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mr.miyagi 01-08-2005 11:50 AM

N Korea wages war on long hair

North Korea has launched an intensive media assault on its latest arch enemy - the wrong haircut.

It stressed the "negative effects" of long hair on "human intelligence development", noting that long hair "consumes a great deal of nutrition" and could thus rob the brain of energy.

"Hair is a very important issue that shows the people's cultural standards and mental and moral state"


"People who wear other's style of dress and live in other's style will become fools and that nation will come to ruin"

Tidy attire "is important in repelling the enemies' manoeuvres to infiltrate corrupt capitalist ideas and lifestyle and establishing the socialist lifestyle of the military-first era."

I also read the other day that North Korea was preparing for war, they're building losts of bunkers and training their citizens on how to evacuate effectively, I fear something bad is going to happen sooner rather than later....

Maplegyver 01-08-2005 11:51 AM

what the fuck...

CoMaToSe 01-08-2005 11:52 AM

great find, m8. +1

Yea, they've also got a coupla nukes set to fire, some that can reach the US.

This from the country where every1 immulates their insane leader by copying his hair cut?

Trunks 01-08-2005 11:55 AM

wow. eek: I would have never guessed that hair robs the brain of energy. lmao, wat bullshit. Anyway, its only a matter of time before we have a war with N. Korea, the only question is who will be the initiator. We have to be careful tho, they have a decent amount of nukes, and if we are rash we could spark a nuclear war. Not to mention that their military should not be underestimated...

Maplegyver 01-08-2005 11:57 AM

i wouldent be suprised if there was a war.

mr.miyagi 01-08-2005 11:58 AM ... enDocument

N. Korea Prepares for War with U.S.

North Korea has ordered its people to prepare for a protracted war against the United States, issuing guidelines on evacuating to underground bunkers with weapons, food and portraits of leader Kim Jong Il.

The 33-page "Detailed Wartime Guidelines," published on South Korea's Kyunghyang newspaper on Wednesday and verified by Seoul, was issued April 7, 2004, at a time when the communist regime was claiming that it was Washington's next target of invasion following the Iraq War.

The manual -- the first such North Korea document made public in the outside world -- was signed by Kim Jong Il at his capacity of chairman of the Central Military Committee of the ruling Workers' Party. That ended speculation over whether Kim has assumed the top military post following the 1994 death of his father, President Kim Il Sung.

Analysts said the guidelines reflected Pyongyang's fear over a possible U.S. military strike amid stalling talks on its nuclear weapons programs, as well as its campaign to whip up a sense of crisis among its 22 million populace reportedly growing discontented with economic hardships.

"The United States has cooked up suspicion over our nuclear programs and is escalating an offensive of international pressure to strangle and destroy our republic," the booklet said. "If this tactic doesn't work, it plots to use this (nuclear) problem as an excuse for armed invasion."

Kyunghyang did not clarify where it acquired the document classified as "top secret."

Seoul's National Intelligence Service said in a one-sentence statement: "We believe the document reflects North Korea's wartime preparations."(AP)

Beirut, Updated 07 Jan 05, 09:26

Eames 01-08-2005 12:00 PM

screw those commie bastards... and screw their wussie haircuts.

but seriously, there is going to be a show down with north korea eventually and with my luck its gonna be right when or just before i get my comission and im going to be headed to north korea....which i guess i can look at 2 ways....on the plus side their military is largley a conventional force that would attempt to meet us on an open battlefield (which means their complete anihilation...cause no nation on earth can stand up to the us armed forces in an open conventional battle) on the negative side their military is large and decently equiped with surplus soviet and chinese equipment and they posess nuclear weapons that i'm sure they're not afraid to use....casualties could be very high in this war...and im gonna have to fight it....

Trunks 01-08-2005 12:08 PM

Eames, you only see half of the picture. I dont doubt the US military might, however, think about the US civil war. The South was supposed to have lost within a couple months, and yet because of their superior tacticians and generals they were able to hd out for 4 years... I am not saying that they have better commanders, I am merely implying that underestimating them could end in a heavy loss of life. Plus there is the fact that if there is a war, most likely it will be on N. Korea territory, and they will be fighting for their country, to protect it from invaders, they will be fighting for the cities in which they grew up in, and the places in which they shared so many memories... This will give them quite a bit of morale, and morale is a very important factor to consider as well.

Godsmack 01-08-2005 12:29 PM

I like my long hair rock:

[DAS REICH] Blitz 01-08-2005 12:45 PM

ROLF! happy:

HEIL! hellfire:

mr.miyagi 01-08-2005 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Trunks
Eames, you only see half of the picture. I dont doubt the US military might, however, think about the US civil war. The South was supposed to have lost within a couple months, and yet because of their superior tacticians and generals they were able to hd out for 4 years... I am not saying that they have better commanders, I am merely implying that underestimating them could end in a heavy loss of life. Plus there is the fact that if there is a war, most likely it will be on N. Korea territory, and they will be fighting for their country, to protect it from invaders, they will be fighting for the cities in which they grew up in, and the places in which they shared so many memories... This will give them quite a bit of morale, and morale is a very important factor to consider as well.

In depths of World War One, as the red-faced, potbellied generals dithered safely behind the lines and British losses mounted frighteningly , Churchill referred to the brave British Tommies embattled in the muddy trenches as "Lions led by donkeys …"

Mr.Buttocks 01-08-2005 01:08 PM

Hmmm. eek:

guarnere 01-08-2005 01:16 PM


Duke_of_Ray 01-08-2005 01:59 PM

I have long hair coming out of my toenails.

Eames 01-08-2005 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Trunks
Eames, you only see half of the picture. I dont doubt the US military might, however, think about the US civil war. The South was supposed to have lost within a couple months, and yet because of their superior tacticians and generals they were able to hd out for 4 years... I am not saying that they have better commanders, I am merely implying that underestimating them could end in a heavy loss of life. Plus there is the fact that if there is a war, most likely it will be on N. Korea territory, and they will be fighting for their country, to protect it from invaders, they will be fighting for the cities in which they grew up in, and the places in which they shared so many memories... This will give them quite a bit of morale, and morale is a very important factor to consider as well.

i think you misunderstood me, no doubt its going to be a tuff will be the first conventional war we would have fought since the persian gulf war (which really was just a show of force) more correctly you could say the last conventional war we have ever fought was the first korean war. I don't think the conventional aspect of the war will last very long at all....korea is a peninsula...and peninsula's are hard to defend...all we would have to do is pull another inchon style amphibous invasion, and we would cut north korea in half and our forces would roll over them, the urban combat for the cities might be intense and thats probably where most casualities will come from. Again, because its a peninsula the navy will have acess to every part of their country and would be able to offer close in air suport thats only a few minutes away, not like in iraq where aircraft have to fly from the persian gulf or red sea to reach their targets, naval air suport will literally be minutes away 24/7. We don't have to worry about "underestimating" anything, the pentagon has plans for the invasion of every country on earth, espicially potetential threats like north korea. Our biggest threat from them is their wmd aresenal that they will most likley unleash. That and the occupation of the north may prove to be the hardest parts of this conflict, but again north korea differs greatly population wise than iraq. In north korea you have a homogeneus population...their all korean and alot of them have relatives down south that they would love to see again. Most North Koreans want to see a united korea and all they have to do is look at south korea which is prospering and look at their country which is starving to see which goverment was better. I think we would see most north korean citizens not suporting the north and welcoming the unification with the south. the only people that might form resistence are hard corp comunist....but most north koreans would probably turn them in because they were the people that were opressing the shit out of them. alot of people don't realise that north korea is expierencing one of the worst famines in history and alot of their population is starving while the comunist elite live in luxury. they have one of the worst human rights records of any nation in history, with an extensive soviet-stalinisque goolag system that incarerates hundreds of thousands of people. I think the war against north korea would parallel the eventual conquest of nazi germany, not iraq at all. Iraq has many diferent ethinic groups competing for control of the iraqi goverment, this is why you see so much terrorist activity there...each group is viying for power and they see the us as an obstacle to that power. in north korea you see a victomized population that would embrace unification with the south. In fact south korean troops would probably comprise most of the occupation force.

Paintballr 01-08-2005 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Trunks
wow. eek: I would have never guessed that hair robs the brain of energy. lmao, wat bullshit. Anyway, its only a matter of time before we have a war with N. Korea, the only question is who will be the initiator. We have to be careful tho, they have a decent amount of nukes, and if we are rash we could spark a nuclear war. Not to mention that their military should not be underestimated...

If war with N.Korea every happens then the next draft will happen.

Tripper 01-08-2005 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Eames

Originally Posted by Trunks
Eames, you only see half of the picture. I dont doubt the US military might, however, think about the US civil war. The South was supposed to have lost within a couple months, and yet because of their superior tacticians and generals they were able to hd out for 4 years... I am not saying that they have better commanders, I am merely implying that underestimating them could end in a heavy loss of life. Plus there is the fact that if there is a war, most likely it will be on N. Korea territory, and they will be fighting for their country, to protect it from invaders, they will be fighting for the cities in which they grew up in, and the places in which they shared so many memories... This will give them quite a bit of morale, and morale is a very important factor to consider as well.

i think you misunderstood me, no doubt its going to be a tuff will be the first conventional war we would have fought since the persian gulf war (which really was just a show of force) more correctly you could say the last conventional war we have ever fought was the first korean war. I don't think the conventional aspect of the war will last very long at all....korea is a peninsula...and peninsula's are hard to defend...all we would have to do is pull another inchon style amphibous invasion, and we would cut north korea in half and our forces would roll over them, the urban combat for the cities might be intense and thats probably where most casualities will come from. Again, because its a peninsula the navy will have acess to every part of their country and would be able to offer close in air suport thats only a few minutes away, not like in iraq where aircraft have to fly from the persian gulf or red sea to reach their targets, naval air suport will literally be minutes away 24/7. We don't have to worry about "underestimating" anything, the pentagon has plans for the invasion of every country on earth, espicially potetential threats like north korea. Our biggest threat from them is their wmd aresenal that they will most likley unleash. That and the occupation of the north may prove to be the hardest parts of this conflict, but again north korea differs greatly population wise than iraq. In north korea you have a homogeneus population...their all korean and alot of them have relatives down south that they would love to see again. Most North Koreans want to see a united korea and all they have to do is look at south korea which is prospering and look at their country which is starving to see which goverment was better. I think we would see most north korean citizens not suporting the north and welcoming the unification with the south. the only people that might form resistence are hard corp comunist....but most north koreans would probably turn them in because they were the people that were opressing the shit out of them. alot of people don't realise that north korea is expierencing one of the worst famines in history and alot of their population is starving while the comunist elite live in luxury. they have one of the worst human rights records of any nation in history, with an extensive soviet-stalinisque goolag system that incarerates hundreds of thousands of people. I think the war against north korea would parallel the eventual conquest of nazi germany, not iraq at all. Iraq has many diferent ethinic groups competing for control of the iraqi goverment, this is why you see so much terrorist activity there...each group is viying for power and they see the us as an obstacle to that power. in north korea you see a victomized population that would embrace unification with the south. In fact south korean troops would probably comprise most of the occupation force.

Jesus fucking christ - Have you heard about this wonderful new invention called a PARAGRAPH....For fucks sake. Go back to school.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 01-08-2005 03:49 PM

My god eames, ive never wrote past 3 sentences, let alone that tangled jumble of words

Mr.Buttocks 01-08-2005 04:18 PM

[quote="[DAS REICH] Blitz":04759]My god eames[/quote:04759]

Innoxx 01-08-2005 04:32 PM

I'd laugh if China got involved, again.

imported_Grim_Reaper 01-08-2005 05:08 PM

long hair is great.

Akuma 01-08-2005 05:15 PM

[quote="Grim_Reaper":1e6f2]long hair is great.[/quote:1e6f2]
ya rock:

Pyro 01-08-2005 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by maple
i wouldent be suprised if there was a war.

Especially since it is being left to so late to worry about NK...where valuable resources are being wasted on a country that posed barely any threat to America or the West. Iraq.

Coleman 01-08-2005 06:21 PM

hake: rolleyes: @ this whole thread (- miyagi since he had that hot girl)

Trunks 01-08-2005 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Trunks
Eames, you only see half of the picture. I dont doubt the US military might, however, think about the US civil war. The South was supposed to have lost within a couple months, and yet because of their superior tacticians and generals they were able to hd out for 4 years... I am not saying that they have better commanders, I am merely implying that underestimating them could end in a heavy loss of life. Plus there is the fact that if there is a war, most likely it will be on N. Korea territory, and they will be fighting for their country, to protect it from invaders, they will be fighting for the cities in which they grew up in, and the places in which they shared so many memories... This will give them quite a bit of morale, and morale is a very important factor to consider as well.

In depths of World War One, as the red-faced, potbellied generals dithered safely behind the lines and British losses mounted frighteningly , Churchill referred to the brave British Tommies embattled in the muddy trenches as "Lions led by donkeys …"[/quote:d38cb]Well, personally, I think that officers should be at the battlefield along with their men, it would again, provide much needed morale boosts, and it is much easier to coordinate a defense/offense if you are right there. And if I was a high ranking military officer, that is wat I would do. Unfortunately, it would be a bit rash to do this, because a general/admiral is usually somebody with an enormous amount of tactical skill, and who has a tremendous amount of experience in warfare, and harsh as it may seem, a regular soldier is expendable, but a high ranking commander, is not. I do not mean to offend anyone by saying this, but it is true.

Madmartagen 01-08-2005 07:48 PM

I just rolled the dice, my blue cannon took two red infantry and one horsie.

Zap. USMC 01-08-2005 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Eames
screw those commie bastards... and screw their wussie haircuts.

but seriously, there is going to be a show down with north korea eventually and with my luck its gonna be right when or just before i get my comission and im going to be headed to north korea....which i guess i can look at 2 ways....on the plus side their military is largley a conventional force that would attempt to meet us on an open battlefield (which means their complete anihilation...cause no nation on earth can stand up to the us armed forces in an open conventional battle) on the negative side their military is large and decently equiped with surplus soviet and chinese equipment and they posess nuclear weapons that i'm sure they're not afraid to use....casualties could be very high in this war...and im gonna have to fight it....


Jimbo@ 01-08-2005 10:28 PM

Eames are you joining the army or the marines or something else?

Innoxx 01-08-2005 10:29 PM

Joining the ranks of the rear echelon.

Sgt. Paine 01-08-2005 10:34 PM

so thats what the nukes are for...

Jimbo@ 01-08-2005 10:37 PM

If a war happens, N.Korea is gonna be all by herself. No support from China or Russia. They're screwed. With a low-tech army their gonna get their ass whipped. But a war wont happen cause they have nukes.

Madmartagen 01-08-2005 11:53 PM

$5 says China backs N Korea and forces the West to a stalemate. When that happens, there wont be a war because everyone will know what will happen.

Jimbo@ 01-09-2005 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
$5 says China backs N Korea and forces the West to a stalemate. When that happens, there wont be a war because everyone will know what will happen.

I'll bet you 5000 bucks. China knows better, and they have too much to risk since America is their biggest trading partner.

Quze 01-10-2005 11:14 AM

[quote="Jimbo@":d400c]If a war happens, N.Korea is gonna be all by herself. No support from China or Russia. They're screwed. With a low-tech army their gonna get their ass whipped. But a war wont happen cause they have nukes.[/quote:d400c]

Apparently, Iraq had WMD too.

Trunks 01-10-2005 01:48 PM

[quote="Jimbo@":32be7]If a war happens, N.Korea is gonna be all by herself. No support from China or Russia. They're screwed. With a low-tech army their gonna get their ass whipped. But a war wont happen cause they have nukes.[/quote:32be7] I beg to differ. N. Korea has the 4th strongest military in the world, and the last time that we fought them it took 2 years and 50, 000 men. This time around they have eqiuped themselves with nukes... which could prove disasterous. I highly doubt Russia would back NK, they have their own problems, but China is another story. Plus if there was a war with NK, it would be the perfect oppurtunity for all those countries who hate the US with a passion to link up and then the stage could be set for a major confrontation because there are quite a few countries who hate the US, and Im sure if they had the oppurtunity to destroy it once and for all theyd take it. Of course thats just my 2 cents and I could be being paranoid. rolleyes:

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