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elstatec 01-15-2006 09:28 AM

Iran "does not need nuclear arms"


Iran 'does not need nuclear arms'

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that his country does not need nuclear weapons.

At a rare news conference in Tehran, Mr Ahmadinejad said they were needed only by people who "want to solve everything through the use of force".

The president defended Tehran's recent move to restart nuclear research, which has sparked international condemnation.

Iran says it has a right to peaceful nuclear technology and denies that it is covertly seeking to develop weapons.

The US, UK, France and Germany are threatening to refer Iran to the United Nations Security Council, which could impose sanctions.

But the president said a referral would not end its nuclear plans. "If they want to destroy the Iranian nation's rights by that course, they will not succeed," he said.

Tehran has said it will stop snap UN inspections of nuclear sites if its case is sent to the Council.

The crisis intensified this week when Iran removed seals at three nuclear facilities, ending a two-year freeze.

'Arrogant rulers'

Mr Ahmadinejad told reporters Tehran pursued an active foreign policy which sought peace, based on justice.

He criticised the "double standards" of Western countries which already had nuclear weapons, and attacked "arrogant rulers" for causing suffering.

"Leaders who believe they can create peace for themselves by creating war for others are mistaken," he said.

A few had a "medieval mindset" and sought to deprive Iran of valuable technology, without evidence of wrongdoing, he added.

Mr Ahmadinejad sparked international outrage with his hardline stance towards Israel, following his election last June.

He repeated both his attacks and calls for a referendum for Palestinians to choose their future political fate.

"(Israelis) have no roots in Palestine and almost all are immigrants," he said.

"Let the nation of Palestine decide among themselves."

Diplomatic divisions

Western countries are now seeking to persuade other members of UN nuclear watchdog the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to agree to refer Iran to the Council.

European, Russian, Chinese and US officials are due to meet in London on Monday, when they are expected to set a date for the crucial IAEA meeting.

On Friday, US President George W Bush and German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed that the crisis should be resolved through peaceful means.

Washington, Israel and many European powers distrust Iran, partly because it had kept its nuclear research secret for 18 years before it was revealed in 2002.

Since last August, Iran has resumed all nuclear activity apart from enrichment, which can produce fuel for power stations or, under certain conditions, for bombs.

Tehran has always said it has the right under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty - which it has signed - to research nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.


I really think Iran should be left alone on this, I agree with what this dude is saying, the double standards of the US and others saying they cannot have nuclear weapons nor nuclear research when those very same countries have hundreds and have used the very weapons, when Irans leader said they do not want those weapons but just should have the right to nuclear research.

Fair enough about the comments on Israel, that was way out of line for a President to say, but still it remains that they should be allowed to have this technology. But they keep getting crapped on by numberous insecure world leaders, and wouldnt be surprised if another mess like Iraq happens here in the future some time.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 01-15-2006 09:37 AM

I agree with him, but I think he needs a shave as well eek:

ninty 01-15-2006 12:04 PM

Let Iran have all the nukes they want. The US spent trillions on a nuclear deterrent, and it still works. Why would Iran turn around and nuke Israel or anyone else when they would be turned into a parking lot 3 seconds later by the US?

Coleman 01-15-2006 01:21 PM

send in James Bond

Stammer 01-15-2006 02:00 PM

Nukes are for pussies.

Machette 01-15-2006 03:20 PM

Like gwynne dyer said in his article in the toronto star today, Iran would never dream of nuking Israel because they have hundreds maybe even thousands of nukes that could strike every major city in the middle east, donated by the americans of course. His wipe Israel of the map comment is just a wish...Ayatollah Khomeini said something similar to his comment while he was leader of Iran, did it ever happen? No.

c312 01-15-2006 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Machette
Like gwynne dyer said in his article in the toronto star today, Iran would never dream of nuking Israel because they have hundreds maybe even thousands of nukes that could strike every major city in the middle east, donated by the americans of course. His wipe Israel of the map comment is just a wish...Ayatollah Khomeini said something similar to his comment while he was leader of Iran, did it ever happen? No.

Yeah, lord knows that muslims would never attack people who have much more firepower.... oOo:

Machette 01-15-2006 04:35 PM

Look at the history of nuclear detterence. Did a nuclear war ever occur between Soviet Russia and the U.S, no. Now ask yourself why, because if they started a nuclear war we'd all be dead. It's the exact same situation with Iran going up against Israel. Plus Israel has way more nukes than any other middle eastern country. It may take Iran years to build a bomb and if they do it's for a national identity image. "Yeah we have a bomb don't screw with us" which was the image Soviet Russia and America carried in the Cold War. Look up Mutually Assured Destruction, Nuclear Detterence and look at the key missile conflicts in those years...Then apply it to this situation. Even if they are muslims, give them the benefit of the doubt and don't yell and scream they want a bomb when Israel has more than any other middle east nation..that is more important than anything in this whole debate, the side you are arguing for has more firepower than eveyone else.

Pyro 01-15-2006 05:07 PM I just need Israel to think the same.

c312 01-15-2006 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Machette
Look at the history of nuclear detterence. Did a nuclear war ever occur between Soviet Russia and the U.S, no. Now ask yourself why, because if they started a nuclear war we'd all be dead. It's the exact same situation with Iran going up against Israel. Plus Israel has way more nukes than any other middle eastern country. It may take Iran years to build a bomb and if they do it's for a national identity image. "Yeah we have a bomb don't screw with us" which was the image Soviet Russia and America carried in the Cold War. Look up Mutually Assured Destruction, Nuclear Detterence and look at the key missile conflicts in those years...Then apply it to this situation. Even if they are muslims, give them the benefit of the doubt and don't yell and scream they want a bomb when Israel has more than any other middle east nation..that is more important than anything in this whole debate, the side you are arguing for has more firepower than eveyone else.

So you think heading to a situation where two entities are threatening each other with nuclear weapons is a better situation? That is retarded. Israel has nukes, yeah sure, but they are also much more stable of a country.

You all are taking this too lightly, even the Security Council is saying that this is very, very serious and you know if they say that, it must be.

Madmartagen 01-15-2006 05:28 PM

i think that it is a double standard for the US to tell people they cant have nukes while we stockpile them, but in this case i think Iran shouldnt have them. the new president stated publicly that he wishes israel to be wiped off the map. its a double standard, but we have the bigger end of stick on this one. anyone who thinks that iran would be more responsible or just as responsible as the US is oOo: . Yeah we have them, but we have a higher standard of safety and technical expertise on the subject. we have used them in the past, but only to end the largest war in humanity. I think this is a no brainer, Iran shouldnt have nuclear capabilities.

nuclear proliferation and reduction is an entirely differant matter - and should not be intertwined with the IRAN issue.

c312 01-15-2006 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
anyone who thinks that iran would be more responsible or just as responsible as the US is oOo: .

Exactly. This is much more complex than, "the US has cool toys, everyone else should be able to have them too."

elstatec 01-15-2006 05:58 PM

The US is the only country that has used a nuclear weapon on a mass human target so I do not think "we have the bigger end of stick on this one" as madmargten says is at all a valid argument, maybe if the US got rid of all its nuclear weapons then you would have the bigger end of the stick, but oh hold on a second such a mass militaristic lead country getting rid of its weapons, no way when profit can be made by the companies that manufacture arms. Machette said it perfectly anyway.

But incase you forgot this article posted is about them only seeking nuclear research which isnt the same as a weapon of mass destruction (you know the things that were supposed to be in Iraq)

oh macheet you bitch can you post that gwynne dyer article you mentioned?

c312 01-15-2006 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec
The US is the only country that has used a nuclear weapon on a mass human target so I do not think "we have the bigger end of stick on this one" as madmargten says is at all a valid argument, maybe if the US got rid of all its nuclear weapons then you would have the bigger end of the stick, but oh hold on a second such a mass militaristic lead country getting rid of its weapons, no way when profit can be made by the companies that manufacture arms. Machette said it perfectly anyway.

But incase you forgot this article posted is about them only seeking nuclear research which isnt the same as a weapon of mass destruction (you know the things that were supposed to be in Iraq)

oh macheet you bitch can you post that gwynne dyer article you mentioned?

you are so naive. You think if the US disarms that the whole world will be a better place. Yeah right, maybe in a perfect world, but you forget to remember that there are bad people who do bad things, stop making everything out to be a world with rainbows and fairies and unicorns, that's not how it is.

ninty 01-15-2006 06:06 PM

When a country disarms, how does that not make the world a better and safer place?

c312 01-15-2006 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by ninty
When a country disarms, how does that not make the world a better and safer place?

because it makes an easier target

elstatec 01-15-2006 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by c312
you are so naive. You think if the US disarms that the whole world will be a better place. Yeah right, maybe in a perfect world, but you forget to remember that there are bad people who do bad things, stop making everything out to be a world with rainbows and fairies and unicorns, that's not how it is.

sorry i forgot who made the US the world police force, ermm no one but when the US is threating taking Iran to the UN to face sanctions that will harm the population, over nuclear research let alone nuclear bombs when the US its accuser is the one criminal of using such a weapon twice on innocent citizens and has such an arsenal of nuclear weapons, well now thats naive.

Oh and if you want to talk about bad people doing bad things, how about invading a country for a lie.

Machette 01-15-2006 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by c312

Originally Posted by Machette
Look at the history of nuclear detterence. Did a nuclear war ever occur between Soviet Russia and the U.S, no. Now ask yourself why, because if they started a nuclear war we'd all be dead. It's the exact same situation with Iran going up against Israel. Plus Israel has way more nukes than any other middle eastern country. It may take Iran years to build a bomb and if they do it's for a national identity image. "Yeah we have a bomb don't screw with us" which was the image Soviet Russia and America carried in the Cold War. Look up Mutually Assured Destruction, Nuclear Detterence and look at the key missile conflicts in those years...Then apply it to this situation. Even if they are muslims, give them the benefit of the doubt and don't yell and scream they want a bomb when Israel has more than any other middle east nation..that is more important than anything in this whole debate, the side you are arguing for has more firepower than eveyone else.

So you think heading to a situation where two entities are threatening each other with nuclear weapons is a better situation? That is retarded. Israel has nukes, yeah sure, but they are also much more stable of a country.

You all are taking this too lightly, even the Security Council is saying that this is very, very serious and you know if they say that, it must be.

Did I say that? I was giving an example of what might happen using history. I didn't say anything about it being better.

And putting sanctions on Iran will cause harm on Germany and Italy's economy because they do big business with Iran. Plus Iran puts out heavy amounts of Oil. If I were the Iranian president I would be laughing at the security council. And if anyone invades them they have a standing army ready plus a majority of the population is anti-western, and I would not be suprised if a insurgency worse than Iraq occurs in Iran. If I was a country in the U.N security council I'd let Iran do what they want to do.

And yes, I agree with Einstein saying that the bomb was a horrible creation but we have to deal with it.

Nyck 01-15-2006 07:46 PM

I love when people from canada and england argue over US Politics.

elstatec 01-15-2006 07:57 PM

actually its world politics stfu.

Nyck 01-15-2006 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec
actually its world politics stfu.

Yea Okay Im sure the world would be a much better place with IRAN in fucking charge of things. sleeping:

Jin-Roh 01-15-2006 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck

Originally Posted by elstatec
actually its world politics stfu.

Yea Okay Im sure the world would be a much better place with IRAN in fucking charge of things. sleeping:

change my diapers...

Coleman 01-15-2006 08:08 PM



elstatec 01-15-2006 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck

Originally Posted by elstatec
actually its world politics stfu.

Yea Okay Im sure the world would be a much better place with IRAN in fucking charge of things. sleeping:

well america seems to be doing a good ole job in Iraq doesnt it? sleeping:
Anyway this is deviating off too much so go back too offtopic and post some videos.

Anyway back ontopic

[quote:d1987]Iran has warned the West against going to the council, saying any sanctions against the world's fourth biggest oil exporter could lead to a rise in the price of oil.

In other words, says the BBC's world affairs correspondent Jonathan Charles, "don't hurt us, or we'll hurt you".

Iran's representative to the oil-producing cartel Opec on Sunday called for it to reduce output - a move likely to put more pressure on prices. [/quote:d1987]

Bush will be mad!

Edit: ... 5BEBFB.htm

Great bombing a country to deter it from as to say defending itself even if they are not making goddamn nuclear weapons, dejavue?

c312 01-15-2006 08:20 PM

elstatec, you are trying to say the US has no authority because they are the only people who have used the bomb? You are stupid. America has an important role in global politics whether you want it to or not, that is the territory that comes with being the most powerful country in the world. This is true whether you want it to or not. The UN is a joke, I hope it can prove itself of some sort of worth by keeping things straight for once in this upcoming situation.

I hate when people are so idealistic that they can't see reality.

Machette 01-15-2006 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck
I love when people from canada and england argue over US Politics.

That is the funniest and stupidest comment I've ever read. Guess you don't believe in public opinion? No wonder U.S doesn't use to much diplomacy anymore because people in the white house with this kind of logic take it seriously. oOo: sleeping: stupid:


Originally Posted by c312
The UN is a joke.


Coleman 01-15-2006 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Machette
Guess you don't believe in public opinion? No wonder U.S doesn't use to much diplomacy anymore because people in the white house with this kind of logic take it seriously. oOo: sleeping: stupid:

stfu already

elstatec 01-15-2006 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by c312
elstatec, you are trying to say the US has no authority because they are the only people who have used the bomb? You are stupid. America has an important role in global politics whether you want it to or not, that is the territory that comes with being the most powerful country in the world. This is true whether you want it to or not. The UN is a joke, I hope it can prove itself of some sort of worth by keeping things straight for once in this upcoming situation.

I hate when people are so idealistic that they can't see reality.

Not at all no authority but USA is not an angel, and the 'global role' doesnt mean they have a 'global right' to do what they want, even if you want to see it this way. The UN works, heck Iraq would of been in a better way if USA didnt bypass the UN making it seem 'a joke' when the joke was on the actual lack of WMDs.

I hate when people are so ignorant that they can't see reality.

You are stupid.


ninty 01-15-2006 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec

Originally Posted by Nyck

Originally Posted by elstatec
actually its world politics stfu.

Yea Okay Im sure the world would be a much better place with IRAN in fucking charge of things. sleeping:

well america seems to be doing a good ole job in Iraq doesnt it? sleeping:
Anyway this is deviating off too much so go back too offtopic and post some videos.

Anyway back ontopic

[quote:7a18a]Iran has warned the West against going to the council, saying any sanctions against the world's fourth biggest oil exporter could lead to a rise in the price of oil.

In other words, says the BBC's world affairs correspondent Jonathan Charles, "don't hurt us, or we'll hurt you".

Iran's representative to the oil-producing cartel Opec on Sunday called for it to reduce output - a move likely to put more pressure on prices.

Bush will be mad!

Edit: ... 5BEBFB.htm

Great bombing a country to deter it from as to say defending itself even if they are not making goddamn nuclear weapons, dejavue?[/quote:7a18a]

Machette 01-15-2006 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Coleman

Originally Posted by Machette
Guess you don't believe in public opinion? No wonder U.S doesn't use to much diplomacy anymore because people in the white house with this kind of logic take it seriously. oOo: sleeping: stupid:

stfu already

Come on coleman... happy: biggrin: spank:

elstatec 01-15-2006 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by ninty

thanks for that, thought there would be some whining to the link i posted about it being from aljazeera.

[quote:8c122]British Prime Minister Tony Blair has said that the military option is not being ruled out. He said the referral of the matter to the United Nations Security Council was only a first step. ''Then we have to decide what measures to take, and we obviously don't rule out any measures at all,'' he said. [/quote:8c122]

hah Britain wont have anything todo with any airstrikes in Iran if the Labour party ever wants to be relected over here.

We would like to send the message to those who claim Iran is searching for nuclear weapons that there is no such policy and this [policy] is illegal and against our religion. - Ahmadinejad ... ejad.shtml
(yes its arabic but its there)[/quote:8c122]

Coleman 01-15-2006 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Machette

Originally Posted by Coleman

Originally Posted by Machette
Guess you don't believe in public opinion? No wonder U.S doesn't use to much diplomacy anymore because people in the white house with this kind of logic take it seriously. oOo: sleeping: stupid:

stfu already

Come on coleman... happy: biggrin: spank:

i love you use my love as a weapon. How dare you! spank:

Machette 01-15-2006 09:03 PM

My ideologies will never fade away just like the love I have for you.

Also this is relevant to what I said before., ... 87,00.html

Nyck 01-15-2006 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Machette
My ideologies will never fade away just like the love I have for you.

Also this is relevant to what I said before., ... 87,00.html

"As diplomats from the US, Europe, Russia, and China prepared to meet today in London to discuss referring Tehran to the UN security council"

Yet its all big bad dummy head USA's fault and deal.

"In a provocative move, Iran also announced plans yesterday to convene a "scientific" conference to examine the evidence supporting the Holocaust. The news comes weeks after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provoked a global outcry by describing the slaughter of 6 million Jews by the Nazis in the second world war as a "myth"."


"foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki accused the west of over-reacting to Tehran's decision last week to remove UN seals and resume research at a nuclear plant in Natan, when Britain, France and Germany formally abandoned 2½ years of talks and demanded Iran's referral to the UN security council."

and, ... 00,00.html

"The EU, backed by the United States, is calling for an emergency meeting of the UN's nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), to discuss Iran's possible referral to the security council."

^started by Europe not the US

"But he did not withdraw his remarks, warning that Bush and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who on Friday condemned his comments as 'unacceptable', would be tried as 'terrorists' and 'war criminals' due to their support of Israel."

Yea terrorist for not allowing you to wipe a country off the face of the earth

Canada has had enough problems with Iran that I would think you would support it as well.

K thx

enough with the every problem in the world is because of the usa bullshit

Nyck 01-15-2006 10:33 PM

You guys also seem to forget the fact that Iran was a peaceful partner of the West until their former Shah, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi came to the US for cancer treatments.

what happened then? Oh the current regime decided to overthrow his and take the United States Embassy Hostage. FFS Canada pulled completely out of Iran and had no contact with them for 8 YEARS after that.

Stop basing all your beliefs on the present and take a look at what happened. Allowing Iran and its regime to develop a nuclear program would be disasterous. They have already proven how dangerous they can be.

It would be to a lesser degree like allowing Sadaam Hussein Nuclear Capabilities.

Things arent all sunshine and unicorns over there.

Machette 01-15-2006 10:34 PM

U.S.A and Britain installed the Shah as a dictator back in the 50's which was a highly oppressive regime..the reason you installed him you say? Because the PM before that wanted a cut of the oil profits but you couldn't give it to him, oust him instead and put up a puppet government. As far as history goes before that their was no anti-western hate until Ayatollah khomeini led a justifiable revolt against the Shah and led a anti-western approach in his policies. The CIA term "blowback" comes to my mind in this situation. Read your history before saying it ain't the United State's fault. The U.S has made mistakes in its foreign policy and they continue to do so.

c312 01-15-2006 10:34 PM

^ (Nyck's post)

I was gonna make a similar post. elstatec, if you have so much faith in the UN, you should know that they are extremely concerned about Iran having nukes as well and most major members are going to meet very soon to decide what to do about it...

Forget what happened in the past, this is now, the current situation has no solution in the past.

Nyck 01-15-2006 10:39 PM

Im sure this regime is doing Iran much better

Iran's checklist
1. Prove the Holocaust is a myth(even though there is PHYSICAL evidence of its occurance)
2. Develop nuclear program by completely disregarding UN forbidance
3. Wipe Israel off the face of the planet

Nyck 01-15-2006 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Machette
installed the Shah as a dictator back in the 50's which was a highly oppressive regime..the reason you installed him you say? Because the PM before that wanted a cut of the oil profits but you couldn't give it to him, oust him instead and put up a puppet government. As far as history goes before that their was no anti-western hate until Ayatollah khomeini led a justifiable revolt against the Shah and led a anti-western approach in his policies. The CIA term "blowback" comes to my mind in this situation. Read your history before saying it ain't the United State's fault. The U.S has made mistakes in its foreign policy and they continue to do so.

Yes there have been fuck up Yet in your very statement you start off by saying "U.S.A and Britain..." Yet follow up with "The U.S has made mistakes in its foreign policy and they continue to do so."

every single thing that goes wrong everyone wants to jump on the US and pin the blame conviently on them leaving out your own leaders(elstatec)

Machette 01-15-2006 10:56 PM

Britain came to U.S.A saying how they were worried, but the U.S did everything.

3. Wipe Israel off the face of the planet

Like I said, Ayatollah Khomeini said the same thing...did it happen? No.

I am waiting to see the results from the security council before I continue to enter the arena of a debate.

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