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TGB! 03-19-2004 01:22 PM

Can we trust Buckweed?
[b]I dont know if this is old news or not, but if you arent much into competing, then I wouldnt be suprised if you werent aware of this:

[url= 7a16f][t3r] gets disqualified for cheating[/url:7a16f]

Now, what does this have to do with our new mod?

[quote:7a16f].:[t3R]:. Current CoD roster


.:[t3R]:. Soviet Medic





.:[t3R]:.Gingerbread Man:|R|



.:[t3R]:. afterShock


Now, this is distressing to me. But I'm not going to go all out and call the entire clan a bunch of cheaters, but as a moderator of a website entrusted to make the RIGHT decision, you need to be above certain things. I think we can all agree cheaters deserve a slow painful beating with a sack of knobs. And at the very least they should not be a moderator. I propose then that Buck be given an oppurtunity to explain him, however I will have other pieces of info later as soon as I get some confirmation.

Hollywood 03-19-2004 01:29 PM

He was also banned from the 1RD server for cheating the other day, and is on thin ice over at AAN.

Nyck 03-19-2004 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Hollywood
He was also banned from the 1RD server for cheating the other day, and is on thin ice over at AAN.

Hax! I heard about the 1rd couple days mang!
They called out Himmler too, he was personally named!

TGB! 03-19-2004 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Hollywood
He was also banned from the 1RD server for cheating the other day, and is on thin ice over at AAN.

Hmmm didnt know about that. So three isntances of cheating from members of T3R. Two situations which directly involve Buckweed. annoy:

Maybe we should have the first "AA.Com Impeachment Precedings".

Madmartagen 03-19-2004 01:43 PM

How does someone cheating on a game reflect poor moderating skills on a online forum? oOo:

Pick Axe 03-19-2004 01:44 PM

Humm, you know buck will probably just lock this thread.

Nyck 03-19-2004 01:48 PM

Coming soon to DVD Special Edition


Madmartagen 03-19-2004 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by NyckMSS
Coming soon to DVD Special Edition



Bucknub 03-19-2004 01:49 PM

OK, well first off, cheating in games has nothing to do with moderating and internet forum. My clan didn't get banned from the TWL ladder because of me, This banning was caused by someone else in my clan during a MOH match, which I do not play, it this was an accident when he minimized the window.

We are actaully working this out with TWL

as for the banning of 1RD. This "cheat" I was doing is actually something in the game, ANYONE can do IN ANY server, I wont say what it is though.

1RD server is pure shit anyways, I jsut went in there to fuck around, They have gay console messages ever 5 seconds, it's ridiculous.

So there you have it.

TGB! 03-19-2004 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
How does someone cheating on a game reflect poor moderating skills on a online forum? oOo:


Originally Posted by Buckweed
OK, well first off, cheating in games has nothing to do with moderating and internet forum.

If you honestly have to ask. . .

Sorry but I dont want someone who cheats, not just casually but in organized league play as well moderating this forum.

1. Shows a lack of character on the part of the mod.

2. Shows a lack of character on the part of the forum itself.

Now if you didnt cheat (which I will soon have more info to confirm this), then at the most you took advantage of an exploit.

geRV 03-19-2004 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by BucKweEd
OK, well first off, cheating in games has nothing to do with moderating and internet forum. My clan didn't get banned from the TWL ladder because of me, This banning was caused by someone else in my clan during a MOH match, which I do not play, it this was an accident when he minimized the window.

We are actaully working this out with TWL

as for the banning of 1RD. This "cheat" I was doing is actually something in the game, ANYONE can do IN ANY server, I wont say what it is though.

1RD server is pure shit anyways, I jsut went in there to fuck around, They have gay console messages ever 5 seconds, it's ridiculous.

So there you have it.

STFU hacking bitch,


imported_Fluffy_Bunny 03-19-2004 01:55 PM

all cheaters should fukin die

Pick Axe 03-19-2004 01:56 PM

I agree with Gay Blade. We need respectable mods.

TGB! 03-19-2004 02:01 PM

Well I dont think Buck should die. . .

However he shouldnt be a mod. It's his word against three seperate sources. This sites "rep" is hurting enough as it is. TWL isnt some drop in the bucket. It's seen and viewed by hundreds. It only takes putting two and two together before folks realize that yes a mod from a confirmed clan that cheats (and not just a member but the leader of the clan) is part off This site cannot afford to have its leadership associated with a cheater.

Cpt. Obvious 03-19-2004 02:04 PM

I cheat all the time, big fucking deal.

Madmartagen 03-19-2004 02:04 PM

[quote="The Gay Blade!":73ea5]

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
How does someone cheating on a game reflect poor moderating skills on a online forum? oOo:


Originally Posted by Buckweed
OK, well first off, cheating in games has nothing to do with moderating and internet forum.

If you honestly have to ask. . .

Sorry but I dont want someone who cheats, not just casually but in organized league play as well moderating this forum.

1. Shows a lack of character on the part of the mod.

2. Shows a lack of character on the part of the forum itself.

Now if you didnt cheat (which I will soon have more info to confirm this), then at the most you took advantage of an exploit.

First off, he wasnt listed as one of the possible offenders as you noted in your last statement, therfore this whole thread is bullshit. Second, a moderator on this forum is designated to filter out spam, porn, and offensive material, am i right? Badscript picked Buckweed to be a mod, and its his site he can do whatever the fuck he wants with it. The only lack of character ive seen so far in respect to this thread is someones character being attacked without any reason whatsoever. For someone to be affiliated with another individual who has cheated does not make that person any less of a talented moderator. I dont know buckweed personally, he may be a total piece of shit, but as far as I know, its wrong to criticize him pre-emptively when the facts havent come out.

Mr.Buttocks 03-19-2004 02:07 PM


elitecloud 03-19-2004 02:13 PM

[quote="The Gay Blade!":428d0]Well I dont think Buck should die. . .

However he shouldnt be a mod. It's his word against three seperate sources. This sites "rep" is hurting enough as it is. TWL isnt some drop in the bucket. It's seen and viewed by hundreds. It only takes putting two and two together before folks realize that yes a mod from a confirmed clan that cheats (and not just a member but the leader of the clan) is part off This site cannot afford to have its leadership associated with a cheater.

he said that he didn't do it, i guess your too caught up to belive it, why do i have a feeling that your just pyro in disguise, because your anti-buck...

ooo his clan got busted for exploiting a map...whoopdee doo
it could have been blocking a door < in twl that's illegal >
you have it fixed in your mind that buck is evil buck and is bad - plz just stfu GET OVER IT! it's the internet - it's all binary anyway..don't get your panties in a twist because of the internet - drop it

Airborne Butters 03-19-2004 02:14 PM

I've been banned from some choice DoD servers in my day, they all said I cheat. They screamed it, spread it in my IRC channel, would post,etc.. But I don't cheat. I even had one person say I cheat at a lan party oOo:

Point is that you take demo's,SS's ,etc... Don't take the word of some nub clan.

Pvt Flagg 03-19-2004 02:19 PM

i personaly have no problem with buck

if he was cheating then that needs to be taken up on the server he was playing on and has nothing to do with this forum

i pesonaly dont cheat..and dont put up with cheaters ..but thats on my servers ...and i would deal with a cheater there has nothing to do with what goes on in this forum

TGB! 03-19-2004 02:25 PM

[quote:64d03]Point is that you take demo's[/quote:64d03]


And I didnt say he was guilty 100%. However to dismiss the "testimony" of others is ludicrous as well. Just because one member cheats doesnt mean the others do as well? Interesting. TEAMGOD members are permi banned here for what again? If it was the word of one group of people, yes I could see it, but three sources - oOo:

Madmartagen 03-19-2004 02:38 PM

[quote="The Gay Blade!":8b3d1][quote:8b3d1]Point is that you take demo's[/quote:8b3d1]


And I didnt say he was guilty 100%. However to dismiss the "testimony" of others is ludicrous as well. Just because one member cheats doesnt mean the others do as well? Interesting. TEAMGOD members are permi banned here for what again? If it was the word of one group of people, yes I could see it, but three sources - oOo:

Yeah but even if he is guilty, the point is, this isnt TWL or a game server. Its just a website about people who play video games. If he does cheat, then he gets booted out of the server he was on. Anyways, he cant cheat here, his role is just to filter out spam, porn and shit like that to make this site PG-13.

Hollywood 03-19-2004 02:44 PM

I believe that is a demo capture of what Buck was doing on the 1rd server, decide for yourself if it's acceptable or not. You have to put the file in your demos folder in main, and then type demo autokar.dm_2

Bucknub 03-19-2004 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Hollywood

I believe that is a demo capture of what Buck was doing on the 1rd server, decide for yourself if it's acceptable or not. You have to put the file in your demos folder in main, and then type demo autokar.dm_2

Yes I did used that "cheat" and I only did it in that server, and I havent done it since.

guarnere 03-19-2004 02:50 PM

Its not a fucking cheat anyway....its an exploit.

elitecloud 03-19-2004 02:55 PM

buck are you mod of the mohaa section of the forums?

the cod section?

Bucknub 03-19-2004 02:57 PM

oh, and what;s funny in that demo is those retards trying to talk to me while specking.. I cant fucking see what they're saying if they're specking and im playing. retards. hake:

Judas 03-19-2004 03:00 PM



i wouldnt use it on a pub server ... exploit or not.

Miscguy 03-19-2004 03:04 PM

[quote="The Gay Blade!":87112][quote:87112]Point is that you take demo's[/quote:87112]


And I didnt say he was guilty 100%. However to dismiss the "testimony" of others is ludicrous as well. Just because one member cheats doesnt mean the others do as well? Interesting. TEAMGOD members are permi banned here for what again? If it was the word of one group of people, yes I could see it, but three sources - oOo:

Team god is perma banned because they insighted flame wars, contributed nothing to the comunity, and were generally a nusence. It wasnt because they cheated. I've been known to cheat in certain games. Never in a league or anything. But some games just fucking deserve it.

TGB! 03-19-2004 03:11 PM

But that does not mean ALL TeamGod members are this way, in fact I know some of them arent. Yet if they rock their names, they get the boot. So you either are or you arent judged by the company you keep. In fact a couple of folks here I'm sure have had to deal with the guilt by association on more than one occasion. Simply put, this is merely a chance to bring something to the forums attention. If its non-news, then its non-news. Personally, cheaters are cheaters whether they use an "exploit" or a full cheat.

Coleman 03-19-2004 03:24 PM

Did i smell smegma on someone's breath? ::cough:: buck ::cough::

Merlin122 03-19-2004 03:31 PM


Unknown_Sniper 03-19-2004 03:32 PM

I am a leet hacker on MOHAA. Even though I havent played it since I reformatted my computer and my puppy decided my install disk was a chew toy. I used to hack in the later days, such as after COD came out. But now that cod is out there really is no reason to cheat. I like the game too much to risk getting a cd key ban or ip ban off of every server. And in cod its too easy to see hackers. so yeah. I cheated in mohaa sometimes big deal. get over it. I dont see any problem with buck being a mod. I have no complaint other than you guys should chill out. half of you dont play mohaa or cod anyways.

Coleman 03-19-2004 03:35 PM

[quote="Unknown_Sniper":80c3d]I am a leet hacker on MOHAA. Even though I havent played it since I reformatted my computer and my puppy decided my install disk was a chew toy. I used to hack in the later days, such as after COD came out. But now that cod is out there really is no reason to cheat. I like the game too much to risk getting a cd key ban or ip ban off of every server. And in cod its too easy to see hackers. so yeah. I cheated in mohaa sometimes big deal. get over it. I dont see any problem with buck being a mod. I have no complaint other than you guys should chill out. half of you dont play mohaa or cod anyways.[/quote:80c3d]ha, i remember we were going to have a sniper match between the "1337 silent stealthy snipers" against the "assault snipers" back in the day. I wonder how that would have turned out.

Unknown_Sniper 03-19-2004 03:36 PM

that would have been fun. Too bad everyone lives in different areas so no time agreement came about.

TGB! 03-19-2004 03:45 PM

Buck mods the CoD forum.

Zap. USMC 03-19-2004 03:56 PM



imported_Fluffy_Bunny 03-19-2004 03:57 PM

Where's pyro?
He would fwap over this thread

1080jibber 03-19-2004 04:03 PM

worst thread ever!!!!!

this thread is so retarded

[DAS REICH] Blitz 03-19-2004 04:22 PM

I hereby declare Buckweed or as the hackers call him "Buckw33d" should be removed from mod, unless the buttsekz cums meh way

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