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Official Design Olympics Rules and Standards.
General Standards for all Enties: 1. All entries must adhere to the generally accepted rules of intellectual ownership. "Rippers" will be disqualified in all events if discovered. No warnings will be given. Use your own work. 2. Each person may enter only one piece per event. Each person may enter each event. 3. Size Standards must be followed as posted per event. Entries that exceed size limits will be withdrawn from the competition . __________________________________________________ ________________ Medal Awarding & Judging: 1.Each entry will be given a 1-10 rating from each judge. All scores will be added up and highest number will win the Gold. Silver for second, Bronze for third. Total points from all judges, and all entered events will determine the final points for each "Athlete". Athlete with the highest score at the end of the Olympics will be crowned AA's first Design Olympian. 2.Each Athletes total score will be recorded in this thread by me. 3.There will be 4 judges who will give there ratings in private via MSN conference. Each Judge selected will be expected to develope their own opinions and scores and be able to explain their reasons to me. Those scores will then be recorded in this thread for all to see. __________________________________________________ ___________________ Events subject to change 1.Should an event recieve 3 or less entries the entire event will be removed for the fairness of competition. 2.Events will be open for a very short time 3-4 days only, so please check the forum often so as not to miss your event. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/Zen29/webstuff/olymptab.jpg[/img] Grunge Sig This event will require the creation of a sig with heavy brush work. No more than 2 images of your choosing should be used as to empasize brush work. Sig must not be larger than 450 x 150 and contain no animation. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/Zen29/webstuff/olymptab.jpg[/img] Movie / Music Sig This event will require the creation of a sig based on a band or film. It may be of any nature you desire. Sig must not be larger than 450 x 150 and contain no animation. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/Zen29/webstuff/olymptab.jpg[/img] Animated Sig This event will require the creation of an animated sig. It may be of any nature you desire.No Flash or swf files will be allowed. Sig must not be larger than 450 x 150 and smaller than 200K. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/Zen29/webstuff/olymptab.jpg[/img] Chopped Piece This event will reqire the creation of a "False" or edited image. It may be of any nature you desire. Final Image must not be larger than 400 x 400. No animation will be allowed. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/Zen29/webstuff/olymptab.jpg[/img] 100% PhotoShop Sig This event will require the creation of a sig that has no "Imported" images. It must be created using only standard effects, brushes, and filters in PhotoShop. Sig must not be larger than 450 x 150. No animation will be allowed. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/Zen29/webstuff/olymptab.jpg[/img] 3D / Trendy Sig This event will require the creation of a sig that has 3D effects (C4D,3DMax,Bryce,Poser,ect) as it center or background. Photoshop editing is allowed. Sig must not be larger than 450 x 150. No animation will be allowed. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/Zen29/webstuff/olymptab.jpg[/img] Audio / Video Editing This event will require the creation of a video or audio file that has been edited by the athlete. File types allowed: to be updated File must be no longer than 2 minutes 30 seconds. __________________________________________________ __________________ Judges for our events will be: [url=http://www.alliedassault.com/phpBB2/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=16071:9a8a6]Fireal[/url:9a8a6] [url=http://www.alliedassault.com/phpBB2/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=22654:9a8a6]Conscript[/url:9a8a6] [url=http://www.alliedassault.com/phpBB2/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=18367:9a8a6]JohnJ[/url:9a8a6] [url=http://www.alliedassault.com/phpBB2/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=20928:9a8a6]Zen[/url:9a8a6] __________________________________________________ _____________________ [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/Zen29/webstuff/Grungebanner1.jpg[/img] Grunge Event Scores: Short Hand [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v449/ShortHandz/Trendy%20Sigs/grungeolympic1aa.jpg[/img] AntiHero [img]http://ktog.net/upload/grunge.jpg[/img] NexusRevived [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v391/nexusvandelay/grunge.jpg[/img] Proteus [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/grungeentry.jpg[/img] elstatec [img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/nikoli/elstbmw1.jpg[/img] Yves [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v314/yves10/nirv.jpg[/img] Pvt.Flagg [img]http://www.5thesbclan.com/flagg_images/grungesig.gif[/img] Apocalypse | NoW [img]http://img76.exs.cx/img76/6206/B-I-A.jpg[/img] Judas [img]http://s92915907.onlinehome.us/Sigs/grunge_dw_lb.jpg[/img] Strvs [img]http://www.leetweb.net/~leetweb/gallery/data/thumbnails/15/dewmcopy.jpg[/img] Sirus [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/grunge%20121212121.jpg[/img] Bullitt Tooth [img]http://sigs.xs.to/sigs/04096/Untitled-86.jpg[/img] m00nraker [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/crackjap.jpg[/img] draken_sd [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/design-olympics.jpg[/img] GenBlackJackal [img]http://img6.exs.cx/img6/7797/340mmww12a.jpg[/img] Korvac [img]http://www.crimesagainstart.com/sigs/meat4.jpg[/img] Hawk [img]http://www.reichnation.com/upload/store/grungehawke.jpg[/img] Bean 2 [img]http://www.reichnation.com/upload/store/bobsig.jpg[/img] Ape [img]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/BigBuuuushhh/grunge+copy.jpg[/img] Magnum [img]http://web.syr.edu/~adkirsch/hlgrungesig.jpg[/img] Tystnad [img]http://www.reichnation.com/upload/store/abandsil.jpg[/img] sxdx [img]http://img12.exs.cx/img12/245/SxDxSigV11.gif[/img] Guarnere [img][/img] MotoxXx [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v253/MotoxXxRacer/sigzt/sigeh.jpg[/img] - event closed - *** Gold Medalist ***... Anntihero ...*** Score ***...34.9... *** Silver Medalist ***... Magnum ... *** Score ***...34.7... *** Bronze Medalist ***... Sirus ...*** Score ***...33.8... __________________________________________________ __________________ [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/Zen29/webstuff/Musicandfilmbanner1.jpg[/img] Music & Film Event Scores: NexusRevived [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v391/nexusvandelay/evergreencopy.jpg[/img] newt. [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/gonzosiggood1.gif[/img] elstatec [img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/nikoli/sgs/elhst1.jpg[/img] GenBlackJackal [img]http://img44.exs.cx/img44/3413/liftoffcopy2.jpg[/img] Grim_Reaper [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/meh.jpg[/img] Magnum [img]http://web.syr.edu/~adkirsch/soulivesig.jpg[/img] strvs [img]http://img39.exs.cx/img39/808/dntel.jpg[/img] Bean 2 [img]http://www.reichnation.com/upload/store/thestills2%20copy.jpg[/img] Tystnad [img]http://www.reichnation.com/upload/store/silentulleviv1.0.jpg[/img] Apocalypse | NoW [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/Goodfellas.jpg[/img] anntihero [img]http://ktog.net/upload/designwarsdredg.jpg[/img] guarnere [img][/img] yves [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v314/yves10/sigm2.jpg[/img] Korvac [img]http://www.crimesagainstart.com/sigs/explosion.jpg[/img] MotoxXx [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v253/MotoxXxRacer/sigzt/worldisyoursdesignwarmovies2.jpg[/img] Judas [img]http://s92915907.onlinehome.us/Sigs/music_dw_entry.jpg[/img] Hawke [img]http://www.reichnation.com/upload/store/platoonhawke4.gif[/img] SiLeNT™ [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/silent2k6/silenttp.jpg[/img] draken_sd [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/grind3.jpg[/img] Pvt Flagg [img]http://www.5thesbclan.com/flagg_images/disturbed7.gif[/img] Buckweed [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/dotdthing.jpg[/img] Sirus [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/Super-Troopers.gif[/img] Proteus [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/doentrym.gif[/img] Short Hand [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v449/ShortHandz/Trendy%20Sigs/matthewgood1copy.jpg[/img] Ape [img]http://mywebpage.netscape.com/BigBuuuushhh/zeppelin.jpg[/img] sxdx [img]http://img74.exs.cx/img74/1518/SxDxSigV12.jpg[/img] - event closed - *** Gold Medalist ***... Magnum ...*** Score ***...36.6... *** Silver Medalist ***... Antihero ... *** Score ***...35.2... *** Bronze Medalist ***... Guarnere ...*** Score ***...34... __________________________________________________ __________________ Animation Event Scores: Hawke [img]http://www.reichnation.com/upload/store/h00000000000.gif[/img] elstatec [img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/nikoli/elstatspaceg.gif[/img] GenBlackJackal [img]http://img31.exs.cx/img31/6425/crouchingtiger.gif[/img] Buckweed [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/buckweedanimationsig.gif[/img] guarnere [img][/img] Pvt Flagg [img]http://www.5thesbclan.com/flagg_images/claws.gif[/img] Tystnad [img]http://www.reichnation.com/upload/store/silentanimatedspacev1.1.gif[/img] Apocalypse | NoW [img]http://img36.exs.cx/img36/7229/SpaceAni.gif[/img] SiLeNT™ Entry Too large, more than double size limit. Korvac [img]http://www.crimesagainstart.com/sigs/anim2.gif[/img] Mr. maple [img]http://img4.exs.cx/img4/7369/jesussdf.gif[/img] strvs [img]http://img29.exs.cx/img29/2849/oprah.gif[/img] Short Hand [img]http://img88.exs.cx/img88/9345/grandmasterflashsig661.gif[/img] First entry not included, more than double size limits. anntihero [img]http://ktog.net/upload/fly.gif[/img] Proteus [img]http://dayofdispair.com/newton.gif[/img] mR.cLeAn [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/mr.clean_signature.gif[/img] Sig is too large in width, expect point deductions. Magnum [img]http://web.syr.edu/~adkirsch/eclipseanimfinal.gif[/img] Sirus [img]http://www.reichnation.com/upload/store/hotbitch-siganimation.gif[/img] - event closed - *** Gold Medalist ***...Korvac...*** Score ***...37... *** Silver Medalist ***...Antihero / Magnum... *** Score ***...32... *** Bronze Medalist ***...Elstatic / Guarnere ...*** Score ***...28... __________________________________________________ __________________ [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/Zen29/webstuff/photochopbanner.jpg[/img] Chopped Event Scores: draken_sd [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/draken40k.jpg[/img] sxdx [img]http://img6.exs.cx/img6/5831/sxdx10.gif[/img] Bullitt Tooth [img]http://www.uploadyourimages.com/img/105544untitled-87copy2.jpg[/img] Bean 2 [img]http://www.reichnation.com/upload/store/guardianangel.jpg[/img] Short Hand [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v449/ShortHandz/Large%20Art/zzzzzzfinalyo.jpg[/img] ... size? ... Korvac [img]http://www.crimesagainstart.com/images/chop.jpg[/img] Sirus [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/11th%20gate%20copy.jpg1.jpg[/img] anntihero [img]http://ktog.net/upload/s2342ig.jpg%20[/img] Magnum [img]http://web.syr.edu/~adkirsch/pchopevent.jpg[/img] Proteus [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/youthnik.gif[/img] elstatec [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/statpropa.jpg[/img] - event closed - *** Gold Medalist ***...Magnum...*** Score ***..35.... *** Silver Medalist ***...Sirus... *** Score ***...32... *** Bronze Medalist ***...Antihero / Korvac...*** Score ***...31... __________________________________________________ __________________ [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/Zen29/webstuff/PSbanner1.jpg[/img] 100% PhotoShop Event Scores: Proteus [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/dwent.jpg[/img] Eclipse [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/cont%20copy.jpg[/img] elstatec [img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/nikoli/elpsonllly.jpg[/img] Head-Up [img]http://img36.exs.cx/img36/2461/doentry100photoshop.jpg[/img] Grim_Reaper [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/madefromscratch.jpg[/img] Apocalypse | NoW [img]http://img15.exs.cx/img15/3111/SpaceP.jpg[/img] .pARaNoID$|\|!p3r [img]http://tinypic.com/a0ep0[/img] Bullitt Tooth [img]http://sigs.xs.to/sigs/04092/Untitled-1copy.gif[/img] Silent [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v493/SiLeNTcio/aa.jpg[/img] anntihero [img]http://www.movv.com/prvupload/uploads/ambulancecopy2feafwe.jpg[/img] strvs [img]http://img49.exs.cx/img49/7007/degisngsmdoslyimpc.jpg[/img] Sirus [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/pure%20photoshop.jpg[/img] MotoxXx [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v253/MotoxXxRacer/leafmoto1.jpg[/img] Mr. maple [img]http://img35.exs.cx/img35/6571/holychilde.jpg[/img] Korvac [img]http://www.crimesagainstart.com/sigs/meat9.jpg[/img] NexusRevived [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v391/nexusvandelay/100pspscopy.jpg[/img] Short Hand [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v449/ShortHandz/Regular%20Sigs/100yesyesyespsdcopy.jpg[/img] draken_sd [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v485/drakensd/Signatures/dpsigbg.jpg[/img] yves [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v314/yves10/100.jpg[/img] Magnum [img]http://web.syr.edu/~adkirsch/vineofthedesert.jpg[/img] sxdx [img]http://www.sigfix.com/sighost/krispykreme.gif[/img] - event closed - *** Gold Medalist ***...Magnum...*** Score ***...36.5... *** Silver Medalist ***...Strvs... *** Score ***...34.5... *** Bronze Medalist ***...Meat...*** Score ***...32... __________________________________________________ __________________ [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/Zen29/webstuff/trendybanner.jpg[/img] Trendy / 3D event scores AntiHero [img]http://www.eevo7.com/kyle/3d.jpg[/img] Tony Montana [img]http://victor.365ink.com/!!!!1111.jpg[/img] Apoc [img]http://img83.exs.cx/img83/9789/TrendyDO.jpg[/img] Sgt. Paine [img]http://www.uploadyourimages.com/img/586951untitled-4.jpg[/img] ShortHand [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/3dtrend1%20coxxxxpy.jpg[/img] Render courtasy of harriw render pack @ Cyberia. Cold [img]http://img40.exs.cx/img40/591/rawrtighterplz.jpg[/img] Magnum [img]http://web.syr.edu/~adkirsch/taf.jpg[/img] Sirus [img]http://www.daplayazclub.com/uploads/sirusmcgoogle.jpg[/img] Flagg [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/Zen29/Others%20Works/pensig16.gif[/img] - event closed - *** Gold Medalist ***......*** Score ***...... *** Silver Medalist ***...... *** Score ***...... *** Bronze Medalist ***......*** Score ***...... __________________________________________________ _______________ [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/Zen29/webstuff/audiobanner.jpg[/img] Audio / Video Event scores Gerv http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerald.marley/vid/en.zip Buck http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerald.marley/vid/DMC3.zip Flagg http://www.5thesbclan.com/flagg_images/rommieundo.wmv ShortHand http://web.syr.edu/~adkirsch/shorts%20remix1.mp3 - event closed - *** Gold Medalist ***......*** Score ***...... *** Silver Medalist ***...... *** Score ***...... *** Bronze Medalist ***......*** Score ***...... __________________________________________________ _______________ Total Scores: Ape : 34 Apocalypse | Now : 132.7 Antihero: 197.1 Bean2: 76.5 Buckweed: 51.2 Bullitt Tooth: 65.4 Draken_sd: 51.7 Eclipse: 20 Elstatec: 134.1 GenBlackJackal: 71.4 Grim Reaper: 32.1 Guarnere: 93.7 Hawk: 67.4 Head-Up: 22 Judas: 60.4 Korvac: 160.2 Magnum: 210.8 Maple: 36 MoonRaker: 32.4 MotoxXx: 70.2 Mr. Clean: 8 Newt: 22 NexusRevived: 77.5 Paranoid Sniper: 17 Proteus: 138.8 Pvt.Flagg: 114.3 Sgt. Paine: 25 Short Hand: 134.8 Silent: 28 Sirus: 177.3 SnipeyMagoo: 35 Strvs: 109.3 Sxdx: 114.9 Tony Montana: 31 Tystnad: 74.4 Yvess: 65.4 __________________________________________________ __________________ Your Olive Branch Crown: [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/Zen29/webstuff/olympiantag.jpg[/img] Best of luck to all who participate, and remember the more events you enter, the better your chances of winning the Olympian title! -Rob |
and no ninja for you Quote:
I think the 3d/ trendy design thing is a really bad idea. but good job on setting this up, zen
Amazing job on having the sig/rules setup....Hope this doesnt blow back in our faces like the other dw tried here..
hell of a idea zen ..GG!!
Woot..let das games begin! |
there should be just a "regular" sig event
[quote="Mr. maple":30478]there should be just a "regular" sig event[/quote:30478]
I hear what your saying, but this is already gonna stretch out for a few weeks, gimme a break here. In the second Olympics we may get more stuff, for now I will be happy if this works at all. |
We are underway!
If changes are needed I will make them as we go. Best of luck! |
I still think I should of been a judge cry:
Ned just thinks everyones sucks because he thinks he's better :| |
James is very critical, which is a good quality in tough competition. Plus, you don't even use PhotoShop... Sorry to be so blunt, but your reputation precedes you. |
You know me so well oOo: |
ohh god.. fireal & JohnJ as judges.. I might as well give up now rolleyes:
Well can I have some part of this?
[quote="Short Hand":50f8c]ohh god.. fireal & JohnJ as judges.. I might as well give up now rolleyes:[/quote:50f8c]
I promise you i wont be biased. I just hope you dont blame us for not liking you if you dont win My voting system (the other judges might be different) Creativity-Skill-Visual Appeal. For example, say Someone makes an uber-trendy sig, that took tons of skill and looks awesome. Id give it a 1-5 in creativity (we'll use 5 in this example). A 8 in skill, and a 9 in visual appeal.It would get a 7.3. |
I wont blame anyone or complain if i lose. Never would. Just saying my past with you 2 seems to not be so friendly.
My voting system (the other judges might be different) Creativity-Skill-Visual Appeal. For example, say Someone makes an uber-trendy sig, that took tons of skill and looks awesome. Id give it a 1-5 in creativity (we'll use 5 in this example). A 8 in skill, and a 9 in visual appeal.It would get a 7.3.[/quote:17063] How could you do that? I mean, in some categories we have to make a trendy/grungy sig where the rules are clear cut and no real creativity. |
Im judging the piece not the person eek:
You can be creative with grunge. Its already been shown with some of the entries. As for the trendy/3d part ill talk it over with Zen for a different system. Maybe taking creativity out, or reverse it. |
you really don't want me in this do you?
Exactly what can you do to help Pyro? |
pyro would base the vote on the person, or subject....
Though it may be true who knows until it happens. |
thankfully it wont as zen has a brain.
There is no body I dislike at AA.com and I wouldn't vote poorly because it is someone. The subject is tricky cuz I have based it on subject in the past. And I know Kyle most out of many of the entries and that could away it too. But I would promise it wont. |
liessss ahahahaha. you wont ever beeeeeeeeee juajajaja
[12:01am] <@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW [12:01am] <@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW [12:01am] <@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW [12:01am] <@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW<@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW [12:01am] <@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW [12:01am] <@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW [12:01am] <@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW [12:01am] <@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW<@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW [12:01am] <@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW [12:01am] <@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW [12:01am] <@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW [12:01am] <@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW<@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW [12:01am] <@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW [12:01am] <@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW [12:01am] <@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW [12:01am] <@elsatan> PRETZELS EVERYWHEREW |
oOo: oOo: oOo:
Congrates to our Grunge Event Medal winners!
Gold .Antihero = 34.9 Silver .Magnum = 34.7 Bronze .Sirus = 33.8 Honorable mention to : Proteus = 33.3 Moonraker = 32.4 Great work everyone. |
Good Job Anti Hero, Magnum, and Sirus!
GJ Guys!! beer:
well done winners.
but wtf johnj. the points you gave people.... |
great work anithero.
im whiney |
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