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Bucknub 08-24-2004 03:35 AM

Any of You have Scars? (pics!)
I have one. It's 16cm in length. about grade 9during the summer, I fell off my bike and broke my arm pretty bad. I was freaking out, cuz I was holding my arm up and it was like jelly. the forearm was flopped over.. so I when into surgery and the surgen placed two metal plates on either side of my fore arm to fix it. I got about 16 Staples in my arm to close it. two weeks later I got the bandages off. I also had to spend the night at the hospital. and all night long this kid had the flu and was fuckng puking all night.

If you would move ur finger across the side of my arm, you can feel the screws in it. and till this fucking day. anyone who see's this scar always asked me what happen, so I tell them, and they ALWAYS ask "so will a metal detector go off if u walked through one?" Gee I dont fucking know.. i have metal in my arm and a metal detector detects metal... you just answered your own question einstein.




so, do you have any scars or any crazy stories? share 'em

SoLiDUS 08-24-2004 04:00 AM

I have a scar a little under the navel on the right where my appendix used to be.
Long story short, it burst and I could have died: I stayed in the hospital for two
weeks and had a tube inside of me sucking all the poison out. The scar is still

Johnj 08-24-2004 05:03 AM

I was in a motorcycle accident where my helmet was ripped off of my head. 30 stiches in my head and face to close it up. Can't see them for my hair and beard.

Fireal 08-24-2004 07:37 AM

Buck, it shouldnt go off. I have a few screws and pins in my hand, and i recently flew out to texas and nothing went off.

I dont have pics of the scar. but this should do

Inn 6th grade, about 4 years ago my finger got lodged into a spinny little tube thing on a wood lathe, and "Spun" off.

This is the x-ray from the ER

If you look closely, you can see the skin of my finger, is actually resting over my other two fingers.

After they took this, they set it. They re positioned it. Causing a pain 10x worse then the actual injury.

So after around 5-6 hours in surgery, they finally connected the arterys, tendons, some shit like that. THey even took some from my wrist )got a scar there) this is the end result


The big pinw as taken out quite a while ago. Everything else is still there

jujumantb 08-24-2004 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Fireal

Inn 6th grade, about 4 years ago my finger got lodged into a spinny little tube thing on a wood lathe, and "Spun" off.

Holy shit I bet that tickeled good.

KTOG 08-24-2004 11:40 AM

I have to big ass burn scars on both of my for arms. Both of them we burned when i picked up a lawnmower to put in my car and i accidently touched the muffler. I have another on my wrist from falling in the clarion river.

Coleman 08-24-2004 11:45 AM

i don't really have too many large scars. I have some on my ankles where my hockey skates push in. When I was in las vegas on vacation when I was about 12 we were in the parking garage. My dad closed the trunk of our rented car right on my fingers. I started to scream and he had no idea what was going on and he then rushed and figited trying to put the keys back in the trunk. It took him about 15 secords to get my finger out of there. Luckily it wasn't broken.

jujumantb 08-24-2004 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Coleman
i don't really have too many large scars. I have some on my ankles where my hockey skates push in. When I was in las vegas on vacation when I was about 12 we were in the parking garage. My dad closed the trunk of our rented car right on my fingers. I started to scream and he had no idea what was going on and he then rushed and figited trying to put the keys back in the trunk. It took him about 15 secords to get my finger out of there. Luckily it wasn't broken.

haha I have hockey skate scars on my ankles also. Those fuckers hurt like hell especially near the end of the season cuss:

bukdez 08-24-2004 12:11 PM

i have a huge scar on my back from when i shattered my spine, and a nice one on my hip, where they took bone to rebuild my spine... i can't take pics by myself, so l'll post some when my girl gets home...

Pyro 08-24-2004 12:21 PM

I don't really know how I got em...but I have one on my eyebrow area...and one beside my ring finger knuckle on my right hand.

Madmartagen 08-24-2004 12:49 PM

when i was 12 i was trying to climb over my fence when my foot slipped against the wall. I fell down and scratched my chest against the top of the wall leaving a 4 inch scar down the left side of my stomach. Also, my cat scratched the hell out of me one day, so i have a 3 inch scar running down my right forearm.

Maplegyver 08-24-2004 12:52 PM

hot glue was pouring on my arm. when i peels of the glue i also peeled off 3 layers of skin, i was skateboarding. boardslide this big fuckin rail i hit an unwaxed spot, fell and got a scar on back from the satirs oOo:

Jotun 08-24-2004 01:04 PM

this thread makes me queezy....
i have a scar on my lip but you can only see it if i stretch it. i also have a burn scar on my left arm right on the vein, not really noticable anymore.

Tystnad 08-24-2004 01:17 PM

Ive got a scar on me upper lip, a m8
of mine hit me with a pen there once.
Also got one on me tummy from when
they removed me appendix (about 4-5
inches long or so), lots of scars on me
right hand and a huge one one me left
knee (motorbike accident). No pics, so
dont ask...

Godsmack 08-24-2004 02:26 PM

I have a scar on my right knee from playing kickball in 4th grade
Got a busted lip from playing street hockey
I have some scars on my back from my cat
.... um I think thats it

Tripper 08-24-2004 02:27 PM

I have a small scar on the head of my thumb knuckle that I just got recently from work, when a locking system on a car hoist snapped onto my thumb. That was the most painful thing I've ever felt in my life, and I've been kicked square in the cock before. happy:

Vance 08-24-2004 02:29 PM

A scar on my upper lip, I landed face first on the wooden edge of my parent's bed when I was little.

A scar a little smaller than the size of your palm on the right calf, motorycle engine.

Small scars from football, hitting a fan with my hand, and getting cut by a pair of scissors.

newt. 08-24-2004 02:29 PM

only scar you got buckwheat is the one you got in prison from a 400lb love machine

intrestedviewer 08-24-2004 02:44 PM

I have one on my left hand middle finger, when i was a young lad i sneaked to the presents in the middle if the night on christmas and found i had some legos as a gift. So i got a huge knife to open the box and "slice" nice long deep gash on my finger.
Also have one right below my right eye, one day i was spinning on a barstool while doing my homework so i had a pencil in my hand. I spun too fast and fell, the pencil stabed me, it would have probably poked my eye out if it werent for me landing on my hands.

Scalping Chief 08-24-2004 04:27 PM

i have a scar on my toe, was cut by glass, other than that im perfect

Hybrid 08-24-2004 04:39 PM

I have a Scar on my knee. I took my knee cap off when i was 9. I was riding a bike and the handle bars fell off. OWNED by my BMX.

Fireal 08-24-2004 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by jujumantb

Originally Posted by Fireal

Inn 6th grade, about 4 years ago my finger got lodged into a spinny little tube thing on a wood lathe, and "Spun" off.

Holy shit I bet that tickeled good.

To tell you the truth, i dont really remember that much from it. I remember it hapening, then the feeling you get when you're dreaming. The way the vision was kinda blurry. Then i remember seeing it. Then thats it. Next thing i was in an ambulance. People said i was relatively calm. But i dont remember

Maplegyver 08-24-2004 04:45 PM

your finger came off?

@/\/G3L 08-24-2004 05:22 PM

i have over 26 individual scars on my hand. And i have one that has been with me ever since i was born that looks like jesus crusified. it is on my wrist. the 26 scars on my hand are from someone splashing hot oil all over my hand. hellfire: very hot. I have one on my knee cap from where i was racing a bycicler on foot and he hit me and i fell on a pile of bricks. Then i have 2 on my fingers from where dried rusted paint slit it like a razor. Other than that i am fine. happy:
besides the axe that went through the first half of my finger. i still have bine chips inside the cut. and an oven burn on my arm. so my body is pretty f***ed up. I would post pics but that would be alot of pictures.

Total scar count: 150

geRV 08-24-2004 05:24 PM

[quote="@/\/G3L":e4574]i have over 26 individual scars on my hand. And i have one that has been with me ever since i was born that looks like jesus crusified. it is on my wrist. the 26 scars on my hand are from someone splashing hot oil all over my hand. hellfire: very hot. I have one on my knee cap from where i was racing a bycicler on foot and he hit me and i fell on a pile of bricks. Then i have 2 on my fingers from where dried rusted paint slit it like a razor. Other than that i am fine. happy:
besides the axe that went through the first half of my finger. i still have bine chips inside the cut. and an oven burn on my arm. so my body is pretty f***ed up. I would post pics but that would be alot of pictures.

Total scar count: 150[/quote:e4574]


Fireal 08-24-2004 05:29 PM

[quote="Mr. maple":de9ea]your finger came off?[/quote:de9ea]

Kinda. the bone was still stuck there, though i lost a lot of the front joint. The skin was no where to be found on my bone. It was just resting on my hand. All the tendons, arterys, whatever little tubing there was ripped apart (main reason why surgery was so long)

Mr.Buttocks 08-24-2004 05:29 PM

I'm far too tough to have scars. Metal, sharp shit, and bullets just bounce off me.

Hawke 08-24-2004 05:32 PM

I have quite a few scars:

One on my stomach from an apendisitis [sp?]
One on my elbow from falling from my bike and scraping my elbow [ the scab got ripped off and left a scar]
One under my chin: I cracked it open 4 times [3 times from being pushed down steps and one from hitting chin on table]
One on my head from being pushed down steps and hitting my head on concrete steps

I have been burned on all of my left hand but never left a scar.
And I have dislocated every bone in my right arm including the shoulder.

That's about all of the ones I can think of.

Hawke 08-24-2004 05:33 PM

[quote="@/\/G3L":1c2d1]i have over 26 individual scars on my hand. And i have one that has been with me ever since i was born that looks like jesus crusified. it is on my wrist. the 26 scars on my hand are from someone splashing hot oil all over my hand. hellfire: very hot. I have one on my knee cap from where i was racing a bycicler on foot and he hit me and i fell on a pile of bricks. Then i have 2 on my fingers from where dried rusted paint slit it like a razor. Other than that i am fine. happy:
besides the axe that went through the first half of my finger. i still have bine chips inside the cut. and an oven burn on my arm. so my body is pretty f***ed up. I would post pics but that would be alot of pictures.

Total scar count: 150[/quote:1c2d1]
150? I have to see pics to believe it.

Akuma 08-24-2004 05:40 PM

I have a scar on my pensi because my girlfriend likes wax and candles.

ninty 08-24-2004 06:26 PM

I had pretty much teh same thing done as you buck.

Broke my arm playing hockey when a 250lb native indian slammed me (5"6 120lbs at the time) into the boards. Broke bothe bones in my left arm. I have two scars from surgery where they inserted a metal plate and four screws on the radius. On the ulna I have 1 screw. When I turn my arm a certain way, the screw sticks out.

people ask me if it goes off in the metal detector, and I have flown through Washington Calgary and Toronto airports, and none of them have gone off from my arm.

snipes 08-24-2004 06:46 PM

-One on my belly from when I pulled a pizza tray out of the stove while my shirt was off and I pulled it too far back.
-One on my finger when my brother was trying to scare me by waving a razor blade in my face...then he actually cut me and the blade went right through the tip of my finger.
-Countless little ones on my arm from a couple of my sister's nails, and even more from my mom when I wouldn't give a flashlight to her while I was camping and she went psycho.
-One on my middle right toe from when a was little and a huge peice of glass embedded in my toe.

Those are the only ones I can think of right now.

Judas 08-24-2004 06:49 PM

no scars , no broken bones.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 08-24-2004 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by snipes
-One on my finger when my brother was trying to scare me by waving a razor blade in my face...then he actually cut me and the blade went right through the tip of my finger.
- and even more from my mom when I wouldn't give a flashlight to her while I was camping and she went psycho.

K, those two are just a tad weird.

Fireal 08-24-2004 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by snipes
-One on my belly from when I pulled a pizza tray out of the stove while my shirt was off and I pulled it too far back.
-One on my finger when my brother was trying to scare me by waving a razor blade in my face...then he actually cut me and the blade went right through the tip of my finger.
-Countless little ones on my arm from a couple of my sister's nails, and even more from my mom when I wouldn't give a flashlight to her while I was camping and she went psycho.
-One on my middle right toe from when a was little and a huge peice of glass embedded in my toe.

Those are the only ones I can think of right now.

Jesus. Your mom cut you? That shits child abuse right there

Gonzo 08-24-2004 08:42 PM

one on my face- fell in a fireplace when i was a baby
one under my eye - run into a tv entertiment center
one on my wrist - cat fliped out when i picked her up
one on my leg - walking through the woods steped on a thorn bush

Fireal 08-24-2004 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo
one on my face- fell in a fireplace when i was a baby


St@tIc 08-24-2004 09:16 PM

i have like thousands of millions of scars from my cats....chest...hands...face...legs....back....ect ...

Fireal 08-24-2004 09:22 PM

[quote="St@tIc":b45cc]i have like thousands of millions of scars from my cats....chest...hands...face...legs....back....ect ...[/quote:b45cc]

Cats? eek:

[DAS REICH] Blitz 08-24-2004 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by "St@tIc":60ac0
i have like thousands of millions of scars from my cats....chest...hands...face...legs....back....ect ...

Cats? eek:[/quote:60ac0]There fucking claws u god damn fucking moron.

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