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Pyro 06-28-2004 11:43 PM

The Draft...if it comes back...
Isn't the conservative philosophy essentially founded on self-determination and individual rights? How can you thereby justify giving the government the power to deprive you of your rights by forcing you into military duty?

Drew 06-28-2004 11:49 PM

Draft sucks ass. There won't be one, it's political suicide.

Now STFU.. I found a good forum for you.. one where you can whine all day and be accepted for who you truly are:

[url=]Click Here for HOT WHINING ACTION!!!11[/url:9e0d6]

Arkan 06-28-2004 11:50 PM

Why should you care? You live up north. My fellow Americans would join the fray if asked to do, thats all you need to know lil' Canuck.

Pyro 06-28-2004 11:50 PM

I don't know but I thought this might be a good discussion. I guess no one here is smart enough to contribute.

Traditional conservatism is long dead. It died in the Reagan years. it's been replaced by this sickening thing we call "neo-conservatism," which is characterized by right-wing economic policies, and authoritarian social dictatorship, and interventionalist foreign policy.

This is what I think.

TonyMontana 06-28-2004 11:50 PM

heh we would see our population rise from draft dodgers

[GDC]_Polemarcus 06-28-2004 11:52 PM

Retracted: I think this thread might have some potential

Pyro 06-28-2004 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Arkan
Why should you care? You live up north. My fellow Americans would join the fray if asked to do, thats all you need to know lil' Canuck.

You act like the USA has no impact on Canada at all. Are you really that delusioned?

Recycled Spooge 06-28-2004 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Noctis
Draft sucks ass. There won't be one, it's political suicide.

Now STFU.. I found a good forum for you.. one where you can whine all day and be accepted for who you truly are:

[url=]Click Here for HOT WHINING ACTION!!!11[/url:e6843]

HAHA... she is one haggard bitch.

Maplegyver 06-28-2004 11:54 PM

[quote="[GDC]_Polemarcus":6d216][img][/img] vs [img][/img]

Its expected for him to be afraid. look what they send them in.[/quote:6d216]

gg you made a canada vs usa thread in under 10 posts plzdie: expected for who? who mentioned anyhting about a navy? send who in? WTF ARE YOU TALKING abOUT? plzdie: ban:

06-28-2004 11:56 PM

Are our politicians really stupid enough to re-instate the draft?

not only does it mean political suicide, but a rapid decline in the quality of troops.

Not only are conscripts generally less well trained than professionals, but there is one more difference, a pro soldier knows what he got himself into, a draftee was forced to go. Therefore its logical to assume that they won't have the same morale and esprit-de-corps as professionals.

Drew 06-28-2004 11:56 PM

Apparently the links on the main page don't work without IE, so here you go Pyro:

Pyro 06-28-2004 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by "[GDC
_Polemarcus":a87f0][img][/img] vs [img][/img]

Its expected for him to be afraid. look what they send them in.

gg you made a canada vs usa thread in under 10 posts plzdie: expected for who? who mentioned anyhting about a navy? send who in? WTF ARE YOU TALKING abOUT? plzdie: ban:[/quote:a87f0]

By then end of it, most people will believe I made it this way. I had no intent, but hey idiots will be idiots I guess. This thread has nothing to do with Canada. I just wanted to know more about Conservatism, but even die hard conservatives know shit I guess.

Arkan 06-28-2004 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Arkan
Why should you care? You live up north. My fellow Americans would join the fray if asked to do, thats all you need to know lil' Canuck.

You act like the USA has no impact on Canada at all. Are you really that delusioned?

Apparently we do have a huge impact on you're always up our asses in what we decide to do. Mind your fucking business and don't worry about what we do. Fuck, i'm voting for Bush just to spite you !!

[GDC]_Polemarcus 06-28-2004 11:58 PM

I dont post much, but i read pretty much everything... my point is that all of pyro's posts are just as irrational. He constantly spews useless, worthless bullshit just to stir conflict...

Pyro 06-28-2004 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Arkan
Why should you care? You live up north. My fellow Americans would join the fray if asked to do, thats all you need to know lil' Canuck.

You act like the USA has no impact on Canada at all. Are you really that delusioned?

Apparently we do have a huge impact on you're always up our asses in what we decide to do. Mind your fucking business and don't worry about what we do. Fuck, i'm voting for Bush just to spite you !!

The entire world can't be dumb enough to not know what the USA is doing, You always need to keep tabs on the superpowers.

06-28-2004 11:59 PM

[quote="[GDC]_Polemarcus":b56ef][img][/img] vs [img][/img]

Its expected for him to be afraid. look what they send them in.[/quote:b56ef]

obviously another illiterate baboon who knows nothing of history (and Canadian military involvment therein)

Arkan 06-28-2004 11:59 PM

[quote="[GDC]_Polemarcus":afd29]I dont post much, but i read pretty much everything... my point is that all of pyro's posts are just as irrational. He constantly spews useless, worthless bullshit just to stir conflict...[/quote:afd29]

Hey, could i buy you a brew?

Maplegyver 06-29-2004 12:00 AM

locked in................12 posts

Drew 06-29-2004 12:00 AM

Holy shit I'm hijacking this thread - found Pyro's dream woman:


[GDC]_Polemarcus 06-29-2004 12:00 AM

[quote:fdcb9]The entire world can't be dumb enough to not know what the USA is doing, You always need to keep tabs on the superpowers.[/quote:fdcb9]

Then start bitching about China

Pyro 06-29-2004 12:01 AM

How the fuck is this stupid, hell im suprized any of you even understood what I said.


Classic conservative following Thomas Paine's mantra "That government is best which governs least."

Why isn't it still like this?

TonyMontana 06-29-2004 12:01 AM

i think we can keep usa vs canada threads to 2000 need to start annother one

Pyro 06-29-2004 12:02 AM

This isn't USA vs Canada. I am wondering if by following conservative views, can they morally and ethically have a draft.

Arkan 06-29-2004 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro
How the fuck is this stupid, hell im suprized any of you even understood what I said.


Classic conservative following Thomas Paine's mantra "That government is best which governs least."

Why isn't it still like this?

I dunno, why don't you ask Jesus?

Pyro 06-29-2004 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by Pyro
How the fuck is this stupid, hell im suprized any of you even understood what I said.


Classic conservative following Thomas Paine's mantra "That government is best which governs least."

Why isn't it still like this?

I dunno, why don't you ask Jesus?

How can you people follow something and know nothing about it?

Maplegyver 06-29-2004 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by Pyro
How the fuck is this stupid, hell im suprized any of you even understood what I said.


Classic conservative following Thomas Paine's mantra "That government is best which governs least."

Why isn't it still like this?

I dunno, why don't you ask Jesus?

How can you people follow something and know nothing about it?

stfu post yer pic..

im making "the offcial Canada VS USA thread"

Arkan 06-29-2004 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by Pyro
How the fuck is this stupid, hell im suprized any of you even understood what I said.


Classic conservative following Thomas Paine's mantra "That government is best which governs least."

Why isn't it still like this?

I dunno, why don't you ask Jesus?

How can you people follow something and know nothing about it?

Whenever i need to know what my Government has in store for me, i always look to my helpful neighbors to the north. They seem to have all the answers. oOo:

jujumantb 06-29-2004 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by Pyro
How the fuck is this stupid, hell im suprized any of you even understood what I said.


Classic conservative following Thomas Paine's mantra "That government is best which governs least."

Why isn't it still like this?

I dunno, why don't you ask Jesus?

How can you people follow something and know nothing about it?

I'm gonna have to call BS on this
Pyro, you dont know jack shit about any of what your typing... you are just using random snippets here and there of things meant to make you come off as politically savy and/or smart. I see through it. dance:

Drew 06-29-2004 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by maple

Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by Pyro
How the fuck is this stupid, hell im suprized any of you even understood what I said.


Classic conservative following Thomas Paine's mantra "That government is best which governs least."

Why isn't it still like this?

I dunno, why don't you ask Jesus?

How can you people follow something and know nothing about it?

stfu post yer pic..

im making "the offcial Canada VS USA thread" ... p?t=179302

Pyro 06-29-2004 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by Pyro
How the fuck is this stupid, hell im suprized any of you even understood what I said.


Classic conservative following Thomas Paine's mantra "That government is best which governs least."

Why isn't it still like this?

I dunno, why don't you ask Jesus?

How can you people follow something and know nothing about it?

Whenever i need to know what my Government has in store for me, i always look to my helpful neighbors to the north. They seem to have all the answers. oOo:

Well the federal election is tomorrow, and i'd like to know more about it befor eI choose who to vote for. I just thought i'd ask people from a country who is under conservative ideologies right now.

Recycled Spooge 06-29-2004 12:07 AM

I don't know about you guys, but I think we should start a thread about that Emo chick. Turns out cats, chuck taylors, England, and recepies are emo.

Drew 06-29-2004 12:09 AM

lmao - we should all start posting there.. she'd feel popular and be all like.. I can't be emo anymore, because my emo ethos disallows me being popular.. or something.

Arkan 06-29-2004 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by "Pyro":0a4c5
How the fuck is this stupid, hell im suprized any of you even understood what I said.


Classic conservative following Thomas Paine's mantra "That government is best which governs least."

Why isn't it still like this?

I dunno, why don't you ask Jesus?

How can you people follow something and know nothing about it?

Whenever i need to know what my Government has in store for me, i always look to my helpful neighbors to the north. They seem to have all the answers. oOo:

Well the federal election is tomorrow, and i'd like to know more about it befor eI choose who to vote for. I just thought i'd ask people from a country who is under conservative ideologies right now.[/quote:0a4c5]

Are you sure America is under conservative ideologies right now? What makes you believe that? Did you consult your nextdoor neighbor to find out what their ideas are? Do you have a problem coming to conclusions on your own that you have to consult others in different countries? How ever did you make it through school?

06-29-2004 12:13 AM

Re: The Draft...if it comes back...

Originally Posted by Pyro
Isn't the conservative philosophy essentially founded on self-determination and individual rights? How can you thereby justify giving the government the power to deprive you of your rights by forcing you into military duty?

to try and salvage this thread I will give you the first intelligent answer.

The draft isn't something people want to start, but it is necessary when the country is in a major war which endangers your way of life (ie. WWI, WWII); I would give up freedoms for a little while to destroy the enemy and ensure that my family would be free for generations.

'Nam was not such a war (the VC couldn't harm us outside of Vietnam no matter how hard they tried); which is why there was much resentment over the draft.
Same goes for if there will be a draft for Iraq (which in unlikely).

Pyro 06-29-2004 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by "Arkan":336a1

Originally Posted by "Pyro":336a1
How the fuck is this stupid, hell im suprized any of you even understood what I said.


Classic conservative following Thomas Paine's mantra "That government is best which governs least."

Why isn't it still like this?

I dunno, why don't you ask Jesus?

How can you people follow something and know nothing about it?

Whenever i need to know what my Government has in store for me, i always look to my helpful neighbors to the north. They seem to have all the answers. oOo:

Well the federal election is tomorrow, and i'd like to know more about it befor eI choose who to vote for. I just thought i'd ask people from a country who is under conservative ideologies right now.[/quote:336a1]

Are you sure America is under conservative ideologies right now? What makes you believe that? Did you consult your nextdoor neighbor to find out what their ideas are? Do you have a problem coming to conclusions on your own that you have to consult others in different countries? How ever did you make it through school?[/quote:336a1]

Isn't Republicans on the right of the political spectrum? The opposite of the Democrast which would be on the left? In school I learned from teachers who knew what I didn't. I have basic knowledge which I showcased earlier about the original idea and history of conservatism.

1080jibber 06-29-2004 12:15 AM

a draft is a good thing, it would give those fat fuckers some exercise biggrin:

waits for the flames hellfire:

Drew 06-29-2004 12:15 AM

God damn you Pyro for getting the Canada vs US thread loct.+

Pyro 06-29-2004 12:16 AM

Re: The Draft...if it comes back...
[quote="Sgt Stryker":2cacf]

Originally Posted by Pyro
Isn't the conservative philosophy essentially founded on self-determination and individual rights? How can you thereby justify giving the government the power to deprive you of your rights by forcing you into military duty?

to try and salvage this thread I will give you the first intelligent answer.

The draft isn't something people want to start, but it is necessary when the country is in a major war which endangers your way of life (ie. WWI, WWII); I would give up freedoms for a little while to destroy the enemy and ensure that my family would be free for generations.

'Nam was not such a war (the VC couldn't harm us outside of Vietnam no matter how hard they tried); which is why there was much resentment over the draft.
Same goes for if there will be a draft for Iraq (which in unlikely).[/quote:2cacf]

Thanks for not being a dick and all. I could understand if the state of the world was in jeopardy.

Maplegyver 06-29-2004 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by Noctis
God damn you Pyro for getting the Canada vs US thread loct.+

seriously wtf

Pyro 06-29-2004 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by maple

Originally Posted by Noctis
God damn you Pyro for getting the Canada vs US thread loct.+

seriously wtf

It is against the rules.

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