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Sgt>Stackem 02-10-2005 08:28 AM

here is where your PETA money goes
ELF Suspected in California Eco-Terror
Wednesday, February 09, 2005

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Monday's firebombing of a residential construction site, the third occurrence of suspected eco-terrorism in the Sacramento area in less than two months, comes after the eco-terror group Earth Liberation Front sent an ominous letter to area newspapers warning of such actions every few weeks.

In the latest incident, firebombs exploded at an apartment complex. Because the sprinkler system worked, the fire was extinguished. Several residents were home at the time but not hurt.

This is the third incident where the ELF left graffiti messages saying, "We will win," "Leave" and "You will pay."

In a letter to local newspapers, ELF claimed it would burn down buildings "every few weeks" until families and businesses stop moving to suburbs.

"The latest missive of the ELF in Sacramento is quite alarming because it hints around at targeting people," said Kelly Stoner, executive director of Stop Eco-Violence! SEV is dedicated to "exposing the true nature of eco-terrorism and building the broad support necessary for public officials and law enforcement to effectively stop it," according to the grassroots group's Web site.

The ELF is a vigilante group. Since 1996, members have torched university research centers, government buildings, a ski resort, SUV dealerships, private homes and apartments.

The FBI is investigating ELF as a terrorist organization, but the group is difficult to penetrate because members often act alone.

"They are very loosely affiliated and they are not the type of organization that comes to town hall meetings and they all get together and talk about what they want to do," FBI agent Keith Slotter said.

The ELF did not respond to FOX News e-mails, but according to its Web site,, "Individuals who choose to do actions under the banner of ELF do so only driven by their personal conscience. These have been individual choices and are not endorsed, encouraged, or approved of by the management and participants of this Web site."

One challenge in stopping them is that so far the courts have treated their actions as property crimes, not terrorism,2933,146927,00.html

This group is full of whackos, I hope the FBI catches them. PETA has lost thier tax free status because of an affiliation with ELF

Pyro 02-10-2005 08:31 AM

We have ties with Israel, which is much worse.

tomxtr 02-10-2005 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro
We have ties with Israel, which is much worse.

Me thinks you are an anti-semite. annoy:

Alax54 02-10-2005 08:53 AM

This is almost as bad as NAMBLA which is still a tax free organization. It's also accepted by the U.S. government as an official group. (WTF?)

KTOG 02-10-2005 09:04 AM


Akuma 02-10-2005 09:50 AM

I should join them.

I didn't check out their site yet, but they have a cool name.

Alax54 02-10-2005 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Akuma
I should join them.

I didn't check out their site yet, but they have a cool name.


Pyro 02-10-2005 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by tomxtr

Originally Posted by Pyro
We have ties with Israel, which is much worse.

Me thinks you are an anti-semite. annoy:

Israel the country isn't a referance to the jewish religion.

Israel is a bigger threat to world peace than the United States is.

guarnere 02-10-2005 11:57 AM

Last time I checked...ELF didnt say PETA.

Sgt>Stackem 02-10-2005 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by guarnere
Last time I checked...ELF didnt say PETA.

The PETA-ELF connection
A tax return from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals suggests the group isn't just funding anti-fur organizations
By Stefan C. Friedman

New York Post
Nearly six years after the Earth Liberation Front set off its first firebomb in the United States, the feds may have gotten their first break in figuring out who runs this dangerous eco-terrorist group.

“ It would be great if all the fast-food outlets, slaughter- houses, these laboratories and the banks who fund them exploded tomorrow. ”
— Bruce Friedrich, censured PETA spokesman

In congressional testimony last month, Richard Berman, of the Center for Consumer Freedom, produced a tax return from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). It turns out PETA isn't just funding anti-milk and anti-fur organizations.

It's funding arsonists.

On April 20, 2001, PETA donated $1,500 to the North American Earth Liberation Front to "support their [sic] program activities."

One need look no further than ELF's Web site to see what those activities are: The page features a building engulfed in flames.

According to James Jarboe, domestic-terrorism chief of the FBI's Counter-terrorism Division, ELF is "the largest and most active U.S.-based terrorist group" and has already caused more than $43 million in damage since 1996.

The discovery of the donation is crucial not only because it sheds more light on PETA's misguided sympathies, but also because it could lead to the names of individuals connected to ELF — names that have so far eluded authorities.

This is not the first time PETA has been linked with domestic terrorists. PETA served as "spokesgroup" for the Animal Liberation Front, ELF's close counterpart, from 1989 to 1990.

And while scouring PETA's financials, Berman's folks also found that:

It donated $70,200 to the defense of Rodney Coronado, an ALF member convicted of a fire-bombing at Michigan State University. He pleaded guilty to similar crimes at Oregon and Washington State universities.

In 1999, PETA gave $2,000 to David Wilson, an ALF activist who once bragged about the movement's expansion into "wildlife actions."

In 2000, PETA gave $5,000 to the "Josh Harper Support Committee." Harper is an ALF member arrested on numerous occasions.

PETA's tarnished image

PETA's cuddly image has also been tarnished by its own staff. Spokesman Bruce Friedrich sounded more like an active ELF member than a crusader for animal rights when he said, "It would be great if all the fast-food outlets, slaughterhouses, these laboratories and the banks who fund them exploded tomorrow."

PETA's board of directors later had to censure him.

As for the donation to ELF, PETA President Ingrid Newkirk admits giving the money, but claims it was an honest mistake, that the money was supposed to go toward "public education about destruction of habitat."

Maybe, maybe not.

But in a letter to Newkirk, Rep. Scott McInnis (R.-Colo.) poses seven questions, including why PETA made the donation and if it intends to donate again. And, most important: "Whose signature appeared on the returned check that PETA gave ELF?"

If the feds can get that name, it might be able to bust this ring of eco-terrorists wide open.

Now, PETA claims to be a peaceful animal-rights group opposed to illegal activities. If that's true, Newkirk will answer McInnis' questions.

So far, she's not saying what she'll do. But if she doesn't talk, there may be dire consequences for PETA.

Monday, the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, a Bellvue, Wash., -based group that tracks criminal attacks against businesses, sent a complaint to the IRS, asking that PETA's tax-exempt status be stripped because there is "information [that] strongly suggests that PETA induces or encourages the commission of unlawful acts."

Certainly, time is of the essence. As McInnis says, if ELF is not brought to heel, "it's just a matter of time before a human life is taken."

PETA Under Attack for Funding Alleged Eco-Terrorists
By Jason Pierce Staff Writer
March 08, 2002

Washington ( - As concerns about eco-terrorism mount on Capitol Hill, there is more finger-pointing aimed at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), which admits to having provided financial support to a group allegedly connected to the terrorism.

But while PETA acknowledges that some of its money has in the past gone to the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), and to the legal defense funds for several Animal Liberation Front (ALF) members, the organization denies that any of its money "goes toward illegal activities."

The ELF and ALF are both loosely knit underground organizations that have taken responsibility for acts of arson and vandalism at colleges, animal farms, corporations, housing developments and even car dealerships over the past decade. The ALF was spun off of the ELF, which uses the slogan, "If you build it, we'll burn it."

Leading the charge against these groups is Rep. Scott McInnis (R-Colo.), chairman of the House Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health. At a Thursday conference entitled, "Stopping Eco-Terrorism," sponsored by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, McInnis reported that the "number one threat of violence in this country is eco-terrorism."

"Whether it is bombing an abortion clinic, or whether it is blowing up a mink farm, or burning down [a corporation], there is no place in our society. We cannot accept this kind of violence," McInnis said.

McInnis' subcommittee conducted a hearing on eco-terrorism last month, at which time, Craig Rosebraugh, a former spokesman for ELF, cited his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination for every question he was asked. During that same hearing, James Jarboe, Domestic Terrorism Section Chief of the FBI, reported that the ALF and ELF have become "one of the most active extremist elements in the United States."

Thursday, Jarboe said "the FBI estimates that the ALF/ELF have committed more than 600 criminal acts in the United States since 1996, resulting in damages in excess of $43 million."

McInnis said he is concerned with the "lack of arrests and lack of investigations in regards to these acts of violence" and he added that it is time to go after the financial backers of such extremist groups.

"We need to increase awareness of some of these foundations and organizations who knowingly make contributions to the ALF and ELF, and other foundations who have no idea about what their money is being used for, which is usually just sent as part of their annual distribution," McInnis said.

On February 12, the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) reported to the subcommittee that in the last several years, PETA made donations to ELF and several defense funds for accused ALF members.

As a result of those findings, the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise (CDFE) petitioned the IRS Monday to strip PETA of its tax-exempt status.

"Why hasn't the IRS looked into this? Or Congress?" asked CDFE Executive Ron Arnold. "PETA continually encourages unlawful acts. PETA people have numerous arrests.

"Tax exempt status is for charitable purposes. There's nothing charitable about encouraging arson," Arnold said. "Enough is enough. PETA should be stripped of its tax exempt status."

PETA spokesperson Lisa Lange acknowledged a $1,500 donation to ELF for a "project of habitat protection," which concluded, "meat eating is a huge problem for the environment."

"This is one of our focuses of our vegetarian campaign reaching to environmentalists, basically saying you can't be an environmentalist and eat meat, and the ELF was going to be doing some publicity on that very thing," Lange said. "We saw it as an opportunity to get our message out.

"None of our money goes toward illegal activities," Lange insisted. "This specific project we funded was a quality project."

Lange also said PETA is open about its contributions to the legal aid of accused ALF members. According to a release by the Center for Consumer Freedom, PETA made a $2,000 contribution to the defense of David Wilson in 1990, and $5,000 contribution to the "Josh Harper Support Committee."

Lange could not verify the dollar amounts.

"I'll suppose that those are true," Lange said. "It's not something that I have committed to memory because it is not that big of a deal, frankly."

Lange also said PETA gave $45,000 to the defense of Rod Coronado, an ALF member who was convicted of a fire bombing at Michigan State University.

"In the case of Rod Coronado ... he needed defense and we helped him," Lange said.

"Donations of support were given to those individuals (like David Wilson), because every person in America has a right to be considered innocent before proven guilty," Lange said. "They also have a right to a legal defense."

However, McInnis does believe PETA's claims.

"PETA clearly knew what their money was going toward, in my opinion," he said.

As far as the IRS investigation that CDFE is requesting, Lange said, "The IRS is welcome to come do an audit, absolutely, anytime."

CDFE President Alan Gottlieb said the IRS has waited too long to investigate groups like PETA, and hopes the report of the donations will finally convince the agency.

"The IRS has been slack in its oversight of this dangerous group. So we have had to issue a formal complaint to IRS Commissioner [Charles] Rossotti himself," Gottleib said. "We hope the IRS will take PETA seriously now."

McInnis referred to the "very selfish motivation" of organizations like ELF and ALF in committing acts of terrorism, but pointed out that not all environmental groups are as extreme as those groups.

"Three-fourths of the major environmental organizations in this country hold [groups like ELF and ALF] in disdain," McInnis said. "They try to distance themselves from them, because they understand the real harm in somebody like ELF and ALF has on the other environmental groups out there.

"It is this kind of image that dilutes very sound messages other groups are trying to convey," he said.

Whatada 02-10-2005 12:47 PM

The ELF are obviously oOo: . Otherwise they would realize that burning buildings releases lots of carbon into the air, which donates to polluting.

Damn Ball-bags.. annoy:

Jin-Roh 02-10-2005 01:58 PM

Terrerists. annoy:

[DAS REICH] Blitz 02-10-2005 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by tomxtr

Originally Posted by Pyro
We have ties with Israel, which is much worse.

Me thinks you are an anti-semite. annoy:

Israel the country isn't a referance to the jewish religion.

Israel is a bigger threat to world peace than the United States is.


Akuma 02-10-2005 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Alax54

Originally Posted by Akuma
I should join them.

I didn't check out their site yet, but they have a cool name.


both oOo:

mR.cLeAn 02-10-2005 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by tomxtr

Originally Posted by Pyro
We have ties with Israel, which is much worse.

Me thinks you are an anti-semite. annoy:

Israel the country isn't a referance to the jewish religion.

Israel is a bigger threat to world peace than the United States is.


How is Israel a bigger threat? And by the way Israel does = Jews, Jeduaism

Tripper 02-10-2005 07:49 PM

"The latest missive of the ELF in Sacramento is quite alarming because it hints around at targeting people," said Kelly Stoner, executive director of Stop Eco-Violence! SEV is dedicated to "exposing the true nature of eco-terrorism and building the broad support necessary for public officials and law enforcement to effectively stop it," according to the grassroots group's Web site.[/quote:4e6d9]


TGB! 02-10-2005 10:13 PM

I walked by the site of the "damage" today. . .

No doubt some skinny Cure listening guitar playing True-Loving going homo. . .

Hawke 02-10-2005 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper
"The latest missive of the ELF in Sacramento is quite alarming because it hints around at targeting people," said Kelly Stoner, executive director of Stop Eco-Violence! SEV is dedicated to "exposing the true nature of eco-terrorism and building the broad support necessary for public officials and law enforcement to effectively stop it," according to the grassroots group's Web site.

happy: oOo: happy:

Hawke 02-10-2005 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by tomxtr

Originally Posted by Pyro
We have ties with Israel, which is much worse.

Me thinks you are an anti-semite. annoy:

Israel the country isn't a referance to the jewish religion.

Israel is a bigger threat to world peace than the United States is.

Will you ever shut the fuck up with all this "the US is bad" shit? I should come up to Canada and kill you myself.

Forte 02-10-2005 10:56 PM



Jin-Roh 02-10-2005 11:24 PM

Forte... no.

Pyro... maybe.

Hawke... go for it.

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