![]() |
MOH needs alot of fixin. I just played 2hours of dod2.0 and i must say that that game really owns moh right now. If moh had the gameplay and mechanics of dod, it would be one of the greatest of all time.
Why play a top notch fps like dod and then return to rocket launchers, shotguns and the sniper whores of moh. Im sorry but the quake, individualistic, circular map, non team play shit is getting really old. That shit is played out like the jerri curl. Its time for some real shit, id love to see the gameplay of dod applied in some way to moh. I just got to bitch cause i paid my cash for the game, and i was a bit dissappointed. But it is in its baby stages, so im not going to rag on it to much. modders get to work. |
Band o Brothers mod looks like its hoping to create somthing similar to DoD.
------------------ http://www.imagestation.com/picture/...8/fdf18c53.jpg More negative waves Moriartii! Have a litte faith baby, have a little faith. |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by raven6:
HAVE FUN PLAYING DOD WITH THOSE GAMBOY GRAPHICS<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> the words of a very ignorant child ------------------ http://xthirteen.homestead.com/files/141sig.jpg |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by raven6:
HAVE FUN PLAYING DOD WITH THOSE GAMBOY GRAPHICS<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nice way to make yourself look like a retard. http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/rolleyes.gif Since when do good graphics=good gameply and bad graphics= terrible gameplay? Besides, for the Half-Life engine, DoD really does some amazing stuff with it! |
Red Orchestra mod will be
http://onthewingsofeagles.com/RedOrchestra/ |
bazookas were in teams of there own.
Snipers were not as common as 2 per team. And shotguns were used mainly in the pto. But yeah if ANY weapon is incorporated correctly it can work out. I would deffinately like to see a dash and prone for moh. Also moveable mgs. [This message has been edited by MF_DOOM (edited February 14, 2002).] [This message has been edited by MF_DOOM (edited February 14, 2002).] |
raven6, I pity you and your ability to enjoy great gaming experiences if graphics are the standard by which you judge a game's worth.
dude for like the 90th time. can someone link me to this band of brothers mod?
gentleman and a scholar sir.
After just playing DoD 2.0 ive come to realize how lucky i am to have moh.
imo moh multiplayer is smoother, and simply more entertaining. but dont get me wrong dod is a greta game aswell ------------------ http://www.iron-wolf.f2s.com/sig.gif |
And considering Day of Defeat was created by people who did not have the resources of a professional developer's house at their command, it is an impressive accomplishment.
I would like to see not just modders, but those pros doing MoH expansions packs, to take a few cues from DoD in designing new multiplayer schemes. The two games combined would be awe-inspiring, to say the least. |
Yeah but look at the D-Day. MOH:AA has the best d-day. DOD 2.0 dosn't have the boats moving for a long time. It does not have GREAT motar sounds. You have to blow up the shingles like they really did it. The D-Day is just very good. LOL thats why I bought MOH:AA DOD has a some good sounds. I love how there is limited snipers etc
Shoegaz has a great point there.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shoegaze99:
And considering Day of Defeat was created by people who did not have the resources of a professional developer's house at their command, it is an impressive accomplishment. I would like to see not just modders, but those pros doing MoH expansions packs, to take a few cues from DoD in designing new multiplayer schemes. The two games combined would be awe-inspiring, to say the least.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> i understand that mohaa was a huge retail game designed by pros and had waaaaaay more funding then DoD. i didnt say that Dod was a bad game, actually its much better then some retail games ive played. ------------------ http://www.iron-wolf.f2s.com/sig.gif |
This is not DOD its MOHAA. Why should one game emulate another ..that is BS. If you dont like MOHAA then play DOD and leave us MOHAA players alone. If i wanna play DOD ill play it. i DO NOT wanna have a game be like another. That defeats thepurpose. they made it that way for a reason....The same reason ghost recon is not like Rogue spear. and the same reason Operation flash point is not like Ghost recon. different games for different people.
[This message has been edited by m0neY_EQ (edited February 14, 2002).] |
I admit, I used to be a DOD 2.0 basher. But ever since I started playing DOD 2.0, I cannot get enough of it. It is very addicting; the gameplay is very realistic. Yes, the graphics are not anywhere near MOHAA, but the gameplay is addicting...very addicting. Please modders of MOHAA, give us something similar.
In reply to MF DOOM: rockets, snipers, shotgunners can be very beneficial in MOHAA and for that matter DOD 2.0- if they incoporate it. Just limit the usage, Every platoon in WW2 had a least one Bazooka team, 2 snipers, etc. I really am sick and tired of hearing people complain about it. it's great to have a variety of weapons.
PS: I am tired of myself complaining about complainers!LOL! |
C'mon, don't even compare this to DoD. D00d I seriously think that HL & Mods play totally different than MOH does. I don't wanna even discuss, Im too tired. Night!
~ST_Bazooka_Joe "Argh." ------------------ http://st.clanpages.com/Images/mysig2.jpg |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ST_Bazooka_Joe:
C'mon, don't even compare this to DoD. D00d I seriously think that HL & Mods play totally different than MOH does. I don't wanna even discuss, Im too tired. Night! ~ST_Bazooka_Joe "Argh." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>dod feels very mechanical to me. moh feels very fluid. for instance. in real life if im looking through a scope i can immedietely move in any direction i choose. i dont have to first stop looking then move. it just doesnt feel fluid. |
i think its just the harsh halflife engine that ur not accustomed to. These games can be compared because there both set in ww2 are both fps and are both going for realism. One more so than the other. And dod2.0 is very close to hitting it on the money, and transfering those ideas and mechanics to moh would just blow everything that is gaming out of the water. And because dod is on a dated engine , seeing that kind of realsim and gameplay on a stylish engine like moh would be very enjoyable.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MF_DOOM:
i think its just the harsh halflife engine that ur not accustomed to. These games can be compared because there both set in ww2 are both fps and are both going for realism. One more so than the other. And dod2.0 is very close to hitting it on the money, and transfering those ideas and mechanics to moh would just blow everything that is gaming out of the water. And because dod is on a dated engine , seeing that kind of realsim and gameplay on a stylish engine like moh would be very enjoyable. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>these ultra realistic shooter are imo anything but. in real life a single bullet will not INSTANTLY kill you unless it hits your head. yet a shot in the upper chesy(shoulder lets say) instantly kills in these games. why? its not realistic. neither is not dying and sitting on the ground writhing in pain from a shoulder wound. i think the best solution is the counter-strike model. head shots = dead. body shots slow you. see it can never be realistic. realistically i can contort my body to take cover almost anywhere. that cant be done in a video game. i dont have lag or frame rate problems in real life. in real life i have perfect 3dsound. all of these make realism impossible in a game. that why IMO the most fun game are counter strike like....or the normal moh. the only thing moh needs is more balance in regards to the different weapons. maybe throw in some medics,a flame thrower, and real machine guns heh http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/smile.gif |
You along with the million others who have allready posted this topic.
dont worry, capture point type gameplay comin soon.
Oh , I'm all about MoH. I havnt even played DOD, but I dont have half life installed. Got rid of dat chit a long time ago!
Hey - I totally agree with you in the fact that some, SOME, body shots wont kill you - but they sure as hell will incapacitate you. How effective are you REALLY going to be with a major wound? Not very. Which is why I believe you "die" from these critical shots. Sure, it'd be sort of cool to make a mod where you're operating at limited capacity, but how realistic would that be? We're now assuming that EVERYONE has this adrenal system where they can overlook these wounds and continue fighting, albeit at a reduced capacity.
That's just NOT very realistic. Now, if we were to implement a "random" adrenal RAGE in this game - where a player goes "AUDIE MURPHY"(? - since I really have no idea who this is, as I'm not as into WWII as some of you are), and has this amplified level of physical combativeness - well hell more power to the modders. I think that'd be an interesting mod to introduce to the community. However - the one thing holding this game back, in terms of implementing its "realism", is the fact that its gameplay isn't designed for the mods people want - or are trying to introduce at this point. It's just not. This isnt GHOST RECON, or DOD, or OPERATION FLASHPOINT. The "realism" I feel in MOH, was designed from an ambience point of view, and not gameplay mechanics. It just wasn't. The experience is great - but only because of the window dressing. Until that issue is resolved, we are going to get these foolish attemtps at modding this program into something it shouldn't be. excelsior |
audie murphy was a hero. should read up on him. single handedly held off waves of germans. great story.
but he isnt the only one that did crazy shit. happened alot in ww2. im just saying that in these realism games its never even thought about. these realism mods dont want to do the work it would take to model all the realism. so they just say screw it and take the easy way out (insta kills). its wrong, its slow and IMO its not fun. [This message has been edited by madrebel (edited February 15, 2002).] |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by madrebel:
audie murphy was a hero. should read up on him. single handedly help of waves of gremans. great story.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think you meant "held off waves of germans". and yes he was a hero, not a bad actor either starred in a movie(for those of you that can't read) about his experiences in WWII, can't remember the name of it though. |
I like DoD 2.0, it's a great total conversion, even more now that a fan is starting to release iron sighted weapons to replace the originals with crosshairs.
There are also bots for it (Sturmbot and Blitzbot). My only complains are for: 1- damage system: most of the weapons are really underpowered (ie. four hits from M1-carbine or three from Thompson are required for a kill...), in MoHAA I have tweaked all the weapons to kill with one or two hits. 2- The player speed is ridicolous, the soldiers run faster than cheetas on steroids... So I prefer MoHAA, if only someone could make bots and iron sights weapons I would be a real happy puppy. Cheers |
DOD is a mod for HL,
MOH is a full game.... wait till we have mods for MOH thats all their is to say on the subject ------------------ [Cpt|Raven|69th] |
i love moh's teamplay , because im playing with my clan and we got damn teamplay.
------------------ http://dba.gamepoint.net/images/135428.jpg http://community.theunderdogs.org/sm...ed/rlwhore.gif This cat is a dangerous cat, no really. |
Mad? Are you kidding? Single shots to the chest CAN kill I’m afraid, slowly to be sure – but they can kill. Most importantly gut and stomach shots. So, that’s why I don’t complain (too much) when I get sniped in the chest with one bullet. However, how many times have you died in MOH from a single shot to the foot, or another non-vital area. As one reply said, these are those “taken out of commission” shots. I think, for what it’s worth, MOH (and perhaps to an extent the “realism” mods) are done pretty well.
As far as comparing MOH to DOD. Here’s my thing, I couldn’t care less about graphics. DOD’s gameplay (in theory) is much more advanced than MOH’s is at this point. Hands down. It is. Anyone who says otherwise has got to be biased. MOH at this point is nothing more than a shooter frenzy – no real reason to go for teamplay, no real reason to think before you run around with a shotgun popping off bullets at the first sight of movement. DOD has a fair amount of realism in it, as far as gameplay mechanics are concerned, but yes graphic, and sound wise it is beaten by MOH. But, as one poster pointed out; cool graphics do not a great game make. So, if you’re trying to stress the realism of OMAHA beach, and a trumping factor for MOH, then I say you’re wrong. If the “gameplay” not the presentation, but the GAMEPLAY falls short, then all we have is MONITOR dressing. However, I do agree that as soon as we get some tools out there in the hands of those greedy, quite insane, modders – then we will definitely see some great things (hopefully). Although the LIGHTSABRE mod does have me VERY intrigued. excelsior |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by raven6:
HAVE FUN PLAYING DOD WITH THOSE GAMBOY GRAPHICS<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> HAHA ------------------ By a sniper's discriminatory nature, he has felled the command structure of his enemies, rendered their equipment useless and driven fear into the hearts of their fighting men. The sniper is one of the most effective weapons on the field of battle. He is frugal, and precise. He is not a superman, capable of incredible feats, but he is skilled in ways that many misunderstand. For enemy soldiers, Zaitsev represents their doom. Unseen, but certain. Just raise your head above the trench and meet your maker. Vassili Zaitsev - "... await the right moment for one, and only one well-aimed shot" [This message has been edited by Vassili (edited February 15, 2002).] |
whilst i agree that many places in the chest will kill you, no chest shot is instant(with small caliber that is).
which makes instant kill shots in the chest unrealistic. in regards to stomach shots, the stomach is the second most painful place to get shot(knee cap being the worst). But it takes hours to die from a stomach wound(unless it hits your liver then your fucked). now we agree that a chest shot wont kill you instantly correct? ok, lets say you and i are in a real worl gun fight. you pop around a corner to be greated by the sight of my thompson pointed directly at you. I open up and hit you in the chest twice (in DoD and mohaa 'realism modded games' instantly killing you). you have a SMG too. do you A) take those 2 shots in the chest and lay down dead? B) open up with your smg and shoot at me until either you or i land a head shot or we both run out of ammo and are to injured to reload? My problem with ultra realism is it isnt anything like realism. They assume that since you took one bullet by a rifle in the upper torso that you will die and thus kill your player instantly. I realise that yes, in ww2 a chest wound would take you out of commision but alot of the time it didnt kill. So instead of modeling the game realistically. these mod maker for go realism for instant kills. instant kills are supposed to discourage "ramob" in favor ofmore realistic covering fire tactic oriented gameplay. But that doesnt work because hey guess what. In real ife there is no respawn. When i die im dead. therefor in real life i will always be more cuatious than in a video game. Also what about the hero factor? How come that isnt modled. in these games noone could be this guy http://www.audiemurphy.com/welcome.htm there is no adrenalin system modeled in this game. there are countless stories in ww2 of single men doing super human things. Ive read stories of men taking many many shots and still accomplishing the goal, only to drop dead seconds later. yet none of this is modled in the any o these "realism" mods. counter strike models it correctly IMO. Head shots should kill you instantly. If you get shot in the body you should be slowed and thus an easier target. if the guy cant finish you off well thats his fault. ultra realism is stupid. realism with out going over board(lets face it modeling it perfectly is imposible) is what i think is the most fun. there is a reason counter-strike is the number 1 shooter. If MoH had more weapon balance and a damage model similar to counter-strike. You would see a new number 1 game online. |
I want to know how is it that this MMOG has super heroes and MOHAA doesn't? I mean wasn't Captain America and The Red Skull fighiting in WWII? How can the developers at EA and 2015 totally over look the supervillan and superhero aspect of this game?
I mean look at these heroes....why can't EA or 2015 put them into MOHAA? http://www.cityofheroes.com/Screens/screen_11.jpg http://www.cityofheroes.com/Screens/screen_13.jpg Why is City of Heroes so much better than MOHAA? This makes no sense at all! I am now going to not play DOD 2.0 untill they recognize my authority and put heroes in this game as well. That is all! Pssst.... I don't give a rats ass about other games....and if I did I would talk about them in their forums. So, this whol DOD 2.0 is so much better....blah blah blah....is getting real old. Here is a cookie...now go play DOD 2.0. ------------------ http://home.socal.rr.com/smokeyoass/spine1.gif "Listen up you stinking maggots. It seems you just don't get it. Well, I've been appointed to inform ya', your days are numbered. You would cry, you would scream if you knew half the things I've seen. Please please just do as I say. Repent and leave your evil ways." - Clutch VISIT GF CLAN SITE EDITED FOR COWARDS |
What's DOD2.0 ??
Thanks |
This is not DOD its MOHAA. Why should one game emulate another ..that is BS. If you dont like MOHAA then play DOD and leave us MOHAA players alone. If i wanna play DOD ill play it. i DO NOT wanna have a game be like another. That defeats thepurpose. they made it that way for a reason....The same reason ghost recon is not like Rogue spear. and the same reason Operation flash point is not like Ghost recon. different games for different people.
PS about ultra realism a few people have it wrong. IN mohaa foot shots dont kill it only records the last round that took you to 0 health not the other 3 that hit someplace else. About chest shots if you got hit with a .30-06 to the chest you would NOT be fighting back. You would be fighting for YOU life. yOU WOULD NOT BE TRying to shoot back you would be on the verge of death. IM glad chest shots instakills in Realism mod. Also about ultra realism of you got shot in both feet you would not be walking hence dead in the feild. This game is not meant to be ultra realistic even with the realism mod hence there is not limping when shot in the leg. It does have some hints of realism but if you want ultra realism play Ghost Recon or Rogue SPear, OPF. games meant ot be ultra real( and even in these games you cant bleed to death). Have fun playing MOHAA see ya on the batle field.. Enemy@TheG@te. Cerebral Assassin I totally agree with you ------------------ Enemy@TheG@te...im not too far away [This message has been edited by m0neY_EQ (edited February 17, 2002).] |
My point is to combine the best of both games into making the WW2 MP of all time.
Graphics and Sounds of MOHAA with the realism and gameplay factor of DOD 2.0= AWESOME LOOKING PLAYING WW2 MP! |
m0neY_EQ, who's talking about emulating Day of Defeat? The idea is not to do the exact same thing that DoD does, but for Medal of Honor modders (or official expansions) to learn from Day of Defeat's strengths and use them to Medal of Honor's advantage - within the context of MoH's gameplay.
Day of Defeat has a superior team game with a well-done class system. Its objective-based levels are superior to Medal of Honors in every way, from layout and design to variety and challenge. Both of the above positives in Day of Defeat are the polar opposite of, in my opinion, Medal of Honor's biggest multiplayer faults. MoH has a fairly weak, want-to-be-class-based-but-not-really system, and while the few objective maps are good, the variety lacks and the objectives *are all the same*. Look, there is a reason why a fan-made game with dated graphics is so amazing popular with online shooter fans. There is a reason why so many people play Day of Defeat. And looking at some of the specifics behind those reasons and encouraging Medal of Honor to take advantage of them in its own way does not insult Medal of Honor in any way, shape, or form. |
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