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Eight Ace 10-29-2004 04:37 PM

Bin Laden video warns of more 9-11 attacks
"To the US people, my talk is to you about the best way to avoid another disaster," he said.
"I tell you: security is an important element of human life and free people do not give up their security."

"If Bush says we hate freedom, let him tell us why we didn't attack Sweden, for example. It is known
that those who hate freedom do not have dignified souls, like those of the 19 blessed ones," he said,
referring to the 19 hijackers. ... 38021.html

TonyMontana 10-29-2004 04:40 PM


and does OBL look like hes gotten a lot healthier?

Paintballr 10-29-2004 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by TonyMontana

and does OBL look like hes gotten a lot healthier?

Yeah he does, they where talkin about it on the news, and to think we had him cornered at one point and we sent afgan troops after him

Sirus 10-29-2004 04:50 PM

hes doomed either way

Old Reliable 10-29-2004 04:52 PM

i shared a dry martini with him yesterday and he re-iterated he hates the united states and life itself. for his birthday i'm giving him some emo cds

Arkan 10-29-2004 04:52 PM

You know whats really humorous about the whole thing? Since 9/11, we're in the terror war and it'll never stop. If people actually believe someone won't blow themselves up in a crowded area in the States are seriously mistaken. Just like Israel, we'll just have to get used to it.

So i say: Bring it on you camel riding bitches and hope my ass don't see you before you pull the chord. Fuck them, i hope they choke on a chicken bone !!

St@tIc 10-29-2004 04:53 PM

i hope we catch him and rape him with he iraqi prisoners he have

TonyMontana 10-29-2004 04:55 PM

[quote="St@tIc":4f430]i hope we catch him and rape him with he iraqi prisoners he have[/quote:4f430]

the US soldiers are already doing that.. minus bin laden

ninty 10-29-2004 05:49 PM

Is there a link to the video? I'd like to see it before I actually believe it's him.

Apocalypse | NoW 10-29-2004 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by ninty9
Is there a link to the video? I'd like to see it before I actually believe it's him.

Watch the news. It was on 10 min ago

Eight Ace 10-29-2004 05:59 PM

well if this really is osama clearly admitting he organised 9/11,
at least one good thing is all the conspiracy theorists can now stfu.

ninty 10-29-2004 06:04 PM

Nah, there's still plenty of stuff to make conspiracy theories about if this tape does turn out to be authentic. dance:

1080jibber 10-29-2004 08:23 PM

i casnt belive he is still alive, fuck that, i cant belive he hasnt been caught yet

Short Hand 10-29-2004 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by 1080jibber
i casnt belive he is still alive, fuck that, i cant beleive he hasn't been caught yet.

Colonel 10-29-2004 09:53 PM

He looks alot healthier to me. I don't think he is living the hard life in the mountains anymore. Looks to me like he's a city boy now.

Jimmy Paterson 10-29-2004 11:17 PM

what are the conditions that exist?

Proteus 10-29-2004 11:18 PM

Yeah, put Kerry in office, I'm sure he wont piss his pants if they attack again. Kerry would waste years debating if we should go to war, and then decide not to because he'll upset some people.

Low spark 10-30-2004 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Proteus
Yeah, put Kerry in office, I'm sure he wont piss his pants if they attack again. Kerry would waste years debating if we should go to war, and then decide not to because he'll upset some people.

Good point, because we already know what Bush would do, attack the enemy where he is, and then divert troop away before the job is done to attack a country that had nothing to do with the attack on us. Yeah, I feel so much safer.... What the hell is Osama doing alive... 1000+ Americans dead. 100,000 innocent Iraqs dead,,, oh boy but Saddam is caught,,, to bad we did think about planning to gaurd the weapon dump all of Iraq..,,
. I am sorry but I do think Kerry will do a better job, instead of creating more terrorist, I believe he will work to defeat them. And work to make a difference in the world so people can change, with out having the country destroyed by some child playing cowboy..... Kerry will at least listen to those who disagree with him, he know's that if you don't have the facts right you can cause alot more damage then good.

Thanks and have a Good Day

Colonel 10-30-2004 12:22 AM

[quote="Low spark":8f81a] he know's that if you don't have the facts right you can cause alot more damage then good.

As exemplified by his jumping on the "OMG lost explosives!!" bandwagon?

Proteus 10-30-2004 12:25 AM

[quote="Low spark":ab7ab]

Originally Posted by Proteus
Yeah, put Kerry in office, I'm sure he wont piss his pants if they attack again. Kerry would waste years debating if we should go to war, and then decide not to because he'll upset some people.

Good point, because we already know what Bush would do, attack the enemy where he is, and then divert troop away before the job is done to attack a country that had nothing to do with the attack on us. Yeah, I feel so much safer.... What the hell is Osama doing alive... 1000+ Americans dead. 100,000 innocent Iraqs dead,,, oh boy but Saddam is caught,,, to bad we did think about planning to gaurd the weapon dump all of Iraq..,,
. I am sorry but I do think Kerry will do a better job, instead of creating more terrorist, I believe he will work to defeat them. And work to make a difference in the world so people can change, with out having the country destroyed by some child playing cowboy..... Kerry will at least listen to those who disagree with him, he know's that if you don't have the facts right you can cause alot more damage then good.

Thanks and have a Good Day[/quote:ab7ab]

I'm not saying Bush isn't half retarded. Did you see the new south park? It's trying to choose between a Giant Douche, and a Shit sammich.

daffy. 10-30-2004 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by "Low spark":a630b

Originally Posted by Proteus
Yeah, put Kerry in office, I'm sure he wont piss his pants if they attack again. Kerry would waste years debating if we should go to war, and then decide not to because he'll upset some people.


Good point, because we already know what Bush would do, attack the enemy where he is, and then divert troop away before the job is done to attack a country that had nothing to do with the attack on us. Yeah, I feel so much safer.... What the hell is Osama doing alive... 1000+ Americans dead. 100,000 innocent Iraqs dead,,, oh boy but Saddam is caught,,, to bad we did think about planning to gaurd the weapon dump all of Iraq..,,
. I am sorry but I do think Kerry will do a better job, instead of creating more terrorist, I believe he will work to defeat them. And work to make a difference in the world so people can change, with out having the country destroyed by some child playing cowboy..... Kerry will at least listen to those who disagree with him, he know's that if you don't have the facts right you can cause alot more damage then good.

kerry is gonna fuck it all up

Madmartagen 10-30-2004 01:03 AM

You guys dont know if Kerry will fuck it up or not, he hasnt been given the chance. Only one person has had the job so far, and look how well he's doing annoy: . Time for a change.

eeves 10-30-2004 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Sirus
hes doomed either way


Eight Ace 10-30-2004 02:23 AM

[quote="Jimmy Paterson":7ed06]what are the conditions that exist?[/quote:7ed06]
well it's been a lovely warm day, the suns just going down now an there's a
refreshing southerly breeze that will probably make for a rather cool evening.

tomxtr 10-30-2004 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Arkan
You know whats really humorous about the whole thing? Since 9/11, we're in the terror war and it'll never stop. If people actually believe someone won't blow themselves up in a crowded area in the States are seriously mistaken. Just like Israel, we'll just have to get used to it.

So i say: Bring it on you camel riding bitches and hope my ass don't see you before you pull the chord. Fuck them, i hope they choke on a chicken bone !!

If you have the time I highly recommend reading Tom Clancy's Teeth of the Tiger. The book talke about how easy it would be for terrorists to cooperate with drug runners to cross the border, obtain automatic weapons, and go jihad in a crowded shopping mall. He also talks about how the US should handle terrorism. In the book their is an off the books agency that basically targets and hits the people financing the terrorists. They are much easier to find and quite frankly more important to these networks. There are probably a 100K donkeys willing to fly into a building under the guise of going to heaven and receiving twenty virgins. But I have to agree this stuff has been going on since the beginning of time and will not end in our lifetimes. I just hope that however get elected keeps the heat on these morons.

Colonel 10-30-2004 10:47 AM

[quote="daffy.":cc5b8] What the hell is Osama doing alive... [/quote:cc5b8]

Good question. Maybe we should ask the guys in the last administration. They supposedly had OBL handed to the them on a platter several times and did nothing...and this after he had already tried to bomb the WTC once.

There is enough blame to go around on this guy. We should not be looking back worrying about who could have done what, IMO, we should be lloking ahead to what we need to do to get these guys. I like the "cut off the money" idea.

Arkan 10-30-2004 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by tomxtr
If you have the time I highly recommend reading Tom Clancy's Teeth of the Tiger.

Hey, thanks, i'm gonna have to check that out.

Coleman 10-30-2004 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by "daffy.":fcbdb
What the hell is Osama doing alive...

Good question. Maybe we should ask the guys in the last administration. They supposedly had OBL handed to the them on a platter several times and did nothing...and this after he had already tried to bomb the WTC once.

There is enough blame to go around on this guy. We should not be looking back worrying about who could have done what, IMO, we should be lloking ahead to what we need to do to get these guys. I like the "cut off the money" idea.[/quote:fcbdb]

Anita_Man 10-30-2004 11:41 AM

Funny thing we all new Bin would show his face one way or another around election time.

[quote:320c3]Yeah, put Kerry in office, I'm sure he won’t piss his pants if they attack again. Kerry would waste years debating if we should go to war, and then decide not to because he'll upset some people.

Bush hype get real like Kerry wouldn’t do anything. Some people are just plain stupid I guess. Want to buy some swamp land?

Bean 2 10-30-2004 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by "daffy.":331b8
What the hell is Osama doing alive...

Good question. Maybe we should ask the guys in the last administration. They supposedly had OBL handed to the them on a platter several times and did nothing...and this after he had already tried to bomb the WTC once.

There is enough blame to go around on this guy. We should not be looking back worrying about who could have done what, IMO, we should be lloking ahead to what we need to do to get these guys. I like the "cut off the money" idea.[/quote:331b8]

Ok, but we should also be looking at our current president who either has no clue wtf hes doing, or hes lying to us. How could you send troops to afghanistan to fight the people who actually attacked us, then divert them to invade Iraq who had nothing to do with the attacks? Its so obvious that there is something going on here that their not telling us. There are at least 60 other nations with nuclear weapons yet we choose to attack Iraq? That makes sense(sarcasm). Obviously we cant say Kerry will fix all our problems, but he certainly can do a better job then the retard thats in office now.

Short Hand 10-30-2004 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by "daffy.":a44b9
What the hell is Osama doing alive...

Good question. Maybe we should ask the guys in the last administration. They supposedly had OBL handed to the them on a platter several times and did nothing...and this after he had already tried to bomb the WTC once.

There is enough blame to go around on this guy. We should not be looking back worrying about who could have done what, IMO, we should be lloking ahead to what we need to do to get these guys. I like the "cut off the money" idea.[/quote:a44b9]

this was before 911. If it were Bush in the same situation he would have done the same as Clinton. Post 911 Bush should have been awol. knowing what the man is fully capable of and his intentions.

Coleman 10-30-2004 11:49 AM

[quote="Bean 2":7b2c3] Obviously we cant say Kerry will fix all our problems, but he certainly can do a better job then the retard thats in office now.[/quote:7b2c3]and obviously you CAN'T say he will do a better job.

Anita_Man 10-30-2004 11:50 AM

[quote:686ac]Ok, but we should also be looking at our current president who either has no clue wtf hes doing, or hes lying to us. How could you send troops to afghanistan to fight the people who actually attacked us, then divert them to invade Iraq who had nothing to do with the attacks? Its so obvious that there is something going on here that their not telling us. There are at least 60 other nations with nuclear weapons yet we choose to attack Iraq? That makes sense(sarcasm). Obviously we cant say Kerry will fix all our problems, but he certainly can do a better job then the retard thats in office now.

If some one had a hit on your dad and you could get him would you? thats what bush is doing. plus his oil connections and contracters. this war is money for bush. he dont worry about Bin laden remember.

Coleman 10-30-2004 11:51 AM

[quote="Anita_Head":117c2][quote:117c2]Ok, but we should also be looking at our current president who either has no clue wtf hes doing, or hes lying to us. How could you send troops to afghanistan to fight the people who actually attacked us, then divert them to invade Iraq who had nothing to do with the attacks? Its so obvious that there is something going on here that their not telling us. There are at least 60 other nations with nuclear weapons yet we choose to attack Iraq? That makes sense(sarcasm). Obviously we cant say Kerry will fix all our problems, but he certainly can do a better job then the retard thats in office now.

If some one had a hit on your dad and you could get him would you? thats what bush is doing. plus his oil connections and contracters. this war is money for bush. he dont worry about Bin laden remember.[/quote:117c2]i have no clue what the hell you were trying to say...type again in english please.

Short Hand 10-30-2004 11:53 AM

Colemon, do you always resort to those low blows without your brain power here ? (TGB/Noc)

Coleman 10-30-2004 01:19 PM

[quote="Short Hand":0ac42]Colemon, do you always resort to those low blows without your brain power here ? (TGB/Noc)[/quote:0ac42]no, i'm serious. I couldn't tell whether he/she was making an arguement against or for Bush. I really couldn't understand it.

Short Hand 10-30-2004 01:30 PM

it's not rocket science.

Anita_Man 10-30-2004 02:22 PM

dont you remember in the 1st golf war suddam put a 25 million$ hit for gearge bushes head? well as a son would you let this fly if you had the powere to get the guy? as for the oil and contracting, bush has ties in them businesses.

[quote:c3db7]no, i'm serious. I couldn't tell whether he/she was making an arguement against or for Bush. I really couldn't understand it. [/quote:c3db7]

there against bush.

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 10-30-2004 02:29 PM

Kerry wants to double the number of Special Forces & go after the real terrorists, I'm with him.

rdeyes 10-30-2004 10:13 PM

its kinda funny how we just say that we know where he is and then this tape surfaces..

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