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Jin-Roh 05-05-2005 12:16 AM

Obesity -What you do? ... ort_card_1

Hmmm... What would you all do to stop obesity?

.. also, Tripper and statec, are there a lot of fat people where you live? oOo:

TonyMontana 05-05-2005 12:22 AM

I'm getting to the point in life where I say, It's your life, do what the fuck you want to do. You want to be obese for the rest of your life and have a high risk of problems when you're older, fine keep living the way you are.

You can't help someone if they don't want to be helped, so it's not even worth trying.

edit: also, FUCK all you fat free products. I'm sick of seeing all this shit, I want to eat REAL food damnit, what about the skinny man? No one gives a fuck about the skinny man!!

ninty 05-05-2005 12:34 AM

If a country really wanted to get rid of obesity, then the government would ahve to listen to their conscience instead of their wallet. Ban all vending machines from schools. Companies wave money at schools and governments to put in all sorts of vending machines.

It's all corporate power. There are lobbyists who work for mcdonalds etc. that lobby the government to allow them to put their stores everywhere, and to show that mcdonalds can be healthy. get the mcdonalds out of walmart.

even if all this is done obesity wouldn't go away. you need exercise along with a healthy diet. Supposedly 30minutes of exercise per day. Do you get 30 minutes of exercise a day? I doubt anyone here does. Our lives revolve around convenience. This is what living in the burbs is about! Strip malls, and soccer moms. Don't have to walk a step. It's a way of life now, that won't go away.

Airborne Butters 05-05-2005 12:49 AM

I wouldn't say I'm 'obese' but I do have extra poundage. I think that we as a soceity, not just Americans, need to do more to inform people about being obese. Teach people self control and all that.

We also kind of need to slow down too, in our lives. I'll be the first to say that I hit up fast food joints once or twice a week because of the fact that I'm always running around and don't have the time or energy to make a good home cooked meal.

People just also need to not be retards and think 'Well fuck if I order a diet coke with my large extra greasy burger and deepfried pigs and shit, it'll be okay'

TonyMontana 05-05-2005 01:02 AM

getting active and exercise helps too... eat what you want, just dont sit on your ass and do nothing. I always hear the excuse "I have no time", yet they have time to take a drive to the mcdonalds and stuff your face with a big mac.

also, kids should have Phys Ed every day for at least half an hour in elementry shcool.

ninty 05-05-2005 01:06 AM

Yeah. Find something you like to do and do it.

You don't have to work out everyday to stay in good shape. You don't ahve to run 3 miles either.

I found what I like to do. Mountain biking. Bike down 20 min to fish creek. Ride the trails for 1-2 hours. bike 20minutes back. I try to do this a few times a week. I absolutley hate running. there are lots of alternatives. biking, skating, inline skating etc.

Madmartagen 05-05-2005 01:20 AM

getting nutritional advice early on helps alot. my parents have shitty habits when it comes to food. they make so much food, our fridge is always at a 50% level of leftovers. i had to learn how to eat better in the navy and marine corps. at this moment, i would say fast food is the biggest concern right now. kids have money these days, and they like to hang out with friends at the mall and eat at mcdonalds or go to restraunts. home cooked meals are better, but not by much if your parents make bad food choices too. its just like education, you need to learn how to eat well and eat enough for you to get by. banning vending machines wont do much, if kids want soda, theyll either go to the liquor store before school, or bring it from home. school budges have been cut the past couple of years, and some schools rely on vending machine money for a good chunk of income. i would say the best thing is to have better education in health and pe class. PE should be mandatory regardless of what grade you are in btw. just my two cents.

Tripper 05-05-2005 01:40 AM

Re: Obesity -What you do?
[quote="Jin-Roh":8dab5].. also, Tripper and statec, are there a lot of fat people where you live? oOo:[/quote:8dab5]

Not that I know of....Of course there are a few fatties but it's not as bad as North America....

I don't think it's a mental thing either. I firmly believe it's the food. Look at all the fattening food you guys have over there...! You have like 43284973843 different chains of fast food places, whereas we merely have the main: KFC, Mc'd's, BK and Wendys....

My Aunty is American and lives in Christchurch, when I visit they ALWAYS have weird American food and SO MUCH candy....Everything has fucking sugar in it as well. I understand most american breads have sugar in them as well? That's something we just don't have down here full-stop.

I think its the food culture that plays the biggest role. If we had the same foods down here we'd probably have the same problems as well.

CoMaToSe 05-05-2005 02:18 AM

I'm a victim of glands and shitty genes

Tripper 05-05-2005 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
I'm a victim of glands and shitty genes

Whatever - Don't blame it on that. Change your eating habits.

Judas 05-05-2005 03:37 AM

ive never been 'fat', even though i worry about my weight like a woman. ive always been boarder line ... i love to eat. i love food. i dont think theres a thing wrong with loving food and enjoying it.

i will admit that i am usually repulsed when i see some HUGE fucker buying candy bars , etc ... im not really sure if repulsed is what i feel for them even ... i know damn well that they are unhappy, yet there they are buying shit thats going to worsen their situation.

i also think blaming fast food operations for peoples eating habits is ridiculous and for some reason seems to be a trend amoung non-americans. they arent force feeding people their product. the blame needs to be placed on the people without any self control eating 4 big macs and not mc donalds ffs.

the "americans all are fatties" is just jealousy imo. we are the wealthiest, most powerful nation on the globe which enables us to enjoy the better things in excess ...

i dont buy the gene shit either ... ive gained weight and got up off my ass and exercised and lost it ... its really easy. people are just too damn lazy to do it and find the easiest thing to blame it on. if your parents are fat , they probably eat fatty shit, over eat, or both, and so will you. thats pretty much the gene theory as i see it.

Poseidon 05-05-2005 03:52 AM

im completely the opposite - i have a VERY good metabolism, but am underweight. 6"10 at 7.5 - 8 stone. I am actually trying to put on weight (which currently doesnt seem to be working). I can eat as much as i want (im always hungry) and i never put on weight. I ride my bike like 6-10 miles a day so am pretty fit.

Tripper 05-05-2005 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by Judas
i also think blaming fast food operations for peoples eating habits is ridiculous and for some reason seems to be a trend amoung non-americans. they arent force feeding people their product. the blame needs to be placed on the people without any self control eating 4 big macs and not mc donalds ffs.

the "americans all are fatties" is just jealousy imo. we are the wealthiest, most powerful nation on the globe which enables us to enjoy the better things in excess ...

Well where I come from you can't buy a gallon of coke like I understand you can at some McDonalds in the states....and that's just an example - I'm not saying fast food places are totally to blame, obviously people have free-will, but you can't deny they're a strong factor. I mean, if it's on the menu - it's tempting and people ARE going to buy it at some stage.

I'm lmfao at you thinking we non-americans are just jealous so we call you fatties....That's too funny.
I understand it to be a known fact that there is a problem with obesity in the U.S. ....Blame your own media for reinforcing that idea over and over again, if it isn't true....We didn't just pull it out of our ass as a stereotype - It's been wrapped up and sent as fact to us...

P.S - I enjoy a quality of life that is probably just as good, if not better than alot of Americans - so you can hardly say that you enjoy better things in excess....Most of the weight "criticisms" come from western nations that enjoy the same quality of life anyway....
That statement from you actually makes me wonder if you have stepped outside of your country and noticed that the rest of us aren't living in dirty little shanty towns green with envy at Americas utter brilliance as a rich and powerful country....It's just simply not true. Aside from size, culture and mentality our countries are pretty much alike....That includes Canada, England, Australia and New Zealand....

Short Hand 05-05-2005 06:14 AM

Only one way to become un-fat in a world with so much food today. Exercise, and a understandable diet. It took me 2 years of reducing how much I ate to lose 103 pounds. When I was a kid, I did lots of sports, karate etc (I played midfield in soccer), Then came high school, and during my first 2 summers I stayed home to much and ate wayyyy to much. I put on a good 120 pounds over 13 months... A mistake I payed for in grade 11 lol any ways It took years of hard workouts, and smarter eating to lose it. Their is no "miracle pill" or great ab machine which will turn you into what you want to be, you have to bust your balls and work for it. rolleyes: Down to ab out 208 now (Im 6,1(1/2) ) . I plan on putting some more weight back on (muscle) for football thia year at college, I have a chance to try out for York, the best I am hopping for is to make the prep team beer:

Zoner 05-05-2005 08:12 AM

As a big dude, I figured I should weigh in here. Oh the PUN!

Anyway, obesity can't be dismissed as a product of eating habits/lifestyle alone. I'm 6'2" and tip the scale at around 300lbs, but do I eat fast food every other day and laze around on the couch all the time? No.

Granted, I could be more active but my struggle with weight is based on genetics more than lifestyle. I have a big frame and a lot of muscle, along with the spare tire around the waist. Losing weight is a struggle for me and it pisses me off when people naturally assume things about what I eat.

I can count on one hand how many times I've eaten McDonald's in the last 3 years.

What really gets me is when I see people on TV commercials or talk shows who show their "before" pics and they look enormous, but weigh the same as I do.

"This is me when I was 300lbs." ...and the dude looks like the Kool-Aid man in sweatpants and a Chip & Pepper t-shirt. All I can figure is that these people are like 5'2" and 300lbs.

What I'm trying to convey is the idea that some people are predisposed to be bigger. Don't be so quick to judge.

Godsmack 05-05-2005 08:18 AM


Bean 2 05-05-2005 08:50 AM

I used to be chubby when i was in jr. high school because of bad food choices. I come from an Italian family where they pretty much force you to eat even if your not hungry. There is always food around and definitely not the healthiest stuff for you, pasta, meatballs, bruschuto, cakes, etc. What i did was try to limit what i was eating while eating healthier and started running everyday. Lost about 40 pounds. I think physical wellness needs to be taught extensively to kids when theyre younger. Teach them the right foods to eat and how to excercise. The parents must also play a part by making healthy meals for there kids. Kids need to shut off the tv and video games for an hour and go outside and play.

CoMaToSe 05-05-2005 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by Zoner
As a big dude, I figured I should weigh in here. Oh the PUN!

Anyway, obesity can't be dismissed as a product of eating habits/lifestyle alone. I'm 6'2" and tip the scale at around 300lbs, but do I eat fast food every other day and laze around on the couch all the time? No.

Granted, I could be more active but my struggle with weight is based on genetics more than lifestyle. I have a big frame and a lot of muscle, along with the spare tire around the waist. Losing weight is a struggle for me and it pisses me off when people naturally assume things about what I eat.

I can count on one hand how many times I've eaten McDonald's in the last 3 years.

What really gets me is when I see people on TV commercials or talk shows who show their "before" pics and they look enormous, but weigh the same as I do.

"This is me when I was 300lbs." ...and the dude looks like the Kool-Aid man in sweatpants and a Chip & Pepper t-shirt. All I can figure is that these people are like 5'2" and 300lbs.

What I'm trying to convey is the idea that some people are predisposed to be bigger. Don't be so quick to judge.

exactly. Im tired of skinny elitists assuming that we fatties eat in excess. I hate McDOnalds. I used to enjoy it, when I was like 6, but going there was always a special thing. anymore, It just makes me sick. My parents both have low metabilsms, thereofr Im genetically predisposed to have low metabolism. It bothers me that I eat less and healthier than most skinny elitists, and they tell me to eat better.

Fact is, its very hard to lose weight. Im tried of skinny people telling me to "just work out and eat better" I eat whole grains for breakfast, salads for lunch, and generic healthy stuff like chicken and fish for dinner. Which of course goes without saying that I have veggies, like spinach and brocolli with it. I lift weights, I swim a mile at least twice a week, and I run.

However, it doesnt bother me when people call me fat, or try to use it as an insult. It is simply a fact in my life. I have learned to live with it.

Besides, I take comfort in the fact that if there is a famine type thing, or if I end up marooned on some island, I could outlive any of the skinny bastards. Plus I have a really large penis, that keeps me happy

Bean 2 05-05-2005 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by CoMaToSe

Originally Posted by Zoner
As a big dude, I figured I should weigh in here. Oh the PUN!

Anyway, obesity can't be dismissed as a product of eating habits/lifestyle alone. I'm 6'2" and tip the scale at around 300lbs, but do I eat fast food every other day and laze around on the couch all the time? No.

Granted, I could be more active but my struggle with weight is based on genetics more than lifestyle. I have a big frame and a lot of muscle, along with the spare tire around the waist. Losing weight is a struggle for me and it pisses me off when people naturally assume things about what I eat.

I can count on one hand how many times I've eaten McDonald's in the last 3 years.

What really gets me is when I see people on TV commercials or talk shows who show their "before" pics and they look enormous, but weigh the same as I do.

"This is me when I was 300lbs." ...and the dude looks like the Kool-Aid man in sweatpants and a Chip & Pepper t-shirt. All I can figure is that these people are like 5'2" and 300lbs.

What I'm trying to convey is the idea that some people are predisposed to be bigger. Don't be so quick to judge.

exactly. Im tired of skinny elitists assuming that we fatties eat in excess. I hate McDOnalds. I used to enjoy it, when I was like 6, but going there was always a special thing. anymore, It just makes me sick. My parents both have low metabilsms, thereofr Im genetically predisposed to have low metabolism. It bothers me that I eat less and healthier than most skinny elitists, and they tell me to eat better.

Fact is, its very hard to lose weight. Im tried of skinny people telling me to "just work out and eat better" I eat whole grains for breakfast, salads for lunch, and generic healthy stuff like chicken and fish for dinner. Which of course goes without saying that I have veggies, like spinach and brocolli with it. I lift weights, I swim a mile at least twice a week, and I run.

However, it doesnt bother me when people call me fat, or try to use it as an insult. It is simply a fact in my life. I have learned to live with it.

Besides, I take comfort in the fact that if there is a famine type thing, or if I end up marooned on some island, I could outlive any of the skinny bastards. Plus I have a really large penis, that keeps me happy

dont believe everything your mom tells you.

Short Hand 05-05-2005 10:55 AM

coma stfu.

Duke_of_Ray 05-05-2005 11:03 AM

Whatever, I just hate it when fat people take none of the blame for why they are fat.

Airborne Butters 05-05-2005 11:18 AM

I personally don't like when a doctor tries to pump ya full of drugs for you to go out. Early last year I used to frickin' be inside 24/7. I'd eat fast food and drink beer and just be lazy. Then I went to the doc and all that jazz and she told me I had to get out more and shit so I said okay. She then wanted to prescribe, as she put it, "something that will help me be more active, but not to take too much of it". I think she basically prescribing me speed...I wasn't sure. I told her I don't need drugs or shit to go outside, I'll just go outside more lol.

Very sad when doctors try to give you drugs to get ya outside...

Duke_of_Ray 05-05-2005 11:24 AM

[quote="Airborne Butters":f612d]I personally don't like when a doctor tries to pump ya full of drugs for you to go out. Early last year I used to frickin' be inside 24/7. I'd eat fast food and drink beer and just be lazy. Then I went to the doc and all that jazz and she told me I had to get out more and shit so I said okay. She then wanted to prescribe, as she put it, "something that will help me be more active, but not to take too much of it". I think she basically prescribing me speed...I wasn't sure. I told her I don't need drugs or shit to go outside, I'll just go outside more lol.

Very sad when doctors try to give you drugs to get ya outside...[/quote:f612d]

More sad that you would need them..............

Airborne Butters 05-05-2005 11:28 AM

I didn't need em. She was asking me about my habits and what I liked to do. I told her I liked farting round on my comp, going to movies, going out drinking with buds,etc...

I go out alot now. I like to fish, kayak,walk round ect... and I didn't need drugs.

ninty 05-05-2005 11:45 AM

Just wanted to add a few things.

If you were ever to go to France and order a meal from a resturant, the portion of food you'd get is a 1/4 of the size you would get in North America.

I went to a really fancy French resturant while in Quebec (might have been Quebec French, not real French) and the prices were really expensive. $30 and up for your entre. When they came out with the food, you think to yourself, "that's all?". The portions are really small. And as I understand it, that is common in all resturants in France and other countries in Europe. We don't need a shit load of food to to eat until we can't eat any more for every meal. We can survive, and be healthy, with smaller portions.

Also the gene comments. I remember being in Grade 12 Bio or something like that and the instructor saying weight is a combination of genes and your own personal diet. They said that it was hard for some people to lose weight due to the way they are, and its a lot easier for other people. 60% is determined by your genes and 40% by what you do if I recall correctly. Everyone can lose weight, or gain it. It's just a lot more difficult for some people to lose it, and a lot of people are more susceptable to gaining weight.

Miscguy 05-05-2005 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by ninty9
Supposedly 30minutes of exercise per day. Do you get 30 minutes of exercise a day? I doubt anyone here does.

I get 10 hours a day. My job is a workout. Not to mention the 2 - 3 hours i spend actually working out when its nice outside and im doing stuff. Then again i only weigh 115- 120 pounds and could stand to pack on some poundage.

philadelphia killing mach 05-05-2005 12:07 PM


make sure the wall you use is across from the fridge.

Short Hand 05-05-2005 12:10 PM

[quote="philadelphia killing mach":61e07][img][/img]

make sure the wall you use is across from the fridge.[/quote:61e07]

that is one fugly chick.

philadelphia killing mach 05-05-2005 12:11 PM

i believe that is why she was taped to the wall, not because she was a fatty.

Judas 05-05-2005 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by CoMaToSe

Originally Posted by Zoner
As a big dude, I figured I should weigh in here. Oh the PUN!

Anyway, obesity can't be dismissed as a product of eating habits/lifestyle alone. I'm 6'2" and tip the scale at around 300lbs, but do I eat fast food every other day and laze around on the couch all the time? No.

Granted, I could be more active but my struggle with weight is based on genetics more than lifestyle. I have a big frame and a lot of muscle, along with the spare tire around the waist. Losing weight is a struggle for me and it pisses me off when people naturally assume things about what I eat.

I can count on one hand how many times I've eaten McDonald's in the last 3 years.

What really gets me is when I see people on TV commercials or talk shows who show their "before" pics and they look enormous, but weigh the same as I do.

"This is me when I was 300lbs." ...and the dude looks like the Kool-Aid man in sweatpants and a Chip & Pepper t-shirt. All I can figure is that these people are like 5'2" and 300lbs.

What I'm trying to convey is the idea that some people are predisposed to be bigger. Don't be so quick to judge.

exactly. Im tired of skinny elitists assuming that we fatties eat in excess. I hate McDOnalds. I used to enjoy it, when I was like 6, but going there was always a special thing. anymore, It just makes me sick. My parents both have low metabilsms, thereofr Im genetically predisposed to have low metabolism. It bothers me that I eat less and healthier than most skinny elitists, and they tell me to eat better.

Fact is, its very hard to lose weight. Im tried of skinny people telling me to "just work out and eat better" I eat whole grains for breakfast, salads for lunch, and generic healthy stuff like chicken and fish for dinner. Which of course goes without saying that I have veggies, like spinach and brocolli with it. I lift weights, I swim a mile at least twice a week, and I run.

However, it doesnt bother me when people call me fat, or try to use it as an insult. It is simply a fact in my life. I have learned to live with it.

Besides, I take comfort in the fact that if there is a famine type thing, or if I end up marooned on some island, I could outlive any of the skinny bastards. Plus I have a really large penis, that keeps me happy

im no doctor but im pretty sure its always possible to change your metabolism. if you really eat what you say, you should lose weight. if not, youre not doing enough. if swimming a mile a week isnt working up it to 2 or 3. same for running ... if you arent seeing changes with a mile a day do more ... try to run at least 4 times a week. when i do it i run every day pushing myself to do as much as i can ... i cant say that i eat that healthy and i do lose weight with exercise. i eat what i want, but i exercise.

Short Hand 05-05-2005 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Judas

Originally Posted by CoMaToSe

Originally Posted by Zoner
As a big dude, I figured I should weigh in here. Oh the PUN!

Anyway, obesity can't be dismissed as a product of eating habits/lifestyle alone. I'm 6'2" and tip the scale at around 300lbs, but do I eat fast food every other day and laze around on the couch all the time? No.

Granted, I could be more active but my struggle with weight is based on genetics more than lifestyle. I have a big frame and a lot of muscle, along with the spare tire around the waist. Losing weight is a struggle for me and it pisses me off when people naturally assume things about what I eat.

I can count on one hand how many times I've eaten McDonald's in the last 3 years.

What really gets me is when I see people on TV commercials or talk shows who show their "before" pics and they look enormous, but weigh the same as I do.

"This is me when I was 300lbs." ...and the dude looks like the Kool-Aid man in sweatpants and a Chip & Pepper t-shirt. All I can figure is that these people are like 5'2" and 300lbs.

What I'm trying to convey is the idea that some people are predisposed to be bigger. Don't be so quick to judge.

exactly. Im tired of skinny elitists assuming that we fatties eat in excess. I hate McDOnalds. I used to enjoy it, when I was like 6, but going there was always a special thing. anymore, It just makes me sick. My parents both have low metabilsms, thereofr Im genetically predisposed to have low metabolism. It bothers me that I eat less and healthier than most skinny elitists, and they tell me to eat better.

Fact is, its very hard to lose weight. Im tried of skinny people telling me to "just work out and eat better" I eat whole grains for breakfast, salads for lunch, and generic healthy stuff like chicken and fish for dinner. Which of course goes without saying that I have veggies, like spinach and brocolli with it. I lift weights, I swim a mile at least twice a week, and I run.

However, it doesnt bother me when people call me fat, or try to use it as an insult. It is simply a fact in my life. I have learned to live with it.

Besides, I take comfort in the fact that if there is a famine type thing, or if I end up marooned on some island, I could outlive any of the skinny bastards. Plus I have a really large penis, that keeps me happy

im no doctor but im pretty sure its always possible to change your metabolism. if you really eat what you say, you should lose weight. if not, youre not doing enough. if swimming a mile a week isnt working up it to 2 or 3. same for running ... if you arent seeing changes with a mile a day do more ... try to run at least 4 times a week. when i do it i run every day pushing myself to do as much as i can ... i cant say that i eat that healthy and i do lose weight with exercise. i eat what i want, but i exercise.

Your 100 % right, it is veery possible to change your metabolism, AKA threw a more active life style. (and certain illegal drugs). coma is just using it as an excuse really.

Miscguy 05-05-2005 12:33 PM

THe key to metabolizim is that you must continue to push it higher. IE run a mile 3 times a week. When that becomes easy, or at about 3 weeks, up it to 2 miles 3 times a week. So on and so forth. Otherwise it will only grow to a point that it can fulfill the 1 mile requirment. Cardio is the key, teamed up with weights to increase muscle group strengh, IE abs for running, you will see better results.

You dont have to go "all out" on your workouts but you should not feel as if it were easy. You should never get done and feel as if you could repeat the process 2 or 3 times. Also be sure to do some sort of stretching, being sore is the most typical reason for people not repeating workouts at a regular intervel.

I recomend chaning it around to. Dont just run, grab a bike and take a ride. Swim, skate, hike, rock climb, anything that can break that routine and boredum. Id suggest putting that "change up" in between your "workouts" and do something everyday. Do something everyday and you'll see results i dont care what your "genes" are predisposed to.

Zoner 05-05-2005 12:37 PM

Well, come June 24th, I'm gonna have a pool. I plan on using it for more than peeing in.

Hopefully the extra tonnage will decrease.

Tripper 05-05-2005 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner
I plan on using it for more than peeing in.


mr.miyagi 05-05-2005 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by Judas
i also think blaming fast food operations for peoples eating habits is ridiculous and for some reason seems to be a trend amoung non-americans. they arent force feeding people their product. the blame needs to be placed on the people without any self control eating 4 big macs and not mc donalds ffs.

the "americans all are fatties" is just jealousy imo. we are the wealthiest, most powerful nation on the globe which enables us to enjoy the better things in excess ...

Well where I come from you can't buy a gallon of coke like I understand you can at some McDonalds in the states....and that's just an example - I'm not saying fast food places are totally to blame, obviously people have free-will, but you can't deny they're a strong factor. I mean, if it's on the menu - it's tempting and people ARE going to buy it at some stage.

I'm lmfao at you thinking we non-americans are just jealous so we call you fatties....That's too funny.
I understand it to be a known fact that there is a problem with obesity in the U.S. ....Blame your own media for reinforcing that idea over and over again, if it isn't true....We didn't just pull it out of our ass as a stereotype - It's been wrapped up and sent as fact to us...

P.S - I enjoy a quality of life that is probably just as good, if not better than alot of Americans - so you can hardly say that you enjoy better things in excess....Most of the weight "criticisms" come from western nations that enjoy the same quality of life anyway....
That statement from you actually makes me wonder if you have stepped outside of your country and noticed that the rest of us aren't living in dirty little shanty towns green with envy at Americas utter brilliance as a rich and powerful country....It's just simply not true. Aside from size, culture and mentality our countries are pretty much alike....That includes Canada, England, Australia and New Zealand....

Very well said mate beer: I couldn't be bothered to reply to the jealousy remark, though it does make our piss boil if Americans say that as its utterly untrue.

mr.miyagi 05-05-2005 03:11 PM

A guy walks into his living room (where his wife it sitting) with a chicken under his arm and says:

"i wanted to show you the pig i've been banging"

his wife says:

"that's no pig!"

he says:

"i wasn't talking to you."

Apocalypse | NoW 05-05-2005 03:37 PM

I would like to thank my very fast metabolism for my un-fatness.

Nyck 05-05-2005 03:40 PM

6 foot 250...shrug

TonyMontana 05-05-2005 03:52 PM

my metabolism works too fast i think...even when im a lazy ass i still cant gain a pound

Apocalypse | NoW 05-05-2005 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by TonyMontana
my metabolism works too fast i think...even when im a lazy ass i still cant gain a pound

ja same... i could stay home for a week, and eat like a fucking horse, and id gain like 2 punds, not even.

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