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Snake2222 02-05-2002 12:27 AM

The reason you take shotguns away is that the people that will only use rocket/snipe will also only use shotgun....if you take away the others.

krazyklown 02-05-2002 12:44 AM

Why take away any of them? Just limit the usage. I would hate to play only with rifle and smg. That would be so stupid. Rockets, etc... were part of war - learn to deal with it. People who complain about snipers, rockets, shotguns, dont KNOW HOW TO PLAY!!!

02-05-2002 01:03 AM

um nooOOOOoo rockets were never a part of war in the way they are used in MOH. The bazooka was not a giant anti personnel shotgun that could be loaded and fired like the do in the game.

They were primarily an anti-tank weapon. And the American version was a two man weapon that was hard to aim and could not be fired over and over because the tube got too hot.

Though the Germans did have their one-man panzer fausts, they were a one shot weapon. You did not fire rocket after rocket after rocket.

The British PIAT was also anti-tank and basically was a sling shot that was even less accurate than the bazooka was.

Snake2222 02-05-2002 01:05 AM

Limit usage would be good. 1 Sniper per rockets...1 shotgun per side.

02-05-2002 01:09 AM

likewise, people want to limit shotguns because some people want to play SOME matches that at least feel a bit like World War II infantry tactics. And because in the real war people cared about staying alive you simply did not have people running around at top speed blasting away with shotguns that require very little aiming, like in some Quake-style video game.

If you want to tear around like some action hero cartoon character that is fine with me. I would just like to play SOME games on SOME servers that did not have snipers (and it is not about snipers it is about unrealistically easy to use super scopes), shotguns or rockets.

But I would also like to play on some servers that did not ban weapons so much as limited them to 1 rocket, 1 shotgun, 1 rocket launcher per 10 men on a team, or something like that.

Most WWII close contact infantry engagments were rifles and submachine guns, with like one BAR size automatic rifle per 8 or 10 men.

If I want unrealistic zoom and shoot fests I will go play Quake.

Lorenz 02-05-2002 01:42 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by COBRA:
Why takes shotguns away?
Shotgun is good then when you fight in the house but open air this is not good because the shotguns have a short-range.I argee with you sniper Rifle and Rocket launcher.

The other day i was playing on omaha i had 50% of my life and someone fired a shotgun
by one of the concrete slabs, he killed me.
I dont care how anyone else thinks of that but i found that very gay.

Shoegaze99 02-05-2002 03:04 AM

I have never seen as much whining about people's weapon selection as I have here. Utterly amazing.

If the game makers provided certain in-game resources to be used during multi-players games, i.e. shotguns, sniper rifles and the like, the usage of those weapons is perfecly legitimate. I don't personally care much for any of the three, using the submachine gun on most maps, but if somebody wants to use the "bad" weapons, fine. The weapon balance is decent enough that all three of the "bad" weapons have inherent disadvantages that can easily be taken advantage of by a superior player.

Keep shotgunners at a distance and you'll win every time. Crowd those snipers close and watch them fumble with reloads. The bazooka player misses you? Great, charge them! Their reload is pathetically slow. As long as the server is not crowded with any one weapon, things are fine.

And hey, the weapons all have legitimate tactical purposes, too. It's *smart* to use the shotgun on tight boards with lots of close quarters. Why *wouldn't* the Germans want to snipe on, say, The Hunt? And the bazooka makes a *great* weapon to flush aforementioned snipers from their hiding spots on maps like The Hunt.

Medal of Honor is not a game rooted realism. I don't thin the developers pretend it is. It's not Counterstrike. It's not Ghost Recon. It's an action game with a fantastic World War II dressing. And that's that.

But mostly, if you don't like the weapons another player is using, try developing some tactics to counter the weapon. And then do so. A lot. Until they're pissed. ;-)

(Lorenz, adults don't call things "gay." School children do. If you don't intend to look like a developmentally challenged child, you'll avoid such idiocy.)

Snake2222 02-05-2002 03:12 AM

Shoe...I am looking for a player created thing...or EA. I know what you should do in situations, I just want to have fun without those weapons. I am not whining or crying, everyone will have their own version of what is fun. I dont rag on you and call you a quanker so please dont rag on me. My view of fun just happens to be different than yours.

Shoegaze99 02-05-2002 03:22 AM

Snake, my comments were not directed to you specifically; they were general in nature and in response to the overall attitude I have seen on these boards the last week or so.

Hey, you want a different game experience? I understand that. I don't mind the weapons, but I hate the public servers and people's amazing inability to utilize teamwork on them. We both have rants, just on different subjects.

Anyway, just understand my comments were not directed at you specifically, but at the whole "snipers/rockets/shotguns suck!" complaint that is so pervasive here.

Snake2222 02-05-2002 04:08 AM

True those words are over used on these forums. What we as people who understand is that there is a MASSIVE pool of...well...idiots that just wont get it. I dont realy care how many kills I get, I dont care how many times I die...I just want to win. Example for you shoe:

Total player limit=32
Actualy players=24
Allied players=15

For one the allies have a pretty good number majority here. Second of those 15 (these are actual numbers I took from game) 8 snipers, 4 Rocket, 2 shotgun, 1 SMG.

Doesnt even matter what the axis had, they almost had more snipers than we had players. Sad thing is this is WAY to common. I dont care about people using Snipes/Rockets/Shotguns....lets just keep it within reason. Hell I use snipe occasionaly and have been known to pick up a shotgun....I fell dirty afterwards but I do. The whole idea is for multi gamaplay to be a whole lot of us it is not.

Shoegaze99 02-05-2002 06:58 AM

I hear you, Snake2222. That's a symptom of the larger problem on public servers: players do not care about the enjoyment of all involved, just themselves. And as online shooters become more team-orientated, the frustration with such knuckleheads grows worse.

I don't mind a sniper or two on my team. Hell, I expect and *want* it. There are wonderful tactics to be used on many boards. Snipers have their place. But many times it seems that *everybody* wants to be a sniper, and that sucks for those who want to play with a balanced team. Many is the time I have switched sides to balance the teams, or changed weapons to fill out a role my team needed. That's rare.

I fully understand why so many people gravitate to the sniper rifle. There is a great deal of satisfaction felt after successfully picking somebody off when they weren't expecting it. But when there is a situation as you describe, with such horrible balance, it ruins the fun for everyone.

The above is one of the reasons why I'd like to see flexible and powerful admin tools for Medal of Honor. I have played on Day of Defeat servers (DoD is the superb Half-Life WWII mod) that strictly limited how many players of any given class could be on a team. They *forced* you into balance ... and I liked that.

See, I don't feel snipers or rockets are the/a problem in Medal of Honor, not when in the hands of a team player out to share some fun with others. My biggest beef are those players who are there for numero uno and forget they are playing a _team-based_game_. (Assuming you are playing team-style, of course ... I always do)

I have a feeling when better admin tools creep into the community, there will be some fun servers to choose from.

Snake2222 02-05-2002 08:44 AM

Is anyone makeing a patch/Mod/whatever that takes away...shotguns/snipes/rocket? I would like to actually have fun on a server like that.

COBRA 02-05-2002 09:47 AM

Why takes shotguns away?
Shotgun is good then when you fight in the house but open air this is not good because the shotguns have a short-range.I argee with you sniper Rifle and Rocket launcher.

sgt.sayian 02-06-2002 01:08 AM

take away shotgun/rocket/sniper would be good, well maybe keep sniper but take away the whore weapons that people can only get kills with those weapons.

BadScript 02-06-2002 01:18 AM

And to ans your question:

No rockets and sniper mod, and no sniper mod is avaialble at

Snake2222 02-06-2002 01:28 AM

Thanks Bad

collinr58 02-06-2002 01:32 AM

YALL DON'T UNDERSTAND EA WANTED IT TO BE AS CLOSE TO THE REAL THING AS POSSIBLE do you think they used sniper rifle and rockets at omaha HELL NO way to heavy u would be dead before you got out of the water. and besides sombody said if u don't wanna play wit rockets and snipas well maybe the germans should learn to play well would that not mean you are not capable of playing without the fuc*ing snipers and rockets? rockets aren't as bad cuz they arch........ try that punk

hey don't point that at me hey hey what u doin? AIGH TEAM KILLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Snake2222 02-06-2002 02:05 AM

Who was that directed at Collin?

Darkshadow 02-06-2002 02:06 AM

Limits would be good. When playing a Team game like this, I'd rather complete the missions rather than seeing how many kills I could get. There are DM servers for that.

krazyklown 02-06-2002 02:12 AM

How foolish! Lets all play with just rifles and smg's, how realistic! In WW2, Soldiers had to deal with tanks, artillery, etc...In fact, most deaths occured cause of Tanks, bombs, artillery... Rockets compensate for lack of tanks, planes and artillery in multiplayer.

Snipers, should be limited to 2 per every 10 players per team. Shotgunners are not a problem if you know how to handle them. I always take out a punk shotgunner in close combat with my thompson or mp40. Learn how to play! That is the best solution.

Snake2222 02-06-2002 02:18 AM

Krazyklown please for the love of god read the whole thread. I dont mind sniper/shotguns/rcokets. What I do mind is having so freaking many on one server. I know how to play, I really dont need any suggestions from you.

krazyklown 02-06-2002 02:22 AM

It's not directed at you, but some fools want to get rid of snipers/rockets/shotguns completely. I , for one, hardly use the shotgun or sniper rifle - and rarely use rockets. I'm a thompson, mp40 guy. But, I do like the fact that I may choose to play with one of those other weapons - it adds variety. Yes, I agree, there should defintely be a limit to those weapons, but not BANISHMENT!


Shoegaze99 02-06-2002 02:28 AM

Collin, spouting off inaccuracies does little to advance your argument, even if you do so IN ALL CAPS.

If EA wanted the game to be as realistic as possible, it would have been a realism-orientated game. It's not. It's an action-orientated shooter.

If EA wanted the game to be as realistic as possible, shooting soldiers to death would not cause magic health packs to appear from their dead bodies. And mounted machine guns would not have limited ammo. And so on. And so on.

You're argument against certain weapons on Omaha is a poor one. If you want to argue against Weapon X on Level B, by all means do so ... but try to stick to the same reality everybody else shares, eh?

Snake2222 02-06-2002 02:54 AM

I agree Krazy, not banishment. I think there should be different weapons avail for different levels. Take crossroads, would work well with 1 sniper per side and one rocket. But for That blown up city with the church more snipers would be acceptable to me, as it is geared towards more of the distance shooting.

Sh3ll_Sh0ck 02-06-2002 03:05 AM

Realistic? Since when was this game about realism??

The game's about Authenticity and Atmosphere.
Shoegaze99 for once I agree with you.
Though I still think Omaha would be alot more fun without snipers. Rockets and Shotguns are fine.

GEN.Rommel.CN 02-06-2002 04:35 AM

weapon limits are the way to go, but they have to be suited to the levels. ie, stalingrad should have 1 sniper, 1 rocket, and the rest as riflemen. whereas the crossroads should have a larger allowance for snipers.

and the main reason i find people get pissed off with rockets is because you don't really have to aim a rocket. the splash damage is the stuff that gets ya.

but the worst thing is the people that run around with the rocket launcher and when they are kindly asked to change weapons or even teams some times, they go and start team killing.

but having squad layouts would make the game alot sweeter and would allow people to become specialised with their chosen weapon.

jonesy-the-cat 02-06-2002 05:17 AM

I seem to agree with ShoeGaze alot

Klown does have a point too. Many people complain about sniper precisely for the reason that they want to be able to run amok without getting shot. They don't have the skill or brain power to be able to cope with snipers.

Put 12 allied snipers vs 4 competent germans and who will win? It's not that snipers are too powerful. It's the lamebrains who can't figure out how to deal with them.

You cannot assure balanced, even teams. For one thing, I have seen 20 Allies vs 10 Germans in a game or two. You would have to enforce even team numbers. But even that won't work since skill varies. So maybe balancing out the number of kills per minute would be the best way to even the teams. This would make players switch teams automatically as required.

Even with limited snipers, you can end up with a bunch of dummies on your team with SMGs. How often do you see a team mate try to use a Thompson like a Garand? They take aim at a sniper from a long distance, and then squeeze and hold that trigger for dear life. Of course, this just announces their location and results in their death. Then next game, same thing.

To make it fair and fun, you would have to control the types and numbers of weapons, and the types and numbers of players on each team for each map. Obviously this will never happen.

I do think it would make sense to let the admin limit the weapon ratios. But picture this: some dummy gets the 1 sniper rifle your team is allowed and won't give it up. Have fun!

jonesy-the-cat 02-06-2002 05:21 AM

The best thing (for objective games like Omaha) might be a mod that eliminates the kill scores so people can stop focusing on their number of kills and start thinking about completing the objective. Points for reaching certain points, setting the bomb, blowing the bomb, etc. might be the best way to encourage team work.

Shoegaze99 02-06-2002 05:40 AM

Jonesy, you're one of a number of people who have brought up the idea of eliminating and/or modifying kill scores on objective based maps. I wholeheartedly agree with the idea and hope some mods makers run with it.

A point-based system seems would likely be the best idea, I think. Kills can still count for something under a point-based system, but completing an objective would count for far more.

Here's a sample of how such a system might work, for argument's sake:

Per kill: 10 points
Per death: -5 points
Per suicide: -5 points
Setting a bomb: 50 points (plus 5 points for each teammates)
Defusing a bomb: 50 points (plus 5 points for each teammate)
Destroying an objective: 150 points (plus 20 points per teammate)
Preventing destruction in time limit: 150 points (plus 20 points per teammate)

After a 10-minute session, each team's points are totalled and the winner is determined. Kills play a part, but completing your objectives a far bigger part.

(teammates get points when somebody else sets a bomb to help reward teamwork; it's the "if the team wins we all win" ideal)

jonesy-the-cat 02-06-2002 06:02 AM

I like it! I like it alot!

Shoegaze99 02-06-2002 06:06 AM

Here's a quick addition to the above list - again, for argument's sake (or to give somebody ideas):

Grenade kill: 5 points
2nd Grenade kill (with same grenade): 15 points
3rd and over: 20 points
Grenade suicide: -10 points
Grenade team kill: -50 points
Teamkill: -75 points

(Reasoning? Many think grenade kills are cheap, for whatever reason. Regardless of your opinion there, grenades are more tactical in nature and not purely for combat, hence fewer points. *However*, if you can rack up multiple kills with the same grenade, you're doing something right! And if you kill yourself with your own grenade, you're an idiot and ought to be penalized!)

(And on less of a penalty for grenade team kills than the standard? Well, it's easier to mistakenly take out a teammate with a grenade; one can stumble into it unexpectedly, etc. Much harder to do so with a standard gun. More likely to be on purpose with the latter.)

Shoegaze99 02-06-2002 06:07 AM

Here's a quick addition to the above list - again, for argument's sake (or to give somebody ideas):

Grenade kill: 5 points
2nd Grenade kill (with same grenade): 15 points
3rd and over: 20 points
Grenade suicide: -10 points
Grenade team kill: -50 points
Teamkill: -75 points

(Reasoning? Many think grenade kills are cheap, for whatever reason. Regardless of your opinion there, grenades are more tactical in nature and not purely for combat, hence fewer points. *However*, if you can rack up multiple kills with the same grenade, you're doing something right! And if you kill yourself with your own grenade, you're an idiot and ought to be penalized!)

(And on less of a penalty for grenade team kills than the standard? Well, it's easier to mistakenly take out a teammate with a grenade; one can stumble into it unexpectedly, etc. Much harder to do so with a standard gun. More likely to be on purpose with the latter.)

Snake2222 02-06-2002 11:49 AM

I always play team based. Thats the kind of thing I am looking for...a admin that can limit what is on any given team.

[DDT]ServerAdmin 02-07-2002 01:37 AM

the only weapon that suck in MOHAA is the shotgun, rockets/snipers are not that hard to avoid.....just get some skillz

Shoegaze99 02-07-2002 02:44 AM

Will the rocket prejudice replace sniper prejudice? Eh. Same story, different day.

Rockets are useful for several purposes, and if utilized by a smart player can add to anyteam. (No team needs more than one rocket player, however, and rocketfests in MoH are inappropriate, IMO)

First, rockets are great for flushing out snipers. If you know the general vincinity of a sniper, or what room he is hiding in, a rocket or two into the upper windows of a building can work wonders. If your team is pinned down by a sniper, send off a bazooka shot at the sniper's location. Viola!

Second, and even better, when confronted with an enemy team that roams in packs on boards with some open space, a shot from a bazooka will disrupt that tactic quickly. Launch one into their midst, taking one or two out, and then let your squad roll in to clean up the rest.

Just as the shotgun is ideal at close range, rockets work well at a distance. On several boards, their use can add flexibility to any team. On other boards, of course, they have no place.

Snake2222 02-07-2002 03:20 AM

Ok DDT none of us here have any skillznillz besides you...Bow down to the DDT. HAHAHAHAHA

fatattack 02-07-2002 03:41 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by krazyklown:
Why take away any of them? Just limit the usage. I would hate to play only with rifle and smg. That would be so stupid. Rockets, etc... were part of war - learn to deal with it. People who complain about snipers, rockets, shotguns, dont KNOW HOW TO PLAY!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You obviously don't play alot with newbies
I used to like to play SOF for example but all those newbies just ran around with the rocketlauncher ( indoors !! ) and the only thing that happened was that every time they saw something they just fired a rocket blowing themselfs and the others up.

That's no way of playing and it actually destroyed the game.
I'd hate to see that happen to Mohaa as well sso yes, the remove rocket mod is very usefull.
Don't know about shotguns though.

babelfish 02-07-2002 04:04 AM

i cant see the problem.. snipers are annoying.. YES - i generally use shotty or machine gun or smg - just whatever takes my fancy...

i personally prefer the shottie cos im a born rusher - always will be...

snipers are easy enough to kill - just figure out where they are... bazooka blokes are usually the most easy ppl to kill and shotties are lame at anything other than point blank range - and i have also hit ppl many times in the heas and not seen them die - in that time they can turn and pop u in the head with a tommy while u reload...

i like all the aspects of the game...

also how the hell do u limit snipers? how do u decide who gets it and who doesnt?


Snake2222 02-07-2002 06:12 AM

Well server admin could decides who gets it....or it goes on a rotating pattern. Anyone who doenst want to follow the rulse or just get kicked.

krazyklown 02-07-2002 06:46 AM

Rockets add variety. I guess you people hate that. Sorry. I never had a problem with rockets, in fact people who use rockets tend to have a lower kill score. You just need to know how to handle's called skill!

It's just too funny how peole are starting petitions to have rockets taken out, banned... What next? Grenades? Why not, they cause too much damage. There is no damage in war. What was I thinking? Variety is no good. Just play with rifles and pistols, that would be cool!

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