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Forte 01-14-2006 07:35 PM

What happened on your birthday?

discovery of penicillin was announced.
The USSR and Israel resume diplomatic relations

Deborah Kerr, English born film actress

Doctor Duffy 01-14-2006 07:41 PM

February 8th in History
1725: Catherine the Great becomes the Empress of Russia
1924: Gas chamber used for the first time in an American state prison
1926: Walt Disney Studios is formed
1942: Congress advises FDR that Americans of Japanese descent should be locked up en masse so they wouldn't oppose the US war effort
1969: Last edition of Saturday Evening Post, which used to carry Norman Rockwell covers.
1969: First test flight of the Boeing 747 Jumbo jet
1973: Senate names seven members to investigate Watergate scandal
1974: The US spacestation, Skylab, crashes back to Earth, breaking up in the atmosphere

February 8th birthdays
1819: John Ruskin, English writer and artist
1820: William Sherman, US general whom the 'Sherman Tank' was named after
1828: Jules Verne, French author
1920: Lana Turner, American film actress
1925: Jack Lemmon, Veteran American film actor
1931: James Dean, American film actor ('Rebel Without A Cause')
1932: John Williams, US film score writer

Check that out, James Dean was born as the same day as I was.

c312 01-14-2006 07:45 PM


1946: Liza Minnelli, American actress

Coleman 01-14-2006 07:52 PM

This Day in History > February 27th
February 27th in History
1879: Two American chemists announce the discovery of saccharin
1933: German parliament building (Reichstag) destroyed by fire
1948: The Communist Party takes control in Czechoslovakia
1991: An allied ceasefire in the Gulf War begins, Iraqi forces withdraw from Kuwait.

February 27th birthdays
1807: Henry Longfellow, American poet
1902: John Steinbeck, American writer
1930: Joanne Woodward, British actress
1932: Elizabeth Taylor, American actress

geRV 01-14-2006 07:55 PM

December 21st in History
This Day in History > December 21st
December 21st in History
1620: The Mayflower lands at Plymouth, Massachusetts
1958: Charles de Gaulle elected President of France
1986: Over 50,000 students demonstrate in Shanghai's Peoples Square, for democracy and freedom in China
1988: After a record 365 days in space, two Russian and one French cosmonaut return to Earth

December 21st birthdays
1401: Masaccio, 'Florentine' painter
1804: Benjamin Disraeli, British politician
1879: Joseph Stalin, Russian revolutionary leader ed:
1937: Jane Fonda, American actress

Doctor Duffy 01-14-2006 07:55 PM

Elizabeth Taylor rings a bell....

Then again, I think Im thinking Hurley.

TonyMontana 01-14-2006 08:01 PM

September 13th in History
1759: British defeat French forces at the Battle of Quebec, Canada happy:
1788: New York becomes the capital of the United States (later replaced by Washington)
1942: German forces begin attack on Stalingrad
1993: Israel and the PLO sign historic peace agreement at the White House, USA

September 13th birthdays
1905: Claudette Colbert, French actress
1944: Jacqueline Bisset, English actress

anti 01-14-2006 08:13 PM

1986: A god was born.

Vance 01-14-2006 08:43 PM

September 2nd in History
1666: A fire in a bakery in Pudding Lane, spread to engulf 13,000 buildings; 'The Great Fire of London'
1945: On board the aircraft carrier 'Missouri', in Tokyo Bay, General Douglas MacArthur accepts the Japanese surrender

September 2nd birthdays
1925: Russ Conway, Popular pianist of the 50's
1952: Jimmy Connors, American tennis player


Tystnad 01-14-2006 08:56 PM

August 15th in History
1543: Jesuit order founded in Paris
1901: The Cadillac motor company founded in Detroit
1944: Allied forces land in the south of France, Marseilles recaptured.
1947: India gains independence from Britain
1948: Korea proclaims itself a republic
1965: US National Guard called out to deal with race riots in Los Angeles
1969: Woodstock music festival

August 15th birthdays
1769: Napoleon Bonaparte, French emperor
1771: Sir Walter Scott, Scottish novelist
1888: T.E Lawrence, 'Lawrence of Arabia'; soldier and author

TodzumPapst 01-14-2006 09:00 PM

November 23rd in History
1642: The Dutch navigator, Abel Tasman, discovers Van Dieman's Land (later to be re-named Tasmania)

November 23rd birthdays
1859: Billy The Kid, Born William Bonny; legendary US outlaw
1887: Boris Karloff, English actor

Miscguy 01-14-2006 09:07 PM

I win.

February 9th in History
This Day in History > February 9th
February 9th in History
1923: Soviet Aeroflot airlines established
1950: Senator Joseph McCarthy says the US State Department is infested with communists
1970: World's first nerve transplant, in Germany
1971: First British soldier killed in Northern Ireland
1989: Neo-Nazi groups outlawed in West Germany
1992: Fighting between government and guerrilla forces in Rwanda
1994: Israeli minister Shimon Perez signs accord with PLO's Yasser Arafat.

February 9th birthdays
1700: Daniel Bernoulli, Swiss mathematician
1909: Carmen Miranda, Brazilian actress.
1943: Joe Pesci, American actor.
1945: Mia Farrow, American film actress

I got TWO great american actors. I mean fucking Joe pesci!

Doctor Duffy 01-14-2006 09:11 PM

I got James Dean, suckaaaaaa.

I saw Rebel Without a Cause a year ago... and thats about it. freak:

snipes 01-14-2006 09:40 PM

January 19th in History
1793: King Louis XVI sentenced to death by the French Convention
1915: German zeppelins bomb London for the first time in World War I
1942: Japanese forces invade Burma during World War 2
1991: Iraqui Presidential Palace attacked as the Gulf War begins
1992: A new Bulgarian President is elected in the countries first free elections
1993: Israel recognizes PLO

January 19th birthdays
1736: James Watts, Scottish 'steam' inventor
1737: Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, French author
1807: Robert E. Lee, American Civil War general
1809: Edgar Allen Poe, American author and poet
1839: Paul Cézanne, French painter
1943: Janis Joplin, American rock singer
1946: Dolly Parton, US country singer and film actress

E. Lee cool:

Cpt. Obvious 01-14-2006 09:42 PM

August 17th in History

This Day in History > August 17th

August 17th in History
1896: Gold discovered in the Yukon Territory, Canada
1943: Allied forces take control of the island of Sicily

August 17th birthdays
1786: Davy Crockett, US frontiersman killed at the Alamo
1892: Mae West, American actress
1943: Robert De Niro, American actor

BlackJackal 01-14-2006 09:56 PM

April 27th in History
1773: British Parliament passes the Tea Act. It doesn't fly well in Boston
1937: First US social security payment made The AARP should celebrate
1937: The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco USA opens
1941: Athens, Greece, captured by the German army
1960: France grants Togo independence, kicking off the end of the colonial age
1961: Sierra Leone, in Africa, becomes an independent republic
1989: Beijing students take over Tiananmen Square in China

April 27th birthdays
1759: Mary Godwin/Shelley, Author of the novel 'Frankenstein'
1791: Samuel Morse, Inventor of Morse Code
1822: Ulysses S.Grant, Former (18th) American President
1896: Louis Victor de Broglie, French physicist and philosopher
1932: Anouk Aimee, French actress

Tripper 01-14-2006 10:38 PM

Re: What happened on your birthday?

Originally Posted by Forte
Discovery of penicillin was announced.
The USSR and Israel resume diplomatic relations

Deborah Kerr, English born film actress

Jotun 01-14-2006 10:59 PM

September 14th in History
1812: Napoleon enters Moscow, during his invasion of Russia
1886: Typewriter ribbons patented in the United States
1992: UN troops land in Somalia, Africa, to stabalise the country and provide aid

September 14th birthdays
1769: Baron von Humboldt, German naturalist
1909: Peter Scott, British naturalist and artist

Unknown_Sniper 01-14-2006 11:10 PM

March 22nd in History
1945: Arab League formed by seven Middle East countries
1946: Jordan gains independence from British rule

March 22nd birthdays
1599: Sir Anthony Van Dyck, Flemish artist
1910: Nicholas Monsarrat, English author
1923: Marcel Marceau, French Mime artist
1930: Stephen Sondheim, American songwriter
1948: Andrew Lloyd Webber, Composer of 'Phantom of the Opera' and 'Cats'

Machette 01-15-2006 12:33 AM

June 1st in History
This Day in History > June 1st
June 1st in History
1952: East Germany closes its links with West
1958: General De Gaulle named the premier of France
1973: Greece becomes a republic, scrapping its monarchy

June 1st birthdays
1926: Andy Griffith, American film and television actor
1926: Marilyn Monroe, American film actress
1937: Morgan Freeman, American film actor ('Driving Miss Daisy'

dr nein 01-15-2006 01:02 AM

1485: Coronation of British king Henry VII
1922: Benito Mussolini becomes Prime Minister and Dictator of Italy
1952: US detonate first hydrogen bomb at Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific


Airborne Butters 01-15-2006 01:44 AM

January 3rd in History
1521: Martin Luther excommunicated by Roman Catholic Church
1918: US employment service opens as a unit of Department of Labor
1924: The sarcophagus of Tutankhamen is discovered by Howard Carter
1959: Alaska becomes the 49th United State, bought from Russia
1961: US breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba
1993: The Russian and American leaders sign the second START agreement in Moscow

January 3rd birthdays
1892: J.R Tolkien, English author
1909: Victor Borge, Danish comedian and musician
1956: Mel Gibson, Australian actor

That's right bitches...the Road Warrior! HOLLAH!

Tripper 01-15-2006 03:21 AM


duncey 01-15-2006 04:24 AM

May 21st in History
This Day in History > May 21st

May 21st in History
1851: Gold discovered in Australia
1927: Charles Lindbergh becomes the first to fly solo across the Atlantic

May 21st birthdays1527: King Philip II of Spain
1904: Fats Waller, American musician
1916: Harold Robbins, American novelist
1917: Raymond Burr, American actor

Gonzo 01-15-2006 11:13 AM

December 27th in History
1831: HMS Beagle, with Charles Darwin on board, sets sail on its world voyage
1927: Leon Trotsky expelled from the Communist Party
1945: International Monetary Fund established
1979: Russia invades Afghanistan
1989: Egypt resumes full diplomatic relations with Syria, after a ten year break

December 27th birthdays
1571: Johannes Kepler, German astronomer who stated that planets circle the Sun
1879: Sydney Greenstreet, American actor
1901: Marlene Dietrich, German actress

[DAS REICH] Blitz 01-15-2006 11:18 AM

lithuania delcares independence from USSR

followed by 2 worthless news stories and 2 randoms birthdays oOo: cry:

Judas 01-15-2006 11:23 AM

August 9th in History
1945: Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki
1965: Singapore independence
1974: Gerald Ford becomes the 39th president of the United States

August 9th birthdays
1922: Philip Larkin, English poet

mia farrow is hot.

Jakke 01-15-2006 11:26 AM

April 20th in History
This Day in History > April 20th

April 20th in History
1441: During the Council of Florence, Pope Eugenius IV issues the bull "Etsi non dubitemus," which asserts the superiority of the pope over the Councils
1775: British begin siege of Boston As a result, New York adopts new constitution as an independent state
1782: Netherlands recognizes US
1902: Marie Curie isolate radioactive element radium
1929: The first Italian parliament made up completely from Mussolinis Fascists opens
1945: Soviet troops enter Berlin
1961: Revolt in the South African country of Angola

April 20th birthdays
121: Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor
1745: Philippe Pinel, First psychiatrist
1889: Adolf Hitler, Dictator of Germany
1893: Harold Lloyd, American silent film star
1893: Joan Miro, Spanish artist
1941: Ryan O'Neal, American actor
1949: Jessica Lange American actress

holy fuck Adolf Hitler oOo:

Sgt. Paine 01-15-2006 11:28 AM

August 7th in History
1858: Ottawa chosen as the capital of Canada by British Queen Victoria
1942: American marines begin assault on Guadalcanal
1960: The Ivory Coast gains independence from France


[DAS REICH] Blitz 01-15-2006 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Judas
August 9th in History
1945: Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki

"what the fuck is that"- nagasaki citizen, 1945

Judas 01-15-2006 12:39 PM

yah i knew that already... pretty significant event to have happened on my birthday i think.

1080jibber 01-15-2006 12:45 PM

January 9th in History
1718: France declares war on Spain
1788: Connecticut becomes an American state
1942: US Joint Chiefs of Staff created
1969: The supersonic airliner, Concorde, makes its first test flight

January 9th birthdays
1908: Simone de Beauvoir, French novelist
1913: Richard Nixon, Former (37th) US President
1941: Joan Baez, American peace activist

Unknown_Sniper 01-15-2006 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Jakke
April 20th in History
This Day in History > April 20th

April 20th in History

April 20th birthdays

holy fuck Adolf Hitler oOo:

now I understand you.

*eidt* I was wrong about that.

Jakke 01-15-2006 03:57 PM

stfu, i am DER FURHER!!!!!!

01-15-2006 04:03 PM

This Day in History > May 30th
May 30th in History
1536: King Henry VIII marries Jane Seymour
1842: Assassination attempt made on Queen Victoria
1934: Nazis open trials of alleged communists

May 30th birthdays
1672: Peter the Great, Tsar of Russia
1846: Peter Faberge, Russian jeweller
1896: Howard Hawks, American film director
1908: Mel Blanc, Provided many cartoon voices for Warner Brothers
1909: Benny Goodman, American bandleader

Nyck 01-15-2006 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Jakke
April 20th in History
This Day in History > April 20th

April 20th in History

April 20th birthdays

holy fuck Adolf Hitler oOo:

now I understand you.

*eidt* I was wrong about that.[/quote:4b62f]

Whats more disturbing is that this pot head was born on 4-20.....

Unknown_Sniper 01-15-2006 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by "Unknown_Sniper":c9896

Originally Posted by Jakke
April 20th in History
This Day in History > April 20th

April 20th in History

April 20th birthdays

holy fuck Adolf Hitler oOo:

now I understand you.

*eidt* I was wrong about that.

Whats more disturbing is that this pot head was born on 4-20.....[/quote:c9896]

oOo: thats why I made that post. He used to be a big pot head, was born on 4/20.....
The edit part was about something else, that Iwas wrong about, so deleted.

Coleman 01-15-2006 04:08 PM


Stammer 01-15-2006 04:10 PM

April 28th in History
1788: Maryland becomes the 7th state to ratify the constitution
1789: Mutiny on the Bounty
1855: First veterinary college in US incorporated in Boston
1945: Italian dictator Benito Mussolini shot by Italian partisans
1952: The United States end their occupation of Japan.
1969: General de Gaulle resigns as President of France
2001: Dennis Tito, a millionaire, becomes the first space tourist.

April 28th birthdays
1442: Edward IV, english king
1758: James Monroe, American president
1878: Lionel Barrymore, American actor
1906: Kurt G�del, czech mathematician
1926: Harper Lee, American author
1941: Ann Margret, Swedish actress
1945: Bernito Mussolini, Italian fascist leader
1991: Ken Curtis, American actor

Himmler 01-15-2006 04:40 PM

November 10th in History

This Day in History > November 10th

November 10th in History
1775: United States Marine Corps founded
1871: Henry Stanley, sent to locate the missing missionary David Livingstone, finally found him
1928: Hirohito crowned Emperor of Japan, aged 27
1989: East German border guards begin to dismantle parts of the 'Berlin Wall'

November 10th birthdays
1483: Martin Luther, German religious reformer
1925: Richard Burton, Welsh actor

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