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Arkan 02-22-2006 10:56 AM

Paintball pointers.....have any?
Ok, had a paintball session once in an urban setting and did ok but on saturday, i'll be playing with a few guys (who play all the time) in this guys backyard. He has a few areas to get behind and shit like that. What i'm looking for is some advise from you guys who play all the time. Do you just "point shoot" rather than using sights? I do alot of point shooting when i'm at the range with my handguns so i should be ok in that area. What kind of protective clothing should i bring (they say they have all the shit i need) but i just want to make sure i'm not at a disadvantage.

discuss techniques and tips

Nyck 02-22-2006 11:09 AM

Charge down the middle like Capt. Speirs

Milla 02-22-2006 11:17 AM

Re: Paintball pointers.....have any?

Originally Posted by Arkan
Ok, had a paintball session once in an urban setting and did ok but on saturday, i'll be playing with a few guys (who play all the time) in this guys backyard. He has a few areas to get behind and shit like that. What i'm looking for is some advise from you guys who play all the time. Do you just "point shoot" rather than using sights? I do alot of point shooting when i'm at the range with my handguns so i should be ok in that area. What kind of protective clothing should i bring (they say they have all the shit i need) but i just want to make sure i'm not at a disadvantage.

discuss techniques and tips

DOnt look down the sights of a paintball gun, its totally useless, just aim and shoot and do kentucky windage.

Clothing, just wear long sleeve shirt and pants. Probably like either a long sleeve t-shirt or a sweatshirt (sweatshirts dont hurt as bad lol) also a full face mask with goggles which im sure those guys have for you.

Just go out and have fun. Pretend like you are really taking fire and its just instinct, stay covered, dont stand in the open, give cover fire, move and shoot.

CoMaToSe 02-22-2006 11:22 AM

find your own hiding place

Zoner 02-22-2006 12:05 PM

You want to repeatedly hop around the field, shooting randomly all the while, then drop flat to your stomach. Repeat.

Seriously, do what Milla says. He's the trained one.

...oh, and wear a cup.

Arkan 02-22-2006 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner
...oh, and wear a cup.

Best fuckin' advise yet !!

+ 1 biatch

Milla 02-22-2006 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by Zoner
...oh, and wear a cup.

Best fuckin' advise yet !!

+ 1 biatch

HAW! i never wear a cup but than again i have been yet to get hit in the jublies....but i have thought about wearing one before. Just wear loose pants inthe crotch area and you'll be ok.

Jin-Roh 02-22-2006 12:22 PM

Watch some videos to see how the pros do it. They rush for cover and push up whle they are shooting. I doubt you'll be able to do that though since you probably aren't gonna have a lot of balls to use? If that is the case, just rush for cover, camp, and bunny-hop your way to victory.

anti 02-22-2006 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner
You want to repeatedly hop around the field, shooting randomly all the while, then drop flat to your stomach. Repeat.

haha beat me to it. listen to milla, just play as if it were real. be cautious, be aware of the other teams movements along with your own and switch it up. dont let yourself become a sitting duck.

Simo Häyhä 02-22-2006 02:32 PM

if you see an enemy running accross from you shoot a line of paintballs about 10 feet in front of him so he runs right into it. That tactic has always done me well

jujumantb 02-22-2006 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
find your own hiding place

"find your own foxhole!"

Hawke 02-22-2006 02:52 PM

Don't expect to be able to shoot like you can with your handgun. It's basically a Point in general direction/Spray/Pray.

You want to wear loose, soft clothes. That makes bounces = you still in. Also you'll probally want to bring like a beanie or something to cover your head. Direct shots to the noggin are never fun.

Sicilian_Summers 02-22-2006 02:52 PM

Bunny hop, camp, etc. eek:

Milla 02-22-2006 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Hawke
Don't expect to be able to shoot like you can with your handgun. It's basically a Point in general direction/Spray/Pray.

You want to wear loose, soft clothes. That makes bounces = you still in. Also you'll probally want to bring like a beanie or something to cover your head. Direct shots to the noggin are never fun.

I got hit in the neck and the back of the head, it sucks so bad, just wear a full paintball mask.

Jotun 02-22-2006 03:13 PM

Dont stick your head up from cover. I was playing a castle defense game and i was in a tower, stuck my head up, got shot in the neck. Hurt like hell.

Also, I would suggest a small pair of gloves, nothing too fancy. I got shot in the knuckle and it kinda hurt. But thats up to you. Its a rare spot to be hit.

Milla 02-22-2006 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Jotun
Dont stick your head up from cover. I was playing a castle defense game and i was in a tower, stuck my head up, got shot in the neck. Hurt like hell.

Also, I would suggest a small pair of gloves, nothing too fancy. I got shot in the knuckle and it kinda hurt. But thats up to you. Its a rare spot to be hit.

yeah that does suck, i was playing in the woods and i peaked my head up and i turned aroujnd to tell the rest of my guys to move up and say it was clear when al of a sudden i took one right in the fucking side of the neck.

Also i was following my friend in the woods there was like 3 of us, and all of a sudden it looked liek a fucking civial waar scene, i just saw CO2 smoke errupt infront of us we walked right into a wall of defenders lol we all took off running and i only got hit once right in the damn finger, it hurt bad. My friend got tattooed down his ass and legs though happy:

Jotun 02-22-2006 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Milla

Originally Posted by Jotun
Dont stick your head up from cover. I was playing a castle defense game and i was in a tower, stuck my head up, got shot in the neck. Hurt like hell.

Also, I would suggest a small pair of gloves, nothing too fancy. I got shot in the knuckle and it kinda hurt. But thats up to you. Its a rare spot to be hit.

yeah that does suck, i was playing in the woods and i peaked my head up and i turned aroujnd to tell the rest of my guys to move up and say it was clear when al of a sudden i took one right in the fucking side of the neck.

Also i was following my friend in the woods there was like 3 of us, and all of a sudden it looked liek a fucking civial waar scene, i just saw CO2 smoke errupt infront of us we walked right into a wall of defenders lol we all took off running and i only got hit once right in the damn finger, it hurt bad. My friend got tattooed down his ass and legs though happy:

I was hit in the trachea =/

Milla 02-22-2006 03:51 PM

I bet that was fun lol. I also got shot in the back of the head where there is no mask, that hurt a little bit oOo:

Forte 02-22-2006 03:57 PM

I got hit in the nuts the one time I played. Kinda sucked, but was fun until I got sterilized.

tomxtr 02-22-2006 04:01 PM

Make sure they don't give you a shitty gun. That's what it boils down to, who has the better gun.

Forte 02-22-2006 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by tomxtr
Make sure they don't give you a shitty gun. That's what it boils down to, who has the better gun.

not if you get up behind them. doesnt matter how good your gun is when a barrel is pressed to your back.

Milla 02-22-2006 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by tomxtr
Make sure they don't give you a shitty gun. That's what it boils down to, who has the better gun.

LOL very true, if they all have full autos and you have like a semi auto or a pump action your fucked. Because they will just spray the entire area so you cant move.

tomxtr 02-22-2006 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Forte

Originally Posted by tomxtr
Make sure they don't give you a shitty gun. That's what it boils down to, who has the better gun.

not if you get up behind them. doesnt matter how good your gun is when a barrel is pressed to your back.

With boundaries and shit, you'd have to be a pretty big fucktard to either get snuck up on from behind or waste all fucking day trying to sneak up behind someone.

Tripper 02-22-2006 04:06 PM

I've done indoor and outdoor, outdoor is so much better, IMO - I remember on the indoor one, it was in this big warehouse with barrels and shit, the cover only went about a metre high so you spent the whole time crouched and/or crawling on the cold, slippery concrete.
It was fucking funny though cause all my buddies were too scared to run out to the center and capture the flag, so we all just camped at each end of the warehouse taking pop shots over the top of the barrels until we worked up the nerve to rush the other team, half of my team slipped over in the paint before they even got near to the centre.

Outdoor was soooo much better - A huge forest with a hill right in the middle that had a shack ontop and lead to an open field - Way more of a chance to use some interesting techniques and strategies in confusing the team that held the shack.

jujumantb 02-22-2006 04:11 PM

Always have your gun up! Don't be peaking around corners without it shouldered.
and of course.. SUPRESS AND FLANK!!

Milla 02-22-2006 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper
Outdoor was soooo much better - A huge forest with a hill right in the middle that had a shack ontop and lead to an open field - Way more of a chance to use some interesting techniques and strategies in confusing the team that held the shack.

I agree 100%

also ROFL at everyone camping. Thats what i do rofl, we were playing speed ball on this big outdoor field, you know the big obstacles that are blown up like in tourneys. It was my frist time playing "speedball" and we were playing against 14 year olds with their team jerseys and shit on (so gay which is why i liek airsoft). well when the round strted i just sprayed ammo and ran to the first cover point and sat there for the whole game because it sucks when they had autocockers and fire 70 rounds a second and i had a semi auto lol. Iremember getting shot in the toe though, that sucked.

Hawke 02-22-2006 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Milla
also ROFL at everyone camping. Thats what i do rofl, we were playing speed ball on this big outdoor field, you know the big obstacles that are blown up like in tourneys. It was my frist time playing "speedball" and we were playing against 14 year olds with their team jerseys and shit on (so gay which is why i liek airsoft). well when the round strted i just sprayed ammo and ran to the first cover point and sat there for the whole game because it sucks when they had autocockers and fire 70 rounds a second and i had a semi auto lol. Iremember getting shot in the toe though, that sucked.

I prefer the speedball much more. Just takes a little courage to pop your head out and run around and sliding like a crazy man. Eventually that styles gets more fun.

ps 10-15 rounds a second

02-22-2006 04:23 PM

heh airsofting or hunting is more fun than paintballing.

but yeah id wear a full facemask and a cup.

Milla 02-22-2006 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Hawke

Originally Posted by Milla
also ROFL at everyone camping. Thats what i do rofl, we were playing speed ball on this big outdoor field, you know the big obstacles that are blown up like in tourneys. It was my frist time playing "speedball" and we were playing against 14 year olds with their team jerseys and shit on (so gay which is why i liek airsoft). well when the round strted i just sprayed ammo and ran to the first cover point and sat there for the whole game because it sucks when they had autocockers and fire 70 rounds a second and i had a semi auto lol. Iremember getting shot in the toe though, that sucked.

I prefer the speedball much more. Just takes a little courage to pop your head out and run around and sliding like a crazy man. Eventually that styles gets more fun.

ps 10-15 rounds a second

whatever i was being sarcastic because its fucking ridiculous. Speedball is ok, i played like 4 rounds of it. Yes it takes getting use to, but i prefer woods ball over speedball.

WidowMaker555 02-22-2006 04:28 PM

if your going to hide make sure no one is trying to flank you and stay covered and do the lean technique when you shoot

Jin-Roh 02-22-2006 04:29 PM

I'm getting a new gun soon. Hopefully a modified Spyder Imagine. biggrin:

tomxtr 02-22-2006 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by WidowMaker555
do the lean technique when you shoot


CoMaToSe 02-22-2006 04:30 PM

I might want to get into paint balling when I go to college. Should I join a club to do it? or just find some friedns whod enjoy it? whats a good gun? what does pricing look like?

Milla 02-22-2006 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
I might want to get into paint balling when I go to college. Should I join a club to do it? or just find some friedns whod enjoy it? whats a good gun? what does pricing look like?

Find friends who enjoy playing.

Also get a tippman Model 95 custom because you can rice it out and its a cheap reliable gun. Or get a Tippmann A-5 (i have it and its awesome, looks like an MP5)

tomxtr 02-22-2006 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Milla
their team jerseys and shit on (so gay which is why i liek airsoft).

You like airsoft better because of the outfits? That's a little gay, don't you think? annoy:


Milla 02-22-2006 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by tomxtr

Originally Posted by Milla
their team jerseys and shit on (so gay which is why i liek airsoft).

You like airsoft better because of the outfits? That's a little gay, don't you think? annoy:


I'd rather use this


Than this


Thats just me though, i prefer realisim.

tomxtr 02-22-2006 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Milla
Thats just me though, i prefer realisim.

Plenty of that in Iraq. I thought you were just into the clothes.

Milla 02-22-2006 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by tomxtr

Originally Posted by Milla
Thats just me though, i prefer realisim.

Plenty of that in Iraq. I thought you were just into the clothes.

haven't been to Iraq yet, but soon im sure biggrin:

Forte 02-22-2006 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Milla


Thats just me though, i prefer realisim.

that thing looks like a co2 powered vibrating dildo....

jujumantb 02-22-2006 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Forte

Originally Posted by Milla


Thats just me though, i prefer realisim.

that thing looks like a co2 powered vibrating dildo....

ha, not to mention its called the "BONE DADDY"

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