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Regarding Snipers & Rockets.
All these suggestions to limit snipers...limit rockets. Rules, regulations, petitions, modifications...BULLS**T. The simplest way to fix the problem...make the weapon HARDER to use..PERIOD. You make it skill dependant, like it should be. You make the weapon harder to use, less people will use it. Impliment it in a patch..universally. Problem solved naturaly. Enough (skilled) people agree that the sniper wepon is too easy to use. Rockets are not so bad in my opinion, thought there are some issues. If you are bitching the the sniper weapon is fine as it is...PLEASE...get some skill and dont f**k it up for the rest of us who want to play. Consider this the petition. Bump it if you agree. ------------------ http://home.earthlink.net/~bobozobo/WW2.jpg |
You got my vote, bozo.
true true true...
I like the bolt action german rifle but man it's outclassed by mostly everything else... the Garand owns it. made the sniper rifle harder to use, and if you fire the zooka too close and it goes off, you get the damage and die as well... -Bish |
BoBoZoBo, got mine vote too.
Cheers |
Well said mate
------------------ http://www.imagestation.com/picture/...8/fdf18c53.jpg More negative waves Moriartii! Have a litte faith baby, have a little faith. |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Bishop:
true true true... I like the bolt action german rifle but man it's outclassed by mostly everything else... the Garand owns it. made the sniper rifle harder to use, and if you fire the zooka too close and it goes off, you get the damage and die as well... -Bish<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> most rocket users don't care if they die. they never hesitate to fire at point blank range because they are going to die either way. |
no, the sniper rifle is fine. make it hard? how? with a little sway? that only affects LONG range shots. In games like rtcw and dod i still dominate with the sniper rifle even with that dumb sway. again the only thing difficult is long range shots.
I personally like the rtcw sniper model better though. you can move slow zoomed in for a short distance. i like that. less n00bs will use the gun because of that. BUT, that doesnt mean there isnt a problem. 2 me a ww2 game should have balance. 40-50% of the soldiers should have a rifle, thats the way it was in the war. no more than 1-2 shottys no more than 1 rocket no more than 2 snipers. the rest smg/mg guys. the cheesy insta kill weapons are just lame. all i see are frag whore skilless pricks running around with their rockets and shottys. I still out score them which is the funny part. |
YAWN already
why does it always seem like 9 out of every 10 topics around here turn into a flame war???
MadRebel, stop promoting yourself.
I can use any weapon in any game and still come out with a 2 to 1 K/D on a bad day. That is beside the point... Your right about the other games making the sniper harder at a distance...THATS THE WHOLE DAM POINT. Right now, there is no descrimination for distance in the sniper weapon. You dismiss the sniper rifle, but bitch about the same thing in the shotty and rocket... The difference between the Sniper Vs. Rocket/Shotty problem is that those weapons have a handycap at a distance. Shotty is ineffective, Rocket veers off course and you can see it coming and take cover. I am not talking about just a little sway. I am talking about making it dam hard to shoot right unless you are in position. No crosshair if not scoped Aim off if it is not scoped WAY off if you are walking WAAAAAAYYYYY off if you are running or strafing. No more strafing from corner to corner non-stop while capping without consequence. I am happy for you that you consider yourself good, but please think and contribute next time you post something. ------------------ http://home.earthlink.net/~bobozobo/WW2.jpg [This message has been edited by BoBoZoBo (edited February 14, 2002).] |
insta kill weapons? how many hits can you take with an automatic weapon unloading into your body?
------------------ "One shot, one kill. If not, fire again" http://www.taxrevue.com/zach/sig4.jpg |
i love this quote the most
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BoBoZoBo: The difference between the Sniper Vs. Rocket/Shotty problem is that those weapons have a handycap at a distance. Shotty is ineffective, Rocket veers off course and you can see it coming and take cover. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So the shotty, a spread area of affect weapon, shouldnt have a handicap at distance? So the rocket should be 100% acurate at distance? So the sniper rifle, a distance very accurate by deffinition weapon, should have some sort of handicap at distance? the very point of the weapon you are trying to handicap. just admit im right. the solution to the problem is hard limits on the specialty weapons. [This message has been edited by madrebel (edited February 14, 2002).] |
thats what i thought.
The problem is that you are NOT thinking.
I did not say any of those things...start reading my posts 3 or 4 time please, because it is quite apparent that you have a comprehension problem. I said that they DO have a handcap, as they SHOULD. The only weapon that does not is the sniper rifle. Goddam boy, you are lucky that they dont tax stupid people. Just shut up allready and go do something productive ------------------ http://home.earthlink.net/~bobozobo/WW2.jpg [This message has been edited by BoBoZoBo (edited February 14, 2002).] |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BoBoZoBo:
The problem is that you are NOT thinking. I did not say any of those things...start reading my posts 3 or 4 time please, because it is quite apparent that you have a comprehension problem. I said that they DO have a handcap, as they SHOULD. The only weapon that does not is the sniper rifle. Goddam boy, you are lucky that they dont tax stupid people. Just shut up allready and go do something productive <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> do you read what you write? the sniper rifle has no handicaps? what about close range? sniper rifle = long range death sniper rifle = close range ass weapon thats the way its supposed to be moron. the problem is with the number not the weapon. you know im right admit it. [This message has been edited by madrebel (edited February 14, 2002).] |
I'm sorry but I'm one of those players that doesn't have enough "skill" to use a smg, mg or shotgun. I use the sniper rifle, and yes it does need some modifactions, a slight sway, slower zoom. But I think that people that stand 2 meters apart with automatics or shotguns are showing much skill.
with or without modifications the current problem still exsists. Do you think a slight sway really does anything? Not really. Just means its a slightly tougher shot.
there will still be way to many snipers with or without modifications. the problem is the number not the weapon in and of itself. i find it funny how bazobo boi find nothing wrong with rockets/shottys(both easily dispatched by the garand except at close range. yet the one weapon that totally owns his garand(sniper rifle) is the bane of his exsitence. funny how he gets all bent about the one weapon that dominates a rifle haha. |
You are running nowhere fast...
The sniper weapon is NOT shitty at close range...like I said..its your aiming. It is just as powerful at close as it is from afar, it will kill you with just an many shots (eg 1). The only time you cannot get a shot in a close range is if you SUCK. Which is most likely your problem. No wonder why you want to keep it the way it is. You should not be able to run down the street, jumping strafing and still have the same aim ability as if you were in position aiming it. Like you are SUPPOSED TO. That is my concertne with the weapon. The weapon needs modifcation. Once you do that, you will have you limit automatically because the whores with no skill will stop using it. ------------------ http://home.earthlink.net/~bobozobo/WW2.jpg |
youre an idiot if you think the sniper rifle is as accurate on the move as it is not moving.
yes if you hit one shot at close range it will drop a guy im quite good at that. its very hard though and if you miss youre dead. LONG reload time single shot = shitty short range weapon. so what youre saying is. the sniper rifles at close range will take a shotgun at close range beter than 50% of the time? is that what youre saying? because according to this <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The sniper weapon is NOT shitty at close range...like I said..its your aiming. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you can own anyone anytime any weapon at close range with the sniper rifle. ok im calling you on this. name the time and place.....ill get a shotgun and we will have close range fights. If your theory holds true you should own me. since my aim 'sux' and youre so godly. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The weapon needs modifcation. Once you do that, you will have you limit automatically because the whores with no skill will stop using it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> what about the rocket newbies? how come you dont want to limit them? wait i forget you couldnt get kills if that weapon was limited. |
Man..ONCE AGAIN. I said this was about the sniper rifle.
And ONCE AGAIN, I said that a slight sway was not going to solve the problem. I agree that the rockets and the shotties have thier issues. I dont use em at all. But, LIKE I SAID, they are not effective after a point, and there isnt the whoring with the rockets and shotties as there is with the sniper weapon. Its funny how you have to resort to changing my handle...even put words in my mouth..who said anything about percentage... I realy DO feel sorry for you man..it must be so frustrating in your world. Not understanding anything, having things repeated to you all the time. [This message has been edited by BoBoZoBo (edited February 14, 2002).] |
You realize your bumping my thread for me..thanks. Look around...you are in the extreme minority. BoBo LUV U http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/smile.gif ------------------ http://home.earthlink.net/~bobozobo/WW2.jpg |
Hooked on phonics works well I hear. [This message has been edited by BoBoZoBo (edited February 14, 2002).] |
name the time and place.
you can use a sniper rifle ill use a shotty. i will show you the handicap of the sniper rifle since youre the only one that doesnt understand that sniper rifles suck at close range unless you have the drop on someone and they dont know youre there. i already said that a little sway would be great. that way when i own you youll have one less thing to cry about since you know my skill is better than yours. BUT THAT WONT STOP PEOPLE FROM USING IT. IT WONT STOP 6 ALLIES SNIPING FROM THE FUCKING BEACH ON OMAHA. the problem is the number of people allowed to use the fucking fun not the difficulty of the gun itself. |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BoBoZoBo:
PPS Hooked on phonics works well I hear. [This message has been edited by BoBoZoBo (edited February 14, 2002).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> right back atcha |
I thoroughly agree. Seems like not to many peopel catch on, though.
------------------ http://www.yoursighost.com/users/Apollo/sig3.jpg |
Poor child
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Apollo:
I thoroughly agree. Seems like not to many peopel catch on, though. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> it wont stop people from sniping en mass. in your lil perfect world it might but in reality on the sniper firendly maps(bridge, omaha, village, etc...) it wont stop the mass amounts of snipers. just like more blast radius on the rocket wont stop people from using it for fear of klling themselves. hard limits are the only way to stop it. by all means, make the sniper rifle harder im all for that. but it wont change anything. the only thing it will do is take away an excuse from you after i own you. |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BoBoZoBo:
Poor child<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> name the place man. my shotty vs your sniper rifle. lets see how good the sniper rifle is at close range |
Rebel is right about one thing making the gun a harder won't stop the sniping in masse.
I will still use it. I find using it now a challenge( can I hit the fool running across the street or can I get the idiot in the boat before he gets me). I like playing objective/strategy based games. And, I think that the sniper rifle in this game forces the opposition to use a little strategy. But 10 per team might be a little much. So somebody else give up their sniper rifle, because I won't. |
bozo got mighty quiet.
Escuse me for not replying promptly..there ARE other things to do in the day than argue with your slow ass. I figured I would give you some time to think. But now I am bored.
Saying that you would still use it is bullshit, because you dont know how it will be changed. Then there is the possibility that you do have skill, so for those with skill, it would not matter. But it would with those who dont, and that is the point. Get it out of the hand of those who cant hit shit for shit. LowSparks remark about being able to hit anything is my whole point. Its TOO EASY. I'm sure, without a doubt, you would drop that weapon in a second if it was not that easy. So your point is mute. I agree that it adds strategy, I dont want to get rid of it either. But there would be even MORE strategy if it were harder to aim. Rebel...please stop being stupid...I NEVER said that the sniper weapon would out perform the shotty at close range. I said (as I must continue to repeat shit for you) that the sniper weapon is just as effective at close range as it was at a distance. Me kicking you ass will not solve the fact that the sniper weapon is easy to use..so get over it. Stop arguing unless you can get the points of argument clear. This is so very boring... ------------------ http://home.earthlink.net/~bobozobo/WW2.jpg |
no no no... i think your definition of effective is off... i think u mean that it can kill someone at close range as well as at long range... well when u say "effective" u should take into account the fire rate, reload time, and the guy with an smg standing 10 feet in front of u... i dont mean to flame so pls politely correct me if u feel u auht to do so.
------------------ Next to God... ...A Grunts Best Friend http://home.att.net/~steinert/_borders/medsym.gif |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BoBoZoBo:
Escuse me for not replying promptly..there ARE other things to do in the day than argue with your slow ass. I figured I would give you some time to think. But now I am bored. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>no you were trying to think up something <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Saying that you would still use it is bullshit, because you dont know how it will be changed. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>saying he wouldnt is just as dumb then cause you dont know how it would be used <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Then there is the possibility that you do have skill, so for those with skill, it would not matter. But it would with those who dont, and that is the point.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>no it wouldnt. people use the weapon they want regardless <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Get it out of the hand of those who cant hit shit for shit. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> why are you worried about people that cant hit anything with the sniper rifle? and how would making it a bit more difficult without limiting it help team play? <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> LowSparks remark about being able to hit anything is my whole point. Its TOO EASY. I'm sure, without a doubt, you would drop that weapon in a second if it was not that easy. So your point is mute.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> lowsparks said and i quote <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I find using it now a challenge( can I hit the fool running across the street or can I get the idiot in the boat before he gets me). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> i realize reading comprehension is new to you so take your time <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I agree that it adds strategy, I dont want to get rid of it either. But there would be even MORE strategy if it were harder to aim. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> no there wouldnt be. the strategy would stay they same it would just have a higher degree of difficulty. strat·e·gy Pronunciation Key (strt-j) n. pl. strat·e·gies The science and art of using all the forces of a nation to execute approved plans as effectively as possible during peace or war. The science and art of military command as applied to the overall planning and conduct of large-scale combat operations. A plan of action resulting from strategy or intended to accomplish a specific goal. See Synonyms at plan. The art or skill of using stratagems in endeavors such as politics and business. dif·fi·cult Pronunciation Key (df-klt, -klt) adj. Hard to do or accomplish; demanding considerable effort or skill; arduous: “To entertain is far more difficult than to enlighten” (Anthony Burgess). See Synonyms at hard. Hard to endure; trying: fell upon difficult times. Hard to comprehend or solve: a difficult puzzle. Hard to please, satisfy, or manage: a difficult child. Hard to persuade or convince; stubborn. see the difference between the 2 now? <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Rebel...please stop being stupid...I NEVER said that the sniper weapon would out perform the shotty at close range.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>you insinuated that when you attcked my ability to aim in·sin·u·ate Pronunciation Key (n-sny-t) v. in·sin·u·at·ed, in·sin·u·at·ing, in·sin·u·ates v. tr. To introduce or otherwise convey (a thought, for example) gradually and insidiously. See Synonyms at suggest. To introduce or insert (oneself) by subtle and artful means. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> I said (as I must continue to repeat shit for you) that the sniper weapon is just as effective at close range as it was at a distance.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>its not. it has the same stopping power. but it is not suited for close range. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Me kicking you ass will not solve the fact that the sniper weapon is easy to use..so get over it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> any time any place. kick my ass with the sniper rifle. you CANT do it. [This message has been edited by madrebel (edited February 14, 2002).] |
how long did u take on that post rebel lol
------------------ Next to God... ...A Grunts Best Friend http://home.att.net/~steinert/_borders/medsym.gif |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jujumantb:
no no no... i think your definition of effective is off... i think u mean that it can kill someone at close range as well as at long range... well when u say "effective" u should take into account the fire rate, reload time, and the guy with an smg standing 10 feet in front of u... i dont mean to flame so pls politely correct me if u feel u auht to do so. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> dont confuse him with deffinitions. he is far to intelligent for you. |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jujumantb:
how long did u take on that post rebel lol <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> not long at all.....*waiting for 8 hours to hit at work....waiting....waiting....DING* |
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