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Chronic Diarrhea 12-09-2005 12:47 PM

I'm sick of this crap
So, I go to the post office today to mail some orders. Anyway, I see a poster on the wall advertising some special seasonal stamps. Among the stamps, I see stamps for:



EID (which I'm guessing is some sort of Islamic Holiday)

... and then I noticed these stamps....

which were called "HOLIDAY Cookies"

So, I get up to the window and I ask, "Where are the 'Christmas' stamps?" I was told "Oh, we can't have anything that references "Christmas" - but we do have "Holiday" stamps. So, I then say, "well, you have stamps for Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and EID." The lady says "I know, but I guess "Christmas" is different.

Now, I know that this is becoming kind of a hotbed issue lately. At area schools, they have a "giving tree" (not a "Christmas" tree), although they have a "Menorah", and a "Kwanzaa Tree" prominently displayed. But, this was the first time I personally have really been flat-out pissed off by it.

I don't like to express my religious beliefs on here because it's kind of a personal issue. However, I DO respect other peoples religious beliefs, and feel that EVERYONE should be allowed to express themselves. I have seen over the last 5-10 years the increasing attacks on Christianity - and everything it stands for. The holiday on December 25th, is called "Christmas". It is not "Holiday". It is not "Winter Day". It is called "Christmas". If you look on ANY Calendar that is the name of it. Yet, in the name of political correctness - we are not able to recognize the actual name of the holiday - out of fear of offending someone. I personally think that's a crock of bullshit.

So, next year, I am personally going to make a point to NOT do any business with any companies that sell "Hanaukkah, Kwanzaa" or any other "Religious Holiday" products - but do not sell "Christmas" products. Places like K-Mart, Target, and Sears are removing the word "Christmas" from their advertisements - but offer dozens of items for these other holidays. I listened on the radio recently about how Home Depot had decided not to carry "Christmas Trees", but "Holiday Trees" this year. I guess that so many customers and employee's complained - they changed their mind.

You don't have to be a Christian to understand the importance of Christmas - and to respect what it stands for. I hope that ALL Americans and people across the world can learn to stand up for the idea that first they take away the word "Christmas" - and next it may be Kwanzaa, or Hanaukkah, or even holidays like The Fourth of July, or Memorial Day. We ALL need to start standing up for the errosion of our cultures - and start letting our voices be heard. I say "Bring Back CHRISTMAS"!

I predict that in three years we'll be saying "Allahu Akbar!" instead of "Merry Christmas!"

I'm getting so sick of everything, I'm going to move to Montana in a few years, where only 12 people live, so I won't have to encounter any more bullshit like this.

evenflow 12-09-2005 12:54 PM

if you complain about the word christmas, you need to get a life.

Mr.Buttocks 12-09-2005 01:00 PM

There was a place down in England that banned Christmas and replaced it with "Winterval".



[quote="Chronic Diarrhea":3d26a]
I don't like to express my religious beliefs on here because it's kind of a personal issue. However, I DO respect other peoples religious beliefs, and feel that EVERYONE should be allowed to express themselves. I have seen over the last 5-10 years the increasing attacks on Christianity - and everything it stands for. The holiday on December 25th, is called "Christmas". It is not "Holiday". It is not "Winter Day". It is called "Christmas". If you look on ANY Calendar that is the name of it. Yet, in the name of political correctness - we are not able to recognize the actual name of the holiday - out of fear of offending someone. I personally think that's a crock of bullshit.[/quote:3d26a]

I agree with you on all of the above. Whenever you see someone on TV trying to justify this kind of thing, they tend to be white liberal bed-wetting fannyheads. Anyway, I seem to remember that there was a pagan holiday on the 25th of December, so I'm guessing the Christians hijacked it.

elstatec 12-09-2005 01:07 PM

im not a christian but i like christmas and jesus is a cool dude.

Sgt>Stackem 12-09-2005 01:07 PM

what I thought was funny is someone named Chronic Diarrhea is "sick of this shit"

c312 12-09-2005 01:17 PM

I couldn't agree more, political correctness is a huge problem in our country, generated by whiney faggots who exist because parents won't teach their kids to put up with stuff anymore.

Miscguy 12-09-2005 01:17 PM

Christmas no longer exsist, therefore there is nothing wrong with it being removed from advertising. Hell all "christmas" is, is advertising. It has little to no connection to the reason of its establishment any longer. Not to mention that more and more people are of "no faith" IE are not practicing a religion. If your not a christian then why the fuck are you celebrating a christian holiday, fuck i misewell start celebrating kwanzaa. I dont even know what the fuck that is. The reason you are seeing the removal of "christmas" is that it is no longer the holiday it once was, its mutated into a commercial sell-a-thon and therefore needed to be renamed.

And with this post i'll bring back, for the third year, my grinch sig.

c312 12-09-2005 01:21 PM

that's true, I didn't understand why people of no faith or other faiths get off for school for Christmas, like Christians don't get off for Rosh Hashannah...then I realized that Christmas was no longer "Christ"mas but "Buy-and-sell-and-be-materialistic"mas

Zoner 12-09-2005 01:31 PM

If someone comes over to my house and comments on how nice my "holiday tree" is, I'm gonna punch them in the throat.

tomxtr 12-09-2005 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner
If someone comes over to my house and comments on how nice my "holiday tree" is, I'm gonna punch them in the throat.

[quote="Sgt>Stackem":84625]what I thought was funny is someone named Chronic Diarrhea is "sick of this shit" [/quote:84625]


I agree, political correctness has gone too far.

JBird 12-09-2005 01:59 PM

I work with an Israeli, who got off 4 days shortly before thanksgiving for her religious holiday(s). then she got our thanksgiving break, now she will get christmas oh fuck i mean winter break off.

the double standard is absolute horseshit. they should have to work for my religious holiday. its wishful thinking, but when you do stop and think about it, that shit is really unfair cuss:

Akuma 12-09-2005 02:15 PM

It was Yule first.

Give it back to the pagans.

Zoner 12-09-2005 02:51 PM

I'll be the first one to wish a jewish person a Happy Hannukah (or Channukah or however it's spelled). If they won't wish me a Merry Christmas, they're a fucking asshole, in my book.

I'm all for religious freedom and celebration, but don't you dare eliminate Christian holidays and traditions. That's not the way it works.

Jin-Roh 12-09-2005 03:13 PM

Political correctness in America is a reason I'd like to live in Canada. How is it there, by the way? cool:

Akuma 12-09-2005 03:17 PM

There is a simple way to get rid of all this....

Nuke religion.

Make it National Take-off-of-work-and-school-to-be-with-family-and-friends-and-have-a-nice-dinner-and-open-presents-and-shit Day

Zoner 12-09-2005 03:25 PM

[quote="Jin-Roh":08633]Political correctness in America is a reason I'd like to live in Canada. How is it there, by the way? cool:[/quote:08633]
It's almost as bad up here.

Almost, but not quite...

JBird 12-09-2005 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by "Jin-Roh":a13a3
Political correctness in America is a reason I'd like to live in Canada. How is it there, by the way? cool:

It's almost as bad up here.

Almost, but not quite...[/quote:a13a3]

im sure Pyro will be more than happy to pick this one apart rolleyes:

CoMaToSe 12-09-2005 03:45 PM

Its Okay to bash christmas and christianity, but not to bash any other religions. Its such bullshit. I agree.

Nyck 12-09-2005 04:06 PM

sums it up perfectly

Sniper101 12-09-2005 04:17 PM

got this from my grandmother not too long ago

[quote:2bb35]Will we still be the Country of choice and still be America if we continue to make the changes forced on us by the people from other countries that came to live in America because it is the Country of Choice??????

Think about it!

All we have to say is, when will they do something about MY RIGHTS?

I celebrate Christmas...........but because it isn't celebrated by everyone..............we can no longer say Merry Christmas. Now it has to be Season's Greetings.

It's not Christmas vacation, it's Winter Break. Isn't it amazing how this winter break ALWAYS occurs over the Christmas holiday?

We've gone so far the other way, bent over backwards to not offend anyone, that I am now being offended. But it seems that no one has a problem with that.
This says it all!

This is an editorial written by an
American citizen, published in a
Tampa newspaper. He did quite a job; didn't he? Read on, please!

I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we
are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11,
we have experienced a surge
in patriotism by the majority
of Americans. However...... the dust from the attacks had
barely settled when the "politically correct! " crowd began complaining about
the possibility that our patriotism was offending others.

I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to ! America.
Our population is almost entirely made up of descendants of immigrants.
However, there
are a few things that those
who have recently come to
our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.
This idea of America being a
multicultural community
has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Americans......
we have our own culture, our
own society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture has been developed over centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.

We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language.
Therefore, if you wish to become part
of our society, learn the language!

"In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan.. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women.......on Christian principles.............
founded this nation..... and this is clearly documented.
It is certainly appropriate to display it
on the walls of our schools.
If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as
your new home.........because
God is part of our culture.

If Stars and Stripes offend you, or
you don't like Uncle Sam, then you
should seriously consider a move
to another part of this planet.
are happy with our culture and have
no desire to change, and we really
don't care how you did things where
you came from.
This is
our land, and our lifestyle.
Our First Amendment gives every citizen the
right to express his opinion and we
will allow you every opportunity to do so!
But once you are done complaining....... whining...... and griping....... about our flag.......
our pledge...... our national motto........or our
way of life....I highly encourage you to
take advantage of one other Great American Freedom.......


It is Time for America to Speak up
If you agree -- pass this along;
if you don't agree -- delete it!


Colonel 12-09-2005 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck

That iz teh funneh! +1

SoLiDUS 12-09-2005 04:59 PM


Akuma 12-09-2005 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS

MadMan 12-10-2005 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Sniper101
got this from my grandmother not too long ago

[quote:68ea1]Will we still be the Country of choice and still be America if we continue to make the changes forced on us by the people from other countries that came to live in America because it is the Country of Choice??????

Think about it!

All we have to say is, when will they do something about MY RIGHTS?

I celebrate Christmas...........but because it isn't celebrated by everyone..............we can no longer say Merry Christmas. Now it has to be Season's Greetings.

It's not Christmas vacation, it's Winter Break. Isn't it amazing how this winter break ALWAYS occurs over the Christmas holiday?

We've gone so far the other way, bent over backwards to not offend anyone, that I am now being offended. But it seems that no one has a problem with that.
This says it all!

This is an editorial written by an
American citizen, published in a
Tampa newspaper. He did quite a job; didn't he? Read on, please!

I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we
are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11,
we have experienced a surge
in patriotism by the majority
of Americans. However...... the dust from the attacks had
barely settled when the "politically correct! " crowd began complaining about
the possibility that our patriotism was offending others.

I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to ! America.
Our population is almost entirely made up of descendants of immigrants.
However, there
are a few things that those
who have recently come to
our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.
This idea of America being a
multicultural community
has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Americans......
we have our own culture, our
own society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture has been developed over centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.

We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language.
Therefore, if you wish to become part
of our society, learn the language!

"In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan.. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women.......on Christian principles.............
founded this nation..... and this is clearly documented.
It is certainly appropriate to display it
on the walls of our schools.
If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as
your new home.........because
God is part of our culture.

If Stars and Stripes offend you, or
you don't like Uncle Sam, then you
should seriously consider a move
to another part of this planet.
are happy with our culture and have
no desire to change, and we really
don't care how you did things where
you came from.
This is
our land, and our lifestyle.
Our First Amendment gives every citizen the
right to express his opinion and we
will allow you every opportunity to do so!
But once you are done complaining....... whining...... and griping....... about our flag.......
our pledge...... our national motto........or our
way of life....I highly encourage you to
take advantage of one other Great American Freedom.......


It is Time for America to Speak up
If you agree -- pass this along;
if you don't agree -- delete it!




Akuma 12-10-2005 06:23 PM


Nyck 12-10-2005 06:30 PM

Oh hey...btw you forgot this stamp



Akuma 12-10-2005 06:32 PM

haha pwned

Arkan 12-10-2005 06:35 PM

Want shit fixed in America? Then vote "Arkan in '08"

I'll make it all good

Pyro 12-10-2005 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by evenflow
if you complain about the word christmas, you need to get a life.

CoMaToSe 12-10-2005 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Arkan
Want shit fixed in America? Then vote "Arkan in '08"

I'll make it all good

Arkan or Walken. Dammit, tough decision... annoy:

Pyro 12-10-2005 06:45 PM

Political correctness exists here too...less of it on MTV you'd get in shit for swearing...on muchmusic they just basically say...ya it's live.,..and then they swear again.

Nyck 12-10-2005 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
Political correctness exists here too...less of it on MTV you'd get in shit for swearing...on muchmusic they just basically say...ya it's live.,..and then they swear again.

and let smelly ass brampton bums crash the set.

Stammer 12-10-2005 07:08 PM

The poor poor oppressed Christian majority.

MadMan 12-10-2005 08:37 PM,10117,17 ... 48,00.html


Himmler 12-10-2005 08:38 PM

that is just dumb

Eight Ace 12-10-2005 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Stammer
The poor poor oppressed Christian majority.

I hear ya... cry: Australia if a muslim spits in your face, you are required
by law to apologise for their sacred spit having to touch the face of an infidel.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 12-10-2005 09:47 PM

[quote="Mr.Buttocks":b0e10] Anyway, I seem to remember that there was a pagan holiday on the 25th of December, so I'm guessing the Christians hijacked it.[/quote:b0e10]

Mithranism was the religion. December 25th was the birth of Mithra... i know this because i did a test on it.

Short Hand 12-10-2005 09:52 PM

Who cares...... it is all meaningless anyways...

Coleman 12-10-2005 09:54 PM

[quote="Short Hand":ccd41]Who cares...... it is all meaningless anyways...[/quote:ccd41]maybe to you.

Akuma 12-10-2005 09:54 PM

[quote="[DAS REICH] Blitz":bc52d][quote="Mr.Buttocks":bc52d] Anyway, I seem to remember that there was a pagan holiday on the 25th of December, so I'm guessing the Christians hijacked it.[/quote:bc52d]

Mithranism was the religion. December 25th was the birth of Mithra... i know this because i did a test on it.[/quote:bc52d]
It's a holiday for every pagan religion. For the roman's it was Saturnalia, which is what Christmas officially bastardized. Most pagan religions have a winter solstice celebration around dec 20th.

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