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Wilko 01-07-2004 05:41 AM

Would you vote for Bush in 2004?
OK, for those of us who aren't, let's say that for the purpose of the exercise, you are a US Citizen of voting age. If you already fill that criteria, then ignore the above.
Would you vote for a second term for Bush in 2004, (or "King George the 2nd" as i heard him referred to as biggrin: )

If so, why?

Personally, I wouldn't, because he was already assing up the Economy, and whatsmore, he has too strong links with the Saudi Arabian Royal family, which may be a bad thing in the future.
Of course, that's just MHO. Anyone else?

Old Reliable 01-07-2004 12:06 PM

i am voting either democrat or green party.....i cant stand bush

pest 01-07-2004 12:37 PM

I dont like bush, but the "mainstream" democratic party has lost its mind with the direction they want to take. Why dont they understand that the only way to beat bush is with a moderate? Yet they continue to get farther and farther from the center. Oh well, their loss.

In response to the question - dunno.

Drew 01-07-2004 12:51 PM

I would vote for Bush, here is why:

A) I have yet to see a single candidate which I would trust not to spiral the United States into socialism.

B) Our economy is not Bush's fault, take a fucking economics course. The long-term effects of administrative change to government agencies, relief programs and taxation generally take 5-8 years to be fully realized. That means that the shit we are seeing right now is largely due to the Clinton administration. Furthermore, this has been a constant problem since long before I was born. Democrats always want immediate relief for only the poor and implement such policies with reckless abandon and no thought for the future. They tend to gallop toward implementing socialist ideals. Then, after eight years when a Republican finally gets back in office, the downward spiral of the economy is just starting to really show in the stock market and the strength of the dollar. And please don't be ignorant, the economy was falling during Clinton's final year. Economic sabotage. And yes politicians ARE that insane. And also don't forget that George Bush is trying to repair the economy after a disaster of such scale that nothing similar has happened since Pearl Harbor. And that time they had a real war raging to repair the economy. So please, Bush has done a lot of fucking stupid things, but wrecking the economy was not one of them.

C) While the man can be a buffoon, he has one of the best staffs I've seen in a long time. Powell and Rice are amazing, and while Rumsfield is admittedly not the greatest with PR, even he does his job extraordinarily well.

D) A strong Republican 2004-2008 term is the only way we're going to keep Hillary Clinton out of office. And I don't know about the rest of you jackasses, but if Hillary Clinton becomes President, peace the fuck out. I'm moving to Fiji. This is a whole different argument, but just to keep the flames down I'll briefly explain. The majority of leaders in the Middle East refuse to enter any negotiations with a woman. Think this doesn't matter? Generally, when negotiating things such as war or disarmament, these countries will not recognize the agreement until they finalize it with someone they consider of equal stature. Which could only be the President. Whom they won't even meet with if it were a woman. Instability much? Yeah.

So, more or less, my decision to vote for Bush is a decision to choose the lesser of several evils. He is by no means perfect, and he's made several mistakes, but in the end - who else could you choose?

TGB! 01-07-2004 01:10 PM

With an upswing in the economy, renewed public support, effective Anti-terrorism measures preventing attacks, legal status for immigrants that contribute to the economy, and an unwillingness to sell the public short for short term gains I can see why someone wouldnt vote for Bush.

Zap. USMC 01-07-2004 01:18 PM

Noctis pretty much summed it up about the economic issue. Bush has done a good job so far, he has taken care of shit that Clinton had ignored in his administration and it did this country some good. Now that Saddam is captured perhaps he can help us locate Bin Laden and someother of the terroists groups.

I'm voting for Bush, because he needs to finish his job. Plus the democratic party looks like shit.

pest 01-07-2004 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Noctis
B) Our economy is not Bush's fault, take a fucking economics course.

I'll give you 10-1 odds bush trys to take credit for any economic turn around anyway. Hell, he already is.

01-07-2004 01:32 PM

anyone but Bush,
3 reasons:

1. postwar planing in Iraq is teh definition of clusterfuck
2. he's trying to legalize Maxican fence-jumpers
3. I don't see a reason to give rich investors tax cuts when the problem is lack of middle class SPENDING not upper-class INVESTMENT

ShagNasty 01-07-2004 02:36 PM

lmao Hillary Clinton will not have a chance, We will have a black one before a woman.


Bazooka_Joe 01-07-2004 03:40 PM

George Dubbwya. As Howard Stern said "We need Bush as president, he's crazy, and the other countries fear us because of that. Even Britain thinks he's nuts."

Eames 01-07-2004 04:05 PM

Damnit we already had this topic...we don't need it again.

SW-14 01-07-2004 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by pest

Originally Posted by Noctis
B) Our economy is not Bush's fault, take a fucking economics course.

I'll give you 10-1 odds bush trys to take credit for any economic turn around anyway. Hell, he already is.

Like the tax cuts had nothing to do with the 8.2% GDP increase third quarter, and a solid 3.1% increase in the second quarter of 2003. rolleyes:

MrLevinstein 01-07-2004 04:31 PM

Left wing media giving you the Howard Dean bullshit run?

Tune into Fox News.

Potsmoking hippies have left wing babies oOo:

imported_colt_45 01-07-2004 04:39 PM

[quote="Cpt. Zapotoski":1ce92]Noctis pretty much summed it up about the economic issue. Bush has done a good job so far, he has taken care of shit that Clinton had ignored in his administration and it did this country some good. Now that Saddam is captured perhaps he can help us locate Bin Laden and someother of the terroists groups.

I'm voting for Bush, because he needs to finish his job. Plus the democratic party looks like shit.[/quote:1ce92]

pest 01-07-2004 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by pest

Originally Posted by Noctis
B) Our economy is not Bush's fault, take a fucking economics course.

I'll give you 10-1 odds bush trys to take credit for any economic turn around anyway. Hell, he already is.

Like the tax cuts had nothing to do with the 8.2% GDP increase third quarter, and a solid 3.1% increase in the second quarter of 2003. rolleyes:[/quote:9e94b]

You cant in one breath say that nothing the president can do will effect the economy for 5-8 years and in the next breath hail yourself (or your canidate) as the savior of the economy for the same thing. Yet that is exactly what bush is doing (hell, in all fairness, both parties do it). I get annoyed with people thinking I am too dumb to notice that they are being hypocritical. But then again, you just showed that it does work on some people. And I'm probably voting for the asshole anyway ( I like guns, and lots of them. hellfire: )

Unknown_Sniper 01-07-2004 05:43 PM

this is a discusting year. Bush sucks. Im not voting for him. Clark came to my town today. there not 1 square inch of land that doesnt have a clark poster on it. He spammed our town with so much shit its insane. And our town isnt that large was kinda stupid

Pyro 01-07-2004 05:46 PM

if I was american i'd vote for anyone but bush.

gtboys34 01-07-2004 05:46 PM

That's interesting; real- life- human- spam.

Merlin122 01-07-2004 05:48 PM

i would rather have my shit packed in by a fat 50 year old middleschool teacher.

Unknown_Sniper 01-07-2004 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by gtboys34
That's interesting; real- life- human- spam.

want me to take picutres of it all? Iswear there are over 1,000 of the little signs in a 1/4 miles stretch of road. and then more else where

101stSpeirs 01-07-2004 06:49 PM


i;m not polically savvy, but compared to the opposition he is better, all my friends hate him and they all know alot... we need more war too.. and... and...FIRE!! hellfire:

plus i am incredibly sexist so screw hilary... j/k

catalyst 01-07-2004 06:53 PM

Re: Would you vote for Bush in 2004?
[quote="Captain Wilkins":b2acf]Personally, I wouldn't, because he was already assing up the Economy[/quote:b2acf]

How? Didn't we just have like the best quarter in almost 20 years? Isn't there even more expectation for growth in 2004?

RaNgeR 01-07-2004 07:44 PM

The other guy

strvs 01-07-2004 07:46 PM

No, simply no. The guy is a dolt.

Eames 01-07-2004 07:53 PM

Bush will win hands down, I've agreed with him on nearly everything, except for his recent plan to give amnesty to fucking illeagals and make it easier for more illeagals to come in. Its fucking we already dont have 1/5 of mexicos population living here already...

newt. 01-07-2004 07:59 PM


that other guy was a gernal right?


How about fixing this country before destroying and remaking another one with little hope for success

SW-14 01-07-2004 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by "SW-14":7a740

Originally Posted by pest

Originally Posted by Noctis
B) Our economy is not Bush's fault, take a fucking economics course.

I'll give you 10-1 odds bush trys to take credit for any economic turn around anyway. Hell, he already is.

Like the tax cuts had nothing to do with the 8.2% GDP increase third quarter, and a solid 3.1% increase in the second quarter of 2003. rolleyes:

You cant in one breath say that nothing the president can do will effect the economy for 5-8 years and in the next breath hail yourself (or your canidate) as the savior of the economy for the same thing. Yet that is exactly what bush is doing (hell, in all fairness, both parties do it). I get annoyed with people thinking I am too dumb to notice that they are being hypocritical. But then again, you just showed that it does work on some people.[/quote:7a740]

No, not really. I didn't say anything about how "nothing the president can do will will affect the economy for 5-8 years." Because I don't believe that's true.

But in this case, I think you really do have to give Bush some credit for the economic turn-around following the 9/11 attacks.

Eames 01-07-2004 08:31 PM


catalyst 01-07-2004 08:36 PM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":ccb30]Bush will win hands down, I've agreed with him on nearly everything, except for his recent plan to give amnesty to fucking illeagals and make it easier for more illeagals to come in. Its fucking we already dont have 1/5 of mexicos population living here already...[/quote:ccb30]

same here

Short Hand 01-07-2004 09:03 PM

As Bill Maher once said

"The Republicans and Democrats are like twins, both played by Gary Busee."

Your 2 party system gives you the illusion of a balanced and full optioned Democracy. what farce. Your fucked if you vote any way. Bush Democrrat it doesn't matter they both are what Bill Maher said. Pfft and why throw away your vote on green ? They haven't even come close to winning a state from as far as I can tell. oOo: + Notre damus predicted that a Women would become President of the United States in 2004 so who knows. biggrin: Have fun with your inferior system, by a false democracy. Bah done rant rolleyes:

catalyst 01-07-2004 09:15 PM

We actually spent a lot of time discussing why a two party system is a good thing. This was an IB class also, so it was not just bull

ShagNasty 01-07-2004 09:49 PM

[quote:c86f8] + Notre damus predicted that a Women would become President of the United States in 2004 so who knows[/quote:c86f8]

Can you post a link to that, I never heard that one. Just like he predicted the 911 attack NOT.

Short Hand 01-07-2004 09:52 PM

^ iill take a look around.

I remember the prediction saying not the US specificly but a nation of great power.

Eames 01-07-2004 10:17 PM

[quote="Short Hand":43e9a]As Bill Maher once said

"The Republicans and Democrats are like twins, both played by Gary Busee."

Your 2 party system gives you the illusion of a balanced and full optioned Democracy. what farce. Your fucked if you vote any way. Bush Democrrat it doesn't matter they both are what Bill Maher said. Pfft and why throw away your vote on green ? They haven't even come close to winning a state from as far as I can tell. oOo: + Notre damus predicted that a Women would become President of the United States in 2004 so who knows. biggrin: Have fun with your inferior system, by a false democracy. Bah done rant rolleyes:[/quote:43e9a]

like canada is a socialist wonderland?

Madmartagen 01-07-2004 10:28 PM

Any vote is a throw away for me because I havent seen any good candidates. In a way, our democracy is a farce because our vote doesnt even count. The popular vote doesn't decide who the president will be, its the electors who make that choice. I havent heard a single reason why anyone should vote for bush that isnt propoganda based. I think its ridiculous to say that CNN is biased, and on the other hand, get information from a show like Fox News. They are both biased in everyway imaginable. Bush will win again because his dad has money and they let idiots vote.

Eames 01-07-2004 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Any vote is a throw away for me because I havent seen any good candidates. In a way, our democracy is a farce because our vote doesnt even count. The popular vote doesn't decide who the president will be, its the electors who make that choice. I havent heard a single reason why anyone should vote for bush that isnt propoganda based. I think its ridiculous to say that CNN is biased, and on the other hand, get information from a show like Fox News. They are both biased in everyway imaginable. Bush will win again because his dad has money and they let idiots vote.

There used to be poll taxes and literacy tests to keep them from voting...but someone said that "violated civil rights"

Short Hand 01-07-2004 10:56 PM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":041b0][quote="Short Hand":041b0]As Bill Maher once said

"The Republicans and Democrats are like twins, both played by Gary Busee."

Your 2 party system gives you the illusion of a balanced and full optioned Democracy. what farce. Your fucked if you vote any way. Bush Democrrat it doesn't matter they both are what Bill Maher said. Pfft and why throw away your vote on green ? They haven't even come close to winning a state from as far as I can tell. oOo: + Notre damus predicted that a Women would become President of the United States in 2004 so who knows. biggrin: Have fun with your inferior system, by a false democracy. Bah done rant rolleyes:[/quote:041b0]

like canada is a socialist wonderland?[/quote:041b0]

Socialist Wonderland ? hmm...... no hake:

01-07-2004 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by ShagNasty
lmao Hillary Clinton will not have a chance, We will have a black one before a woman.


DISCLAIMER: any resemblence between these three guys and the real Three Stooges is definetly unfair to the Stooges biggrin:

SW-14 01-07-2004 11:18 PM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":e0b5d]

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Any vote is a throw away for me because I havent seen any good candidates. In a way, our democracy is a farce because our vote doesnt even count. The popular vote doesn't decide who the president will be, its the electors who make that choice. I havent heard a single reason why anyone should vote for bush that isnt propoganda based. I think its ridiculous to say that CNN is biased, and on the other hand, get information from a show like Fox News. They are both biased in everyway imaginable. Bush will win again because his dad has money and they let idiots vote.

There used to be poll taxes and literacy tests to keep them from voting...but someone said that "violated civil rights"[/quote:e0b5d]


Chango 01-08-2004 12:25 AM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":56764]

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Any vote is a throw away for me because I havent seen any good candidates. In a way, our democracy is a farce because our vote doesnt even count. The popular vote doesn't decide who the president will be, its the electors who make that choice. I havent heard a single reason why anyone should vote for bush that isnt propoganda based. I think its ridiculous to say that CNN is biased, and on the other hand, get information from a show like Fox News. They are both biased in everyway imaginable. Bush will win again because his dad has money and they let idiots vote.

There used to be poll taxes and literacy tests to keep them from voting...but someone said that "violated civil rights"[/quote:56764]

You mean the illegal vote taxes and literacy tests that the south put on the former slaves (that you know the white people couldn't pass even if their life depended on it)?

You keep saying you're not a racist, then you say shit like this. Or are you just an ignorant little prick?

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