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Pyro 11-07-2004 11:51 AM

Racial/Ethnic Stereotypes
I have to do an essay based on racial/ethnic stereotypes in Team America: World Police.

As was known to know alot of shit and bash the french and so on and so forth...can you guys give me your stereotypes for such groups like the french, north koreans, americans etc...?

Jin-Roh 11-07-2004 12:00 PM

Re: Racial/Ethnic Stereotypes

Originally Posted by Pyro
I have to do an essay based on racial/ethnic stereotypes in Team America: World Police.

As was known to know alot of shit and bash the french and so on and so forth...can you guys give me your stereotypes for such groups like the french, north koreans, americans etc...?

the french are smelly, they smoke a lot, they're always le tired, and umm... n. koreans have smaller penises than south koreans. rolleyes:

Jotun 11-07-2004 12:01 PM

Asians and small penises.
Black people and their love for watermelon and fried chicken.
Mexicans and lawn mowing.
Italians being hairy.
Jewish people with big noses, and being cheap.

I am in no way supporting these, just stating them.

CoWGoMoo 11-07-2004 12:17 PM

american and their President?

Pyro 11-07-2004 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by CoWGoMoo
american and their President?

well im sure one that goes with it is showcased in the movie title of all things.

Anita_Man 11-07-2004 12:21 PM

french: stink, dont shave arm pits(girls) or legs.
mexicans; lazy
blacks: steal, gangsta, chicken, watermellon, big dicks.
canadians: know it alls
americans; fat, laZY
irish: drunks
english; bad teeth
middle eastern: terrorist
asain;small dicks, eating dogs

WidowMaker555 11-07-2004 12:35 PM

french are lazy and roam british columbia for a gay cherry picking job.

HeadUp 11-07-2004 12:58 PM

the french are history's cowards, they have gotten rocked and/or have been on the brink of total destruction had it not been for us or uk assistence, yet they continue to stick thier noses in the air, even when we pick up thier battle. all the stinky shit is true

black people are stupid, impulsive and hate all white people. they like sould food (chicken, corn on the cob, watermelon, cornbread, mashed potatoes, chitterlings, etc)

jews are stingy and stuck up, they are self-servient and have no regard for the arabs, they drink the blood of christian babies for holidays and have small horns on thier heads. they also control the media and have a big behind-the-curtains influence in the government

asians have bred like rats, they are mindless, babbling short machines with little to no personality. most look the same, they cant pronounce western words that have letters like l or v in them

i dont go with these at all but thats my understanding of some of these stereotypes

WidowMaker555 11-07-2004 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by DJHeadUp
the french are history's cowards, they have gotten rocked and/or have been on the brink of total destruction had it not been for us or uk assistence, yet they continue to stick thier noses in the air, even when we pick up thier battle. all the stinky shit is true

black people are stupid, impulsive and hate all white people. they like sould food (chicken, corn on the cob, watermelon, cornbread, mashed potatoes, chitterlings, etc)

jews are stingy and stuck up, they are self-servient and have no regard for the arabs, they drink the blood of christian babies for holidays and have small horns on thier heads. they also control the media and have a big behind-the-curtains influence in the government

asians have bred like rats, they are mindless, babbling short machines with little to no personality. most look the same, they cant pronounce western words that have letters like l or v in them

i dont go with these at all but thats my understanding of some of these stereotypes

did some1 help u with this?

Jotun 11-07-2004 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by WidowMaker555

Originally Posted by DJHeadUp
the french are history's cowards, they have gotten rocked and/or have been on the brink of total destruction had it not been for us or uk assistence, yet they continue to stick thier noses in the air, even when we pick up thier battle. all the stinky shit is true

black people are stupid, impulsive and hate all white people. they like sould food (chicken, corn on the cob, watermelon, cornbread, mashed potatoes, chitterlings, etc)

jews are stingy and stuck up, they are self-servient and have no regard for the arabs, they drink the blood of christian babies for holidays and have small horns on thier heads. they also control the media and have a big behind-the-curtains influence in the government

asians have bred like rats, they are mindless, babbling short machines with little to no personality. most look the same, they cant pronounce western words that have letters like l or v in them

i dont go with these at all but thats my understanding of some of these stereotypes

did some1 help u with this?

yea, Hitler.

WidowMaker555 11-07-2004 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Jotun

Originally Posted by WidowMaker555

Originally Posted by DJHeadUp
the french are history's cowards, they have gotten rocked and/or have been on the brink of total destruction had it not been for us or uk assistence, yet they continue to stick thier noses in the air, even when we pick up thier battle. all the stinky shit is true

black people are stupid, impulsive and hate all white people. they like sould food (chicken, corn on the cob, watermelon, cornbread, mashed potatoes, chitterlings, etc)

jews are stingy and stuck up, they are self-servient and have no regard for the arabs, they drink the blood of christian babies for holidays and have small horns on thier heads. they also control the media and have a big behind-the-curtains influence in the government

asians have bred like rats, they are mindless, babbling short machines with little to no personality. most look the same, they cant pronounce western words that have letters like l or v in them

i dont go with these at all but thats my understanding of some of these stereotypes

did some1 help u with this?

yea, Hitler.

happy: happy:

Machette 11-07-2004 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by DJHeadUp
the french are history's cowards, they have gotten rocked and/or have been on the brink of total destruction had it not been for us or uk assistence, yet they continue to stick thier noses in the air, even when we pick up thier battle. all the stinky shit is true

black people are stupid, impulsive and hate all white people. they like sould food (chicken, corn on the cob, watermelon, cornbread, mashed potatoes, chitterlings, etc)

jews are stingy and stuck up, they are self-servient and have no regard for the arabs, they drink the blood of christian babies for holidays and have small horns on thier heads. they also control the media and have a big behind-the-curtains influence in the government

asians have bred like rats, they are mindless, babbling short machines with little to no personality. most look the same, they cant pronounce western words that have letters like l or v in them

i dont go with these at all but thats my understanding of some of these stereotypes


Arkan 11-07-2004 01:47 PM

Well, you asked for it, so here goes.

French - Not the biggest on hygiene, and terrible record at battle
Irish - They like their brew and potatoes
Italian - you'd have to break the country in two,.
North Italy - Light skinned people and light eyes. Most likely originated from Austria.
South Italians - Dark complexion and this group carries the "Guido/wop" stigma
Aussies - Have that crazy accent we love so much
Polish - big people who are the brunt of most cerebral jokes
Americans - Hillbilly red necks
Blacks - lazy by nature, probably getting even for the slavery days
Mexicans - Hard workers who treat their women like a piece of shit
Russians - Can't be trusted. Everything is a secret to them
Arabs - Either an oil tycoon or a camel riding terrorist

WidowMaker555 11-07-2004 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Arkan
Well, you asked for it, so here goes.

French - Not the biggest on hygiene, and terrible record at battle
Irish - They like their brew and potatoes
Italian - you'd have to break the country in two,.
North Italy - Light skinned people and light eyes. Most likely originated from Austria.
South Italians - Dark complexion and this group carries the "Guido/wop" stigma
Aussies - Have that crazy accent we love so much
Polish - big people who are the brunt of most cerebral jokes
Americans - Hillbilly red necks
Blacks - lazy by nature, probably getting even for the slavery days
Mexicans - Hard workers who treat their women like a piece of shit
Russians - Can't be trusted. Everything is a secret to them
Arabs - Either an oil tycoon or a camel riding terrorist

eek: lol

BeanerMan 11-07-2004 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by WidowMaker555

Originally Posted by Arkan
Well, you asked for it, so here goes.

French - Not the biggest on hygiene, and terrible record at battle
Irish - They like their brew and potatoes
Italian - you'd have to break the country in two,.
North Italy - Light skinned people and light eyes. Most likely originated from Austria.
South Italians - Dark complexion and this group carries the "Guido/wop" stigma
Aussies - Have that crazy accent we love so much
Polish - big people who are the brunt of most cerebral jokes
Americans - Hillbilly red necks
Blacks - lazy by nature, probably getting even for the slavery days
Mexicans - Hard workers who treat their women like a piece of shit
Russians - Can't be trusted. Everything is a secret to them
Arabs - Either an oil tycoon or a camel riding terrorist

eek: lol

So True happy:

Fireal 11-07-2004 02:01 PM

Dakka dakka mohammed jihad.

fujimi7su 11-07-2004 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Fireal
Dakka dakka mohammed jihad.

lol i was the only one of my friends who noticed thats really all they said... i thought it was hilariious

Pyro 11-07-2004 02:42 PM

thanks alot, if you come up with any more just post here

Coleman 11-07-2004 02:53 PM

columbians - grow all of their weed and coffee
arabs - camel jockey terrorists that have strong family ties
italians - WOP, greasy,
brazilians - women have the nicest asses in the world
mexicans - "Dirty mexican", work for any amount of money, have 99999 children
Canadians - wannabe americans
americans - fat slobs, arrogant
irish - beer/potatoes
british - bad teeth and big with tradition
russians - commies...'nuff said
japanese - "japs", small very sociable people that like their technology
chinese - see *russians
blacks - the white man oppresses them every second, they like their watermelon and cool-aide. They are dumb as a brick
Whites - oppress the blacks in every single action taken, love girls with "little or no asses", try to be smart
asians - small dicks, smell like fried oil, every asians knows ninja skills
puerto ricans - they want to have all the benefits of an american but don't want to pay for anything, happy they have passed the blacks on the Minority list in America

S1N1ST3R 3.0 11-07-2004 03:01 PM

French - Like chesse and wine

[2ss]Panzer 11-07-2004 05:30 PM

Colombian- Has ties to the Cocaine trade
Jewish- Cheap with big noses. (Why do jews have big noses?...Because air is free!)
Arab- Terrorists/likes to fight/has big families
Chinese- Bad drivers, but very smart in other things
German- Doesnt like jews
Black- likes to steal, poor.
Italian- Likes pizza/ gay
French- Ignorant, rude, likes to eat breads
East Indian- dirty, smells like kurry
Native American- Alcoholics

Jin-Roh 11-07-2004 05:37 PM

Jewish girls have big hooters. oOo:

@/\/G3L 11-07-2004 05:39 PM

your mom-slutty whore.

Jin-Roh 11-07-2004 05:50 PM

[quote="@/\/G3L":b6a10]your mom-slutty whore.[/quote:b6a10]

stop doing crack, you dirty crack loving crack lover

Machette 11-07-2004 06:04 PM


Paintballr 11-07-2004 06:40 PM

Canadians-Eh and aboot, and eat kraft dinners

Jin-Roh 11-07-2004 06:42 PM

Freshmen girls are dirty sluts! dance:

lindsy: do you want to cyber?
mark: wtf is your problem? lol
lindsy: do you want to cyber with me?
mark: Uh... Why?
lindsy: ur not horny?
mark: Ok lets do it!
lindsy: ok
lindsy: you start
mark: roflmao
lindsy: what?
mark: are you serious?
lindsy: yes
lindsy: OMG>>you have never had cyber sex before?
mark: rofl
mark: prove that you are serious
mark: ?
mark: wtf

mr.miyagi 11-07-2004 06:50 PM

Do we really have bad teeth angel:

Paintballr 11-07-2004 06:51 PM

[quote="mr.miyagi":443ce]Do we really have bad teeth angel:[/quote:443ce]

Just a stereotype

Godsmack 11-07-2004 06:52 PM


Pyro 11-07-2004 06:56 PM

I mainly need them about the french, north koreans, americans and arabs.

Nyck 11-07-2004 06:59 PM

all canadians live to watch/play hockey and drink beer.....

Oh wait they do biggrin: biggrin:

all jews are good with money

Paintballr 11-07-2004 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
I mainly need them about the french, north koreans, americans and arabs.

French-Hippies,Hairy women
North Koreans-Small, Small penis, funny accent when speaking english
Americans-Fat, Dumb,Lazy

Jin-Roh 11-07-2004 07:03 PM

French: ... 1046.shtml


Tripper 11-07-2004 08:24 PM

Americans - Arrogant, Ignorant, Proud and Fat.

French - Camp, Snobby, Arrogant, Xenophobic: especially to Americans and even more so to Americans who don't speak French very well/at all.

North Koreans - Small, Small Penises, Drones and Workhorses.

Milla 11-07-2004 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper
Americans - Arrogant, Ignorant, Proud and Fat.

Im all of the above

Coleman 11-07-2004 09:51 PM


Milla 11-07-2004 09:52 PM


+1 for the find.

Tripper 11-07-2004 11:08 PM

LOL! Funny Sh!t

Pyro 11-07-2004 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Coleman

10/10 lmao

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