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Tripper 12-26-2005 04:37 AM

F**king PRICK
...About a half hour ago I was driving home from g/fs minding my own business, and this prick in an SUV doing about 85km's in a 50km/h zone illegally overtakes me in the middle of the road, which not only gave me the shock of my life but caused me to swerve pretty dangerously - So I fired off a beep of the horn in a purely reactionary decision.
I head towards the lights at a main intersection, and I pull up behind this sucker and he's turning left, same as me. So I flick my indicator on and follow behind him - Then just as we both have made the turn, at about 60km/h this fuckin prick slams on his brakes in the middle of the street for no reason, so I do to, but I don't make it in time and my car slides into the back of this fuck destroying my front right light and fucking up the bonnet badly. Now apparently that makes it my fault. Whatever.
...But just as soon as this guy had stopped and let me slam into him, he picks off at top speed down the street, so I decide to follow behind him, because I want to exchange details etc. He sees I'm following and speeds up even more in attempt to evade me - So by now he's doing about 100km/h - I decide I wanna fucking stick it to this prick so In a fit of rage I speed up and chase him - holding my hand on the horn whilst high-beaming him.

He speeds up even more and now he's doing about 120km/h on this empty main road trying to get away from me. Obviously this is a pretty sure sign that the fucker delibrately braked so I would slam into him, otherwise he would have stopped because I was technically in the wrong (despite the fact that he was stopping for no reason, other than so that I would hit him or just to cause me strife.)

I'm fuming, I got his registration number and have already reported his driving using this online "bad driving" inquiry form on the NZ police website. I'm considering making a proper complaint to the police - But I kinda can't be fucked as I'm leaving at 9am tomorow for my annual new years holiday morning and it's already late at night,

I hate when I get fucked over like this. Prick gets away scot-free.

Coleman 12-26-2005 04:51 AM

cry: cry: cuss: cuss:

Himmler 12-26-2005 06:03 AM

sux4u annoy:

Michael 12-26-2005 06:45 AM

at least you didn't get hurt tripper. this is like, the 3rd automobile thread recently. amazing oOo:

Miscguy 12-26-2005 07:25 AM

Your dumb. You should have presued long enough to get his details then reported him as a hit and run. A felony, even if it was your fault he still must exchange details.

Johnj 12-26-2005 08:10 AM

I was going to make a smart-assed post about a bonnet being a [url=]hat[/url:d5790] but I can see that Tripper is quite upset about this driving incident. I always point and laugh at the assholes I see on the road.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 12-26-2005 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Johnj
I was going to make a smart-assed post about a bonnet being a [url=]hat[/url:52ff2]


Nyck 12-26-2005 08:51 AM

wtf is a bonnett? a hood?

[DAS REICH] Blitz 12-26-2005 08:52 AM

click on the bolded hat in johnj's post

Nyck 12-26-2005 08:57 AM

[quote="[DAS REICH] Blitz":d50c7]click on the bolded hat in johnj's post[/quote:d50c7]

I know what that is...I meant in tripes use

Colonel 12-26-2005 09:17 AM

Sorry to hear about that Tripper. Too bad the guy didn't lose control and wrap himself around a tree. glad to hear you got his tag number. I likr the idea about reporting him to the police for the hit and run. The police might rule in your favor, given the circumstances, and SUV guy might have to pay for your repairs.

Glad to hear that we didn't get hurt. Cars can be fixed,

Crown 12-26-2005 10:28 AM

I would expect trip to catch the mother and rip out his eyes using nothing but his penis and wits. But I guess that's good too.

Johnj 12-26-2005 10:29 AM

In the Commonwealth it's common to call the hood a bonnet, and the trunk is a boot. biggrin:

Whatada 12-26-2005 10:41 AM

Fuck.. At least you don't drive in Ithaca. Big college towns suck ass for motorists. Not to mention the year-round construction and use of hundreds of thousands of dollars on one fucking street that could've been fixed in a month if management knew their asses from their elbows.. oOo: spank:

Find him, and throw down in a game of "spill the beans". The ultimate turmoil of wits.

Poseidon 12-26-2005 11:32 AM

Unlucky mate. I'd definately report him as a hit and run. Just to get him to pay for your repairs.

Madmartagen 12-26-2005 12:23 PM

report to the police and try to get him to pay for the repairs.

Judas 12-26-2005 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by "[DAS REICH
Blitz":900e7]click on the bolded hat in johnj's post

I know what that is...I meant in tripes use[/quote:900e7]

Nyck 12-26-2005 01:16 PM

[quote=Judas][quote=Nyck][quote="[DAS REICH] Blitz":adc89]click on the bolded hat in johnj's post[/quote]

I know what that is...I meant in tripes use[/quote][/quote:adc89]


Milla 12-26-2005 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Poseidon
Unlucky mate. I'd definately report him as a hit and run. Just to get him to pay for your repairs.

Agreeded, definatly make a formal complaint. Even though you hit him, you still might win, if you think about it even though you hit him it was dark, no one was out, and he tried to run away. I have seen cops put the blame on people slamming on brakes and trying to blame the people behind them. So in all honesty they might see it as his fault.

Mr.Buttocks 12-26-2005 02:34 PM

Walk from now on.

Proteus 12-26-2005 05:18 PM

If you had let him just cut you off and taken it like a woman this wouldn't have happened. Sounds gay but that's how it is.

SoLiDUS 12-26-2005 06:39 PM

Vehicle reparati0wn3d.

Arkan 12-26-2005 06:56 PM

Well, a few things from a guy who can lose his temper from time to time with asshats such as this.
Years ago i would kill someone for playing games with me on the road. Now a days, i TRY to fight my feelings and get out of their way and let them go by. My philosophy is this. I have no idea why they are driving erratically. Perhaps his house is on fire and his kids are trapped inside...i dunno. Another reason is what happens if we both pull over? There will definately be a fight and i may hurt the guy or perhaps get hurt myself and for what?...because he cut me off? I file that under (not worth it).

So, my advice to Trip for this incident is:
1. Call the police and be prepared to deal with the consequences and
2. Chalk this up as a learning experience

Nyck 12-26-2005 07:00 PM

^ what he said

If some dick/bitch is driving like a fuckin nut/ cut me off, I just get out of the way and yell


and then continue on the way

Miscguy 12-26-2005 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck
^ what he said

If some dick/bitch is driving like a fuckin nut/ cut me off, I just get out of the way and yell


and then continue on the way

I do the same thing... with a .45.

Judas 12-26-2005 07:30 PM

i love fuking with roadrage dickholes ... i usually wave at them, or laugh, or a combination of both. good times.

Nyck 12-26-2005 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Miscguy

Originally Posted by Nyck
^ what he said

If some dick/bitch is driving like a fuckin nut/ cut me off, I just get out of the way and yell


and then continue on the way

I do the same thing... with a .45.

you are so Kool ya know because getting cut off is worth shooting someone over. rolleyes:

Miscguy 12-26-2005 07:35 PM

Id shoot anyone for just standing still. My hate is that intense.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 12-26-2005 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Miscguy
Id shoot anyone for just standing still. My hate is that intense.


CoMaToSe 12-27-2005 04:48 AM

people suck, tripp annoy:

Poseidon 12-27-2005 04:58 AM

I swear sometimes, guys who just cut me off - on roundabouts or whatever. I'm seriously going to just slam into them one time.

Compensation for me!!!! I'll be fucking loaded! happy:

JBird 12-27-2005 11:34 AM

there are few things more infuriating...

a taxi smashed into me coming behind me right in front of my apartment about 3 weeks ago. he tore off my front bumper, and the total repair cost was 1600. i only had to pay my 500 dollar insurance deductable though. still, with the dozen phone calls, insurance quotes, various forms to fill out....what a giant pain in the ass.

i too, used to be mr. road rage. before i got my civic (which is perfect for city driving), i had a 94 thunderbird SC with the supercharged 3.8. i used to race any fucker who even passed me fast, didnt even have to be driving erratically. annoy: rofl, i once chased a guy, caught him in an empty parking lot...and then did doughnuts around his car, then sped away. it is painful to admit shit like that, but that was when i was 19 yr old douche.

now that i am 25, i too, feel much like Arkan does. also, when you finally do encounter the crazy fuck who stops his car in the middle of the street, and then walks toward you to confront will change your mind.

i would file the complaint, along with that online thing you did

Pyro 12-27-2005 11:57 AM

yeah, ive had to deal with a couple of dicks...the worse was when i was backing out of a parking space and had to wait for a car to pass so i was like 1/4 out and some bitch runs in her car in the parking lot across from me so i back up and getr eady to put the car into drive and she fucking backs up right into my truck....and she called her brother who was inside to come bitch at me how it was my fault...i wanted to kill the least it was private property so we pay our own damages and being the SUV we had scratche sont he bumper...but they had like the taillight out, the fender fucked...lolt hat part was funny.

Good luck with the reporting tripper.

Hawke 12-27-2005 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by JBird
rofl, i once chased a guy, caught him in an empty parking lot...and then did doughnuts around his car, then sped away. it is painful to admit shit like that, but that was when i was 19 yr old douche.

LMAO stupid:

Arkan 12-27-2005 04:59 PM

Oh, i remember this one time where i was in a hurry and i sped into a bank parking lot in the wrong entrance cutting some guy off. He got pissed and turned his car around and got out. I guess he realized he made a mistake when i walked up to him and asked if he wanted to tell me something. Guy just stood there and i said "Hey, so i cut you off, no biggie. You wanna get punched out or would you rather forget the whole thing and go our seperate way. Your choice" Guy just got back in his car and i waved and told him to have a nice day. See, i told you i can be nice.

Nyck 12-27-2005 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Arkan
Oh, i remember this one time where i was in a hurry and i sped into a bank parking lot in the wrong entrance cutting some guy off. He got pissed and turned his car around and got out. I guess he realized he made a mistake when i walked up to him and asked if he wanted to tell me something. Guy just stood there and i said "Hey, so i cut you off, no biggie. You wanna get punched out or would you rather forget the whole thing and go our seperate way. Your choice" Guy just got back in his car and i waved and told him to have a nice day. See, i told you i can be nice.

did you then proceed to blast his wifes shitter? biggrin:

Arkan 12-27-2005 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck

Originally Posted by Arkan
Oh, i remember this one time where i was in a hurry and i sped into a bank parking lot in the wrong entrance cutting some guy off. He got pissed and turned his car around and got out. I guess he realized he made a mistake when i walked up to him and asked if he wanted to tell me something. Guy just stood there and i said "Hey, so i cut you off, no biggie. You wanna get punched out or would you rather forget the whole thing and go our seperate way. Your choice" Guy just got back in his car and i waved and told him to have a nice day. See, i told you i can be nice.

did you then proceed to blast his wifes shitter?

Oh man, i can't stop laughing. You know, his wife was actually with him and never got out of the car. Perhaps that played a role in my actions. I really didn't want to bust the guy up for no reason. I cut him off but i didn't put him or his car in any danger....i knew where he was when i did it and knew i had enough time to back an 18 wheeler in there. He just got startled then got mad. Actually i was laughing because i knew i was the assclown that time but on the same token, i wasn't about to deal with his "i'll tell him dear" routine. He could've flipped me the finger and went his merry way, i would've been ok with that. Just don't spin around and hop out of your car like you're some type of badass, only to embarrass yourself by way of getting a ass whoopin' or worse yet, not doing a thing. Don't waste my time.

Himmler 12-27-2005 08:39 PM

arkan you are 100% badass

Unknown_Sniper 12-27-2005 10:31 PM

Just like chuck Norris and Mr T facts, there should be facts about Arkan.

Coleman 12-27-2005 10:31 PM

[quote="Unknown_Sniper":6962b]Just like chuck Norris and Mr T facts, there should be facts about Arkan.[/quote:6962b] happy:

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