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ninty 06-29-2005 10:10 PM

Canada approves same-sex marriage ... =cnn_world

Madmartagen 06-29-2005 10:51 PM

pretty sad how other western nations are moving forward without us.

TGB! 06-29-2005 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
pretty sad how other western nations are moving forward without us.

Forward -

How do YOU know youre moral position is the right one?

And no government can "approve" marraige - they can choose to recognize it or not, and Gays can get the same rights afforded to Straights if they wanted to -

Tripper 06-30-2005 12:24 AM

Welcum 2 the club, Canada! happy: biggrin: rock:

negative 06-30-2005 01:24 AM

I think this will put more pressure on America to recognize gay marriage--maybe even polarize America--gay state and straight state.

Coleman 06-30-2005 01:25 AM

"Go ahead a take 'em. We don't want them." (just wanted to say that to piss some people off. I don't mean that in any way though)

negative 06-30-2005 01:48 AM

who cares if you offend them or their supporters--those damn liberals can call people christian taliban and racists and have gay pride marches. What would happen if you had an antigay protests--its the same thing with eminant domain. Everyone is so quick to blame Bush for all government decisions when in fact the 5 justices who voted in favor of this were a little "to the left". And look at Rove's comments--which talks bad about liberals--has apparently offended the dems., and are now considering him to be a traitor and unpatriotic. Isnt it the dems whos whole agenda is putting down the pres./ repub party, comapring them to Nazis and Stalin? Wasnt it the dems who screamed and cried about election fraud--when there have been 2 instances in the last couple months of Dem. chairmen being arrested for offering money and alcohol in exchange for votes? Thats why I try not to get involved in politics, everybody is right and everybody is wrong. Im just waiting for the "big one"-the south will rise again cool:

all that I have to say is gays are the new blacks

Madmartagen 06-30-2005 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
pretty sad how other western nations are moving forward without us.

Forward -

How do YOU know youre moral position is the right one?

And no government can "approve" marraige - they can choose to recognize it or not, and Gays can get the same rights afforded to Straights if they wanted to -

because my moral position allows for compensation for both parties. if you are gay and want to be married to another gay person you can. if you arent gay and want to be married to someone who isnt gay then you can. both sides get something.

the opposing moral position only satisfies one sides wishes while the other is forced to accept discriminiation in order to satisfy the others point of view.

that said, my moral position is better.

Madmartagen 06-30-2005 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
pretty sad how other western nations are moving forward without us.

And no government can "approve" marraige - they can choose to recognize it or not, and Gays can get the same rights afforded to Straights if they wanted to -

you mean civil unions? kinda like black classrooms, restrooms and drinking fountains isnt it? seperate but equal has already been deemed unconstitutional by the supreme courtin Brown vs Board of Education

negative 06-30-2005 02:10 AM

like I said gays are the new blacks

Madmartagen 06-30-2005 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by negative
like I said gays are the new blacks

yeah but i said it it w/o the 'south will rise again' cock in my mouth.


Tripper 06-30-2005 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by negative
who cares if you offend them or their supporters--those damn liberals can call people christian taliban and racists and have gay pride marches. What would happen if you had an antigay protests

Gay pride marches AREN'T anti-heterosexual. So it wouldn't at all be like having an anti-gay march. Therefore, you have no basis for an argument.

Johnj 06-30-2005 06:42 AM

Think of the there won't be any children unless one of them is a cheating cumdumpster.

If no children are going to be produced by the union of these two people, why should the state condone the union?

Short Hand 06-30-2005 07:07 AM

Whoa Madmartagen, I never would have expected such a reply, Very veyr well said brother. rock:

Zoner 06-30-2005 09:00 AM

Gay people have every right to be married and miserable, just like the rest of us.

/happily a woman

Trunks 06-30-2005 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Johnj
Think of the there won't be any children unless one of them is a cheating cumdumpster.

If no children are going to be produced by the union of these two people, why should the state condone the union?

There are times when a man and woman get married but they dont want to have kids. So, the state shouldn't condone that union either?
go canada. rock:

TGB! 06-30-2005 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by "TGB!":b5d4a

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
pretty sad how other western nations are moving forward without us.

And no government can "approve" marraige - they can choose to recognize it or not, and Gays can get the same rights afforded to Straights if they wanted to -

you mean civil unions? kinda like black classrooms, restrooms and drinking fountains isnt it? seperate but equal has already been deemed unconstitutional by the supreme courtin Brown vs Board of Education[/quote:b5d4a]

Seperate but equal doesnt apply here.

"Marraige" is a government program - but that doesnt mean a person cant get married. Anyone can go into a church and get married and be joined in union under God, Yahweh, Splork The Lizard King or whoever - but according to FEDERAL GUIDELINES such a union wont be recognized by the program called MARRAIGE. States are free to create their own State Marraige Programs though, and many do.

Seperate but equal created two lines of access to government services - Marraige does not do so, and should not do so. Anyone can get their marraige recognized by the feds - so long as you meet the pre-reqs.

negative 06-30-2005 12:21 PM

well whatever--I hope it never happens in GA or AL

that being said I do think it should be up to state governments to decide and not the Fd. government.

Jin-Roh 06-30-2005 12:43 PM

Splork The Lizard King

KTOG 06-30-2005 01:10 PM

Let them do what they want rolleyes:

Lets all ignore negative; cleary he has no valid arguement. Its all about taxation; therefor the federal gov't will HAVE to be involved. Yes, they can tax them through marriage only on a state level, but we all know that if they only do that then everyone can take advantage of this and avoid certain federal taxation if they decided to be gay. I know i would cool:

Merlin122 06-30-2005 01:20 PM


Governments shouldn't be able to decide the validity of a marriage or union between two people. Thats basically private business and who wants their government to tell them who has a right to get married and who doesn't? oOo:

Pyro 06-30-2005 05:46 PM

The more our government doens't go by religious ideals the better.

I don't care about the word marriage...i think it should mean a union between any two humans basically.

Tripper 06-30-2005 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Johnj
If no children are going to be produced by the union of these two people, why should the state condone the union?

So, people that can't have children are to be divorced immediately? "Hey, guys, I'm sorry your first baby died and as a result you can't have kids - But now you gotta go on and get a divorce, you're not servicing us in anyway now....."

....and those that decide they don't want to bring children into the world are refused the right of marriage? LOL.

Nice logic, mate.

Let gay people do what they want. It's just nosy-neighbour syndrome if you have a problem with it. It's not effecting you in the slightest, apart from the fact that you may have to see a union taking place once, maybe twice in your life. If that.

I've never understood why people are so against it. The only reply I've gotten, when asked, is that it will "change what my idea of marriage is" or some bullshit like that.

Divorces did that years ago.

Madmartagen 06-30-2005 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by "TGB!":859ea

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
pretty sad how other western nations are moving forward without us.

And no government can "approve" marraige - they can choose to recognize it or not, and Gays can get the same rights afforded to Straights if they wanted to -

you mean civil unions? kinda like black classrooms, restrooms and drinking fountains isnt it? seperate but equal has already been deemed unconstitutional by the supreme courtin Brown vs Board of Education[/quote:859ea]

Seperate but equal doesnt apply here.

"Marraige" is a government program - but that doesnt mean a person cant get married. Anyone can go into a church and get married and be joined in union under God, Yahweh, Splork The Lizard King or whoever - but according to FEDERAL GUIDELINES such a union wont be recognized by the program called MARRAIGE. States are free to create their own State Marraige Programs though, and many do.

Seperate but equal created two lines of access to government services - Marraige does not do so, and should not do so. Anyone can get their marraige recognized by the feds - so long as you meet the pre-reqs.

states are allowed to create their own marriage programs but the law says that the union must be recognized by all of the other states.. there is no pre requisite that says marriage is only defined as between a man and woman. marriage is every citizens right, and it is unconstitutional to deny a citizen and tax payer the right to such a public right. it is also discriminate to create an alternative form of marriage (civil union) for homosexuals becuase it is seperate from the common public marriage and is supposed to be considered just as good (equal). hence, imo, seperate but equal has been clearly established.

Johnj 07-01-2005 03:22 AM

First off I never said that a couple without children had to get a divorce. It doesn't bother me one bit if two men or two women want to live together, and I don't even care about what they do in the privicy of thier home. Govenments do have an obligation to regulate marriages. Otherwise you end up with brothers marrying thier sisters, or cousins marrying, you know like backwoods Arkansas of any royal family. Bad mojo.

TGB! 07-01-2005 03:34 AM

[quote:81896]there is no pre requisite that says marriage is only defined as between a man and woman.[/quote:81896]

The Defense Of Marraige Act signed in 1997 would disagree with your - assessment.

[quote:81896] marriage is every citizens right[/quote:81896]

Im not going to get into the fact that "marraige" is nowhere to be found in the Constitution - but I'll humor you and agree that anyone should be able to get married. And they can.

[quote:81896]and it is unconstitutional to deny a citizen and tax payer the right to such a public right.[/quote:81896]

As above - noone is deined the ability to marry. If there were state troopers outside churches then yes - the feds are wrong. There arent.

[quote:81896]it is also discriminate to create an alternative form of marriage (civil union)[/quote:81896]

Ok since you want to use this clunky logic - is it then "seperate but equal" to discriminate based on social factors: income for example? We have SEPERATE BUT EQUAL tax codes - surely you see the obvious discriminatory implications of such laws. Either bring everyone up to the same tax code of the top one percent, or bring that top one percent down in line with everyone else.

TGB! 07-01-2005 03:38 AM

[quote:dadc2]Otherwise you end up with brothers marrying thier sisters, or cousins marrying, you know like backwoods Arkansas of any royal family.[/quote:dadc2]

You'll notice that this is NEVER brought up - at least in public debates regarding the issue. Because if one were to "take government out of 'marraige'" - then it wouldnt just mean any ADULT could 'marry' - it would mean ANYONE could marry regardless of age or familial relationship.

But hey - society found a solution for slavery (as if it wasnt evident to them at the time) - perhaps those clamoring for marraige rights can find a solution for that problem as well.

Johnj 07-01-2005 03:58 AM ... index.html

This is good.

KTOG 07-01-2005 08:00 AM

Don't knock gay sex until you've tried it rock:

Johnj 07-01-2005 09:30 AM

I didn't knock gay sex. If you find some guys hairy ass a turn-on I could care less. I don't think it is in the governments best interest to sanction such behavior.

Tripper 07-01-2005 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Johnj
I don't think it is in the governments best interest to sanction such behavior.

Why not?

Johnj 07-01-2005 07:17 PM

First off, when my state voted on allowing same sex marraige, the measure was soundly defeated. The people spoke.

Could be the extra cost the state would be sure to incure in health and legal fees.

Of course promoting family values in any way is evil right.

Can't even have the Ten Commandments displayed.

Same sex marraige doesn't offer socity the same benifits that regular marraiges do.

negative 07-03-2005 01:04 AM

in reality most Americans dont want same sex marriage. Why are we always trying to please the minority? It most states gay marriage was voted against...that should tell people something.

Coleman 07-03-2005 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by negative
in reality most Americans dont want same sex marriage. Why are we always trying to please the minority? It most states gay marriage was voted against...that should tell people something.

well, our system of democracy is designed to protect the minority. The founding fathers obviously kept minority interests in mind (creating a senate in congress to please the smaller states, rather than having just the House). Yeah you aren't stupid. You know about the bicameral system and all that yadda. beer:

Short Hand 07-05-2005 04:07 AM

Homophobia. rolleyes: (I am not picking anyione out here)

Pyro 07-05-2005 02:05 PM

I just don't understand why everybody gives a fucking shit if gays are married even if you hate what they stand for.

So you do everything religion tells you or something? Take marriage as a word instead of a tradition...times change...we are trying to eliminate prejudice in the world...not add too we really want to go back to the times when all we saw was wars because of slight difference of beliefs?

I know it aint all that good now, but fuck it aint even close to the bullshit of years past.

negative 07-05-2005 04:53 PM

call it whatever you will-I just dont like gay people.

A man should be able to raise a family and teach them be a man, assume responsibilities, and be strong. Not to act like a girl, swallow cum and be a damn liberal.

Tripper 07-05-2005 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by negative
call it whatever you will-I just dont like gay people.

A man should be able to raise a family and teach them be a man, assume responsibilities, and be strong. Not to act like a girl, swallow cum and be a damn liberal.

That is probably the most ignorant, absolutely stupid and all round moronic posts I have ever read on the internet.

You are so narrow-minded, and you sound like a fucking parrot for the KKK and every other hate-group on the planet.

I'm also amused that you threw in a stab at Liberals in general as well.

Get the fuck out.

Coleman 07-05-2005 05:20 PM

yeah, uh...let's just all forget Negative just said that...

Jin-Roh 07-05-2005 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by negative
A man should be able to raise a family and teach them be a man, assume responsibilities, and be strong. Not to act like a girl, swallow cum and be a damn liberal.

Homosexuality is something you're born with but clearly develops as the person matures. I am told that if a pregnant woman gets stressed a change will occur in the fetus' brain... or something around that area. For example: Their was a sharp increase of homosexuals in Britain after WWII, because the women were getting stressed and shtuff from the German bombings. oOo:

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