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imported_Fluffy_Bunny 01-10-2005 08:42 AM

The meaning of life
The real meaning of life.

The world in which we live and take part of is absurd. You and I both know this on some intellectually pristine level of awareness in which we have settled the matter and thus feel no need to explore the realization further. Fortunately, you and I both will have to explore it further, either by choice or not. Men have nipples, yet give no milk. Humanity has invented the dimension of time and yet can not explain it clearly. Everyone claims to want love and yet love is pushed away at every opportunity. The self we claim to be turns out to be our own little paint splotches on the canvas of life for which we have no adequate definition. People claim to be on a spiritual quest to find enlightenment or evolution and yet run in horror away from any small glimpses of what that entails…to the point where they must take false shelter in the apparent security of belief. We live in societies that claim to respect intelligence, yet celebrate stupidity. Some say the world is wonderful. Some say the world is terrible. Some say the world is neither. Some say it is both. I am here to say that it is all these things and it is absurd!

You may scoff at the idea, but approaching life and the world from the angle of its absurdity has infinite merit. Using absurdity, one can stay out of the meaning/meaningless trap that has tripped up philosophers and spiritual seekers for millennia. Of course, life will be meaningless or meaningful depending upon which side you choose. Why choose sides at all? It’s better not to get cocooned in like that, unless you want to provide Eris, and others, with hours of entertainment. (People who cocoon themselves with their own opinions and beliefs are pretty damned entertaining to some of us, you have to admit.)

Instead of searching for some stable bedrock, which will only confuse you once you realize that it is made of ice and melting fast, learn to ski across the shifting snows of discord. Learn to swim the seas of chaos. Learn to burn the papers of bureaucracy. Learn to revel in the fog of confusion. Learn to dance to the aftermath. Laugh….People often search high and low for clarity and on first glance that appears valid. But it is exposed as absurd when you realize that their search for clarity is really just a search for something to fit their preconceived ideas. One doesn’t have to do much free-thinking if one gets clarity. The obvious is a stagnant proposition. Confusion forces you to think without the preconceptions and prejudices with which you have mistaken for ideas. Sometimes it is best to be as thoroughly confused as possible. Or not. Or maybe. So what?

The point of all this is…make your own damned point. Stop whining to everyone else about how pointless things seem! Make your own damned point! Realize that you are a seed of discord, a damned-thing that can not be categorized, no matter what the crapscreamers say. Make up your own categories, if you must, to see how cheesy all categories get to be.

If you think the problem is bad now, just wait until we’ve solved it. Energy, power, and faith are the false bulwarks of a fluctuating image you call ego. The State is the chief cause of anarchism. Sanity is the chief cause of insanity. Meaning is the chief cause of meaninglessness. The chicken is the chief cause of the egg…well, maybe. But the precepts of order are banging loud on their drums of war in your head. What are you going to do about it?

You are going insane. Wise people admit this while letting go. But less-than-wise people deny this while using the wise-sounding tenets of wise-sounding belief systems to try and maintain some sense of sanity. But sanity can only go so far. It is Out of Order.You are the reason why there are no such things as straight lines or linear times. You are the damned-thing that refuses to fit into categories. The message in this sentence is a flat lie. The previous statement was false, true, meaningless and otherwise. Good and Evil…So what? Who gives a shit? They’re only two labels for the same thing.

Is the thought of a thought a real thought? Maybe. Is the world out to get you? If you want it to. There is no law…no story…no reason…no order…no disorder…no thoughts…no clowns…no sadness…no laughter…no nothing. The honest truth is a dishonest lie. Fuck waiting until the last laugh! The gods are not what they seem, nor are they otherwise. Things appear and disappear at random for no apparent reason. You only impute an apparent reason, for some reason.

Imagination is the most potent tool in you. It will take you as far from sanity as you wish…No. I lied. It will take you far from sanity, whether you wish it or not. It is not a tool at all. I lied again. And I lied again. In fact this whole paragraph is a lie. Possibly. Maybe not. But I lie again. Are you tired of your negative trips? We have drugs and video games for that. Oops. But not really. I lied again. What is truth, if not an insidious infection of falsehoods? Are you the ‘You Are’ of the ‘I Am’? Or are you the ‘Am Is’ of the ‘What Not’? Or the ‘What For’? It is possible that you are a worse liar than I am. Or a better liar. Is this a Celtic twist of a Gypsy Switch that will whip incessantly at the bullshit clouding your mind? Or is it a Discordian mindfucking plot specifically calculated to provoke a random response from you which will set you off towards every direction? Is it some or neither? Are you some or neither? Or are you in-between-the-lines? If we are both liars masquerading as truth tellers, what are we saying? But that is also a true lie.

The secret is out that there is no secret of the multiverse. But I lie again. For every hole in your sock there is a mystical mystery that has stunned and amazed occult theorists for generations. And yet the joke is on them. Are you one of them? Are you the joke? Are you a clown performing on some corner stage in Eris’s playground? You may be the mystical mystery that has stunned and amazed occult theorists—and governments, scientists, doctors, social scientists, historians, and theologians—for generations. And again, I may be lying. Knowing that, possibly, you were born and that, probably, you will die…tells you nothing, unless you allow lies to be screamed into your ears. Consistency is the stagnant invention of the madmen. Certainty is their house. Uncertainty is the dynamic state of one who lives. But this could be a lie. Or not. And that could be a lie. Are you willing to ride a thought until it leads you to its basic absurdity? Liar!

How do you know that you are not someone else’s blurry thought? If you are a figment of your own imagination, why not someone else’s? The only certainty you may glimpse is that there are no certainties. And that could be the only true statement I have made, except for the fact that I might by lying. Even then, how would you know? You are always going insane, despite what you may believe. And beliefs are just prejudices…attempts to build walls to keep out the world. No matter what you try to build, there are no walls. There is nothing to keep out. And nothing to hold in. And there is no one doing it. What are you? Who are you? What masks are you wearing now? What answers can you stand? What questions can you stand?

You have free will. There is no other choice. I wouldn’t deceive you but I will pull your legs out from under you. And I could be telling the truth if I am not lying again. Just because sanity and insanity are merely two faces of the same thing does not mean that you are not going insane. Are you crazy enough to exist?

Pyro 01-10-2005 08:52 AM

too much to read

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 01-10-2005 09:01 AM

life-bollocks mate

Tystnad 01-10-2005 09:08 AM

Bah, I thought this post would carry some Monty Python... annoy:

Duke_of_Ray 01-10-2005 09:27 AM

Meaning of life? To eat beans and be sexy.

Alax54 01-10-2005 09:31 AM

Wow...that was long...I want to know the meaning of life, but there's no way I could sit here just reading all that.

Mr_Gl@ss 01-10-2005 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Tystnad
Bah, I thought this post would carry some Monty Python... annoy:

Yeah, me too. Was hoping for a rousing chorus of "every sperm is sacred".

Duke_of_Ray 01-10-2005 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Alax54
Wow...that was long...I want to know the meaning of life, but there's no way I could sit here just reading all that.

Man just ask your feet, and the will tell you that the cats will fly as long as the trees do make the bark of belly tummy/

Hollywood 01-10-2005 10:21 AM


But I personally have known the meaning of life since I was a litle boy. It came to me in a dream and I will keep that secret with me until the day I die suckers.

tomxtr 01-10-2005 10:35 AM

Damn, you must have scored some good weed. rock:

bukdez 01-10-2005 10:39 AM

if we learned anything from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy it's that the meaning of life is: forty-two...


ninty 01-10-2005 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by bukdez
if we learned anything from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy it's that the meaning of life is: forty-two...


And there is no meaning to life. In my opinion, life just happens. Life is common in the Universe. It's just something that happens given the right compounds which are readily avaliable in the universe and the most important ingredient of time.

CoMaToSe 01-10-2005 10:44 AM


EDIT: I missed the above posts oOo:

bukdez 01-10-2005 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by ninty9

Thats crazy, i hope they do a good job... anyone remember the old BBC version, it was pretty amazing, i wonder if those are out on DVD...

ninty 01-10-2005 10:50 AM ... 8?v=glance

bukdez 01-10-2005 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by ninty9


(when i can)...

strvs 01-10-2005 10:59 AM

I don't think there's any real meaning to life, we're simply organisms living out our lifespan, there's no greater power, no "ultimate solution"

We're just phycotic apes...

ninty 01-10-2005 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by bukdez

Originally Posted by ninty9


(when i can)...


Hollywood 01-10-2005 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by strvs
I don't think there's any real meaning to life, we're simply organisms living out our lifespan, there's no greater power, no "ultimate solution"

We're just phycotic apes...


How can there be no greater power when everything in existince was created somehow. The universe had to have been created from something, it didn't just appear magically, and if it was created what was there before it? And who or what created it? Thinking there isn't some greater power is not thinking at all, why live your life so closed-minded?

strvs 01-10-2005 11:39 AM

There's no explaining how the universe works, but id like to see some more proof before i would believe there's a "creator". Right now there's more proof against it, and the concept of evolution seems alot more logical than a divine creation...IMO.

ninty 01-10-2005 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Hollywood

Originally Posted by strvs
I don't think there's any real meaning to life, we're simply organisms living out our lifespan, there's no greater power, no "ultimate solution"

We're just phycotic apes...


How can there be no greater power when everything in existince was created somehow. The universe had to have been created from something, it didn't just appear magically, and if it was created what was there before it? And who or what created it? Thinking there isn't some greater power is not thinking at all, why live your life so closed-minded?

Why does the universe have to be created?

Those who are religious say that God always was, and always will be. Why can't our Universe have always been and always will be?

Truth is, you don't know that the universe had to be created. Nobody does on the face of this planet.

This is a subject the human brain can not comprehend. When we say, "what was there before it?" we don't like to hear "nothing". We can't comprehend there being an eternity of nothing. It doesn't make sense,

We don't know how the universe was created. I have put serious thought into religious creationism, as I went to a catholic school for 13 years of my life. I have come to the conclusions that i am agnostic.

"An agnostic thinks it impossible to know the truth in matters such as God and the future life with which Christianity and other religions are concerned. Or, if not impossible, at least impossible at the present time."

This is true for me. I can't tell you whether god exists or not, but to tell you the truth I don't think he had anything to do with the creation of the universe.

ninty 01-10-2005 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by strvs
There's no explaining how the universe works, but id like to see some more proof before i would believe there's a "creator". Right now there's more proof against it, and the concept of evolution seems alot more logical than a divine creation...IMO.

Evolution isn't a concept. It's fact.

What was the fist form of life on the earth? The earth formed 4.5billion years ago. Really shortly after, about 4 billion years ago, life began to take hold in the form of amino acids and polypeptides. These evolved into single celled organisms which rules the earth for a long time. Eventually, there was an outbreak of life over a few million years. many small fish and other things like that began to appear.

Someone who doesn't believe in evolution must then believe that all mamals and other forms of life were put on the earth at the same time, or maybe they just spontaneously appeared after a while. The truth is, everything on this planet started from those amino acids and polypeptides. Dinosaurs, humans, monkeys and whales all evolved from those simple forms.

If there are people out there who do not believe this, then they need to do some reading, because this has been known for quite some time.

strvs 01-10-2005 11:50 AM

I don't disagree. calmdown: beer:

ninty 01-10-2005 11:56 AM

I know. I was just expanding on your thought. dance:

And if anyone's interested at how the planet formed, and how life got here and everything like that, take a look at this miniseries: ... d&n=507846

I own this DVD and it is excellent. Tells you how the earth formed, how the moon formed, basically how our solar system formed, and everything that happened in it from the beginning until now.

Also, the best miniseries of all time is Carl Sagan's Cosmos: ... ance&s=dvd

I own this as well. This is 13 hours of how the universe was created and everything inside it. Sagan ties in the cosmos with real life historical examples. I also own the book which is a great read as well.

You can see how well liked this series is: ... ft=27;fm=1

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 01-10-2005 12:31 PM


Hollywood 01-10-2005 12:48 PM

The point is, there could not have been "nothingness". You can't create something or have something created from nothing, so there must have always been something out there. I did not say that I think there is an all powerful god, but that there is some kind of higher power that we will never comprehend.

I believe in evolution, because evolution is pretty much fact. There is no way all beings were created at the same time, I mean are Dinosaur bones fake? Is the earth only 4000 years old? Of course not, that's blashphemy.

But you cannot think that the wonder of the universe and life in general does not have some kind of higher importance than just "to live". I don't believe that the human race is owed an explanation for the life that was given to us. But the universe itself is such an impossible entity to understand, something had to create it, and whatever created it had to have been created from something else. Matter does not just appear, and if there was something before matter and atoms and molecules, then my point is invalid because all of the laws of science go out the window.

Bottom line is it all gives me a headache. But just thinking about how there was never a "nothingess" will at least give you comfort in the fact that your life is not insignificant. Maybe there is something after you die, but if nothing happens, well then maybe you can make a comparison to the universe there. Maybe "nothingness" is possible, although it seems like a pardox to me.

Bleuachdu 01-10-2005 12:50 PM

Where did the amino acids and polypeptides come from? Life just forming over millions of years is considered fact? I don't understand how this evidence is any more convincing than creationism.

I for one am a Christian. I also believe that evolution exists, likely on a different or smaller scale. I think the two can coexist... anyone else?

Pick Axe 01-10-2005 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Tystnad
Bah, I thought this post would carry some Monty Python... annoy:

Yeah, me too. Was hoping for a rousing chorus of "every sperm is sacred".[/quote:00281]

Me three..... eek:

ninty 01-10-2005 01:09 PM

If one thing must create another thing, then there is never a beginning, and never an end. If this can be considered, then I don't understand why nothingness can't be considered.

There are a lot of things in the universe that our laws can't explain. We have not yet unified the four forces of gravity, electromagnitism, and the two strong and weak nuclear forces. Until this is done, the universe won't be explained.

For instance, it is accepted by physicists that at the centre of a black hole there is a large mass. This creates the massive garvatitional pull in which not even light can escape. However, the volume of that mass is 0. The mass takes up no space. In other words, there is a point of zero volume and infinite density. How can this be? It doesn't make any sense to us, yet it is widley accepted.

And, yes amino acids forming over millions of years is proof of evolution.

Trunks 01-10-2005 01:38 PM

wow... that made me think... a lot... good job bunny rock:

IMO, the meaning of life is death, and the meaning of death is life. People die so that other can take their place and live in their place, and then they get old and are replaced by a new generation, and so continues the never ending circle... All the things we have, money, power, love, friendship... all in all they are illusions, which misguide us. Because all in all, in 200 years, your own relatives wont even remember you. For all we know, in 1000 or 10000, or 100000 years humanity will be eradicated, and what then? All that we have worked for and strived for, since the dawn of humanity will be forever lost. All our great heroes and warriors, conquerors and protectors, inventors and scientists, rulers and leaders, will all mean nothing.

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 01-10-2005 02:01 PM

Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,
But he'll remember, with advantages, What feats he did that day.
Then shall our names, Familiar in his mouth as household words- Fluffy_Bunny, the Duke, elstatic and Trunks,
Tripper and geRV Milla and Tonymontoya-
Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb'red.

This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Groundforce1 shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,

Coleman 01-10-2005 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Bleuachdu
Where did the amino acids and polypeptides come from? Life just forming over millions of years is considered fact? I don't understand how this evidence is any more convincing than creationism.

I for one am a Christian. I also believe that evolution exists, likely on a different or smaller scale. I think the two can coexist... anyone else?

I am not going to get into the religion VS science argument, but I do agree with you. No one can deny a the entire concept of evolution.

Hollywood 01-10-2005 02:06 PM

It's a theory that the mass is absolute 0, there is no hard evidence to support that theory. But that is irrelevant, I am merely pointing out that you cannot create matter, life, or anything else from nothing. There has to be a catalyst, and if there is a catalyst then that means there actually wasn't "nothingness" unless it was an entity that exists outside our plane of existence, thus the theory of a higher being.

SoLiDUS 01-10-2005 02:21 PM

It has probably already been said, but...

Life is what you make of it. Determine how to best experience your existence
and enjoy Being in all its glory, from one awareness to the last.

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