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Blase 11-29-2005 11:33 PM

Enthusiast Photography
I've been looking into getting into photography recently, and I've been taking a course in school on the subject. However, the time has come where I have to get my own camera, and since it's nearing Christmas I thought I'd ask for a camera for the holidays.

I know a few of you here are into the hobby, so I was wondering what camera everyone uses or would recommend?

Price isn't really a concern here, although it has to be reasonable. I don't think anything 1k or under is horribly out of the question however I know some manufactures have those crazy 7k cameras.

The only technical aspect of the camera that I require is that it has to be a digital camera. I would prefer to use a film camera but the cost of using the schools darkroom for photopaper and film would be pretty much all of my personal budget which I have to spend on lunch and food outside of the house.

I've heard the D50 and D70 being tossed around, could anyone explain anything about these?

If you're into photography and use a digital camera post some of the pictures you've taken. I'm curious to see their quality.

Nyck 11-29-2005 11:35 PM

Your Myspace will OWN with life like digital slr picz

Milla 11-29-2005 11:36 PM

Unless your gonna be hardcore photography guy, dont get an SLR, it isnt needed. But definatly look for a Canon. Like the Canon Powershot A620 or 610. Nice cameras that take great pics. As far as SLRs go ask anti, he knows more than me.

But i do know that i want an SLR, probably the Canon Rebel Xt

Nyck 11-29-2005 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Milla
Unless your gonna be hardcore photography guy, dont get an SLR, it isnt needed. But definatly look for a Canon. Like the Canon Powershot A620 or 610. Nice cameras that take great pics. As far as SLRs go ask anti, he knows more than me.

But i do know that i want an SLR, probably the Canon Rebel Xt

lol srly wtf are you gonna do with an 8 megapix 1000 dollar camera?

Milla 11-29-2005 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck

Originally Posted by Milla
Unless your gonna be hardcore photography guy, dont get an SLR, it isnt needed. But definatly look for a Canon. Like the Canon Powershot A620 or 610. Nice cameras that take great pics. As far as SLRs go ask anti, he knows more than me.

But i do know that i want an SLR, probably the Canon Rebel Xt

lol srly wtf are you gonna do with an 8 megapix 1000 dollar camera?

Get into photography you lunatic

geRV 11-29-2005 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck

Originally Posted by Milla
Unless your gonna be hardcore photography guy, dont get an SLR, it isnt needed. But definatly look for a Canon. Like the Canon Powershot A620 or 610. Nice cameras that take great pics. As far as SLRs go ask anti, he knows more than me.

But i do know that i want an SLR, probably the Canon Rebel Xt

lol srly wtf are you gonna do with an 8 megapix 1000 dollar camera?

Hi res wang pics [img][/img]

Cool Fool 11-29-2005 11:41 PM

duh...he's starting a porno photography buisness.

Akuma 11-29-2005 11:41 PM

If you have the budget and the will to learn then there is no reason not to get an SLR. Get a D50 for $600 and use the other $400 to get some good lenses.

Nyck 11-29-2005 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by geRV

Originally Posted by Nyck

Originally Posted by Milla
Unless your gonna be hardcore photography guy, dont get an SLR, it isnt needed. But definatly look for a Canon. Like the Canon Powershot A620 or 610. Nice cameras that take great pics. As far as SLRs go ask anti, he knows more than me.

But i do know that i want an SLR, probably the Canon Rebel Xt

lol srly wtf are you gonna do with an 8 megapix 1000 dollar camera?

Hi res wang pics [img][/img]

neg Hi rez pics of him posing with his riced out airsoft gun biggrin:

Milla 11-29-2005 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Akuma
If you have the budget and the will to learn then there is no reason not to get an SLR. Get a D50 for $600 and use the other $400 to get some good lenses.

600 is body only, no lense?

Nyck 11-29-2005 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Milla

Originally Posted by Akuma
If you have the budget and the will to learn then there is no reason not to get an SLR. Get a D50 for $600 and use the other $400 to get some good lenses.

600 is body only, no lense?

hes talking the super 1337 photo lenses that give you zoom, different photo effects etc...actually I have no fucking clue what extra lenses would do. Which is why I am perfectly content with my 3.2 mp fuji that ive had for 3 years

geRV 11-29-2005 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck
Which is why I am perfectly content with my 3.2 mp fuji that ive had for 3 years

Ive a 4mb kodak that ive had a while now, not much point of geting one of those cameras with the lens that doubles as a dildo unless your into photography.

Forte 11-29-2005 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck

Originally Posted by Milla

Originally Posted by Akuma
If you have the budget and the will to learn then there is no reason not to get an SLR. Get a D50 for $600 and use the other $400 to get some good lenses.

600 is body only, no lense?

hes talking the super 1337 photo lenses that give you zoom, different photo effects etc...actually I have no fucking clue what extra lenses would do. Which is why I am perfectly content with my 3.2 mp fuji that ive had for 3 years

macro lenses so you can take freakishly closeup shots. use it to take pics of pyro's wang.

telephoto lense so you can take shots from a distance. or use it to pick up milla's cock in 1 picture.

infrared lense to take pictures of infrared light. all I know is it looks fucking awesome. will make Swill look half good.

then other lenses for different distances.

Coleman 11-29-2005 11:57 PM

i can actually say that i cracked a smile reading forte's post.


Milla 11-29-2005 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Forte

Originally Posted by Nyck

Originally Posted by Milla

Originally Posted by Akuma
If you have the budget and the will to learn then there is no reason not to get an SLR. Get a D50 for $600 and use the other $400 to get some good lenses.

600 is body only, no lense?

hes talking the super 1337 photo lenses that give you zoom, different photo effects etc...actually I have no fucking clue what extra lenses would do. Which is why I am perfectly content with my 3.2 mp fuji that ive had for 3 years

infrared lense to take pictures of infrared light. all I know is it looks fucking awesome. will make Swill look half good.

ROFLFL!!!! how much do infrared lenses run?

Forte 11-30-2005 12:09 AM


Originally Posted by Coleman
i can actually say that i cracked a smile reading forte's post.


I can die happy beer: +1

geRV 11-30-2005 12:10 AM


Blase 11-30-2005 12:18 AM

Thanks for suggestions, Espically yours Akuma and Milla.

What's the general pricing for a D50 and a D70? Akuma, you said D50 was $600, is the D70 considerably more?

Milla, I'm planning on becoming fairly occupied with photography, and I've been considering it as a career recently, so I want a camera that's fairly above average.

Also, what kind of lens' should I be looking to get before others?

Milla 11-30-2005 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Blase
Thanks for suggestions, Espically yours Akuma and Milla.

What's the general pricing for a D50 and a D70? Akuma, you said D50 was $600, is the D70 considerably more?

Also, what kind of lens' should I be looking to get before others?

D70 i think is over 1,000 i believe...

Nyck 11-30-2005 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Blase
Thanks for suggestions, Espically yours Akuma and Milla.

What's the general pricing for a D50 and a D70? Akuma, you said D50 was $600, is the D70 considerably more?

Also, what kind of lens' should I be looking to get before others?

d50 ... rea=SEARCH

d70 ... rea=SEARCH

avg retail pricing. I know akuma or someone will know of a site to get it cheaper + lenses

Milla 11-30-2005 12:25 AM

Thats the site anti posted, nice prices

Blase 11-30-2005 12:27 AM

Thanks for the links Nyck. Edit: And Milla.

I'm going to be going to a local store tomorrow to see the prices. I'm lucky that my parents were both big into photography in the 70's and 80's so they're really into me getting into it. If the D70 is worth the money then they'd buy me it, but I think I'm going to go with the D50 because I'm not sure how much a D70 would benefit me over a D50.

Milla 11-30-2005 12:32 AM

If anti would come in here he would tell you, because he's used both but he swears by that D70 lol

Nyck 11-30-2005 12:33 AM

Like akuma said I would prob hit that d50 then use the extra 600 bucks and buy some sweet lenses

Forte 11-30-2005 12:33 AM

D70 can take pictures slightly faster, and supports micro drives. so you can basically have a 5 gig HD inside yoru camera. but that would cost a lot of money to get. Im getting the D50 aswell for christmas. Personally I like Wolf Camera for getting my camera. but right now Macmall has some good prices too.

Blase 11-30-2005 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Milla
If anti would come in here he would tell you, because he's used both but he swears by that D70 lol

Yea, I'm really interested to see what Anti has to say on the subject. He was the one foremost in my mind when I started this thread because I remember him talking about this not too long ago.


Originally Posted by Forte
D70 can take pictures slightly faster, and supports micro drives. so you can basically have a 5 gig HD inside yoru camera. but that would cost a lot of money to get. Im getting the D50 aswell for christmas. Personally I like Wolf Camera for getting my camera. but right now Macmall has some good prices too.

I'm going to check a local store tomorrow, Do you think buying the camera online would be cheaper? I'll know tomorrow I suppose.

Nyck 11-30-2005 12:36 AM

Im like how the fuk you guys afford this shit. then realized if I didnt have

$1700 bucks in a bills a month I could afford it to. cuss:

Milla 11-30-2005 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Nyck
Im like how the fuk you guys afford this shit. then realized if I didnt have

$1700 bucks in a bills a month I could afford it to. cuss:

Hey i cant afford one either, i just wish i had one everyday.

Blase 11-30-2005 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Nyck
Im like how the fuk you guys afford this shit.

Parents and Christmas biggrin:

Honestly though, I'm lucky my parents are really big on me getting into photography. They'd never consider spending any more then $600 on video games or my computer. Once I got my Alienware they said they were done with spending anymore on games and that was 2 years ago.

This camera will be the first big purchase they'll have made on me since then.

Nyck 11-30-2005 12:50 AM

Lol I think my big gift from my parents this year is gonna be like 8 used tom clancy books I want for like 20 bucks... biggrin:

my biggest gift ever though was when I was 10 they got me a 386 PC that ran dos, had the 5 1/4 disks and all that shit. 2 grand I was trying to be like doogie howser and shit and would type up some journal shit on it at the end of the day and save it on a 3.5 disk.


Home Alone and Tom and Jerry was fuckin 1337 on that thing.

Then my uncle gave me windows 3.1 on like 10 3.5 disks I thought I was the fucking SHIT

Blase 11-30-2005 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Nyck
Then my uncle gave me windows 3.1 on like 10 3.5 disks I thought I was the fucking SHIT

I remember begging my dad for Windows 95 (he got free copies from his work, but had to smuggle them out) because it had...


Milla 11-30-2005 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by Nyck
Lol I think my big gift from my parents this year is gonna be like 8 used tom clancy books I want for like 20 bucks... biggrin:

my biggest gift ever though was when I was 10 they got me a 386 PC that ran dos, had the 5 1/4 disks and all that shit. 2 grand I was trying to be like doogie howser and shit and would type up some journal shit on it at the end of the day and save it on a 3.5 disk.


Home Alone and Tom and Jerry was fuckin 1337 on that thing.

Then my uncle gave me windows 3.1 on like 10 3.5 disks I thought I was the fucking SHIT

ROFL! i remember those disks, my dad and me use to play games all the time, granted i was really little, i would sit on his lap and he would just play and i would watch lol. I remember him getting windows and being excited with the 10 disks. I also remember getting free software from my uncle cause he wa sa computer genius and worked for Microsoft. I also remember playing Home Alone rofl, good times.

Nyck 11-30-2005 12:53 AM

My uncle gave me Space Quest w/ Roger Wilco...OMFG I beat that game it was so fucking fun. then he gave me Leisure Suit Larry...LOL there i was a ripe 11-12 yr old playing LSL rock:

ps...I just fucking dated myself saying that I used to play games on 5 1/

Nyck 11-30-2005 12:55 AM

LOL that reminds me we had some lady bring in a 5 1/4 disk to work last year. she was like 900 yrs old asking if we could print something off it.

I almost fucking died. happy:

Milla 11-30-2005 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Nyck
My uncle gave me Space Quest w/ Roger Wilco...OMFG I beat that game it was so fucking fun. then he gave me Leisure Suit Larry...LOL there i was a ripe 11-12 yr old playing LSL rock:

ROFL! I remember that game, my parents wouldnt aprove of that, so at my cousins he had it and we would play it lol. I also remember getting DOOM, and it seemed like everyone my parents knew who hbad a comp had the game DOOM, so when we would go to their house they would sit me at the computer with DOOM and they would go in the other room and jus talk all night. rofl those were the good ole days

Nyck 11-30-2005 12:57 AM

LaX71285: wtf you say to her?
Nyck1118: i was like
Nyck1118: LOL OMG

Milla 11-30-2005 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Nyck
LaX71285: wtf you say to her?
Nyck1118: i was like
Nyck1118: LOL OMG


Man i remember going to my cousins on x-mas and playing Doom with him and his little bro for hours and hours trying to beat it.

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