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Doctor Duffy 01-18-2006 10:15 PM

Yeah, I know you guy's arent in high-school anymore, but I've been so pissed lately cause Im in this IB thing (Dad signed me up) and for the past three weeks I've done homework from 5 'till 11. I'm soooooooooooo fucking sleepy, drives me nuts, I even get massive amounts of homework over the weekend. I mean seriously, only a freshman and Im getting the same homework as a regular highschool senior would end up with.

I dunno, Im just ranting, but you guys can be like my Dear Abby's and give me ideas on what to say to my dad so I can get out of this program cause its driving me nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuts. I've still got three chapters of Biology to read, then notes to take on that, then vocab, then I gotta do spanish homework, and I've still got a poem to write for english. I mean, jeeeeesus christ, Im only taking a break right now cause I've got a massive headache.

Funny thing is, I've got all A's, which makes me fabulous.

But yeah, that s about it, I just want ed to say that.

Hawke 01-18-2006 10:17 PM


c312 01-18-2006 10:17 PM

If you have all A's, stick with it, that's money on an application. If you start struggling in IB, drop it, sacrifice the weighted B's for A's in regular classes. That's just my advice, it seems to me that colleges only look at IB if you do really, really well in it.

Besides, Senior year is easy, just worry about junior year.

Doctor Duffy 01-18-2006 10:20 PM

Well, what I'm really wondering, do any of you guys do AP?

Forte 01-18-2006 10:22 PM

I am in AP Statistics.
dont ask me anything about it because I dont even know what chapter we are on.

Coleman 01-18-2006 10:23 PM

highschool seniors get 0 work.

just fight it out. Once you move through the years, you'll learn how to do things more efficiently.

Freshman year I had a lot of work as well. But if yo uget off to a good start, the next 3 years will be a piece of cake.

Coleman 01-18-2006 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Forte
I am in AP Statistics.
dont ask me anything about it because I dont even know what chapter we are on.

stat is fun imo.

I took AP Music theory, AP European History, and AP AMerican History. I was never into the AP Calc BC, Physics, or Chem stuff.

lasagna 01-18-2006 10:26 PM

wow i never have hw, get in all done 45 min study hall. happy:

Doctor Duffy 01-18-2006 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by lasagna
wow i never have hw, get in all done 45 min study hall. happy:

I hate you

*Note to lasaggy: I'm gonna try getting into DSA over GW, cause IB drives me nucking futs man, I mean, jesus, I can't stand it. lol, it probably won't happen, but I'm still going for it, as soon as I think of something to convince my dad w/ . I'll say it's the only "Excellent" rated school in Denver or whatever. But dont you have to be a total thespian, or do they have writing, you know? Cause my english teacher worships me.

lasagna 01-18-2006 10:37 PM

[quote="Doctor Duffy":7fa84]

Originally Posted by lasagna
wow i never have hw, get in all done 45 min study hall. happy:

I hate you

*Note to lasaggy: I'm gonna try getting into DSA over GW, cause IB drives me nucking futs man, I mean, jesus, I can't stand it. lol, it probably won't happen, but I'm still going for it, as soon as I think of something to convince my dad w/ . I'll say it's the only "Excellent" rated school in Denver or whatever. But dont you have to be a total thespian, or do they have writing, you know? Cause my english teacher worships me.[/quote:7fa84]
you can go there for creative writing..

Doctor Duffy 01-18-2006 10:38 PM

Yeah, maybe. Do they have AP, you know?

Sucks if I get in there and not be able to go to East, but lol honestly, I dont think you guys care anymore.

Milla 01-18-2006 10:42 PM

Re: homework
[quote="Doctor Duffy":38a72]I mean seriously, only a freshman and Im getting the same homework as a regular highschool senior would end up with.[/quote:38a72]

ROFL i never got HW as a senior, and if i did i finihsed it in study hall class or didnt do it

Doctor Duffy 01-18-2006 11:09 PM

Yeah, I guess I just complain a lot.... I don't have study hall, though.

*** Lasaasasgsasasas: Got into GW, but they wont let me go 'till next year. And honestly, I dont want to go anymore (Well, I would if I were given choice between where Im at and there) if I can get into DSA, which is still geeky, but doesnt have IB.

Jin-Roh 01-18-2006 11:37 PM

Stay in it. It's not gonna kill you.

Bean 2 01-18-2006 11:41 PM

Idk man, if you want to challenge yourself do it. I really wouldnt do it for college because if I could go back id take regents classes and not take any AP courses. In the end I really believe that taking honors classes and AP courses had little to no bearing on my college admission. I guess it depends on what college you want to go to though...

Unknown_Sniper 01-18-2006 11:48 PM

As a Freshman; Get your work done, learn to pace yourself and get used to the highschool style of things. Also relax you're in highschool!
As a sophmore; Relax a little more, take some harder classes, Maybe have some Standardised testing(at least out here we did). And relax
As a junior; Live it up, Its your last year of really hard work. You are almost a senior. Take SAT's and all that shit and relax
As a Senior; You are expected to slack. Every teacher I had senior year said we would and everyone did. It just happens. Also enjoy those free blocks you have. Continue to get your work done and get into college.
You are only a freshman, unless you have some serious aspirations in life why are you worrying about college so early? Im not exactly a great role model but I didnt worry about college until around december of my Senior year. Then I looked at one school, loved it and I wish I never graduate here. I love this place. Im not saying dont look, but dont stress college yet.
Yes homework sucks. But trust me 6 hours of homework is NOTHING. Staying up until 11 is NOTHING compared to some college work. Ive worked 12 hours straight on just one project last semester 9pm-9am just to meet the deadline. Im sure your homework is tiring, but its highschool and the absolute worst that could happen to you is you get lower grades and teachers ask you if anythign is wrong. When you get to college if you fuck up in a class, congrats you just blew a few grand for an F. IF you fail too many classes goodbye your out on your ass.
Take my advice and dont over stress in highschool. I saw too many people tear themselves apart because of their work. Remember its not the assignment thats important, Its the things you learn doing the assignment that are imporant.

Madmartagen 01-18-2006 11:54 PM

i think the junior year in highschool is the hardest for everyone. senior was the easiest, even though i had 7 classes.

Coleman 01-18-2006 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
i think the junior year in highschool is the hardest for everyone. senior was the easiest, even though i had 7 classes.


SoLiDUS 01-19-2006 12:52 AM

... or, you could smoke weed all day.

Nyck 01-19-2006 07:08 AM

ya I don't even know why your dad signed you up for that shit, you're just gonna be a worthless piece of shit when you grow up anyways.

Miscguy 01-19-2006 09:34 AM

I make more than all of my friends who went to 4 year colleges. I never even took a PSAT. You pay 20+ grand for a peice of paper. Relax, drop the advanced shit and coast through high school with the easiest A's you can imagine.

I didnt do shit, literally, in high school and i had a's and b's. I never, not for one semeser had a full 6 classes. You know what high school is really trying to teach you? How to work the system and find loop holes.

Nyck 01-19-2006 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Miscguy
I make more than all of my friends who went to 4 year colleges. I never even took a PSAT. You pay 20+ grand for a peice of paper. Relax, drop the advanced shit and coast through high school with the easiest A's you can imagine.

I didnt do shit, literally, in high school and i had a's and b's. I never, not for one semeser had a full 6 classes. You know what high school is really trying to teach you? How to work the system and find loop holes.

yea but you get paid for doing hard ass labor. there are people who make more than you and sit behind a desk directing you

Jin-Roh 01-19-2006 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Miscguy
You know what high school is really trying to teach you? How to work the system and find loop holes.

Elaborate and I will give you money.

Tripper 01-19-2006 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
... or, you could smoke weed all day.

9mm BeRetTa 01-19-2006 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by lasagna
wow i never have hw, get in all done 45 min study hall. happy:

Yep, although I'm a senior, it was the same story for junior year as well.

Freshman year I had no frees so i was forced to do work at home.

Bean 2 01-19-2006 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Miscguy
I make more than all of my friends who went to 4 year colleges. I never even took a PSAT. You pay 20+ grand for a peice of paper. Relax, drop the advanced shit and coast through high school with the easiest A's you can imagine.

I didnt do shit, literally, in high school and i had a's and b's. I never, not for one semeser had a full 6 classes. You know what high school is really trying to teach you? How to work the system and find loop holes.

what do you do?

Mr.Buttocks 01-19-2006 02:29 PM

Quit school and become a priest.

Pyro 01-19-2006 03:08 PM

I never did homework in highschool unless it meant marks.

And only Grade 12 mattered for me for university.

Doctor Duffy 01-19-2006 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck
ya I don't even know why your dad signed you up for that shit, you're just gonna be a worthless piece of shit when you grow up anyways.

lol, sorry, but thats kinda ironic. You're really LIVING THE LYFE Nyck, you know? You have a great jop as an office cronie, a splendid home in the PARADISE thats Massachusetts, and not only that, you spend all your free time watching stupid fucking videos all day long while your ass melts over its chair. Man, you're one helluva guy.

Yah, I dunno, I'm switching schools next year, and I'll still be the in the IB thing, and they have like 10X more classes to choose from, unlike where I'm at now which isnt even remotely close to my neighborhood, is so poor for art we're making sculptures out of printer paper, and has nothing but mexicans.

Unknown_Sniper 01-19-2006 05:14 PM

Nyck lives in Michigan.

Doctor Duffy 01-19-2006 05:24 PM

lol, whatever

Nyck 01-19-2006 05:24 PM

[quote="Doctor Duffy":60118]

Originally Posted by Nyck
ya I don't even know why your dad signed you up for that shit, you're just gonna be a worthless piece of shit when you grow up anyways.


while you annoy everyone every day with stupid fucking posts, take pictures of yourself wearing tinfoil teeth and chains and live life every day with a nose that can be viewed with google earth.

Sgt. Paine 01-19-2006 05:50 PM

I barely got HW in 9th grade, got a bunch in 10th, and more in 11th. speaking of homework, i have to make up 6 days of work tonight for US history and physics!! yay

Miscguy 01-19-2006 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck

Originally Posted by Miscguy
I make more than all of my friends who went to 4 year colleges. I never even took a PSAT. You pay 20+ grand for a peice of paper. Relax, drop the advanced shit and coast through high school with the easiest A's you can imagine.

I didnt do shit, literally, in high school and i had a's and b's. I never, not for one semeser had a full 6 classes. You know what high school is really trying to teach you? How to work the system and find loop holes.

yea but you get paid for doing hard ass labor. there are people who make more than you and sit behind a desk directing you

You enjoy that desk, meanwhile i can pick up my portfolio and transfer to construction projects around the country or world. Differant priorities i guess.

Originally posted by Miscguy:
You know what high school is really trying to teach you? How to work the system and find loop holes.

Elaborate and I will give you money.[/quote:1bec9]

Whats not to understand? High school is pointless except teaching you how to read people so you can manipulate them. I guess if you take i at face value then sure its just to "learn" from books. Considering most teachers are horrible at there jobs and the information your gaining doesnt apply anywhere outside of those walls; why would you think that your advancing yourself in the outside world?

Public education is a disservice to the work force.

Whatada 01-19-2006 06:46 PM

Without this thread, the internet would have imploded.

Thank you, Duffy.


Arkan 01-19-2006 07:03 PM

[quote="Unknown_Sniper":7e877]As a Freshman; Get your work done, learn to pace yourself and get used to the highschool style of things. Also relax you're in highschool!
As a sophmore; Relax a little more, take some harder classes, Maybe have some Standardised testing(at least out here we did). And relax
As a junior; Live it up, Its your last year of really hard work. You are almost a senior. Take SAT's and all that shit and relax
As a Senior; You are expected to slack. Every teacher I had senior year said we would and everyone did. It just happens. Also enjoy those free blocks you have. Continue to get your work done and get into college.
You are only a freshman, unless you have some serious aspirations in life why are you worrying about college so early? Im not exactly a great role model but I didnt worry about college until around december of my Senior year. Then I looked at one school, loved it and I wish I never graduate here. I love this place. Im not saying dont look, but dont stress college yet.
Yes homework sucks. But trust me 6 hours of homework is NOTHING. Staying up until 11 is NOTHING compared to some college work. Ive worked 12 hours straight on just one project last semester 9pm-9am just to meet the deadline. Im sure your homework is tiring, but its highschool and the absolute worst that could happen to you is you get lower grades and teachers ask you if anythign is wrong. When you get to college if you fuck up in a class, congrats you just blew a few grand for an F. IF you fail too many classes goodbye your out on your ass.
Take my advice and dont over stress in highschool. I saw too many people tear themselves apart because of their work. Remember its not the assignment thats important, Its the things you learn doing the assignment that are imporant.[/quote:7e877]

I was reading this thread and stopped right here at "Unknown Snipers'" words. He hit the nail on the head. Listen to him and forgo any other advice given thus far.

loct !!

Doctor Duffy 01-19-2006 07:27 PM

Well, thanks a lot bud-buds, I guess that kinda helped. It was the kinda the advice i thought I would end up w/, but thats still pretty cool.

Whatada 01-19-2006 07:29 PM

[quote="Unknown_Sniper":f28a2]As a Freshman; Get your work done, learn to pace yourself and get used to the highschool style of things. Also relax you're in highschool!
As a sophmore; Relax a little more, take some harder classes, Maybe have some Standardised testing(at least out here we did). And relax
As a junior; Live it up, Its your last year of really hard work. You are almost a senior. Take SAT's and all that shit and relax
As a Senior; You are expected to slack. Every teacher I had senior year said we would and everyone did. It just happens. Also enjoy those free blocks you have. Continue to get your work done and get into college.
You are only a freshman, unless you have some serious aspirations in life why are you worrying about college so early? Im not exactly a great role model but I didnt worry about college until around december of my Senior year. Then I looked at one school, loved it and I wish I never graduate here. I love this place. Im not saying dont look, but dont stress college yet.
Yes homework sucks. But trust me 6 hours of homework is NOTHING. Staying up until 11 is NOTHING compared to some college work. Ive worked 12 hours straight on just one project last semester 9pm-9am just to meet the deadline. Im sure your homework is tiring, but its highschool and the absolute worst that could happen to you is you get lower grades and teachers ask you if anythign is wrong. When you get to college if you fuck up in a class, congrats you just blew a few grand for an F. IF you fail too many classes goodbye your out on your ass.
Take my advice and dont over stress in highschool. I saw too many people tear themselves apart because of their work. Remember its not the assignment thats important, Its the things you learn doing the assignment that are imporant.[/quote:f28a2] You just scared me into doing my homework, right now. Thanks. cool:

Jotun 01-19-2006 07:40 PM

[quote="Doctor Duffy":89f8a]Well, what I'm really wondering, do any of you guys do AP?[/quote:89f8a]
I do.

I did AP Biology last year, and I'm in AP Calculus, AP Environmental Science, AP English, and AP Psychology. The majority of it is easy if you do the work. English is my downfall...I'll be lucky to get a 3 on the exam. I got a 4 on my AP Bio exam. Best Class Ever.

Simo Häyhä 01-19-2006 07:44 PM

Kill yourself if you have too much homework

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