Merlin122 12-29-2003 01:02 PM

bazooka joe has the most posts

Tystnad 12-29-2003 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Merlin122
bazooka joe has the most posts

I dont see what that has to do with anything?

Sindonesia 12-29-2003 01:12 PM

I get my vote. biggrin:

wintersforge 12-29-2003 01:30 PM

nice criteria Das Spam: best memeber..some awards follow

MVP of the Community: Rudedog

-started the server (yeah yeah ED! stfu), then mohadmin and then codadmin..he has exhibited class(im guessing hollyn00b is his angry macho alter-ego though and not really another humna all together), and an unparalled helpfullness Ive seen.

Best Flamer: Tripper

-master of cussing and lord of lashing out

Best Flame while using a brain: ED!

-had to have 2 flame categories cause Tripper just beats you down with abusive slurs and cusswords..ED! cuts you to ribbons with a Vulcan intellect..and some choice slurs as well.

Should have been banned but never was award: Bazooka Joe

-the guy USED to incite so much misery and violence with his Opie non existent personality. cause more flaming than any other member..sucked and might still suck way to much admin cock.

Asshat of the year: Once again this place went to hell after September of 02. Anyone that registered after Sept 02 gets the award..

Biggest Spammer: A super tuff battle between Old Reliable and Herr Strik0r

-both usually made or didnt make a point in under 10 words or less...

Gone but not forgotten award: the 1000 incarnations of the being only known as Von Meyer. Somehting tells me the trailer park commando might still be lurking about...or modding Max Payne again oOo:

Funniest fucker on the forum: hands down 8Ace..none funnier...pure comedic genius

Biggest Drama Whore: Miyagi...his threads about his cross seas relations...i bet he isnt even with the chick any longer sleeping:

Honorable Mentions: Gerv aka gerard (was the backbone of this place for a long slips aM the bone in private forums), antihero stupid: Spooge, Dodd, Sotilus rambling angel:

Zoner 12-29-2003 01:31 PM

Yep...rudedog. Hands down.

-KLugE- 12-29-2003 01:33 PM

Pfff, none of you guys were around for the glory days.

The best member would have to be Recycled Spooge, Solidus or Ballistic Wookie.

Snuff 12-29-2003 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner
Yep...rudedog. Hands down.

rock: rock:

Bean 2 12-29-2003 02:17 PM

[quote="-KLugE-":0067b]Pfff, none of you guys were around for the glory days.

The best member would have to be Recycled Spooge, Solidus or Ballistic Wookie.[/quote:0067b]

Kluge, wtf happened to u? What went wrong with Waffen SS? Anyway rudedog i like the most out of anyone on these forums.

Recycled Spooge 12-29-2003 02:19 PM

I say Rudedog, but I'm close second. I've probably stuck around the longest. I've been here since April 2001...

KTOG 12-29-2003 02:19 PM

8ace/Mr. X ...

<---- Secret Admirer happy:

Recycled Spooge 12-29-2003 02:20 PM

[quote="Recycled Spooge":98e84]I've probably stuck around the longest. I've been here since April 2001...[/quote:98e84]
LOL, not this this really has to do with anything... Why did I even mention this? I do not know.

KTOG 12-29-2003 02:21 PM

[quote="Recycled Spooge":09a68][quote="Recycled Spooge":09a68]I've probably stuck around the longest. I've been here since April 2001...[/quote:09a68]
LOL, not this this really has to do with anything... Why did I even mention this? I do not know.[/quote:09a68]


Tystnad 12-29-2003 02:23 PM

I vote rudedog

Unknown_Sniper 12-29-2003 02:35 PM

RD all the way hands down. spooge a close yeah right where ya been spooge?

Sindonesia 12-29-2003 02:52 PM

Rudedog as always helped me when I asked him.

mr.miyagi 12-29-2003 03:04 PM

And the winnnnnnnnnner is....*gasps*
now heeeeey yaaaaa (shake it uh oh!, shake it uh oh! shake it like a afrodj13 poll uh oh!)
Cross-seas relationships are proper tough! I mean, me and Germ tried for many years but in the end we came to a sensible mutual agreement.
I may be going back there or she may be coming over here sometime, the future is a misty one and doesn't my crotch know it :( She wants my body and I want hers again so it'll be time to rub thighs soon enuff.

Drama whore does have a nice ring to it though freak:

My vote goes to Eight Ace aka Mr.X aka fellow veteran

But for overall top blokey and helpfulness over the longest period, its Rudedog hands down, he's the rock of the community.

Although not being a 'rock' I'd say X is the soft pink blob of the posse due to his genius comedic posts

-KLugE- 12-29-2003 03:25 PM

Nah the best member has to have been here for a long time, like before the game was released, that's a true member. That's Recycled Spooge. He was here before everyone (except for some of the earlier guys that were around in Feb 2001 but later left). Rudedog didnt come until the demo was released like pretty much everyone else. Ballwook is close second to Spooge

Merlin122 12-29-2003 03:32 PM

... i dont kno. everyone seems to really like dave (guar). he pretty much gets my vote.

Airborne Butters 12-29-2003 03:34 PM

Spooge gets top Polock of the year award.

Zap. USMC 12-29-2003 03:44 PM

[quote="-KLugE-":1961c]Nah the best member has to have been here for a long time, like before the game was released, that's a true member. That's Recycled Spooge. He was here before everyone (except for some of the earlier guys that were around in Feb 2001 but later left). Rudedog didnt come until the demo was released like pretty much everyone else. Ballwook is close second to Spooge[/quote:1961c]

hey noisetank/stylin twat/mcdonald

EDIT: My vote goes to my fellow Polish brethern... Spooge.

Pyro 12-29-2003 03:49 PM

My Favourites are Antihero, Gerard, Tripper, ED and EightAce.

Short Hand 12-29-2003 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
My Favourites are Antihero, Gerard, Tripper, ED and EightAce.


Most Active Mod - Zoner

Most Helpful - Rude

Greatest Flamer - Tripper (Insult way, not the gay way)

Asshats of the year - (Nominee's are Shifty, ShagFag, Bean, AM)

Best Game MOdder - Guar

Best Photochoper - Arch

Breakthrough New Member of 2003 ?

Spamtastic w00t - Das ! (not that bad compared to the Titan of with 30000 posts in less then 2 years. Although 90 % of them are helpful.

Most Successful Bastard Child break off of 2003 - Simo with

Best Supporting Flamer - Ed.!

MOst Shot At Member of the year - B.J.

DW king of 2003 - Buckeh

Nominee's for Troll of the year - Gay Blade, Shifty, Hayward, KIA

Can't decide on a name of 2003 Proteus .. Poli......

Most in depth knowledgeable peroson about the music scene of 2003
Rock - Jotun

Rap Hip/Hop etc Tripper

beer: cheers

SW-14 12-29-2003 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by wintersforge
nice criteria Das Spam: best memeber..some awards follow

MVP of the Community: Rudedog

-started the server (yeah yeah ED! stfu), then mohadmin and then codadmin..he has exhibited class(im guessing hollyn00b is his angry macho alter-ego though and not really another humna all together), and an unparalled helpfullness Ive seen.

Best Flamer: Tripper

-master of cussing and lord of lashing out

Best Flame while using a brain: ED!

-had to have 2 flame categories cause Tripper just beats you down with abusive slurs and cusswords..ED! cuts you to ribbons with a Vulcan intellect..and some choice slurs as well.

Should have been banned but never was award: Bazooka Joe

-the guy USED to incite so much misery and violence with his Opie non existent personality. cause more flaming than any other member..sucked and might still suck way to much admin cock.

Asshat of the year: Once again this place went to hell after September of 02. Anyone that registered after Sept 02 gets the award..

Biggest Spammer: A super tuff battle between Old Reliable and Herr Strik0r

-both usually made or didnt make a point in under 10 words or less...

Gone but not forgotten award: the 1000 incarnations of the being only known as Von Meyer. Somehting tells me the trailer park commando might still be lurking about...or modding Max Payne again oOo:

Funniest fucker on the forum: hands down 8Ace..none funnier...pure comedic genius

Biggest Drama Whore: Miyagi...his threads about his cross seas relations...i bet he isnt even with the chick any longer sleeping:

Honorable Mentions: Gerv aka gerard (was the backbone of this place for a long slips aM the bone in private forums), antihero stupid: Spooge, Dodd, Sotilus rambling angel:

Wow..I agree with just about everything you said. But I'd have to say my overall favorite eek: is EightAce. His posts constantly have me laughing.

Bleuachdu 12-29-2003 04:53 PM

dustin0096 kthx

ShagNasty 12-29-2003 04:56 PM

Best inbred homo. hands down short hands. aka short dick. not to mention he is very dumb also. There is a reason his parents don't let him around small children too. shagfag lmao. My 10 year old can rhyme better than that. But what the hell you only Canadain.

Merlin122 12-29-2003 04:56 PM

hey i remember von meyer. he was at the mohfiles forums. HUGE douche

Bucknub 12-29-2003 04:57 PM

Gerard and Buck get my vote rolleyes:

man, those guys are awesome.

Short Hand 12-29-2003 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by ShagNasty
Best inbred homo. hands down short hands. aka short dick. not to mention he is very dumb also. There is a reason his parents don't let him around small children too. shagfag lmao. My 10 year old can rhyme better than that. But what the hell you only Canadain.

Haven't you died yet ? No one wants you dumb fuck just die already.

Bazooka_Joe 12-29-2003 05:08 PM

[quote="-KLugE-":05a41]Pfff, none of you guys were around for the glory days.

The best member would have to be Recycled Spooge, Solidus or Ballistic Wookie.[/quote:05a41]

You say that as if that were a long time ago. Ever heard of Polaris?

guarnere 12-29-2003 05:12 PM

Badscript -- for without him, we wouldnt have this wink:

ShagNasty 12-29-2003 05:16 PM

[quote:a70e3]Haven't you died yet ? No one wants you dumb fuck just die already[/quote:a70e3]

Nice come back, the one when you are so owned you cant follow it up come back good job. You want me around you love it when I insult you, because you bring it on your self. I don't think about you till you do your 3rd grade rhyme's with my name. Then I let you have it.

Learn to keep you inbred/retarded mouth shut and I wont own you ever day like I do. I don't like pedophile's and you have that look. Your eyes are to close together I wouldn't trust you around kids. and I am not joking you look like a fucking pervert.

And to top it off you talk shit about weed. Like the dumb asshat you are. you may not smoke it, and your friends may almost die from it. Because they must be retarded in the 1st place to be your friend, so add a little weed to the mix and watch out.

Put your picture on hell maybe I will do it for you

Tystnad 12-29-2003 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by ShagNasty
[quote:de14e]Haven't you died yet ? No one wants you dumb fuck just die already

Nice come back, the one when you are so owned you cant follow it up come back good job. You want me around you love it when I insult you, because you bring it on your self. I don't think about you till you do your 3rd grade rhyme's with my name. Then I let you have it.

Learn to keep you inbred/retarded mouth shut and I wont own you ever day like I do. I don't like pedophile's and you have that look. Your eyes are to close together I wouldn't trust you around kids. and I am not joking you look like a fucking pervert.

And to top it off you talk shit about weed. Like the dumb asshat you are. you may not smoke it, and your friends may almost die from it. Because they must be retarded in the 1st place to be your friend, so add a little weed to the mix and watch out.

Put your picture on hell maybe I will do it for you[/quote:de14e]

Heh, youre comebacks sucks so bad it aint even funny..
Why dont you do us all a favor and shoot yourself?
Or even better, crawl back under that rock you call home..

Milla 12-29-2003 05:24 PM

Spooge is a backstreet boi

Old Reliable 12-29-2003 06:14 PM

mrs. special ed..haha

butch 12-29-2003 06:38 PM

i been around here a pretty long time. seen a lot of crap and a lot of people come and go. id say RUDE DOG first and BAZOOKA JOE second. both guys have helped me on many occasions.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 12-29-2003 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by butch
i been around here a pretty long time. seen a lot of crap and a lot of people come and go. id say RUDE DOG first and BAZOOKA JOE second. both guys have helped me on many occasions.


catalyst 12-29-2003 06:40 PM

rudedog or zoner, both really helpful, fair guys

Tystnad 12-29-2003 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by butch
i been around here a pretty long time. seen a lot of crap and a lot of people come and go. id say RUDE DOG first and BAZOOKA JOE second. both guys have helped me on many occasions.

You been here a long time, eh? oOo:

1080jibber 12-29-2003 06:45 PM

SCLASS all the way

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