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The guy gave the game a 41/2 out of 5 so Christians can't be all bad. http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/smile.gif Though he is kinda...how do u say it? Ah yes slow witted at times. http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/biggrin.gif [This message has been edited by Sh3ll_Sh0ck (edited February 11, 2002).] |
Hell, I could have written up a review long ago for this game based on a Christians view. Although, I would have given it 4/5.
------------------ http://ballisticwookieesstuff.freese...okiesigaa1.jpg http://ballisticwookieesstuff.freese...reedomsig1.jpg Any Questions, Concerns or Comments ? Email me at:Mindsnare18@hotmail.com Remember to look at the FAQ and Developers Q and A before posting. http://ballisticwookieesstuff.freese...s/watching.jpg Do not attempt to adjust your set, this is a Streaming Freedom video bulletin, the cable hack will last exactly 60 seconds. It cannot be traced, it cannot be stopped, and it is the only free voice left in this city. |
From the Christian Computer Game Review of Return to Castle Wolfenstein:
"From a Christian Standpoint, this game has a few issues. There is violence, but it's not really gory unless you blow someone up with a rocket or grenade. There is some swearing and occultisms. After all they are trying to resurrect the Dark Knight. The multiplayer test did not have any swastikas in it, but the final game is loaded with them. I don't understand why they are needed, this is not depicting actual history. It's a game. Some may be offended by this. Finally some of the females need more clothes. I know there are some in leather, but worse yet some are prancing around in bra and underwear. Funny how all the men are fully dressed at all times." |
Oh yea, them swastikas were just fantasy that ID made-up in their free time. http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/rolleyes.gif
Eh, the guy has issues, what can I say. Any good looking chick wearing nothing more than leather underwear has my undivided attention. I happen to like half naked women prancing around in underwear. And I really dont know why people get all hung up over swastikas. Sure they are a symbol of evil perhaps, but that evil is dead and buried, well some may still carry that hate with them, in the name of Neo Nazism http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/rolleyes.gif, but really, that part of history should'nt be blurred out and covered up. It happened and it shouldnt be tossed aside, knowing what happened back then is a reminder of how evil humans can be.
[This message has been edited by BallisticWookie (edited February 11, 2002).] |
Christians suck arse...
How could they toss on about one guy dying for our "Sins" when 4 million people died for our sins in world war 2. Count em 4 MILLION... and don't give me that "oh but he's the son of god crap" You christians said "we were all sons of god" So don't change the story ya bunch of Hypocrates... |
"Those who fail to recognise the past are destined to repeat it"
Which is why I support Swastika's in World WarII based games. But ONLY as a historical reference, not as a political statement. Which is also why I really think the German government should take alook at it's policies. |
I agree with you totally!
Nice Albert. Nice.
I'm gonna put in my 1 cent here. I know I'm a sinner. I know that without Jesus, the perfect Son of God, I would go to Hell. Somewhere I dont want to go. By Jesus' blood, my sins are forgiven. I'm by no means perfect now. I still sin, but by the loving grace of God, he still loves me, as His son. Because He saved me, I want to do His will. Why wouldn't anybody want to when they get the Greatest gift anybody could give. ETERNAL LIFE IN HEAVEN WITH MY GOD. It just really excites me when I think of Heaven. The Bible says that Adam could walk about Paradise talking to God. That excites me SO much. I'm sure this didnt help the discussion one bit, but its what I believe in, and I feel so good knowing where I'm going after I die. And I want to be able to see every single one of you reading this There also. JESUS SAVES |
Thanks for sharing that Apollo, I look forward to seeing you there!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Refresh_Deamon:
Christians suck arse... How could they toss on about one guy dying for our "Sins" when 4 million people died for our sins in world war 2. Count em 4 MILLION... and don't give me that "oh but he's the son of god crap" You christians said "we were all sons of god" So don't change the story ya bunch of Hypocrates...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> thanks for insulting so many of us at once. but get your story straight. now the people in ww2 didn't die for our sins, they died for their country. We can't avoid hell if we believe in them. but we can if we believe in Jesus, He made a gateway to heaven, and im sure lots of people who died in ww2 believed in Jesus. Jesus was God in human form, we are not thats the difference. |
Awesome! Same here!
If heaven really is full of flufly white clouds and what not then it doesn't sound like a place for me to spend eternity.
Unfortunately, my version of heaven is very very sinfull indeed. http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/biggrin.gif [This message has been edited by Sh3ll_Sh0ck (edited February 12, 2002).] |
Since when do "Christians" care about gore and violence? They surely didn't care in the 3rd century when they were hunting Cathars, and being that they come from the Catholic fair originally, they surely didn't mind it during the crusades, or vs. "sinners" of the world. Sheesh.
-Bish |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sh3ll_Sh0ck:
If heaven really is full of flufly white clouds and what not then it doesn't sound like a place for me to spend eternity. Unfortunately, my version of heaven is very very sinfull indeed. http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/biggrin.gif [This message has been edited by Sh3ll_Sh0ck (edited February 12, 2002).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you believe what you see on TV is what heaven is like? we can't possibly imagine what heaven will be like, but its better then anything the human mind could ever conceive as good. trust me its not full of white clouds, its not even around earth. just imagine the best time you've ever had and multiply it by 15053325 times, and then make it pure. thats kinda what heaven will be like |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by poseyj:
. just imagine the best time you've ever had and multiply it by 15053325 times<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Eheheheheeh <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> and then make it pure<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh.. http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/frown.gif |
Ugh. I'm outta this thread cuz I'm tired of people quoting the bible when scholars are finally admitting that the bible has been added to, rewritten, edited, you name it, it's been done. Why wasn't the Nag Hammadi, Pistus Sophia or Dead Sea Scrolls in the bible? Why were the canonical gospels the only ones included in the NT? Because over the years the people at the top had to sell their product (religion)... Even the top dog (Pope) has done lovely documented evils throughout the ages, and yet he talks directly to God. sha.
Answer this: God created all, correct? So is he good or evil? Most would say good because he created goodness... but he also created all of the evil. Just think.... rape, poverty, murder... all of those things were originally created by God just as much as love, devotion, honor and courage. I would think God is neutral, judging by what we know. I would think all of the peoples that were smitten "in his name" would agree over the ages... Out-- -Bish |
------------------ "Casualties many; Percentage of dead not known; Combat efficiency; we are winning." - Colonel David M. Shoup |
Do modern Christians understand that they're interpreting a book that hasn't changed since the Middle Ages? I mean they're still thinking that Jesus is to be some kind of feudal Lord presiding over a kingdom and we are all his serfs living just to serve him. They forget that many teachings of The Bible were deliberately distorted or omitted during that time mainly as a way to ensure social order and to command obedience to the Catholic Church.
If we were to read the ORIGINAL teachings that were included in The Bible it would be totally unrecognizable to most people. [This message has been edited by Stony (edited February 12, 2002).] |
Ok I lied. I'm here anyway. Stony, I would say you're right. . . think about it. The old testament was the Jewish portion, and so it has the laws, rules, etc and the history, yadda yadda of their people. It also makes satan more of a general adversary to their continued progress as a people. The new testament makes satan a real entity, and the writers of this portion realized they were talking to a different crowd, and needed to show their front man (jesus) as a miracle performing guru type.
Another interesting thing is that he is referred to as "Rabbi" ... and nothing was mentioned anywhere about his wife. I have read in many historical biblical writings that point out that all Jewish rabbis had a wife... it seems in quite a few places that Mary Magdalen is very close to jesus, and in the surviving documents that were not included in the NT, it lends to the fact that jesus was an ordinary married rabbi, with an extraordinary claim. Another by the by is that the Jewish prophecy of the Messiah says that he will come from the line of David, whereas christians will say that he is the direct son of God. whoops. the old testament does NOT agree with the new, and to top it off, when two of the new testament gospels attempt to trace the lineage back thru Joseph to get to david (and satisfy the Jewish prophecy) they don't agree. Lovely. I wish I could tell the editors of the bible over the ages to have made a more fun work of fiction. sheesh. God is real, all else has been human-added fluff. -Bish |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I'm outta this thread cuz I'm tired of people quoting the bible when scholars are finally admitting that the bible has been added to, rewritten, edited, you name it, it's been done. Why wasn't the Nag Hammadi, Pistus Sophia or Dead Sea Scrolls in the bible? Why were the canonical gospels the only ones included in the NT?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
The Bible is the inspired word of God, nothing else. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Answer this: God created all, correct? So is he good or evil? Most would say good because he created goodness... but he also created all of the evil. Just think.... rape, poverty, murder... all of those things were originally created by God just as much as love, devotion, honor and courage. I would think God is neutral, judging by what we know. I would think all of the peoples that were smitten "in his name" would agree over the ages... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> God DID NOT create evil. Lucifer chose that direction. Adam chose that direction. Adam brought sin into man's life. Man chose his destiny. Hell was not created for man, it was created for Satan and his followers. |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>jesus was an ordinary married rabbi, with an extraordinary claim.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Heh, ok... Ordinary, eh? You're ordinary aren't you? Then lets see you lead a perfect life. Lets see you rise people from the dead, heal leapers, make blind see, make lame walk, and save many, many, MANY people from the depths of Hell. |
Uh, just a correction. Hitler did not invent the swastika. It is a symbol that has existed long before the Third Reich and was admired by Hitler when he was in his youth. Later, when his political party was established, he chose the swastika because he believed a symbol would greatly aid the party.
Hey guys it's a girl that runs the site. That would explain why they take offense at female characters being treated as sex objects. Kinda makes sense now doesn't it?
No offense, but most of you guys here can be quite clueless. You talk trash about things you don't know jack about. And you can't even understand what someone writes. He was saying that the game is not supposed to be a history lesson, so it didn't need the swastikas.
I can understand disliking Christians, since most people who claim to be Christian are not. Some even have a "holier than thou" attitude while doing nasty things to others, which makes others hate "Christians." So it is not Christians you dislike, but those who falsely claim to be. People think they are Christian just because they say they are. But there are requirements. If I say I am a painter, does that make me a painter? Or do I actually need to paint? A Christian is someone who follows Christ. So ask yourself if you follow Christ. Do you do what he did or even believe what he believed and taught? "No, but I'm still a Christian." Yeah, right. Anyone can write a review claiming to be a Christian review, but is it? Just for the record, if you read the Bible you'll find that Jesus and his closest followers taught: don't forbid priests from marrying, don't forbid eating of meat on certain days, most people won't go to heaven but will eventually be brought back to life on earth, all Christ's followers have to try to teach others his teachings, Jesus was not the Almighty God but was inferior to him, etc. Go look it up. Then ask if the major "Christian" religions teach all of this. As far as all denominations needing to update their views on the world, that may be true, but maybe not in the way you think. If they claim to be Christian, then yes, they should update them to what Jesus taught. Updating them beyond that, to 'newer' or 'more modern' ideas is up to them. But then they really shouldn't call themselves Christians anymore. |
do you run the site? (to ccgr)
------------------ http://www.yoursighost.com/users/roach_knuts/sig1.jpg "I think I messed myself." [This message has been edited by [Roach][Knuts] (edited February 12, 2002).] |
Yeah my nick gave it away, DOH! I write most of the reviews, but I have some there from guys too.
Albert Einstein,
Thanks for the back up. I agree that there are many hypocrites out there. On the flip side, there are many great atheists as well. I agree with what you say for the most part. I am afraid I don't follow on the coming back to earth "most people won't go to heaven but will eventually be brought back to life on earth" The bible mentions that you live but once. There's no reincarnation in the bible. |
Also, about being sons of God: If you had 1 "real" son who was conceived by you and your wife, and 4 million sons whom you adopted, how many of your sons would have your genetic traits?
Whether you believe in the Bible or not, here is what it says on that. The Bible says that God created Adam as a perfect human who would never have to die, and so would never go to heaven but live on earth. He already had angels for heaven, and he made humans for the earth. Humans were not made to be independent from God, but actually NEED to obey him and receive life from him. Because Adam disobeyed God, he became imperfect, tainted, and would eventually die. Since all of his children were concieved after that, they were all imperfect too. It's what we now call genetics. So God caused Mary to conceive Jesus, a perfect son with his father's traits. Later Jesus, by dying without ever sinning, was able to balance the scales of justice that Adam unbalanced, paying the price of 1 perfect life so that all imperfect humans wouldn't have to die forever. Even 60 billion imperfect adopted sons would never balance the scale that 1 perfect son could. Jesus' death made it possible for the imperfect sons of Adam (all humans) to become adopted sons of God by obeying him. By doing so, they can receive an inheritance of a promised land, an earth restored to its original state before sin, death, pain, cruelty, etc. You don't have to believe it's true, but it's what the Bible says. In fact, that's what the whole Bible is about, in a nutshell. How's that for a cliff note? |
[This message has been edited by Exorcist (edited February 12, 2002).] |
Sorry, wrong thread and it 'hit' twice!
Steve . . . |
ccgr, thanks. Not a reincarnation, but a resurrection. Check Acts 24:15 for example. In fact, according to the Bible there already have been resurrections performed by Jesus and others. For example Lazarus in John chapter 11.
Also, according to Genesis, if Adam and Eve had never sinned, they would never have died. God said they would die if they disobeyed. So they would still be alive today if they had listened to God. So where would they be living today? Still on earth, along with all of their decendants who never would die either. That's what Jesus meant by "the meek shall inherit the earth." [This message has been edited by Albert Einstein (edited February 12, 2002).] |
well said Albert http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/smile.gif
[This message has been edited by acgreen (edited February 12, 2002).] |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ccgr:
Albert Einstein, Thanks for the back up. I agree that there are many hypocrites out there. On the flip side, there are many great atheists as well. I agree with what you say for the most part. I am afraid I don't follow on the coming back to earth "most people won't go to heaven but will eventually be brought back to life on earth" The bible mentions that you live but once. There's no reincarnation in the bible. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sing it, sista! I like you... What does your voice sound like? Also, I have no problem with chicks running around in leather! Hah, go anywhere in the world and you'll find that(with exception to San Francisco, all you'll find there are fags)... AC PS... Don't believe my sig ccgr, it's not real http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/smile.gif ------------------ True story: First parking lot for women only With the high rate of attacks on women in secluded parking lots, Minneapolis City Council has established a "Women Only" parking lot at the Mall of America. Even the parking lot attendants are exclusively female so that a comfortable and safe environment is created for patrons. http://www.yoursighost.com/users/acgreen/sig1.jpg |
Im A Christian and i dont suck... I play this game hell i play it when i come home. and yes swatikas were in WWII and i think they should be in the game. about the woman thing in the game... i dont have an opinion about that not good but not bad. yes they are in bra and panties, but i cant believe you guys are getting off on some character on the computer J/K.(just dont have an opion about it)And I dont believe that you will go to hell just for playing a game poeple. just my 2 cents
I am not offended by swastikas but maybe some Germans may be. I have German relatives and they may not like being associated with it. Some Jews may be offended too, but the few I spoke, with said they enoy destroying them. I just point it out and stay neutral
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