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which one are you?
Post who you think people on this forum are & what you think you are. I recon I'm this; [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/BigCat.jpg[/img] Big Cat would rather not fight...he enjoys peacefully observing forum conversations and laconically participates when the moods strikes. He playfully chases interesting threads, and from time to time uses a Newbie or Propellerhead as a convenient scratching post. He enjoys being stroked or petted, and tends to purr loudly. CAUTION: Don't be fooled by his fuzzy, playful exterior. When provoked, Big Cat reacts with lightning speed and almost always lands on his feet after an attack. Big Cat often indulges himself by toying with his victim before delivering his lethal blows. |
I'd like to think I'm the leet Philosopher... but I'll settle for Big Cat http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame82.html |
Awsome site Fluffy ,
I think we have a little of everything here. I'm gonna put these out as I see em , so if I upset anyone..... sorry. First off : [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Grunter.jpg[/img] Grunter always reponds to discussion forum messages with a single word or a short phrase, and he NEVER edits quoted material . Profundus Maximus, Philosopher, Tireless Rebutter, and other verbose Warriors find Grunter a particularly exasperating opponent because he will answer their lengthy pontifications with a simple "Yeah!". "Get a life.", "Whatever", "I agree." "Wrong.", etc. While Grunter is not a strong Warrior, he is very elusive and difficult to engage in direct battle, and only by his extended silence is there any indication that he has been vanquished. This is Definatly Machette. [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Bong.jpg[/img] Does the writer seems to babble on and on? Does he lurch from one non sequitur to another? Are you baffled by his obscure metaphors? Are there so many typos you think that maybe he was typing while wearing a catcher's mit? Can he really MEAN what he just said? What in the hell is this guy talking about, anyway? Is this guy smoking something? Well, yes...in fact he is, and placidly tethered in high orbit Bong remains far beyond the reach of the even the most powerful Warriors' weaponry. This is Gilbert [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Palooka2.jpg[/img] Palooka will battle anyone, anytime, anywhere - he seems to love it, even though he always takes a beating. After a terrific pounding at the hands of, for example, Kung-Fu Master, he'll just struggle to his feet and wobble back into the ring. His astonishing ability to absorb punishment leads one to suspect that during his long Warrior career Palooka has taken a few too many punches. Often, as an act of mercy, Nanny will step in to stop the fight. I don't know how many people will remember him but this is Slaggg , He was a up-front guy , and I like that. But he always started a fight and LOST. [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Nanny.jpg[/img] Nanny tirelessly monitors forum discussions and makes it his mission to see to it that everyone behaves. While he is quick to admonish for off-topic messages and petty squabbling, he is generally rather slow to anger. Nanny rarely wades into pitched battles, rather he simply pulls the plug on combatants. Often Nanny becomes the unwitting ally to the intrigues of Rat and Crybaby. Zoner.... Give me a bit to look closer and I think I can come up with more....lol. Oh and Solidus , you are a Royal baby. |
without a doubt this is me
[img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Bong.jpg[/img] |
Ok ,
[img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Jerk.jpg[/img] Jerk is sarcastic, mean, unforgiving and never misses an opportunity to make a cutting remark. Jerk's repulsive personality quickly alienates other Warriors, and after some initial skirmishing he is usually ostracized. Still, Jerk is very happy to participate in electronic forums because in cyberspace he is free to be himself...without the risk of getting a real-time punch in the mouth. This is Animal ( as he once was ) [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Yukyuk.jpg[/img] Apparently there is no joke too lame, too lurid or too inappropriate for Yuk Yuk, and he's absolutely determined to share with you every gobbet of stale drollery, every tired urban legend and every goofy web site on the internet. Yuk Yuk seldom contributes to any discussion, preferring instead to forward witticisms and bon mots culled from his voluminous archive. Of course, should other Warriors object to his off topic inanities they are accused of lacking a sense of humor. That would be NyckMSS , A little 8Ace in there too. [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Enfant.jpg[/img] L'Enfant Provocateur likes to stir up trouble because...because, well...just because. This species of Flame Warrior is almost always young and male - it could be just a hormone thing. This is almost Tripper , but Tripper has a wit about him that should be included. |
Nitpick compensates for his general weakness as a Warrior by pouncing on errors, however irrelevant to the discussion, and using them to discredit the enemy. For example, if his opponent in a sports forum conflict casually mentioned the Cubs' 4-2 victory in the 1908 World Series, Nitpick would quickly counterattack with something like, "4-2 !? Any moron knows the Cubs won the Series 4-1! Someone so ignorant about baseball history can't possibly know anything about salary caps!" Even if the minor point is conceded Nitpick will return to it whenever pressed in the main arena of battle. Nitpick can be easily bested by even Rottweiler Puppy, but he is very tenacious and will never admit defeat. Nitpick is a close ally of Artful Dodger. [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Archivist.jpg[/img] Archivist saves and squirrels away each and every discussion forum message. Do you remember having a bad day back in 1996 when in one of your messages you may have said a few things that were...well, perhaps a little...hasty? Don't worry, Archivist still has it and will post it to the forum if you begin to get the upper hand in battle. Archivist can be a very effective and fearsome Warrior. We have so many of these I cannot even begin to list names , you know if you fit into this catagory. |
Weenie - GERARD
[img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Netweenie.jpg[/img] Weenie is a very sensitive guy, and it angers him that everyone isn't as sensitive as he. A soi-disant male feminist, he not only cares deeply about women's issues, he's concerned about poverty, people of color, gay rights and sea turtles. Weenie strives to be politically correct at all times and is ever vigilant against anti progressive attitudes. Weenie is always solicitous towards the oppressed classes, but will lash out viciously at retrograde brutes such as Deacon and Troglodyte. So damn true |
this has got to be one of the best posts/finds of the new yr! outstanding site! very interesting and full of irony/humor rock:
"Most Warriors will either ignore Newbie or treat him with mild disdain, but a few, such as Jerk and Evil Clown, take special pleasure in torturing him." you cant help immediately conjuring up your'e aa.com memories when you read these! happy: http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame23.html simo ^ ed: happy: |
[img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Potty.jpg[/img] Compost has few weapons at his disposal and must resort to expletives and gross vulgarities to amplify his rhetorical thrusts. His tactical approach can occasionally rout Innocence Abused, but it is generally ineffective against other Warriors. Combatants know when he has spent the fury of his attack when he suggests that his opponent's mother is a professional sexual services provider (although he will put it in different terms). Nanny has little stomach for Compost's ordure and will quickly eject him from the forum. ^ Blitz biggrin: |
This was me moreso a few months back. Maybe a year ago, but It probably still applies. |
[img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Lonely.jpg[/img] [quote:40289]Lonely Guy doesn't get out much, and often his social isolation can drive him to do battle just for the human contact. Compassion dictates that we shouldn't get too upset with his antics. Nonetheless, Lonely Guy can be very fierce. Remember, he has nothing better to do than stew over real or imagined insults. CAUTION: If Lonely Guy is also a Propeller Head he may retaliate with e mail bombing, anonymous spamming, electronic stalking and other techie mischief. [/quote:40289] |
hah im still reading all of them...great site, he has almost all of the internet persona's there
just thought i'd bump this thread here, you know, one that contains actual content and is interesting....
freak: |
yup im god I dont even have to knnow what god is to know I am god. bow before me idiots
[img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/God.jpg[/img] |
Na that's not me. |
Bean and Tripper
[img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Duelists.jpg[/img] In a perpetual closed-loop feud, the Duelists generally don't menace anyone but each other, unless, of course, another Warrior foolishly attempts to mediate. Like the Hatfields and McCoys, they probably don't even remember the source of their mutual animus, nonetheless they enthusiastically loathe one another and seize every opportunity to exchange vitriol. When the other Warriors eventually weary of their endless kvetching the Duelists will be shouted down or Nanny will ban them. Even after getting the heave-ho from one forum, however, it is not unusual for them to find each other in another discussion group and the fighting will begin anew. Hate is sometimes as mysterious as love... 5T4T1C [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Rottweiler.jpg[/img] Rottweiler Puppy is clumsy, marginally articulate, unsteady in his often playful attacks, but anyone who cares to notice will see that one day he will be a fierce and powerful Big Dog. HINT: By showing some patience and kindness to Rottweiler Puppy in his formative stages prudent Warriors may gain a steadfast and formidable ally. Badscript [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Roayls.jpg[/img] Whether through virtue, contribution, force of personality or sheer longevity certain forum participants will rise to form an aristocracy. While it is generally taboo to openly acknowledge the class distinctions, the hierarchy is well understood by all. While for the most part the Royals rule with magnanimity, they will not tolerate impertinence from the hoi polloi. It is their habit to remain aloof from petty squabbles among their subjects, but when full-scale war breaks out their intervention can be decisive. Me [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Pithy.jpg[/img] Pithy Phrase is a walking compendium of famous quotations and wise adages. Of course, he will never add anything original to the discussion, but because most discussion forums communicate through e mail he can take his time to thumb through books of quotes and find les mots justes for every situation. Er...didn't Winston Churchill say, "It's a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations."? Digital forums are a gift to the slow witted (I said that). |
wich one is me?
Animal Mother:
[img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Clown.jpg[/img] Evil Clown is very quick with a joke, but his jests always have a barb. He has little patience for in-depth discussions and will often disrupt exchanges between serious forum participants by introducing irrelevant topics, fatuous quips, and offhand comments. His greatest thrill is to taunt and humiliate weaker or more plodding Warriors with his snappy ripostes. When a strong Warrior finally corners him Evil Clown will attempt to escape by accusing his attacker of having no sense of humor. [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Perv.jpg[/img] Perv is a relatively rare Flame Warrior and is very secretive. He incites trouble merely to keep people talking to him. He can be very difficult to identify, but one big tipoff is if he seems less interested in what you have to say than what you are wearing. Couldn't of said it better myself!!!! LOL |
[quote="Captain Wilkins":e88c4]Bean and Tripper
In a perpetual closed-loop feud, the Duelists generally don't menace anyone but each other, unless, of course, another Warrior foolishly attempts to mediate. Like the Hatfields and McCoys, they probably don't even remember the source of their mutual animus, nonetheless they enthusiastically loathe one another and seize every opportunity to exchange vitriol. When the other Warriors eventually weary of their endless kvetching the Duelists will be shouted down or Nanny will ban them. Even after getting the heave-ho from one forum, however, it is not unusual for them to find each other in another discussion group and the fighting will begin anew. Hate is sometimes as mysterious as love...[/quote:e88c4] ...Try - Tripper and.....about 50% of the people on this forum. |
a typical "duelists" reply rock: |
I'm obviously God. I saw that website three years ago last time. All I know was that I saw it before September 11. Good memories.
Archivist saves and squirrels away each and every discussion forum message. Do you remember having a bad day back in 1996 when in one of your messages you may have said a few things that were...well, perhaps a little...hasty? Don't worry, Archivist still has it and will post it to the forum if you begin to get the upper hand in battle. Archivist can be a very effective and fearsome Warrior. thats me and most of you [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Centurion.jpg[/img] Centurion tries to gain tactical advantage in battle by asserting that he is, or was at one time, in the military. He affects the brusque demeanor and clipped style of a drill sergeant, and intimidates opponents by sprinkling his messages with military verbiage and obscure acronyms. He reinforces weak arguments by constantly reminding other Warriors that he has “done his duty”, or “served his country”. Sometimes Centurion may even post pictures of military hardware or images of himself in fatigues brandishing a weapon. Centurion may actually have a military background, or he may just be a nut case - no one really knows. Centurion loathes and is loathed by Weenie, Artiste and Fragile Femme. His natural ally is Troglodyte. |
wish i had the time to go over these rolleyes:
BJ Plzkthx. happy: - - - - 0====8 |
airborne butters lol
http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame72.html man who was it, anywho i can't think of his name at the moment..but http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame73.html |
[quote:8fa61] [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Capitalista.jpg[/img] Despite assumptions to the contrary, Capitalista is not always a wealthy fat cat; being a Capitalista is a state of mind rather than a reflection of affluence. A strident and extraordinarily self–satisfied Warrior, Capitalista takes every opportunity to loudly extol the superiority of the United States and routinely expresses a powerful aversion to all things European. When left-leaning Warriors attack the free enterprise system Capitalista will instantly spring into action, fiercely bludgeoning all “socialists” and “fuzzy-minded liberals” with Adam Smith, Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek. Though often rather limited in his range of interests, Capitalista’s command of tendentious historical facts, abstruse statistical comparisons and arcane economic theory renders him nearly invincible in battle. [/quote:8fa61] Noctis |
Dont know about these two but I definately know we have these two in our forum.
Atheist [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Atheist.jpg[/img] Atheist is Deacon's cyber-doppelganger. Deacon and Atheist hold equally fervent, though diametrically opposed beliefs about religion, and both feel compelled to share those beliefs at every possible opportunity. Should an unsuspecting forum member make even a passing comment about faith or spirituality of any flavor, Atheist will descend like one of the Furies, mercilessly hectoring all of the ignorant and delusional believers about the sordid history of the church and the pernicious effects of religion on society. After a few of Atheist’s anti-religious jeremiads most other Warriors will avoid the subject altogether, though Evil Clown may egg him on a little, and Philosopher may amuse himself by pointing out flaws in his reasoning. If a forum has the misfortune of having both Deacon and Atheist as members, the bickering often continues until Nanny or Admin pulls the plug. Bliss Ninny can also sometimes squelch the conversation by saying, “Well, everyone has a right to their [sic] opinion.” Target [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Target.jpg[/img] Target is the guy everyone in a forum loves to hate. To some degree he brings this upon himself. For example, he may be a known cheater in a game forum, a conservative among liberals, a Windows guy among Mac enthusiasts, or even a man in a women's forum. Why Target places himself in such dicey situations is anyone's guess, but he seems genuinely oblivious to his precarious position. When Target inevitably runs afoul of a forum's prevailing attitudes the other Warriors unleash their collective fury upon him. His usual reaction is "Hey, what did I do?" or "Why do you all hate me?" Target usually gets the hint after a while and moves on. NOTE: Target often serves as a useful pressure valve for the forum's pent up hostilities. Therefore, if the current Target has been driven off or immobilized a new target will be quickly selected. CAUTION: Target is a favorite disguise of Troller amd Evil Clown. |
lmao, so many targets on this board
what do certain racist parties who shall remain unnamed fall under; target or troglodyte?
we throw quite a few of these around
[img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Grenade.jpg[/img] Grenade isn't actually a Warrior, per se, but he is an ordnance so widely employed by combatants that no Flame Warriors guide would be complete without mentioning him. When lobbed into a discussion forum Grenade instantly reduces any semblance of reasonable discourse to smoking rubble and sets in motion the forces of war. Grenade can be loaded with different explosives depending on the forum, but some common detonating materials are Clinton, gun control, homosexuality, Reagan, abortion, taxes, conspiracy theory, the NEA, welfare reform, etc. When beleaguered and facing certain defeat a Warrior can deflect even the most determined attack by triggering a diversionary explosion. Grenade is a particularly destructive weapon when wielded by Evil Clown, Issues, Troglodyte and even Weenie, but almost any Warrior can use it to gain a temporary strategic advantage. Grenade is the preferred weapon of Troller and L'Enfant Provocateur. Eagle Scout has been known to throw himself upon Grenade to save the forum. |
this is quite a few people here [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Tireless.jpg[/img] For Tireless Rebutter there is no such thing as a trivial dispute. He regards all challenges as if the barbarians were battering at the gates. His unflagging tenacity in making his points numbs and eventually wears down the opposition. Confident that his arguments are sound, Tireless Rebutter can't understand why he is universally loathed. Absouletly no one on this board [img]http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/assets/Eagle.jpg[/img] Eagle Scout is a positive, constructive Warrior who endeavors to submit original articles which contain useful content and relevant information with supporting citations and links, thus initiating meaningful discussion threads. Eagle Scout regards the internet as an uplifting, egalitarian, worldwide arena for the exchange of ideas among intelligent, thinking individuals. He does not openly attack, but will (ever tactfully) chastise disruptive comments, gratuitous insults and cretinous insipidity. He is always kind and helpful to Newbie, and will shrug off even the most egregious insults. Eagle Scout is loathed with a poisonous intensity by Evil Clown, Jerk, L'Enfant Provocateur and Ego. CAUTION: Sometimes Imposter, Evil Clown or Troller will masquerade as Eagle Scout. There have also been reports of Eagle Scout becoming Jekyl and Hyde. |
Yea some of them are not entirly acurate , but they get close.....
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