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Work + Uncommon Knowledge.
This post is all about where you work, and what your customers don't know. If that would be that you spit in the pickles before lunch was served... static... then that would be your post.
I wanted to do this because where I work, most people have absolutley no idea what is really going on... for those of you who are American, I'm sure you fit into this stereotype as well. U.S.P.S. (U.S.Postal Service) RCA (Rural Carrier Associate) My job, is quite simply to deliver your mail. Here is what you may think you know: 1. Your Tax Dollars form my salary: False- The Post Office is actually a fully functioning self-dependant organization of the Federal Government. Tax dollars have not been alocated to the Post Office since just after the Civil War. So how do I get paid? Well you buy stamps don't you? 2. All I do is drive a little truck, someone else sorts MY mail: False- I start work at 6:30AM begining with some of your mail from yesterday night. I will continue to sort, as per individual box until about lunch time when the big truck from Atlanta gets to the office. All mail that I handle, including the stuff off the truck must be sorted and bunched togather per box. So why can't you get me & my neibors mail right? I have 658 boxes on my route. All of which have forwards (previous residents) with it. I must sort the mail, and try to catch those folks that have moved. I must also be back by 5PM to catch the last truck of the day... 658 in 5 hours sometimes causes minor errors. 3. The Post Office is closed on Sunday, and Federal Holidays: False- The post office operates 365 days a year, and often throught the night. Just because you don't get delivery does not mean that nobody is at the office. 4. I dont have to use the mail service if I dont want to: True- Mail service is not a requirement, nor a right. You decide whether or not you feel the need for a delivery service. --Side Note-- UPS & FedEx are actually partners with the USPS... not competitors. No one else in America delivers to every house everywhere, so these companies depend on the USPS to deliver your mail! Feel free to ask any questions if anyone is interested. |
I knew all about that....my pops was a mailman.
As for me, only thing you need to know is....I'm the Boss. What i say goes, everything else isn't important! ....now get back to work!! |
I'm in Resort Management for Fairfield Resorts. I don't know what to tell you that you wouldn't already know. Don't buy a timeshare? |
+1 for the Cigar man.. Here are a couple more: 5. What is with the damned Junk Mail!: - Junk mail is called Business bulk, and is simply mail that some business has paid the post office to deliver. We have no control over this... but it does account for a signifigant part of our saleries! --Side Note-- I make $16.48 an hour! 6. Will you go Postal? - Yes. --Actually the Public School system & Wal-Mart have worse reconds for employee & Customer freak-outs-- |
Tell us about your exploits in the land of the twin peaks, Herr Noctars.
I got out of the customer service jobs.
Worked in Canadian Tire auto department and you couldn't believe the stupid questions I got about cars there. Now I work for a manufacturing company where I put together wireline trucks. Don't have to deal with customers. I'm also in the army. Something that comes up a lot is that we kill babies. This is true. |
Boston pizza... just quit though.
Really any resturaunt you work at you find out things you dont want to know. + you get a look at just how 'sanitary' most resturaunt kitchens are. Especially when its teenagers who cook the food... Teenagers + Food preperation = Not a good mix |
I'm a projectionist at a local theater, its got about 8 theaters running.
I've worked there over 2 years, and i've climbed my way up from serving you your food and drinks to cleaning up your kid's puke to finally being in complete control of everything you see. 1: Projectionists put porn in movies: Yeah...wouldn't you? We just dont do it often. I'm really lazy, and in order to put a few scenes of porn into a kids movie, i have to find the porn, pull out an appropriate scene while holding it over a shitty light, splice it off its reel, tape the reel back together, open up the kids reel, splice the film in, and then tape all that shit together too...so, not that often. Just for ones i hate, like fucking Robots. 2: You are being ripped off on popcorn False You are being ripped off on popcorn, drinks, candy, food, tickets, and even the free napkins. A bag of 50 pounds of popcorn seed that could fill over 200 large bags of popcorn costs us $25 by bulk costs, and a stack of 100 plastic bags for popcorn holding costs us 75c ... we sell the large bags for $5.75 ... do the math (Sloi). The drinks, i mean come on, a slip of syrup costs us 20 bucks, and when diluted with water we can make over 300 drinks with that...we're just raping you utterly... Top that with the fact that in our theater, we keep the ice holders right across from the popcorn poppers, and between each till for serving, so when someone coughs, or a nickle is lost, or a stray dozen popcorn kernels zoom into the air, it winds up being scooped into someone's drink. Yeah...one time, a friend who'd had his hand hit with a baseball bat lost the fingernail and the bandage that was holding it on into the ice...yeah. 3: Everything gets swept under the seats anyways! Tricky...depends on the theater. If it takes your local theater 2 minutes to clean the whole place, then yes....but at mine, we tend to clean up almost every bit in the theater, so thats not a definitive...it just depends how lazy the teens in your area are. 4: If there was a fire alarm, you'd all be fucked. Yup. Now i'm not saying whether i agree with this or not, i'm just stating out training. Our fire escapes are so clogged with refuse from the zellers downstairs, coupled with the fact that we havn't changed the lights in probably a decade, that when i went to go down one 6 months ago i needed a flashlight and half an hour to make it 100 feet. Couple this with the fact that we are trained to abandon the handicapped in the event of an emergency. Training states that if there's a fire, we warn them that we will be warning the fire crews that they are in there, then we leave them in the theaters and are not allowed to help them for risk of holding back other guests. "They knew the risks when they left the house" is the policy. 5: Fuck you and your short attention span. You didnt read any of this anyways, even though its probably going to be very important to you when you go to see a movie next. True |
im never goign into a theater again. But really that whole handicapped thing makes sense.
My job.. oh I do kinda have one I am a periodicles person at my schools library. That means I go through and shelf and rearrange all the magazines and newspapers and otehr periodicals. 1) Working in a library is easy False. Fuck you it sucks. We have to "read shelves". That means at least for one hour per week we have to go throug han entire section of books and read every single fucking number on them to make sure they are in order. 2) the magazines magically re order themselves. I can put them where ever I want. And if there is a sign saying place on cart do not reshelf, that doesnt apply to me. False - Fuck you again. I have to rearange all the magazines. PLace the god damn books and shit on the cart. It makes our life easier. 3) Working in a library is for wusses. Maybe but then again how often have you had the oppertunity to carry a large amount of heavy books and bend down and shelf them Ok so it might not be soooo bad. But it does suck. I end up just reading all the magazines for half the time im there. |
Hot bookworm chicks?
Hardcore female anatomy study sessions? anything redeeming? |
yes. there are some hot girls that work in the library. No I dont get any of them as they are lesbos or 22+ years old. rolleyes:
working at a construction site:
Working for your dad is easy FALSE FALSE AND FALSE AGAIN. my dad gets pissed off at me more than if someone else screws up. Construction workers make good money True, i made 800$ in a month. Union is better than self employed False, at least in our case. my father is self-employed, but hes got so many connections and referrals, hes always in work. he sets his own hours, his own lunch break, and gets paid pretty well Working construction is hard Yes, it is, it is alot. It is fun sometimes, but some of the jobs suck, like removing wallpaper. dont work construction, get a good education instead. You dont want to spend your life doing hard labour. |
$800 a month is not good money unless you are in highschool and have nothing ot pay for. right now I have no plan for next year but if I get accepted to the school I want to go to I have to be making hopefully $400-$500 a week.
And as far as the handicapped policy... I'm one of the directors for my resort's Emergency Rapid Response team (we're the first to get called if there is a fire, etc). Anyway, we have 6 buildings on our property. I'm responsible for a 20-story tower that is host to about 1200 at full capacity. Evacuating that building is a bitch when we have advanced warning and time to get it done (hurricane evacs) but evacuating for a fire is insane. Got way off topic there, but the reason I said all that was to get to the reason that you leave the handicapped folks behind. It's a liability issue. If you are assisting them in escaping from the fire and they are harmed in any way while being assisted, they can sue you or your organization. You'd think the Good Samaritan law would protect you, but technically you are doing something that is outside your skill level. Therefore you are unprotected. I would personally be protected because I was trained by the Fire Department on emergency high-rise evacuations, but most of my staff has not had that training. |
800$ a month, im 17, a highschool junior, no car no insurance, just straight cash, no bills...i think thats pretty good. my dad makes around 800$ per job, which is like per week, depending how the job is. 800-1200, depending on the job and time.
Yeah. I net about $1100-1200 a month after a 16% 401k pre-tax contribution and then tax deductions.
Iam a busperson in the buffet at a casino
I clean tables, and help with the servers as much as i can, rearrange tables to accomadate for large parties, tables weight like 100 lbs easy....Servers are suppose to get the large dinner plates, and leave the bowls cups etc. for me to get.....i push a cart, with 3 big plastic tubs, a trash can and a little trashcan looking thing for the silverware and my cleaning solution(soap water) 1) I want to take the plates off your table lady - FALSE I take your plates, which fills my cart up faster, thus causing me to have to go to the back to dump my cart, thus causing me to get behind on dirty tables, thus causing servers to lose money because without customers they get no tips.. 2) Servers get paid well they don't need tips - False, servers make 4.50 / h which by standards is pretty good, but after tax they make maybe 3.50/h and then many of them at the end of the year have to pay back tax, one guy told me tonight he owes 800 bucks....another guy owes like 2k......ouch - SERVERS NEED TIPS, that's how they make thier money. 3) Restraunt food is fresh - false i don't know what buffet you went to jack, but you think they are going to throw away 200 bucks in prime rib just cuz it's old......ha 4) Bussers are mindless dolts - false ..(well i can name a few that are dumber than a doornail) ...though cleaning tables is a mindless chore, iam actually fairly intellegent, it's just the only job i could get with no expereince... 5) Gambling is a diease - True.....everyone has that "get rich quick" mentality walking in and that "oh god i just spent my childs savings" mentality walking out. These people have nothing better to do with thier retirement money than at a slot machine....it's sad really.. 6) The casino always wins - true, yet you might walk out with twice what you came in with if your good at blackjack, but if every tom dick and harry that came in, walked out with 2x what he started, would the casino still be open? doubt it, in the long run you will lose, no matter what game your playing, if you win, leave.........or start the game with 20 bucks in your right pocket, winnings go in your left, when you run out of the 20 bucks, take what you won and run......that's how they get ya... |
[quote="[22nd Elite] Cloud":f82c0]
2) Servers get paid well they don't need tips - False, servers make 4.50 / h which by standards is pretty good, but after tax they make maybe 3.50/h and then many of them at the end of the year have to pay back tax, one guy told me tonight he owes 800 bucks....another guy owes like 2k......ouch - SERVERS NEED TIPS, that's how they make thier money. [/quote:f82c0] Whoever thought that? Ffs, everyone knows that servers make jack shit, thats why you pretty much have to tip. |
you'd be surprised how many people don't, it's the most cold blooded thing man
you bust your balls to meet thier needs ( extra napkins - refills drinks w/e ) and they leave you with 63 cents, or nothing...... or when you have a big table, i had like an 8 top the other day, i spent about all my time on them, they were so demanding, to the point that other customers were pissed because i couldn't make it to them because i was stuck on the big table... they didn't leave me a penny, i was so pissed i wanted a cigarette, and i don't smoke... oOo: |
Long story short, I work at [url=http://www.sykes.com/:ef442]Sykes[/url:ef442], which is a product/technical support outsourcing company. I work on the Telia Internet & Broadband section, and all I do is answer the phone and listen to pissed of customers all day. Pays pretty neat, can get close to $1400/month, but rent isnt that neat: about $460/month, and its a oneroomer in a tiny little shitsociety. But thats over for another 7,5 months, since Im in the army now (which is considered a job aswell here).
My part in the army then: Well, its actually the airforce, and my position is Squad Leader for a surveillanve, guarding and strikeforce. Our job is to make sure that no-one that should be on the base gets in, that no-one without proper papers gets in to any of the protected buildings and I also do some of the job that SWAT do over in the US: as soon as we get an alarm from a building, we go in with loaded guns and search the place. My current rank would be similar to Private in the US I suppose, and in a couple of weeks ill be LCpl. Olofsson for you brits, and Cpl. Olofsson for the yanks. When my service is over, ill be Cpl. Olofsson for the britts, and you yanks dont have a corresponding rank (Furir is the Swedish one). Anyways, its a lousy pay, but the gvt. pays the rent. |
Tystnad we have the same type of job lol.
I work for Telewest on the internet help desk and some things customers calling in should know: 1) no i cant see what is on your screen thats why i am asking you. 2)I dont give a fuck how long you have been on hold you rang me not the other way round. 3) when i say its an issue on your pc then i am not lying!! there are more but the boss will see me so....... Just think office space and ur set! |
[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":aae7c]Tystnad we have the same type of job lol.
I work for Telewest on the internet help desk and some things customers calling in should know: 1) no i cant see what is on your screen thats why i am asking you. 2)I dont give a fuck how long you have been on hold you rang me not the other way round. 3) when i say its an issue on your pc then i am not lying!! there are more but the boss will see me so....... Just think office space and ur set![/quote:aae7c] So true, every fuckin customer calling assumes you can see whats on their screen. cuss: |
I can't even watch this cartoon without thinking of you Chris....
http://www.illwillpress.com/tech.html *Keep in mind, Tystnad lives in SWEDEN! |
PS. Get on MSN you prick. biggrin: |
reminds me of when the principle of my high school had a problem with her computer. MY teacher went to check it out. turn out she didnt have the comp plugged in. He asked her why that was and she said "I thought we just switched to wireless"
He politely told her that electriciy cant be sent via wireless yet and that it only refers to the internet. He walked out of her office back into the class room and started laughing. |
Well I work at a pool.
Enough shit goes on. |
And in. |
Tystnad do u have a fave link to send ppl to test if the net is workin ok? I used to send em to http://www.whorepresents.com etc (btw click link as its not what u think lol) |
[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":3de91]I had one where the guy called to ask why it said no signal on his monitor oOo:
Tystnad do u have a fave link to send ppl to test if the net is workin ok? I used to send em to [url="http://www.whorepresents.com"]http://www.whorepresents.com[/url] etc (btw click link as its not what u think lol)[/quote:3de91] http://www.penisland.com |
[quote="Scorpion -]M15F1T[-":040c8]www.whorepresents.com[/quote:040c8]
Hah! +1 |
Re: Work + Uncommon Knowledge.
happy: actually i dont werk at subway no mores spank: im a bar man at a posh arse theatre nows. |
i work in a museum cataloging, conserving, and accessioning artifacts in a humidty controlled room... 99% of the stuff i work on is seen by me, and maybe 3 other people at the most, so really our customers have no idea whats going on...
The Grocery Store.
1. The night crew must sit on theri ass and watch over the store at night FALSE -The night crew can have up to 3000 peices to put away in a 40 000square foot store. This and 4 people to do it. 2.It must take 5 seconds for the staff to properly face the store and make it look pretty. FALSE -It can take a crew of 2 up to 5 hours to completely and properly face the store. 3.They must get paid pretty well. Why don't they do their job ? FALSE AND FALSE -We do our job well and my staff gets paid minimum wage. While I get 12.55 $ an hour. Now for that money... do you think these guys will want toput 100 % into their job ? 4. The Union must fight for your rigths. go complain to them. FALSE Our Union representative is the store Manager....... You can pretty much well guess our rights. Not to mention the Union does jack shit to help employee's out. They basicly take 40 $ of our money every month and give us nothing in return. 5. It must be great not having a manager around. FALSE -The manager treats you like dirt, when he see you, you can almost predict what will come out of his mouth. Insults about the job you did and the work you never did. Whether somebody has left a mop out, or someone lined a product into the shelf and it was 1 inch off the label, you will hear about it. Everything the grocery store owners gets mad about is your fault. Since the manager can't see you at night, all the unexplianed problems that are in the store must be your fault. |
[quote="Short Hand":c19df]The Grocery Store.
1. The night crew must sit on theri ass and watch over the store at night FALSE -The night crew can have up to 3000 peices to put away in a 40 000square foot store. This and 4 people to do it. 2.It must take 5 seconds for the staff to properly face the store and make it look pretty. FALSE -It can take a crew of 2 up to 5 hours to completely and properly face the store. 3.They must get paid pretty well. Why don't they do their job ? FALSE AND FALSE -We do our job well and my staff gets paid minimum wage. While I get 12.55 $ an hour. Now for that money... do you think these guys will want toput 100 % into their job ? 4. The Union must fight for your rigths. go complain to them. FALSE Our Union representative is the store Manager....... You can pretty much well guess our rights. Not to mention the Union does jack shit to help employee's out. They basicly take 40 $ of our money every month and give us nothing in return. 5. It must be great not having a manager around. FALSE -The manager treats you like dirt, when he see you, you can almost predict what will come out of his mouth. Insults about the job you did and the work you never did. Whether somebody has left a mop out, or someone lined a product into the shelf and it was 1 inch off the label, you will hear about it. Everything the grocery store owners gets mad about is your fault. Since the manager can't see you at night, all the unexplianed problems that are in the store must be your fault.[/quote:c19df] lmao sleeping: ITS SO HARD PACKING GROCERIESDJMIDEMKFD. Are you 15? Get a real job. |
Acideeyzez is pretty much the one that applies to me.. only my dads company is probably much much larger. Getting around $1M+ per job. If I work for him, it would be hell. Especially for HIM. oOo:
ITS SO HARD PACKING GROCERIESDJMIDEMKFD. Are you 15? Get a real job.[/quote:3a728] I would love to see you work grocery at night kiwi. |
vegatable restocking you suck nub.
[quote="Short Hand":f25fd][quote=Tripper]
ITS SO HARD PACKING GROCERIESDJMIDEMKFD. Are you 15? Get a real job.[/quote:f25fd] I would love to see you work grocery at night kiwi.[/quote:f25fd] Why? So you can laugh at my pathetic job that I bitch and whine about? Haha....never going to happen. Unlike you, I work real jobs. |
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