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Bucknub 04-02-2005 01:36 AM

I drink too much water

this excludes the 1 litre bottles I pick up at work everynight.

how much water do u drink per day, if any?

as u can see I drink plenty, anytime I feel thirsty I grab a bottle. and I get thirsty alot.

Id choose this over beer too, yes I said it, BEER!

CoWGoMoo 04-02-2005 01:40 AM


Hawke 04-02-2005 01:44 AM

You just leave that shit all over the place? Learn to clean... hake:

Bucknub 04-02-2005 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by Hawke
You just leave that shit all over the place? Learn to clean... hake:

Actually, I left them there on purpose. I wanna see how many I can have in my room before they cant fit anywhere else or until I get sick of them.

butch 04-02-2005 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Bucknub

Originally Posted by Hawke
You just leave that shit all over the place? Learn to clean... hake:

Actually, I left them there on purpose. I wanna see how many I can have in my room before they cant fit anywhere else or until I get sick of them.

Good plan. oOo:

Crazy Canadian 04-02-2005 02:13 AM

if you drink over 2 litres a day apparently its not good for you, i just fill a empty 2L pop bottle with water and drink from that every day.

Webb 04-02-2005 03:32 AM

Expecting ET's in your house ?

Swill 04-02-2005 03:53 AM

Re: I drink too much water

Originally Posted by Bucknub

as u can see I drink plenty, anytime I feel thirsty I grab a bottle. and I get thirsty alot.

Id choose this over beer too, yes I said it, BEER!

not saying you do but maybe you have diabetes? cause my mom has it and she get really thirsty... and that is one of the main side effects from diabetes.

CoMaToSe 04-02-2005 04:02 AM

I drink tons of water, but not that much.

One of the dangers of taking ecstacy is that it makes you feel thirsty, and you drink and drink and drink and it doesnt get better. Some people have drunken so much water that tyhey actually died of water poisoning, but you have to drink anout 5 straight gallons.

Poseidon 04-02-2005 05:31 AM

I rarely drink much water - I generally hate the taste of it, so i have to put some juice in it. If I go to the gym i'll drink plain water but thats about it.

elstatec 04-02-2005 05:54 AM

stfu no one cares sleeping:

CoMaToSe 04-02-2005 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by elstatec
stfu no one cares sleeping:


Stop inflating your post count with useless spam.

/awaits inevitable and unoriginal comment about the word "inflate" and my weight
/I don't care

mr.miyagi 04-02-2005 06:10 AM

25 Facts About Water

1. The first municipal water filtration works opened in Paisley, Scotland in 1832.
2. More than 79,000 tons of chlorine are used per year in the United States and Canada to treat water.
3. Of all the earth's water, 97% is salt water found in oceans and seas.
4. Only 1% of the earth's water is available for drinking water. Two percent is currently frozen.
5. About two thirds of the human body is water. Some parts of the body contain more water than others. For example, 70% of your skin is water.
6. There are more than 56,000 community water systems providing water to the public in the United States.
7. Public water suppliers process 38 billion gallons of water per day for domestic and public use.
8. Approximately 1 million miles of pipelines and aqueducts carry water in the United States and Canada. That's enough to circle the earth 40 times.
9. About 800,000 water wells are drilled each year in the United States for domestic, farming, commercial, and water testing purposes.
10. Typically, households consume at least 50% of their water by lawn watering. Inside, toilets use the most water, with an average of 27 gallons per person per day.
11. In 1974, Congress passed the Safe Drinking Water Act to ensure that drinking water is safe for human consumption. The Act requires public water systems to monitor and treat drinking water for safety.
12. More than 13 million households get their water from their own private wells and are responsible for treating and pumping the water themselves.
13. Industries released 197 million pounds of toxic chemicals into waterways in 1990.
14. The average daily requirement for fresh water in the United States is about 40 billion gallons a day, with about 300 billion gallons used untreated for agriculture and commercial purposes.
15. You can survive about a month without food, but only 5 to 7 days without water.
16. Each person uses about 100 gallons of water a day at home.
17. The average five-minute shower takes between 15 to 25 gallons of water.
18. You can refill an 8 oz glass of water approximately 15,000 times for the same cost as a six-pack of soda.
19. An automatic dishwasher uses approximately 9 to 12 gallons of water while hand washing dishes can use up to 20 gallons.
20. If every household in America had a faucet that dripped once each second, 928 million gallons of water a day would leak away.
21. A dairy cow must drink four gallons of water to produce one gallon of milk.
22. One gallon of water weighs approximately 8 ½ pounds.
23. One inch of rainfall drops 7,000 gallons, or nearly 30 tons of water, on a 60' x 180' piece of land.
24. 300 million gallons of water are needed to produce a single day's supply of U.S. newsprint.
25. A person should consume 2 ½ quarts of water per day (from all sources of water, food, etc.) to maintain health.

Also the "Recommended Water Intake A Myth" : ... _sys.shtml

Daily water requirements

The normal daily turnover of water is approximately 4% of total body weight in adults.(iv) The amount of water required by the body is that which is necessary to balance the insensible losses. This can vary markedly, depending, for example on climatic conditions. Other factors determining water loss include the amount of water required by the kidneys to excrete waste products (the solute load). This may vary with dietary composition and other factors. In view of these limitations, in 1989, the National Research Council (US) noted that the estimation of water requirement was complex and highly variable and concluded that it was impossible to set a general water requirement. Nevertheless, for practical purposes they recommended that the water requirement for adults could be estimated as "1ml per kcal energy expenditure for adults living under average conditions of energy expenditure and environmental exposure" - thus a person eating 2900kcal would require 2900ml of water.(v)

In 2002, Valtin (v) carried out an extensive review into the origins of advice regarding daily water requirements. He noted that an earlier, similar, recommendation from the US National Research Council may have been the source of the frequently exhorted advice to "drink at least eight glasses of water a day". In 1945, the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council had advised: "A suitable allowance of water for adults is 2.5 liters daily in most instances. An ordinary standard for diverse persons is 1 milliliter for each calorie of food. Most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods." Valtin proposed that the last sentence may not have been heeded, and the recommendation was therefore erroneously interpreted as eight glasses of water to be drunk each day. (1 glass/cup - approx. 8 ounces = 240ml; therefore 8 glasses = approx. 1920ml). It is interesting to note that the advice from the National Research Council in 1989 did not comment on the source of the 1ml/kcal water required. This may have perpetuated the misconception that all of this water requirement must be in the form of drink.(v) Whereas, in accordance with the table above, if an adult gains in the region of 1 litre of their 2500 ml water requirement from food and metabolic water contributes a further 250ml, this leaves only 1250ml to be consumed in the form of drink.

In spite of this, some authorities(vi,vii) still advise that we should drink "six to eight glasses" or "2500-3000ml" of water per day. However, this guidance may have been influenced by the additional recommendation made by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council in 1989, that as "there is so seldom a risk of water intoxication … the specified requirement for water is often increased to 1.5ml/kcal to cover variations in activity level, sweating, and solute load."(v)

In 2004 the National Academies, Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board issued revised recommendations on the Dietary Reference Intakes for Electrolytes and Water.(viii) The Panel on Dietary Reference Intakes undertook an extensive review of the literature in addition to conducting surveys as part of their review of this subject. They commented that “although a low intake of total water (which includes a combination of drinking water, water in beverages, and water that is part of food) has been associated with some chronic diseases, the evidence is insufficient to establish water intake recommendations as a means to reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Instead, an Adequate Intake for total water is set to prevent deleterious, primarily acute, effects of dehydration, which include metabolic and functional abnormalities.” Based upon their review of water balance studies for inactive adults in temperate climates, the panel recommended that the minimal water requirement should be approximately 1 to 3.1 litres per day to replace respiratory, urinary, faecal and insensible fluid losses. ... out/adults


Apocalypse | NoW 04-02-2005 10:02 AM

my health teacher said that if you drink water at an extreme amount, the water washes out the essential nutraints and u can die.

Tripper 04-02-2005 10:04 AM

I've always thought it was totally healthy to drink as much water as you can in the span of an average day. oOo:

I drink like one glass of water a day.....

Sgt>Stackem 04-02-2005 10:55 AM

drink beer, it builds better bodies

Jimbo@ 04-02-2005 10:56 AM

[quote="Apocalypse | NoW":09a7c]my health teacher said that if you drink water at an extreme amount, the water washes out the essential nutraints and u can die.[/quote:09a7c]

Your teacher is wrong. Now chug down that water!!!

Mr.Buttocks 04-02-2005 11:04 AM

[quote="Jimbo@":64fdc][quote="Apocalypse | NoW":64fdc]my health teacher said that if you drink water at an extreme amount, the water washes out the essential nutraints and u can die.[/quote:64fdc]

Your teacher is wrong. Now chug down that water!!![/quote:64fdc]

Actually, his teacher's right in a way. If you drink too much water it can reduce the amount of sodium in your bloodstream. This can cause swelling of various body parts, including the brain. Usually it happens to people that are doing serious physical activity and drinking too much water, the chances of it happening to someone sitting about drinking water would be slim I guess. Unless you went nuts and just drank and drank and drank all day long. eek:

(The above information might have been in mr.miyagi's post, but I was too lazy to read it all.)

Merlin122 04-02-2005 11:15 AM

fill all of those bottles with your own urine and keep them there.

1080jibber 04-02-2005 11:27 AM

my mini fridge in my room is filled with 1 litre Coke and Sprite.
No Frills had a sale on 6-packs of 1 litre coke products for $2
I think they still have them on sale, for you canadians out there. its a good deal

Art Attack 04-02-2005 11:31 AM

Well, whever my my mom buys the 24 packs of water, thats when i'll like drink the whole thing ina day..but other than that, no water

Akuma 04-02-2005 11:46 AM

water is for fags

Madmartagen 04-02-2005 12:36 PM

i drink water all day long at work. after i eat, i drink hot water cause it calms my stomach, allowing me to be super fatass and to eat more.

Doctor Duffy 04-02-2005 12:54 PM

I switch between milk and water. Breakfast, its milk, lunch its water, snack its milk, dinner its milk, on the road, its water. I have around 2-3 glasses of milk a day (thats counting the milk in my cereal), and 1-2 glasses of water (though I never put it in a glass..I put my head under the "cock" [Dad calls it that, no clue why] and lap some out like a dog)

bukdez 04-02-2005 01:05 PM

i dink around 2L a day...

Bucknub 04-02-2005 01:31 PM

this is the first ive heard of drinking too much of something that's good for you is actually bad. oOo:

geRV 04-02-2005 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Bucknub
this is the first ive heard of drinking too much of something that's good for you is actually bad. oOo:

Shit, i remember years ago chewing gum was meant to be bad for your teeth these days its meant to be good for your teeth. eek: In 20 years time we'll probably get informed all the shit that was meant to be good for us was in fact giving us cancer or something. oOo:

jujumantb 04-02-2005 01:48 PM

A pledge at a frat somewhere recently died from his brain swelling when they had him continuously beerbong water during their hell week.

Alex D 04-02-2005 04:21 PM

[quote="Mr.Buttocks":141a5][quote="Jimbo@":141a5][quote="Apocalypse | NoW":141a5]my health teacher said that if you drink water at an extreme amount, the water washes out the essential nutraints and u can die.[/quote:141a5]

Your teacher is wrong. Now chug down that water!!![/quote:141a5]

Actually, his teacher's right in a way. If you drink too much water it can reduce the amount of sodium in your bloodstream. This can cause swelling of various body parts, including the brain. Usually it happens to people that are doing serious physical activity and drinking too much water, the chances of it happening to someone sitting about drinking water would be slim I guess. Unless you went nuts and just drank and drank and drank all day long. eek:

(The above information might have been in mr.miyagi's post, but I was too lazy to read it all.)[/quote:141a5]

Maybe that is the reason Gatorade became so popular. I remember my father after sports used to drink water with some salts dissolved in, well before Gatorade.

Also the mith of drinking 8 glasses of water each day as minimum has been questioned by some researchers that said there was no hard proof of such affirmation. They concluded that our body has its own mechanism to protect itself from dehidratation, which is the feeling of being thirsty, as simple as that. In other words, just drink until feel satisfied and stop.

These 8 glasses may be true, but it already counts the water within the food.

Tystnad 04-02-2005 04:22 PM

Since Im in the army and all, and all we do is march around for a few miles every fuckin' day, I drink like 3-6 litres a day.

BlackJackal 04-02-2005 04:31 PM

about 2-3 bottles a day

Coleman 04-02-2005 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bucknub
this is the first ive heard of drinking too much of something that's good for you is actually bad. oOo:

i remember reading about that one incident where a fraternity made one of the pledges drink a few gallons of water and the kid died. In that case, he had extreme amounts in a short time frame. With you, I am not sure how much damage it will do to your body if you do it over long periods of time.

Proteus 04-02-2005 04:38 PM

Propel fitness wattterrrrrrr.

Himmler 04-02-2005 04:55 PM

unless you do what that frat kid did, and dont drink like 5 gallons of water, you cant drink too much water. when i go to work next week ima scan this peice of paper that has like 30 facts of water on it that are pointed towards the human body and why it is good to drink like all the water you can drink pretty much.

i drink like 10-15 glasses of water a day

Nyck 04-02-2005 05:00 PM

I drink 10-15 mountain dews a day then snort 3 lines of coke

Akuma 04-02-2005 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck
I drink 10-15 mountain dews a day then snort 3 lines of coke

imwithstupid: rock:

Machette 04-02-2005 05:34 PM

Dunno, I guess I drink the regular 4-5 glasses a day..

KTOG 04-02-2005 05:45 PM

Reminds me of my roommates computer while playing WoW


Jin-Roh 04-02-2005 06:34 PM

Water kills you.

Apocalypse | NoW 04-02-2005 08:01 PM

I drink about 1-2 liters of water a day.

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