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rdeyes 08-04-2005 10:46 PM

Police group OKs shooting suicide bombers in head ... y_force_dc


Nyck 08-04-2005 10:50 PM

Im fine with that but wtf shot an electrician in the head?

rdeyes 08-04-2005 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck
Im fine with that but wtf shot an electrician in the head?

well i dont know about you , but when i see policeman running at me with guns drawn my first reaction would be to listen to everything they say , alot of things went wrong that day , but the dude that got shot wasnt really following what normal people would do

newt. 08-04-2005 11:05 PM

the guy ran from police, jumped turnstyle(spelling?), and bolted towards a train, fuck man those stupid pussy hippy fucks complain about everything. I'm glad they shot him, I hope they do it again, they got the fucker before he reached the train, this is good news.

BlackJackal 08-04-2005 11:14 PM

taking a life to save lots more. the guy was going to die either way, so it doesnt matter, so long as he doesnt take people with him.

Arkan 08-05-2005 12:22 AM

It's about fuckin' time !!

Airborne Butters 08-05-2005 12:25 AM

The thing with cops, and not the London situation, is that they need to make split second decisions. It's easy to critisize the aftermath of such an effect when you don't have to make it.

As for the London thing, the guy ran and acted suspicious and due to the fact that they just had 2 very large bombs go off, they weren't taking any chances.

I guess as morbid as this sounds, shit happens and you deal with it/move on.

newt. 08-05-2005 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by GenBlackJackal
taking a life to save lots more. the guy was going to die either way, so it doesnt matter, so long as he doesnt take people with him.

ok dude i got the first part, but you need to read the article before posting a reply to it. He wasn't a suicide bomber.

dr nein 08-05-2005 01:35 AM

[quote="Airborne Butters":32e2f]I guess as morbid as this sounds, shit happens and you deal with it/move on.[/quote:32e2f]

Not at all, that's actually very intelligent. If more people felt that way perhaps society wouldn't be such a cluster fuck.

Wilko 08-05-2005 03:17 AM

Think about this logically. You are a London Policeman. Your Country has been attacked recently by Terrorists, specifically the Tube Stations. You see a guy, who is foreign in appearance (by Foreign, i mean not Anglo), acting suspiciously inside a Tube Station. You also notice he has wires and assorted shit hanging out of his rucksack. You approach him, and he begins to run. What do you do?

In my opinion, it would have been irresponsible for them NOT to shoot him. It's gotta be a 1 in 100 shot that an innocent person would react like that in that circumstance. It's a shitty situation, but the guy brought it upon himself.

Johnj 08-05-2005 05:18 AM

If the police had been doing their jobs, they would have known who the terrorist suspects were and who the innocents were. In England private ownership of guns is illegal, and uniformed policeman don't carry guns. Suddenly a plain clothes guy starts waving a gun around yelling "STOP you bugger!" I would run away too, fearing that a robbery was about to take place. I'd run toward the most crowded place I could find, as generally speaking criminals like to work without witnesses.

They shot an innocent man to death and you guys want to give them a medal. That is really sad.

dr nein 08-05-2005 05:34 AM

It's more that I simply don't care.

Short Hand 08-05-2005 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Johnj
If the police had been doing their jobs, they would have known who the terrorist suspects were and who the innocents were. In England private ownership of guns is illegal, and uniformed policeman don't carry guns. Suddenly a plain clothes guy starts waving a gun around yelling "STOP you bugger!" I would run away too, fearing that a robbery was about to take place. I'd run toward the most crowded place I could find, as generally speaking criminals like to work without witnesses.

They shot an innocent man to death and you guys want to give them a medal. That is really sad.

I agree and feel very weird.

Wilko 08-05-2005 05:56 AM

[quote:28ef3]If the police had been doing their jobs, they would have known who the terrorist suspects were and who the innocents were.[/quote:28ef3]
If the Police knew that, they would be wasting their mind-reading talents.

[quote:28ef3]In England private ownership of guns is illegal, and uniformed policeman don't carry guns. Suddenly a plain clothes guy starts waving a gun around yelling "STOP you bugger!"[/quote:28ef3]
How many robbers have you heard of that rob people in the middle of crowded Tube stations, at gunpoint, shouting "STOP you bugger!"?

[quote:28ef3]I would run away too, fearing that a robbery was about to take place. I'd run toward the most crowded place I could find, as generally speaking criminals like to work without witnesses.[/quote:28ef3]
He was in the most crowded place. And for the record, running away from people with guns is generally a bad idea. It makes them panic and increases trigger-happiness.

[quote:28ef3]They shot an innocent man to death and you guys want to give them a medal. That is really sad.[/quote:28ef3]
It was a 1 in 100 chance that all of these circumstances would come together this terribly. It would have been worse if it was an actual suicide bomber, and they hesitated. Let's cut the bullshit for a moment; This guy was an idiot. What sort of person, considering the security climate in Britain right now, would run away from an armed Police Officer?

I'm not saying he deserved to die for his stupidity, but he didn't do himself any favours.

Akuma 08-05-2005 06:04 AM

But they caught him, pinned him down and shot him in the head 5 times... That's an execution, not stopping a terrorist. If they shot him in the head while he was running to stop him then the situation might be different.

Shoot to stop = shit happens
stop then execute = fucked up

Johnj 08-05-2005 07:03 AM

A response to Wilko:

1) The police had been observing the man as he left a block of flats and rode a bus to the tube station. Why didn't they move in while in the low density areas instead of waiting till he got close to a tube station?

2) Why would I expect a British crook to be any smarter that an American, Canadian, or Assie crook?

3) Would you stand there and let someone rob you? You don't know that the cop said anything, let alone that he was a cop. Then again the dead guy is a Brazilian, perhaps he didn't speak English so good.

4) Again your making a mistake to assume the policeman identified himself in such a way to be understood.

Don't you find it ironic that all the other arrests of suspects have ended peacefully. These are supposed to be wild-eyed extremist terrorists, mad-dog killers that won't be taken alive.

Mr.Buttocks 08-05-2005 07:17 AM

[quote="newt.":f68ba]the guy ran from police, jumped turnstyle(spelling?), and bolted towards a train, fuck man those stupid pussy hippy fucks complain about everything. I'm glad they shot him, I hope they do it again, they got the fucker before he reached the train, this is good news.[/quote:f68ba]

Have you been drinking?


Originally Posted by Wilko
Think about this logically. You are a London Policeman. Your Country has been attacked recently by Terrorists, specifically the Tube Stations. You see a guy, who is foreign in appearance (by Foreign, i mean not Anglo), acting suspiciously inside a Tube Station. You also notice he has wires and assorted shit hanging out of his rucksack.

Menezes wasn't carrying a rucksack, or bag, or anything like that. Nor were there any "wires" or "assorted shit" anywhere on his person. Also, contrary to initial reports, he wasn't wearing a heavy padded jacket.

Some other thoughts....

1) Even though the mainstream media continuously pumped out disinformation about him being here illegally immediately after the event took place, [url=]things aren't as clear cut as some people would like you to believe.[/url:f68ba] The whole "if this 'Jonny Foreigner' wasn't here illegally he would still be alive today" argument is nothing more than a smoke and mirrors trick. The authorities, and their media whore lackeys, are pandering to the inherent xenophobia that exists within a large chunk of the British population, to divert their attention away from the fact that someone shot and killed an innocent man.

2) Menezes' family [url=]claim[/url:f68ba] that he used his travel card that morning, if true -- and I have no reason to doubt them -- here endeth the whole "he jumped the barrier" tale.

Request: If anyone knows, or finds out in the near future, the name of the company he was working for, would you please PM the info to me - thanks!

Sirus 08-05-2005 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Akuma
But they caught him, pinned him down and shot him in the head 5 times... That's an execution, not stopping a terrorist. If they shot him in the head while he was running to stop him then the situation might be different.

Shoot to stop = shit happens
stop then execute = fucked up

I agree, 5 times in the head when he was pinned down for fuck sakes annoy:

KTOG 08-05-2005 09:16 AM

Its not justifiable but I can understand whats going on through their head. The terrorists killed many of these mens loved ones and I know if someone killed my mom, dad, realitive, i would not be able to control my rage.

Poseidon 08-05-2005 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Johnj
If the police had been doing their jobs, they would have known who the terrorist suspects were and who the innocents were.

I didnt realise police are now mindreaders.


Originally Posted by Johnj
In England private ownership of guns is illegal, and uniformed policeman don't carry guns. Suddenly a plain clothes guy starts waving a gun around yelling "STOP you bugger!"

I'm pretty sure the non-uniformed police officers would have IDENTIFIED themselves as police as they approached the suspect. Not as you said "stop you bugger" What police officer in their right mind would say that when approaching a fucking suicide bomb suspect??


Originally Posted by Akuma
Shoot to stop = shit happens
stop then execute = fucked up

this is only a presumption of what was going through the police's minds: I can see why they shot him as he was pinned - as the article said if the person was wearing a bomb they could reach for some sort of detenator button and kill everyone in the area. Thats what i believe is the reason they shot him (although 5 times is abit extreme)

newt. 08-05-2005 11:55 AM

okay akuma, say he was a terrorist... the police stopped him started to search him then he blew up, then everyone is dead, happy now?

if people are going to blame anyone, blame the terrorists for forcing us to take such extreme measures to ensure the safety of the public.

1 time....twice what the fuck does it matter, its in the head. oOo:

dr nein 08-05-2005 12:15 PM

That's just asking for a Pyro post.

Akuma 08-05-2005 12:31 PM

[quote="newt.":76d84]okay akuma, say he was a terrorist... the police stopped him started to search him then he blew up, then everyone is dead, happy now?

if people are going to blame anyone, blame the terrorists for forcing us to take such extreme measures to ensure the safety of the public.

1 time....twice what the fuck does it matter, its in the head. oOo:[/quote:76d84]
so shoot him in the arms and put him in handcuffs..

dr nein 08-05-2005 12:35 PM

Dead people can't file lawsuits.

newt. 08-05-2005 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by "newt.":c815a
okay akuma, say he was a terrorist... the police stopped him started to search him then he blew up, then everyone is dead, happy now?

if people are going to blame anyone, blame the terrorists for forcing us to take such extreme measures to ensure the safety of the public.

1 time....twice what the fuck does it matter, its in the head. oOo:

so shoot him in the arms and put him in handcuffs..[/quote:c815a]

ok dude now thats just stupid. first there are arteries in the arm. second if a policeman did do that all you hippies would be whining about police brutality. third a person still might have the ability to push/sqeeze/bite down, on a detonator.

the more strain people put on the police agencies of the world, the more likely an officer faced with this kind of situation might have second thoughts about the use of deadly force, and the moment he took to make his decision might be your last.

Mr.Buttocks 08-05-2005 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Poseidon


Originally Posted by Johnj
In England private ownership of guns is illegal, and uniformed policeman don't carry guns. Suddenly a plain clothes guy starts waving a gun around yelling "STOP you bugger!"

I'm pretty sure the non-uniformed police officers would have IDENTIFIED themselves as police as they approached the suspect. Not as you said "stop you bugger" What police officer in their right mind would say that when approaching a fucking suicide bomb suspect??

You would think, [url=,,2087-1715340,00.html:739ae]but......[/url:739ae]

Also, I've yet to see/hear an eyewitness report that states that the people that killed Menezes identified themselves.

Johnj 08-05-2005 01:04 PM

I stand corrected, They didn't even say "STOP you bugger".

6z-8-z=4(z+10) 08-05-2005 03:00 PM

if i had a bunch of people tackling me in plain clothes i would fight back too
now if they had uniforms i would freeze

Nyck 08-05-2005 03:01 PM

well wtf if the cunt ran from the cops he deserved to get capped

Pyro 08-05-2005 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Akuma
But they caught him, pinned him down and shot him in the head 5 times... That's an execution, not stopping a terrorist. If they shot him in the head while he was running to stop him then the situation might be different.

Shoot to stop = shit happens
stop then execute = fucked up

6z-8-z=4(z+10) 08-05-2005 03:07 PM

Actually im reading he was shot 7 times in the head

[quote:6aa3d]Menezes did not stop and continued to enter the station, allegedly running. Menezes continued past the ticketing turnstiles, down an escalator and boarded a train. Suspecting that Menezes was about to set off a bomb, officers followed him onto the train, where he was subdued on the floor of the carriage and shot seven times in the head and once in the shoulder with a handgun. He died at the scene.[3][/quote:6aa3d]

Sirus 08-05-2005 03:09 PM

[quote="newt.":ac547]okay akuma, say he was a terrorist... the police stopped him started to search him then he blew up, then everyone is dead, happy now? [/quote:ac547]
But the guy wasnt wearing a heavy jacket, and didnt have any cords, or wires at all hanging out of his pockets

[quote="newt.":ac547]if people are going to blame anyone, blame the terrorists for forcing us to take such extreme measures to ensure the safety of the public.[/quote:ac547]
Thats a very mature response, o well we shot a innoccent man to death 5 times in the head, but the terrorists made us do it

[quote="newt.":ac547]1 time....twice what the fuck does it matter, its in the head. oOo:[/quote:ac547]
exactly, so why 5 times....

6z-8-z=4(z+10) 08-05-2005 03:18 PM

Dude he was shot 7 times in the head and once in the shoulder, not 5

Sirus 08-05-2005 03:20 PM

which is even more fucked up

6z-8-z=4(z+10) 08-05-2005 03:26 PM

And from what i understand a few days before this incident he was mugged by some gangsters. He was probably thinking of this when 20 or so men were running after him yelling

Eight Ace 08-05-2005 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by "newt.":977d2
if people are going to blame anyone, blame the terrorists for forcing us to take such extreme measures to ensure the safety of the public.

Thats a very mature response, o well we shot a innoccent man to death 5 times in the head, but the terrorists made us do it.[/quote:977d2]
yeah you're right, the terrorists had nothing to do with it, it's was just the English
police intentionally overreacting again on what was a perfectly ordinary day in London....
they made the sort of mistake you would never make seeing as you trained with Delta Force.

Of course it's a tragedy that Mr.Menezes was's also incredible what a good job the English police
are doing (without any further shootings that I know of) to round up these pieces of islamic excrement.

Poseidon 08-05-2005 05:20 PM

[quote="Eight Ace":745a5]
yeah you're right, the terrorists had nothing to do with it, it's was just the English
police intentionally overreacting again on what was a perfectly ordinary day in London....
they made the sort of mistake you would never make seeing as you trained with Delta Force.[/quote:745a5]

Picture yourself as part of the police force - in their shoes. You follow a 'suspect' to a tube station. When challenging him (assuming they did normal procedures by shouting "STOP/FREEZE POLICE!" the suspect fled by running into a TRAIN full of INNOCENT people! The police made a split second decision - to take his life based on his reaction (the exact decision I and probably every member of this board would have done in there position when having no evidence suggesting he's innocent).

What would you have thought if this guy had a bomb, and when tackled having blown the officers and pretty much everyone else up on the train? I know we'd be having this discussion saying "they should have shot the guy, why didnt they shoot him"

I'm all for this rule "shoot to kill", mistakes happen! 1 mistake is better a potential 40 innocent lives having lost (should it have been the other way round.

Eight Ace 08-05-2005 05:26 PM

Poseidon, that quote is 100% sarcasm on my part, I believe
the opposite of that, and more or less agree with you.

6z-8-z=4(z+10) 08-05-2005 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by "Eight Ace":2170b
yeah you're right, the terrorists had nothing to do with it, it's was just the English
police intentionally overreacting again on what was a perfectly ordinary day in London....
they made the sort of mistake you would never make seeing as you trained with Delta Force.

Picture yourself as part of the police force - in their shoes. You follow a 'suspect' to a tube station. When challenging him (assuming they did normal procedures by shouting "STOP/FREEZE POLICE!" the suspect fled by running into a TRAIN full of INNOCENT people! The police made a split second decision - to take his life based on his reaction (the exact decision I and probably every member of this board would have done in there position when having no evidence suggesting he's innocent).

What would you have thought if this guy had a bomb, and when tackled having blown the officers and pretty much everyone else up on the train? I know we'd be having this discussion saying "they should have shot the guy, why didnt they shoot him"

I'm all for this rule "shoot to kill", mistakes happen! 1 mistake is better a potential 40 innocent lives having lost (should it have been the other way round.[/quote:2170b]
Like i said before, the guy was previously mugged by gangsters a few days prior to his death. What would you do when you've gown up in a developing country and the fights are brought to the streets? Violence in Brazil is alot more in your face than it is in any developed country such as the UK. Fact is, he was being chased by plain clothed men and im sure the mugging he recieved earlier was running through his head.

anyone would have ran in his situation

newt. 08-05-2005 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by "newt.":e6fca
okay akuma, say he was a terrorist... the police stopped him started to search him then he blew up, then everyone is dead, happy now?

But the guy wasnt wearing a heavy jacket, and didnt have any cords, or wires at all hanging out of his pockets

[quote="newt.":e6fca]if people are going to blame anyone, blame the terrorists for forcing us to take such extreme measures to ensure the safety of the public.[/quote:e6fca]
Thats a very mature response, o well we shot a innoccent man to death 5 times in the head, but the terrorists made us do it

[quote="newt.":e6fca]1 time....twice what the fuck does it matter, its in the head. oOo:[/quote:e6fca]
exactly, so why 5 times....[/quote:e6fca]

1. lol I think you watch to many cartoons.

2. the terrorists opened our eyes, now if we see someone running towards a train are inital thought could be that they are a suicide bomber, and not just someone late for their train.

3. multiple police, multiple bullets? I dunno maybe? maybe alittle trigger happy? wait not trigger happy just worried (in the "heat of things") that he might still be alive/or have the ability to do something.

also 5 times is all you hippy fucks have, get something new...

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