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Zoner 07-07-2004 08:06 AM

Friday the 13th: From Crystal Lake to Manhattan
How fucking long have I waited for THIS?!?! w0000tah!!!

Looks like it'll be around $70 CDN, but that's well worth it for anyone who loves these flicks as much as I do.


Special features include:

-Cast commentary on FRIDAY THE 13th - PART 3 by author Peter Bracke and actors Larry Zerner, Paul Kratka, Dana Kimmell and Richard Brooker

-Commentary on FRIDAY THE 13th – PART VI: JASON LIVES by director Tom McLouglin

-Commentary on FRIDAY THE 13th – PART VII: THE NEW BLOOD by actor Kane Hodder and director John Carl Buechler

-Commentary on FRIDAY THE 13th – PART VIII: JASON TAKES MANHATTAN by director Rob Hedden

-A featurette “Tales From the Cutting Room,” in which exclusive deleted scenes and footage is revealed for the first time.

-An 8-part featurette “The Friday The 13th Chronicles,” which looks at the legacy of the films throughout their history, featuring cast and crew commenting on each film and why they appeal to audiences. Includes Adrienne King, Amy Steel, Corey Feldman, Kane Hodder, Lar Park Lincoln, Betsy Palmer, Tom Savini and directors Sean Cunningham, Tom McLoughlin, Rob Heddon, Joseph Zito and John Carl Buechler.

-A 3-part featurette “Secrets Galore Behind The Gore,” which looks at the work of master make-up effects designer Tom Savini in Part 1 and Part IV and John Carl Buechler in Part VII. Includes rare and never-before-seen footage, drawings and stills illustrating the make-up techniques used to create Jason and achieve elaborate death scenes.

-A featurette “Crystal Lake Victims Tell All!,” in which cast and crew from various films share amusing anecdotes. Includes Corey Feldman, Larry Zerner, Adrienne King, Amy Steel, Lar Park Lincoln and directors.

-A featurette “Friday Artifacts and Collectibles,” which looks at props and collectables from the films.

-The theatrical trailers from all 8 movies except Part VI, which is represented by the teaser trailer.


FRIDAY THE 13th (1980) takes place years after a young boy named Jason drowns in a lake while attending Camp Crystal Lake and shortly thereafter, the camp closes. Flash forward to the present, where the owner decides to re-open the camp and one by one, the counselors have mysteriously been murdered by an unseen person.

94 minutes
Rated R (R in Canada)
Widescreen version enhanced for 16:9 televisions
Dolby Digital English and French Mono.
FRIDAY THE 13th – PART 2 (1981) picks up with Jason Voorhees, presumed dead from drowning years ago, exacting revenge on the innocent campers at “Camp Blood.” Living as a hermit in the woods all these years, Jason witnesses the graphic murder of his mother and decides to wreak havoc on everyone at the camp – killing each camp counselor one by one.

86 minutes
Rated R (R in Canada)
Widescreen version enhanced for 16:9 televisions
Dolby Digital English and French Mono.
In FRIDAY THE 13th – PART 3 (1982), vacationing teenagers take off for a weekend of relaxation at Camp Crystal Lake. Planning a few days of sex, drugs and rock-and-roll, they are in for a series of frightening surprises when a local motorcycle gang follows the teenagers back to their campsite, only to find a persistent Jason with an agenda of his own. Adorned with his trademark hockey mask for the first time in the series, Jason delivers non-stop chills and thrills as everyone on the lake must fight for their lives.

95 minutes
Rated R (R in Canada)
Widescreen version enhanced for 16:9 televisions
Dolby Digital English and French Mono.
In FRIDAY THE 13th – THE FINAL CHAPTER (1984), Jason resurfaces from a seemingly deadly massacre and returns to Camp Crystal Lake to a new set of prey. Starring a young Corey Feldman (The Lost Boys) as Tommy Jarvis, it seems Jason has finally met his match in the 12-year old horror movie maven. Enlisting the help of a local hunter, Tommy and his sister must rely on one another to help defeat Jason, while also trying to avoid their own demise.

91 minutes
Rated R (R in Canada)
Widescreen version enhanced for 16:9 televisions
Dolby Digital English and French Mono.
In FRIDAY THE 13th – PART V: A NEW BEGINNING (1985), with Jason dead, someone new has begun a killing spree of their own, using Jason’s M.O. and preying on inhabitants of a sanctuary.

92 minutes
Rated R (R in Canada)
Widescreen version enhanced for 16:9 televisions
Dolby Digital English and French Mono.
FRIDAY THE 13th – PART VI: JASON LIVES (1986) has Tommy returning to the grave to ensure that Jason is indeed dead. Instead of remaining dead, Jason is accidentally brought back to life by Tommy and now Tommy must stop all the mindless killing and make sure Jason dies for good this time.

87 minutes
Rated R (R in Canada)
Widescreen version enhanced for 16:9 televisions
Dolby Digital English Ultra-Stereo and French Mono.
FRIDAY THE 13th – PART VII: THE NEW BLOOD (1988) centers on Tina Shepard, a young girl with telekinetic powers who believes she drowned her father in Crystal Lake. Returning back to the site as a method of supposedly helping her cope with her grief, Tina accidentally frees Jason from his watery grave, only to lead to more killing sprees by the man in the infamous hockey mask.

88 minutes
Rated R (R in Canada)
Widescreen version enhanced for 16:9 televisions
Dolby Digital English 5.1 Surround
English Ultra-Stereo and French Mono.
In FRIDAY THE 13th – PART VIII: JASON TAKES MANHATTAN (1989), a graduating class of a local high school vacation on a cruise ship and unbeknownst to them, Jason is a stowaway on the same ship. Slowly killing students one at a time, Jason eventually sinks the boat, stranding the few lone survivors in Manhattan. Among those survivors, is Rennie, who believes Jason attempted to drown her as a child. Fighting for her their lives, Rennie and the other survivors must make sure Jason dies once and for all.

100 minutes
Rated R (R in Canada)
Widescreen version enhanced for 16:9 televisions
Dolby Digital English Ultra-Stereo and French Stereo Surround
All five discs are sub-titled in English and Spanish, closed-captioned for the hearing-impaired and encoded with the Macrovision‘ AntiCopy process.

(Thanks to DVDFile for this information)

Short Hand 07-07-2004 08:11 AM

parts 4,5 & 6 the best jason movies.

Zoner 07-07-2004 08:15 AM

You liked Part 5? I thought I was the only one. biggrin:

That movie gets a pretty shitty rap, but I thought it had some good kills in it.

6 is my fave, I think...well, maybe Freddy vs Jason is right with it.

Short Hand 07-07-2004 08:20 AM

was it part 4 or 5 which had tommy as the adult? the whole thing of the paramedic being jason was fucking sweet.

Zoner 07-07-2004 08:24 AM

5 & 6 had Tommy as an adult. Corey Feldman played Tommy in pt 4, but as a kid.

"DIE!!!" *wha-hump* "DIE!!!" *tha-whump*

Classic. They should revisit the Tommy Jarvis character in the next movie. I really think they could do good things with it. The franchise doesn't have too much continuity between the installments. This could give it some story cohesion and would please the fanboys.

Short Hand 07-07-2004 08:27 AM

tell me who's idea was it to put jason in space ? Honestly you would think re visiting the whole Tommy charecter would be a good movement for the series. (Tell me did the whole fat guy getting chopped to peices in the yard by the other guyz freak you out as it did me ?)

Zoner 07-07-2004 08:39 AM

Todd Farmer and Sean Cunningham pitched the Jason X idea to New Line. I've read Todd's original draft of the script and it's a shame they didn't make THAT movie. It didn't have all the stupid one-liners that the theatrical release had. That ruined the movie for me (I still loved it, tho). The "Jason in Space" idea would've went over a lot better if they didn't fuck with Todd's script.

I've actually chatted with Todd through a friday the 13th forum I go to and he's a really cool guy. He was really frustrated with the whole process. Todd's in the movie actually...he's the bald marine who gets his head smoked into a wall.

As for revisiting Tommy, I think that the right script would work wonderfully, but the wrong script would be a disaster. The character needs the right circumstances to return. Anything too hokey would fall REALLY flat.

And, yup, the fat dude getting axed in part 5 was teh creepy! rock:

Judas 07-07-2004 08:54 AM

[quote="Short Hand":6a75e]parts 4,5 & 6 the best jason movies.[/quote:6a75e]

the only friday the 13th worth watching are the ones you left out ... 1thru3 and the rest are shit.

Zoner 07-07-2004 08:59 AM

I liked those too, but...

Part 1: A groundbreaking slasher, but no Jason (well, except for Ari jumping on zee canoe).

Part 2: Great installment. I often overlook this one. The sack was cool, but I prefer the mask.

Part 3: Goofy 3D fun with a goofy Jason. I prefer my Jason menacing and stalking, as opposed to Richard Brooker's running around like a retard.

Zombie superhuman stalker > Running wild retard

Kraut Killer 07-07-2004 10:38 AM

I don't know about you guys, but I think that the best Jason is whenever Kane Hodder was the man behind the mask. Aside from being the biggest and most menacing looking one, he had a certain air about him... which I noticed was gone in Freddy versus Jason, when they decided against bringing back Kane.

PS Zoner, who is that dude in your avatar? I've been wondering that for a long time, he looks like a retarded cereal killer.

Zoner 07-07-2004 10:42 AM


Kane was my fave Jason as well. I think Ken Krizinger did a great job in FvJ, but Kane is the man. His mannerisms, his build, his devotion to the character...all extremely cool.

CJ Graham in Part 6 was cool too.

Nyck 07-07-2004 05:17 PM

omg zoner_Jizz_Level = infinitiy

rdeyes 07-07-2004 05:34 PM

are they gonna make anymore friday the 13th movies? i would like to see jason take on michael meyers from halloween.

Milla 07-07-2004 05:40 PM

Which Jason is it where they are playing paintball and they get killed? Cause that one SUCKS!

Infernal_ 07-07-2004 06:44 PM

zoner ur dreams have come true!

MrLevinstein 07-07-2004 06:58 PM

It has just occured to me what an awsome job playing Jason would be

You get to see the occasional tit, ass and bum
You get to pretend kill people in really cool ways
You dont have any pain in the ass lines
You dont have to read the script
You scare the shit out of people
You get props for being the biggest baddest scariest mother out there
You make good $$

No one remembers your face

playing Jason>all other characters

Pyro 07-07-2004 07:33 PM

don't see how any real fan of jason or freddy would ever think freddy vs jason is one of the best.

Efilnikufesin 07-07-2004 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
don't see how any real fan of jason or freddy would ever think freddy vs jason is one of the best.

That's because he isn't a true fan

Milla 07-07-2004 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Efilnikufesin

Originally Posted by Pyro
don't see how any real fan of jason or freddy would ever think freddy vs jason is one of the best.

That's because he isn't a true fan

Who zoner? If so your mad, that man knows more about jason than he knows about his own penis im sure.

Vance 07-07-2004 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Milla

Originally Posted by Efilnikufesin

Originally Posted by Pyro
don't see how any real fan of jason or freddy would ever think freddy vs jason is one of the best.

That's because he isn't a true fan

Who zoner? If so your mad, that man knows more about jason than he knows about his own penis im sure.

I'm not sure if that's saying much oOo:

Zoner 07-08-2004 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Milla
Which Jason is it where they are playing paintball and they get killed? Cause that one SUCKS!

That was Part 6. I loved that one. Goofy fun.

They all suck, man. If you resign yourself to that fact and just watch the movies for what they are, you'll probably like 'em more.

I'm under no illusions that Friday the 13th movies are cinematic masterpieces. They are not. What they ARE is goofy, bloody, jumpy fun that you should watch with a buncha friends and a couple of pizzas.

Zoner 07-08-2004 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Efilnikufesin

Originally Posted by Pyro
don't see how any real fan of jason or freddy would ever think freddy vs jason is one of the best.

That's because he isn't a true fan

Who ME?

Quiz me, motherfucker. I dare you.

As for FvJ, it was a hoot, but it wasn't my favourite. As a fan of both series, it was gold to see both icons on the big screen. Jeezus, they coulda been playing cribbage, for chrissakes, and I still woulda went 3-4 times to see it.

By the way, the FvJ DVD is one of the best one I own for technical specs...sound/video quality, rocks. My buddy who's an uber audiophile, loves to rock that DVD on his home theatre. I swear that guys hears things that dogs don't...heh.

Milla 07-08-2004 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner
you should watch with a buncha friends and a couple of pizzas.

Damn right man rock:

Zoner 10-07-2004 01:57 PM

Update: I just bought this badboy!

I can't fucking wait to see these film in widescreen and watch the 10 hours of extras!

Yeeeeee-HAWWWW! rock:

geRV 10-07-2004 02:00 PM

I thought freddy vs jason was decent, was number one in the us for a while and theres a sequel in the works as far as i know.

Judas 10-07-2004 02:05 PM

ive been dling these lately and watching them ... first i watched 2 n 3 ( 1 is good but i cant really sit down and watch it anymore). i dled "goes to hell" and couldnt believe what they had done with jason (ive never seen the ny one, goes to hell, or the space one). they turned the poor guy into a fucking ... im not even sure what to call it ... he looks like something out of doom 3. Now how the fuck did that happen? I didnt even know they had a space one and after seeing goes to hell ... theres no way in fuck im going to sit thru jason on a space ship. what in the fuck. oOo:

geRV 10-07-2004 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Judas
ive been dling these lately and watching them ... first i watched 2 n 3 ( 1 is good but i cant really sit down and watch it anymore). i dled "goes to hell" and couldnt believe what they had done with jason (ive never seen the ny one, goes to hell, or the space one). they turned the poor guy into a fucking ... im not even sure what to call it ... he looks like something out of doom 3. Now how the fuck did that happen? I didnt even know they had a space one and after seeing goes to hell ... theres no way in fuck im going to sit thru jason on a space ship. what in the fuck. oOo:

Yeah there doesn;t seem to be much consistency or any kinda timeline with the jason movies, one minutes hes burning up in a planets atmosphere a few hundred years in the future, next thing is hes back in present day laying in a forest getting resurrected by freddy. I don't understand it that way. eek:

Judas 10-07-2004 02:22 PM

the only thing good in goes to hell was this :


... i was so upset when i saw that he had moved away from his traditional killing methods and had started eating people. not only did he eat someone , but he didnt kill them on the spot ... he took someone back to a house and tortured them first... WTF!

geRV 10-07-2004 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Judas
the only thing good in goes to hell was this :


... i was so upset when i saw that he had moved away from his traditional killing methods and had started eating people. not only did he eat someone , but he didnt kill them on the spot ... he took someone back to a house and tortured them first... WTF!

He was eating someone? eek:

Only jason movies ive seen is one where he's running about with a sack on his head ( oOo: ) think that was part 2, freddy vs jason and jason x. Amazingly enough from part 2 to jason x he seems to have grown about 3 feet, put on a few hundred pounds and develop a machete (stfu) fetish.

After hearing about him eating someone..i think ill pass on the rest.

Machette 10-07-2004 02:33 PM


Coleman 10-07-2004 02:35 PM

i want to eat her out.

Judas 10-07-2004 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Coleman
i want to eat her out.

weird thing about this chick is it looks like shes a stun woman. ...

Zoner 10-07-2004 02:52 PM

She was just in the opening scene where the FBI trap Jason. She did her own stunts.

Proteus 10-07-2004 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner
She was just in the opening scene where the FBI trap Jason. She did her own stunts.

I saw that when I was like, 8, and forgot all about that. One awesome movie.

Tripper 10-07-2004 05:19 PM

I saw the first one for the first time not long ago. I was high, but it wasn't very scary. Kevin Bacon died in a cool way.

Sirus 10-07-2004 08:48 PM

ya a arrow through the neck, I wonder when their going to bring jason to da hood

@/\/G3L 10-07-2004 10:03 PM

after they make Jason: Born to be Black

udetingo 10-07-2004 10:12 PM

jason vorhees is wanted by the FBI

@/\/G3L 10-07-2004 10:15 PM

your mom is on a most wanted list.

Tripper 10-07-2004 11:07 PM

[quote="@/\/G3L":c0ef4]after they make Jason: Born to be Black[/quote:c0ef4]


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