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SoLiDUS 03-29-2004 12:27 PM

Far Cry
... love this game. It deserves a topic! biggrin:

Did you try it ? Opinions ? gg, kthx

geRV 03-29-2004 12:33 PM

All eye candy and not much else, seems to me all the gaming sites just got caught up in the hype of how good the game looks. Lot of forums ive went to say the game gets boring as shit around mid-way through it.

Bazooka_Joe 03-29-2004 03:43 PM

Graphics are cool, the games theme on like a tropic island is cool, and the weapons rock. I think if I had a better system, I'd get it. Either that, or I'll wait for a patch or two.

Capt. Hiker 03-29-2004 04:03 PM

i have it and it is great, and it already has a patch out, its not boring at all, the AI is pretty cool, they call for back-up and use tatics when coming for ya
the game is really cool, i've found you can actually shoot the fish swimming around in the water and they float to the top, even shot a bird out of the air and there are wild boars that roam around, its fun to chase them with the machette and then kill them
driving vehicles can be hard at times , but still cool
the maps are huge, more than 1 way to go through a mission
oh and if a bad guy is wearing body armor, it take several shots to kill them or just a head shot, and when ya get a head shot with the M-4 the guy almost does a back flip, its pretty cool
well i haven't did much MP in it cause there are only a few right now that have a ping under 100 for me, but i am west coast, so anybody east should find more servers than me

SoLiDUS 03-29-2004 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Gerard
All eye candy and not much else, seems to me all the gaming sites just got caught up in the hype of how good the game looks. Lot of forums ive went to say the game gets boring as shit around mid-way through it.

I don't think you've actually played it my good man: it has more depth than
most of the recent first-person shooters, on top of having atmosphere. When
you are about mid-way through, the game really kicks in: what were your
reviewers on ??

geRV 03-29-2004 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS

Originally Posted by Gerard
All eye candy and not much else, seems to me all the gaming sites just got caught up in the hype of how good the game looks. Lot of forums ive went to say the game gets boring as shit around mid-way through it.

I don't think you've actually played it my good man: it has more depth than
most of the recent first-person shooters, on top of having atmosphere. When
you are about mid-way through, the game really kicks in: what were your
reviewers on ??

I dunno, however ill be aquiring it tonight so tomorrow ill run through it and see what i think. From the demos though the ai is fucking stupid, sure they might call out and take cover and shit but more often than not all they do is run in straight lines and are easy to pick off.

Miscguy 03-29-2004 09:59 PM

Try it on the "realistic" difficulty and you will not be "running" through it. Hell i doubt you could run trhgouh it on medium.

Ydiss 03-29-2004 11:49 PM

I played the demo and uninstalled it after approximately 45 minutes.

Sluggish and slow controls, the most ludicrous voice sfx I've ever heard in any game ever "Do you want some of this? I'm gonna shoot you in the head! Where did he go? There he is!" and jumping as if you're on the moon. One big Ugh.

The graphics were nice but not exactly mind-blowing and that's never been the most important thing for me. I'm sure I must have been playing a different game to the one all the people who say it's great have been. Me and my mate both agreed it was numbingly dire and he even played the whole demo just to give it a chance.

I remember someone posting on the Far Cry official forum in praise about the game, it went something like this:

"Wow, this is such a cool game! You can see bullet holes on the walls and everything!".

Says it all, really.

cmelton 03-30-2004 07:34 AM

Played the demo which was really a leak that was released as a demo. The AI has been much tweaked between the demo and the retail game. I would have to say that this game has the most advanced AI of any game to date. Also the graphics are more advanced than any game currently out. I have not formed a complete opinion of the multiplayer yet but it is the finest singleplayer experience I have ever played.

and for those who think it is a system recource hog ?

*****News flash***** HL2 and Doom3 will be as well. it is time to ante up or shut up.

All Over but the Crying

wintersforge 03-30-2004 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS

Originally Posted by Gerard
All eye candy and not much else, seems to me all the gaming sites just got caught up in the hype of how good the game looks. Lot of forums ive went to say the game gets boring as shit around mid-way through it.

I don't think you've actually played it my good man: it has more depth than
most of the recent first-person shooters, on top of having atmosphere. When
you are about mid-way through, the game really kicks in: what were your
reviewers on ??

thats just geRV...known as the complaint department in aM rolleyes: biggrin: oOo:

Pyro 03-30-2004 08:43 AM

how's the multiplayer...if there is any

Is it as bad as COD?

Ydiss 03-30-2004 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by cmelton
Played the demo which was really a leak that was released as a demo. The AI has been much tweaked between the demo and the retail game. I would have to say that this game has the most advanced AI of any game to date. Also the graphics are more advanced than any game currently out. I have not formed a complete opinion of the multiplayer yet but it is the finest singleplayer experience I have ever played.

and for those who think it is a system recource hog ?

*****News flash***** HL2 and Doom3 will be as well. it is time to ante up or shut up.

All Over but the Crying

My system dealt with it fine (my friend has a 3ghz machine with all the bells and whistles and he found it to be sluggish as well).

I'm talking about the engine and the playability, not the performance. Too slow and, if they release an "alpha leak" as a demo on their official site then it's their own fault, not mine.

News Flash : HL2 and Doom3 are being created by two outstanding and well established devs - Both games will be well worth upgrading for.

Far Cry is not however.

You like it, I don't. That's all there is to it.

HeadUp 03-30-2004 11:05 AM

im upgrading for mohpa

i would for hl2 i guess, but not doom 3

and im sure far cry has no story or immersiveness whatsoever

geRV 03-30-2004 01:47 PM

Well got finsihed aquiring it this morning and played it for quite a while today. sleeping:

30 fps in most outdoor areas with the pc in my sig, thats with everything maxed though so it doesn't suprise me. Funny thing is the hl-2 alpha actually runs better than this on my pc and thats not optomized for anything yet, speaks volumes...

For people praising the ai, the ai is nothing special. They do the same things weve all seen before in games like moh:aa and rtcw. The problem with this games ai is it reminds me of the snipers in the snipertown level in mohaa, you can be laying prone not moving in about 3 feet of grass and they all of a sudden can spot you. Turn on "realistic" setting and this increases 10 fold with the added bonus of their smgs turning into railguns from literally hundreds of yards away.

Sure they dive about and take cover but most of the time if they know where you are all they'll do is come charging round a corner where you can just sit back and kill them with ease. I had one thing happen where an ai enemy lobbed a grenade at me, it hit off something and landed beside 3 other ai's, all they did was stop moving and let it blow them to shit. oOo:


^ Thats another one of my favourites the enemy that loves nothing better than to run on the spot into a tree while his buddies are getting wasted.

The game looks good but not exactly what i would call real, it has an almost "too colourful" look to it and ends up looking rather cartooney than anything resembling realism. To be honest im still more impressed with the graphics in the leaked doom 3 alpha than i am with the graphics in this game.

The audio is ok but as ydiss pointed out having enemys shouting such shit like "im gonna shoot you in duh head" just sounds stupid.

I suppose this is a game for those that are gonna bust a load over the visuals, but the ai is cheezy and the game runs like a dog in most areas. Turning the gfx settings down makes the game looks like total ass as well so you have the option of playing it with everything up full dropping frames left and ruight and having to put up with sluggish controls and the moonwalk hop, or turning everything down and having the game look like total ass and taking away the only thing the game has going for it, that being its visuals.

Miscguy 03-30-2004 07:39 PM

When you decide not to cheat and acctaully have to use some tactics to get around the levels perhaps you would see the AI at work. As is your trying to just run around mowing everything down in your path so the AI reacts simply, by swarming your dumb ass. Because without god mode, you'd be dead dealing with 1 at close range.

geRV 03-30-2004 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Miscguy
When you decide not to cheat and acctaully have to use some tactics to get around the levels perhaps you would see the AI at work. As is your trying to just run around mowing everything down in your path so the AI reacts simply, by swarming your dumb ass. Because without god mode, you'd be dead dealing with 1 at close range.

Uh hu, funnily enough ive sat in the one place with the sniper rifle shot one guy and watched as one after one the enemys came around the same corner straight into my scope. As for the swarm ive had 3 or 4 of them in close proximity before and half the time all they did was fire insults and not try to fire. Very inteligent ai there misc. rolleyes:

Oh yeah and i forgot, i gotta say cheats also explains the ai running on the spot into a tree or them lobbing nades about with the intent of killing their own guys. rolleyes:

Ai = oOo: and thats all there is to it.

SW-14 03-30-2004 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Gerard
Uh hu, funnily enough ive sat in the one place with the sniper rifle shot one guy and watched as one after one the enemys came around the same corner straight into my scope.

Haha, that reminds me of Goldeneye 007 for N64. You could open up a door to alert the enemies, and they'd all come running out like fools straight into your gunfire as you hide to the side of the door.

geRV 03-30-2004 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Gerard
Uh hu, funnily enough ive sat in the one place with the sniper rifle shot one guy and watched as one after one the enemys came around the same corner straight into my scope.

Haha, that reminds me of Goldeneye 007 for N64. You could open up a door to alert the enemies, and they'd all come running out like fools straight into your gunfire as you hide to the side of the door.[/quote:c5517]

Thats literally all they do in this, anytime the ai is alerted they will usually all come charging the one way, then its a matter of sitting back and picking them off.

Its funny that the ai is one of the things this game was hyped for, then again so was rtcw and that was nothing special.

Miscguy 03-30-2004 08:33 PM

So your sniper rifle... with unlimited ammo... that you probably shouldnt have had on that level. Oh yeah... i see how dumb can i be. Like i said... try not cheating and see what happens.

Machette 03-30-2004 08:37 PM

Rendering distances good or shit?

geRV 03-30-2004 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Miscguy
So your sniper rifle... with unlimited ammo... that you probably shouldnt have had on that level. Oh yeah... i see how dumb can i be. Like i said... try not cheating and see what happens.

Without cheats? M4 carbine, same result. sleeping:

Rendering distances are good, can see enemies from a good distance and virtualy anywhere in your line of sight with the binoculars.

SoLiDUS 03-30-2004 08:54 PM

[quote:30316]The game looks good but not exactly what i would call real, it has an almost "too colourful" look to it and ends up looking rather cartooney than anything resembling realism. To be honest im still more impressed with the graphics in the leaked doom 3 alpha than i am with the graphics in this game.

Open your console and type \r_rendermode 3
This will select cold colors and therefore make things much more realistic
looking. You can also try 0, 1, 2, 4 and 5 for different graphical renders...

geRV 03-30-2004 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
[quote:8a17b]The game looks good but not exactly what i would call real, it has an almost "too colourful" look to it and ends up looking rather cartooney than anything resembling realism. To be honest im still more impressed with the graphics in the leaked doom 3 alpha than i am with the graphics in this game.

Open your console and type \r_rendermode 3
This will select cold colors and therefore make things much more realistic
looking. You can also try 0, 1, 2, 4 and 5 for different graphical renders...[/quote:8a17b]

ya ive tried those settings, dont really make a load of a difference just kinda dulls it a bit from what i can see.

cmelton 03-31-2004 06:23 AM

If you guys are bitching about the Far Cry singleplayer experience, then you are just looking for something to bitch about. It is by far the best FPS to come out in years.

AI= good
physics = awesome
infinite draw distance
weapons rock
graphics are awesome
$39.99 = good price

SoLiDUS 03-31-2004 07:15 AM

Well, compared to MOH:AA, FC is a classic ;)

Ydiss 04-01-2004 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by cmelton
If you guys are bitching about the Far Cry singleplayer experience, then you are just looking for something to bitch about. It is by far the best FPS to come out in years.

AI= good
physics = awesome
infinite draw distance
weapons rock
graphics are awesome
$39.99 = good price

Funny how everyone remembers to praise the graphics and the AI, but neglect totally to mention the playability.

Not one person has said "It plays like a dream", in any of the praise I've seen thus far.

I don't need to bitch about it, I just didn't like it one bit. Not in the slightest. Worst demo I've played all year and nowhere near "the best FPS to come out in years".

COD totally owns it for gameplay alone. Far smoother, far more fluid and far better physics and AI, although no AI has ever blown me away in any game.

Also, Painkiller totally rips it to shreds for gameplay, but even that doesn't really impress me that much because it's too old-school.

But, that's my opinion. You're entitled to yours. Even if a game looks the best ever (and it's hardly that anyway) I won't play it unless the playability grabs me - Farcry's "playability" virtually threw me away and forced me to not play it.

Pyro 04-01-2004 01:33 PM

COD sucks.

TonyMontana 04-01-2004 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
COD sucks.

Zoner 04-01-2004 01:52 PM

Yes, we know your position on that. Get over it. rolleyes:

By the way, quoting someone without adding your own comments is spam...knock it off.

TonyMontana 04-01-2004 02:20 PM

im merely agreeing with him. the game got boring fast

Zoner 04-01-2004 02:46 PM

4 Do not spam

... Do not continually use the quote tool without adding text of your own...

Familiarize yuorself with the rules. I'm sick of seeing this useless crap. I know it's not just you.

snipeymagoo 04-01-2004 02:53 PM


I only have the FC demo so I dont know how the full retail game is, I play FC when i feel like blowing shit all to hell. Its not a game to take seriously imo....just a game to have fun with and fuck things up. I dont care about the AI personally because every game I have, I havent played SP for more than 10 hours at the most...other than Mafia. The main thing in far cry is to have getting grenades and throwing them under the bodies and see how far they fly...just fun stuff.

this topic = oOo:

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