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Himmler 08-18-2005 01:18 AM

My Occupation
I'm not exactly sure why I am posting this, I guess im just really confused about it all.

I am starting my second year of school next month and I had NO clue on what I wanted to do up until noon today. I saw in the paper pharmacist's make like 80-95 grand a year after you graduate. And only require 6 years of school, unlike doctors who require alot, and alot of money. I think it would be a fun job, and really not that hard, compared to alot of other jobs on the market.

I am not sure what you need to do to become a pharmacist, I guess that is why I am posting see if anyone has any advice on what to do if I decide that is what I want to do. And just any advice to me about school...thatd be great.

If I decide not to become a pharmacist, then I have no clue what I want to do. I thought it was going to something in computers, like computer networking, possible an electical engineer or something along that lines, maybe computer science, but I just doooooon't know. All of them sound so boring and typical, and don't pay as well as a pharmacist would. If I could, I'd LOVE to be a fighter pilot over anything in the world even if it paid 5 cents an hour. I would do it for free, as long as I could do it. But I don't know what I need to do to do that either, and I don't really know how to join ROTC either. If anyone feels like giving me some advice I'd appreciate it.

jujumantb 08-18-2005 01:22 AM

ooohhh pharmacy!!!! I know thee well... after all I went to one of the top pharmacy colleges in the country to become one. Guess what, its a bitch! If you are just starting now, expect to be in school for another 6 years... very strict schedule for most programs... you need 2 semesters intro chem, 2 semesters organic chem, calc, biology, zoology.... etc etc... lots of stuff, its a great field, you make tons out of school, but its a bitch to do... O-chem is some of the toughest stuff I've ever done in my life... my advice is to not start now, you should have done that a year ago if you were gonna go for it.

Short Hand 08-18-2005 01:23 AM

I am in the hopes of getting in Audio, Producer/5.1 Technician etc.... Fantastic money in that field as well and only 2 to 4 years of schooling. 6 years of school seems a bit long to me.....

Himmler 08-18-2005 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by jujumantb
ooohhh pharmacy!!!! I know thee well... after all I went to one of the top pharmacy colleges in the country to become one. Guess what, its a bitch! If you are just starting now, expect to be in school for another 6 years... very strict schedule for most programs... you need 2 semesters intro chem, 2 semesters organic chem, calc, biology, zoology.... etc etc... lots of stuff, its a great field, you make tons out of school, but its a bitch to do... O-chem is some of the toughest stuff I've ever done in my life... my advice is to not start now, you should have done that a year ago if you were gonna go for it.

im only 18 though, its not like i cant start it. why exactly is it so hard? just because of the math involved? would you say the pay is worth it?

edit: rofl @ ad at top of page. virtual pharmacy institute

jujumantb 08-18-2005 01:27 AM

[quote="Short Hand":0dd2a]I am in the hopes of getting in Audio, Producer/5.1 Technician etc.... Fantastic money in that field as well and only 2 to 4 years of schooling. 6 years of school seems a bit long to me.....[/quote:0dd2a]
The last 2 is basically internships for pharmacy...

Milla 08-18-2005 01:28 AM

Pay is worth it, but than again im not a smart person, which is why im in Police Science. rock:

Short Hand 08-18-2005 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by "Short Hand":056da
I am in the hopes of getting in Audio, Producer/5.1 Technician etc.... Fantastic money in that field as well and only 2 to 4 years of schooling. 6 years of school seems a bit long to me.....

The last 2 is basically internships for pharmacy...[/quote:056da]

the last 2 years for my course are just specialization type courses / bachlor degree's you can obtain etc.... I could really careless what the pay is, to me it is about doing a job I won't hate for the rest of my life. I have to enjoy work. (I enjoy my job as a floor cleaner right now as well)

Himmler 08-18-2005 01:31 AM

I'd do a job I hate for 100 grand a year, as long as it isnt TOO bad.

jujumantb 08-18-2005 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Himmler

Originally Posted by jujumantb
ooohhh pharmacy!!!! I know thee well... after all I went to one of the top pharmacy colleges in the country to become one. Guess what, its a bitch! If you are just starting now, expect to be in school for another 6 years... very strict schedule for most programs... you need 2 semesters intro chem, 2 semesters organic chem, calc, biology, zoology.... etc etc... lots of stuff, its a great field, you make tons out of school, but its a bitch to do... O-chem is some of the toughest stuff I've ever done in my life... my advice is to not start now, you should have done that a year ago if you were gonna go for it.

im only 18 though, its not like i cant start it. why exactly is it so hard? just because of the math involved? would you say the pay is worth it?

the chem is the hardest part, easily. The only reason I dropped it is because I had a very slim chance of getting into the program... you apply after your sophomore year at madison... basically you need a near 4.0 and a great PCAT score to get in... the pay is worth it, you can pay off your extra school cost in a few years on the salary. If you do decide to go for it, you better be ready for some of the toughest years of your life, I wasnt up for it, my GPA was great for most things.. but not close enough to 4.0. You better have a passion for chem and be ready to do hard ass 3-5 hour labs once and twice a week for 2 entire year.

Short Hand 08-18-2005 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by jujumantb

Originally Posted by Himmler

Originally Posted by jujumantb
ooohhh pharmacy!!!! I know thee well... after all I went to one of the top pharmacy colleges in the country to become one. Guess what, its a bitch! If you are just starting now, expect to be in school for another 6 years... very strict schedule for most programs... you need 2 semesters intro chem, 2 semesters organic chem, calc, biology, zoology.... etc etc... lots of stuff, its a great field, you make tons out of school, but its a bitch to do... O-chem is some of the toughest stuff I've ever done in my life... my advice is to not start now, you should have done that a year ago if you were gonna go for it.

im only 18 though, its not like i cant start it. why exactly is it so hard? just because of the math involved? would you say the pay is worth it?

the chem is the hardest part, easily. The only reason I dropped it is because I had a very slim chance of getting into the program... you apply after your sophomore year at madison... basically you need a near 4.0 and a great PCAT score to get in... the pay is worth it, you can pay off your extra school cost in a few years on the salary. If you do decide to go for it, you better be ready for some of the toughest years of your life, I wasnt up for it, my GPA was great for most things.. but not close enough to 4.0. You better have a passion for chem and be ready to do hard ass 3-5 hour labs once and twice a week for 2 entire year.

That is pretty heavy, I will be doing the same in Media "type" projects in the next 2 years beer:

Himmler 08-18-2005 01:37 AM

if i dont decide to do pharmacy, help me pick something else lol

Short Hand 08-18-2005 01:38 AM

become a iron chef. and cook.

jujumantb 08-18-2005 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Himmler
if i dont decide to do pharmacy, help me pick something else lol

I'm going for economics right now, not as great of starting pay but you have TONS of options. Real estate and stock market are the two biggest areas to get into. Earning potention off of just a bachelors is well into 6 figures after 10 years, not extremely demanding classes, you can still atleast enjoy your late teens/early twenties.

Himmler 08-18-2005 01:41 AM

To get lots of money with cooking you have to be damn good, and the best thing I can make right now is like mac n cheese, i dont think id have a chance

jujumantb 08-18-2005 01:41 AM

[quote="Short Hand":cdf98]become a iron chef. and cook.[/quote:cdf98]
as opposed to becoming an iron chef and sitting at home wankin it to girls gone wild all day.

Himmler 08-18-2005 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by "Short Hand":ebf41
become a iron chef. and cook.

as opposed to becoming an iron chef and sitting at home wankin it to girls gone wild all day.[/quote:ebf41]

i should just become a porn star hahaa rock:

Unknown_Sniper 08-18-2005 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by jujumantb
my advice is to not start now, you should have done that a year ago if you were gonna go for it.

worst advice ever. Why on earth would you ever say that? There is no time limit on when you should have done something.
Himmler if you want to do pharmacy you have to realize how hard it is, and then if you still want to go for it.

Himmler 08-18-2005 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by jujumantb
my advice is to not start now, you should have done that a year ago if you were gonna go for it.

worst advice ever. Why on earth would you ever say that? There is no time limit on when you should have done something.
Himmler if you want to do pharmacy you have to realize how hard it is, and then if you still want to go for it.[/quote:d6ea4]

thank you. the only thing im worried about is i am not strong at all in math, so i dont think id do well in calc or chemistry

Milla 08-18-2005 01:52 AM

If you arent good at things like Chem and all the shit you need to become a pharmacist than dont even bother, unless you plan on turning your life around and learning all that stuff. But in reality most college students wont try that.

jujumantb 08-18-2005 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by jujumantb
my advice is to not start now, you should have done that a year ago if you were gonna go for it.

worst advice ever. Why on earth would you ever say that? There is no time limit on when you should have done something.
Himmler if you want to do pharmacy you have to realize how hard it is, and then if you still want to go for it.[/quote:19656]
haha maybe true, I was gonna edit that out after posting it but he quoted me already.. I'm just kind of venting my frustration over that entire program in this thread.. I've never failed in any academic pursuit until pharmacy... just sucks... plus I'm still not quite sobered up yet so that multiplies the frustration happy:

Coleman 08-18-2005 02:13 AM

it seems like you're trying to look at a career pathway in the wrong viewpoint. Instead of worrying about how much money something pays, see if you even have the skills for it.

I'm sorry, but when they say, "In America, you can be whatever you want to be." That's not the case. If you want to be an architect, you have to have experience in the field with a portfolio before you're even accepted into a college. You can't be a music performance major if you're "ok" at playing. You gotta be in those all-state ensembles in highschool if you want to be considered for it.

I'm going into Music Education. I'll admit it; the pay will suck terribly for the first years of my career--probably around $20,000. The most I'll probably make is $65,000/yr if I stick with the same school district for 35 years.

So you should think about what kind of skills you already have that you can build off from. Think about things that interest you. Trust me, you'll do alot better in a class that you like rather than struggling through a class that you dislike. Yeah, you need to think about salaries and stuff. Don't get me wrong. But I don't think it should be a major deciding factor.

Himmler 08-18-2005 02:15 AM

There are not too many things I picture myself good at, just computers is really all i can think of that i have any skills at.

Milla 08-18-2005 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Himmler
There are not too many things I picture myself good at, just computers is really all i can think of that i have any skills at.

Try your hand at that. I know im going for 2 years Police Science, and another 2 years of doing something with computers. Who knows what job that will land me.

Himmler 08-18-2005 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by Milla

Originally Posted by Himmler
There are not too many things I picture myself good at, just computers is really all i can think of that i have any skills at.

Try your hand at that. I know im going for 2 years Police Science, and another 2 years of doing something with computers. Who knows what job that will land me.

i took a basic graphic design class last fall semester, and it was boring as shit. i got a B+ though

Madmartagen 08-18-2005 02:33 AM

you in college yet? do your gen ed stuff first, you might develope an interest in something along the line, but it iis best to have an idea as to what you want to do before you start takign classes. you like computers, you think about computer science, engineering or stuff like that? what do you like to do? you llike setting up game servers, networking, making pcs, modding etc. maybe you can major in business and maybe start your own pc gaming company or go work for one.

Himmler 08-18-2005 02:35 AM

yeah im starting my sophomore next month...i was thinking about business but not too sure.

Madmartagen 08-18-2005 02:40 AM

i was originally going to major in history with an emphasis on education, but now i realiize that i hate kids and history is becoming more like a hobby to me than a real passion. ive been riding a desk for the past 3 years so a business degree seems kinda practical to me. ive always been intereested in electronics and i like computers alot. im trying to get into that by learning more about programing, hardware and software engineering but my curriculum was made for majoring in history. to change my major now would set me back another year or two. the thing is to get any degree, that way your resume shows that you have what it takes to learn and do the work. you could always minor in business or something else to fall back on. my sisters boss is a financing manager at Ameriquest, she has a degree in psychology oOo:

SoLiDUS 08-18-2005 03:19 AM

Assuming a reasonable level of intelligence, you can do whatever the fuck you want provided you're willing to put in the effort required. Motivation is the single most important factor in your scholastic success...

Short Hand 08-18-2005 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by "Short Hand":206ca
become a iron chef. and cook.

as opposed to becoming an iron chef and sitting at home wankin it to girls gone wild all day.[/quote:206ca]

I wish.... if life could only be that easy...

SoLiDUS 08-18-2005 03:31 AM

Here's another option: become a professional poker player. biggrin:



Zen 08-18-2005 06:04 AM


If it were me, I'd go down to the recruiters office this weekend and find out what it takes to fly a jet. When it comes to service you have a short time frame in which to persue it, after which you will not be able to join up because of age resrtictions.
If your gonna fly for the US, you'll have to do it soon. I think the cut-off age is 26?
Anyways, my point is you wont be able to come back to this one later on, unless you choose something other than being a pilot. Most anything else can be persued at any age.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be an Archaeologist more than anything else. Then once I looked into it closer, and was ready to go to school for it, I found out how difficult an occupation it is and how little it pays.
As a familly man, it just wasnt what we needed.
I do agree that desire and tallent are important, but the pay is a big factor too. In my case the pay was the biggest factor. Thats why, even though I have a degree in IT, im a

Arkan 08-18-2005 07:47 AM

This is where you need older guys like myself to reply.

I don't know much about the medical field but i do know physical therapists and chiropractors here in NY make good money. If your parents are footing the college bills, take advantage.

For those who have college and aren't sure what field to go into, try civil service. The law enforcement personnel here on Long Island are the highest paid in the country. Cops make over $100k salary before overtime. Not only is the pay great, it's a 20yr job with excellent retirement benefits. Thats nothing to sneeze at. Depending on where you live, you can also join the Coast Guard. They have good programs and you may even become a helicoptor pilot.

But i'll say this.......your best bet is to seek advice from a professional. Counsellors are an option. Arkan didn't get all his shit together until a lil' later in life.....never too late dude. Good luck.

Simo Häyhä 08-18-2005 11:18 AM

Sounds like you really dont have a true passion for anything and are just looking for a way to make quick cash

KTOG 08-18-2005 12:42 PM


Pyro 08-18-2005 12:45 PM

Pays good money...lots of school though and the school isn't easy.

I was thinking of becoming a paramedic for awhile since ive done all this training already...but im getting sick of this whole saving peoples lives shit.

Simo Häyhä 08-18-2005 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by KTOG

Main reason i dropped out of college last year

Chappy 08-18-2005 01:44 PM

whatever you guys do, make sure its something that you will want to be doing every day for a long time...

money is a necessary evil and needs to be a consideration but i would much rather have a tight budget and not hate my job rather than the alternative

Jin-Roh 08-18-2005 03:52 PM

If I wanted to be a pharmacist, I'd be the best by reading A LOT about anything about every chemical in every medicine and stuff. That's a lot of reading if you think about it. oOo:

I might go into Military History, Graphic Communications (The stuff Tripper is doing?), or Game Design and change EA without them knowing, Trojan Horse style. cool:

Short Hand 08-18-2005 04:04 PM

[quote="Jin-Roh":f42cd]If I wanted to be a pharmacist, I'd be the best by reading A LOT about anything about every chemical in every medicine and stuff. That's a lot of reading if you think about it. oOo:

I might go into Military History, Graphic Communications (The stuff Tripper is doing?), or Game Design and change EA without them knowing, Trojan Horse style. cool:[/quote:f42cd]

LOL, join the thousands of unemployed game designers out there... while your at it you can chat it up with all the unemployed webdesigners as well..... You have to be able to do a wide variety of things. not just specifics in the media world from what I am gathering.

Jin-Roh 08-18-2005 04:09 PM

[quote="Short Hand":e9571][quote="Jin-Roh":e9571]If I wanted to be a pharmacist, I'd be the best by reading A LOT about anything about every chemical in every medicine and stuff. That's a lot of reading if you think about it. oOo:

I might go into Military History, Graphic Communications (The stuff Tripper is doing?), or Game Design and change EA without them knowing, Trojan Horse style. cool:[/quote:e9571]

LOL, join the thousands of unemployed game designers out there... while your at it you can chat it up with all the unemployed webdesigners as well..... You have to be able to do a wide variety of things. not just specifics in the media world from what I am gathering.[/quote:e9571]

Then I guess I'll go into military psychology if there is such a thing. biggrin:

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