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-   -   WArez was a beta!!! hah! (

01-25-2002 08:34 AM

What is there to gloat about? As was stated, the BETA version of a game doesnt always mean "incomplete". Just not retail. They could have added a "credit" to the credit real for all you know and considered that to be "GOLD". The warez version still runs as fine as the RETAIL, and folks were having a frenzy playing it as early as 2 weeks ago.

The only thing I think someone could crow about - or come close - is the fact that a patch is already available and is only usable by the full version. However, there were about 500 people in the MOH room before it came out, running servers - so one can only speculate there will be a fair share of 1.0 servers running for quite some time.

Well, long enough for 1.1 to be cracked at least.


Ponomis 01-25-2002 09:55 AM

Cerebreal assassin, on a message board I frequent, some guys with the warez version said that the patch was cracked wihtin two hours of being released =(

Frambosie 01-25-2002 09:59 AM

all you u itdots who bad mouthed us about buying the game. YOU WERE WRONG!!!!! it was a beta, haha they have diff installdir files as reported by so sucks for u!!! IDOTS!!!!!! lol!!! i laugh in your face!!!

01-25-2002 10:03 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Cerebreal assassin, on a message board I frequent, some guys with the warez version said that the patch was cracked wihtin two hours of being released =(<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lol. Damn. You gotta admire their expediency and determination though. Just think of the things these folks are gonna create when they grow the hell up.

I dunno, my beef is why complain about it. It's not going anywhere. Be sure of that. And by all sign, it sure as hell didn't hurt the gaming businesses bottom line - sales are up 2billion from last year. Is it wrong? Yup. Am I going to be a hypocrite and say all warez-users need to be strung out on their toes. No. But I will admit that if I were in 2015's shoes, I'd be damn upset.

mazel tov

Lt_Col_Tall 01-25-2002 10:13 AM

sit back and watch, these are the guys who are gonna have problems with the patch.

Frambosie 01-25-2002 10:14 AM

hell yeah, but they cant join a game if the server has the patch so SUX FOR THEM!!!!!!

ThePuppetMaster 01-25-2002 10:15 AM

Frambosie, u must be a retard or something. Yes, that is a beta...but the real retail warez is probly already i dont think people will have a hard time downloading it, like i said before, downloading isnt hard. So they'll uninstall the beta and install the retail... Think, it aint very hard at all

madrebel 01-25-2002 10:19 AM

well this so called "beta" that i downloaded(yes i have the full version 2 copies to be exact) is as far as i can tell exactly like the retail. both say version 1.0 both contain the same content and the install size is the same.

doesnt really matter if youre not willing to spring for this game youre an idiot.

ThePuppetMaster 01-25-2002 10:21 AM

Or here i have a better
if in ur city u have a pc game rental like me mohaa and get the "NO CD" patch...ur ur set..hehe ..SUX FOR U!

ThePuppetMaster 01-25-2002 10:22 AM

I agree with Cerebral Assassin.

Cerberus-WG 01-25-2002 10:29 AM

1.1 was cracked in a matter of hours. All that work and nothing to show for it.

madrebel 01-25-2002 10:35 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ThePuppetMaster:
Or here i have a better
if in ur city u have a pc game rental like me mohaa and get the "NO CD" patch...ur ur set..hehe ..SUX FOR U!
as much as i support "fully testing" software before you buy it. this is just lame dude. if you like the game pay for it.

01-25-2002 10:37 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>1.1 was cracked in a matter of hours. All that work and nothing to show for it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think the point was to address several mp concerns that were OBVIOUSLY appearant. I dunno if stopping "cracked-players" from playing was the goal.


[2ndS.S.]Enigma 01-25-2002 10:40 AM

ur so stupid! Some one can just burn the ame and give it out. Omg.... Yes u can burn moh:aa


Hilikus 01-25-2002 10:41 AM

You guys are freakin' idiots when it comes to warez. I have never seen so many dumbasses get so riled up. Yes they can be bad but some of you guys just have no clue at all!!! A lot of times people that work for the developer leak the program just like mp3's get leaked before an album's release?!?!?! Also a retailer or reviewer given a copy for evaluation before the release could have done the same thing. It's not that hard. And if that weren't the case all it takes is for someone who bought the game to rip it and put it online so that means the real game could have been on-line as early as Sunday when people were saying they got it from Wal-mart. Get a goddamn life. People will warez no matter what. So no matter how many stupid posts you make it will continue. So do us all a favor and shut the hell up.

BTW-I bought this game.

Cpt0bvious 01-26-2002 01:50 AM


You do realise that the message you added (if people can put 2 and 2 together) is the key to getting the update installed on the freaking warez version (FLT)

And yes, Deviance already released a cracked EXE for the beta/retail warez releases v1.1

I dont agree with warezing, but not sure how it will be stopped via IRC and Usenet, just no way to police it

[This message has been edited by Cpt0bvious (edited January 26, 2002).]

01-26-2002 03:20 AM

As soon as I figured out what was meant, there already was a "fix" out there for us porr/cheap/bastard MOH players. Durn my slow-moving mind.


[AoD]Jobi1 01-26-2002 03:27 AM

Warez bitches suck!

01-26-2002 03:47 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Warez bitches suck!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I know mine does. It's the swallow that she cant hang with. Damn.


114th.Raiders_KisSes 01-26-2002 03:48 AM




114th.Raiders_KisSes 01-26-2002 03:50 AM

Iam sorry to say but..

eheh There has been a New Iso version of MoH:AA it's called Store Final
that's the version that works with the patch

sorry for the Bad news



Aleksandr Kalosnikov 01-26-2002 04:02 AM

I'm still planning to buy the game...and the means that I have to wait till the 14th of feb : (
but i still want the game so...i will just walk over to the store and buy the frikki'n game.

[This message has been edited by Aleksandr Kalosnikov (edited January 26, 2002).]

01-26-2002 04:24 AM

There are a number of ways to get the patch working with the "beta", and the Full-Retail, both of which work.

You cant keep a good 'warezer' down...well a group of FBI agenst can, with a knee in the back - but that's neither here nor there.


Lt.Death 01-26-2002 06:15 AM

Hey Cerebral Assasin? Didn`t you play for the Rangers or something in DOD? I could swear I rememeber you. I played omaha a few times against you. You were good....better than me.

Overon 01-26-2002 07:23 AM

While it also makes me feel good to laugh at warez people because I paid for the game and they didn't, the reality of the situation is that no matter which warez release they got, after the mohaa 1.1 patch, their game and my game differs in only one thing, their game doesn't require the cd to be in the drive to play while mine does.

How do I know? Cause everyone has friends who are into warez and I'm no exception.

CO791 01-26-2002 10:15 AM

Its been fixed. Beta or whatever you want to call it..its fixed. Im sure they appreciated your technical advice though.

Bobo 01-26-2002 11:24 AM

Unfortunately he is right...
This is quoted from the source of the Final Retail Warez Release:

You might have seen a FLT release of this game before, which turned out
to be just another beta. A few examples of differences for files that do
not have the same date and/or content (from both cds and installdir):

01.12.06 22:08:20 R 630,838 cgamex86.dll
01.12.15 06:43:18 R 594,632,704
01.12.15 06:45:20 R 280,563,093
01.12.15 06:40:26 R 167,785 Setup.inx
(DIR) 83,825,947 mainvideo

The FLT-version enters this into the registry:

HKLMSOFTWAREEA GAMESMedal of Honor Allied Assault1.1.12.130

Store Final:
01.12.06 22:08:20 R 630,838 cgamex86.dll
01.12.21 08:57:46 R 594,632,704
01.12.21 08:59:42 R 280,721,436
01.12.21 08:54:46 R 167,785 Setup.inx
(DIR) 84,063,581 mainvideo

The store final enters this into the registry:

HKLMSOFTWAREEA GAMESMedal of Honor Allied Assault1.1.12.200

That all proves that FLT's release was a definite beta (i.e. a copy for a
magazine (p)review) and not a store final. [BTW, we recommend that a certain
FLT person takes a closer look at the cgamex86.dll on his beta cd.]

Lately we have seen a number of newbies and dumb biased scene nukers asking
why DEViANCE even bother to release finals for games that have been
released as late betas by other groups. We couldn't say it better than our
competition themselves have done, as quoted from an nfo for a game that
FLT put the US-store final out for (Final Fantasy 8):

"So here you have the full FINAL version of this Huge game and Error free
Bins, Killing two birds with One Stone. The purpose of the ISO scene is
to share images of store final CDS, the same product that would be sold
as retail in a software shop. Otherwise we risk problems of update patches
not working correctly."

We would welcome if all groups aimed to uphold quality in the iso-releasing
scene - and that means that groups do not release betas intentionally and
that they do not release versions of games of which they are not sure if
they are really final. Mistakes in judging what is final and what is beta
can of course happen and have happened to us in the past as well.

But we in DEViANCE believe that it is not acceptable when iso-groups like
FLT release betas in almost regular short intervals. We can only hope that
our competition in FLT will finally learn that reviewers' copies on gold
cdrs are almost never the final versions of a game - and definitely not
worthwhile iso releases.

If you prefer betas, do not leech this release.

DarkEdge 01-26-2002 11:35 AM

I know it is the key. I learned how to do it from that post. If you have a brain you can. I also own the game though to so its ok, I dled the game/beta when it was released by flt, and just wanted to prove to my friends it could be done.

For all you poor/cheapskates out there, keep trying. Theres a away.

01-26-2002 11:39 AM

Lol BOBO. This is like some corporate executive releasing a "memo" responding to another companies business "tacticcs".

I just had to laugh at this.

Anywho - you get any calls from any FEDERALS yet?


- PzY - 01-27-2002 01:06 AM

/ // \ /// \ //// \\ ///// \\ ////// \\\ /////// \\\ //////// Behold \\\\ ///////// the \\\\ \\\\ Power ///////// \\\\ of //////// \\\ Quark /////// \\\ ////// \\ ///// \\ //// \ /// \ // / Bulding Blocks of Matter; Curriers of Electricity ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ
ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º Medal of Honor : Allied Assault BETA to Final (c) Electronic Arts º º º º º º Coder........: Team Quark Release Date...: 01/26/2002 º º Cracker......: Devience Game Type......: WW2 FPS º º # of Disks...: 1 x 15mb Game Rating....: You Decide º º Packager.....: Team Quark Protection.....: SAFEDISC 2 º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ
ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º Release Info º º º º If you havent heard of this game you have been living under a large º º rock. This is is a patch, fixing the 5, count them 5 diferences º º between the Devience ISO and the Fairlight ISO. Please note that we º º did not crack this, as both releases had working cracks, and in an º º effort to leave it as intact as possible we included the Store Final º º Devience crack, allthough the 2 orginal .exes crced the same. This º º released for everyone who doesnt want to download a ~1500mb new set ofº º iSOs. º º º º The Full List of Diferences : º º Files : º º mainvideo2015intro.mp3 º º mainvideo2015intro.RoQ º º maincgamex86.dll º º MOHAA.exe [the cracked version, the originals are identical] º º Registry Keys : º º HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWA
REEA GAMES º º Medal of Honor Allied Assault1.1.12.200 º º º º Note, this MAY work with the rip, however It has not been Tested! º º º º Enjoy, and expect more fine releases from Team Quark º º º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ
ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º Install Instructions º º 1 Unpack mohaa.rar in /mohaa/, remember to overwrite. º º 2 double click 2.reg to add it to your registry. º º 3 Play º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ
ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º º º Group Info º º º º Bored? Join Quark, our mebership benifits have yet to be determined,º º you can make them your self º º º º We are the people Your Mothers warned you about, and the people you º º will warn your children about. º º º º Needs : º º Team Quark needs just about everything. º º º º Can You Buy Software and live on a fast line? º º º º Do you work for a magazine, cd presser, etc and can get games º º early? Definitly contact us ! º º º º Do you run a 6mbit or higher *nix site? º º º º Can you rip games and or make tools to help? º º º º Can you Crack safedisk/secuROM/Wierd Stuff? We Need You! º º º º Do you have 2mbit or more shellbox, it will not be used for º º anything illegal. º º º º Can you do this Miscellaneous Usefull thing that I left out? º º º º If you meet any of the above requirments º º CONTACT US º º º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ
ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º Our 1337 Sites: º º [NAME] ... .. . [IP] ... .. . [Speed] [Size] [Status] º º º º Txx Cxxxxx Sxxxx - - 10mb 85gb WHQ º º Mxxxxx Dxxx - - 10mb 35gb USHQ º º Vxxxx Ax Mxxx - - 10mb 75gb EastUSHQ º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ
ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ [-Contact us plz we have no life-] - - --------------- - - Irc.....: maybe Www.....: Email...: war3zb1tch@hotmail
.com - - --------------- - - ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ
ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º Greetz, Almost forgot them, º º group : Hell, Everyone, that deserves to be called a group º º personal : Anybody who gave me hand in this, and the rest of you º º º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ

Self-explanatory :P

01-27-2002 01:18 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Hey Cerebral Assasin? Didn`t you play for the Rangers or something in DOD? I could swear I rememeber you. I played omaha a few times against you. You were good....better than me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Naw. I actually just got Half Life, but my phone line is wacky so I get a png of about 2000 on dsl. Fun.

I pretty much play OMAHA exclusively - so I wouldn't doubt if someone saw me there. And I'm far from good, just know "habits", lol -


sgt.sayian 01-27-2002 01:42 AM

Actually the patches can be cracked, and the people with the so called "Warez/beta ver" can download and install the patch.

01-27-2002 01:49 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Actually the patches can be cracked, and the people with the so called "Warez/beta ver" can download and install the patch.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Been there, done that. Having soooooooooooo much fun.


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