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-   -   r u hosting through a linksys router ?? (

Arkan 02-20-2002 12:03 AM

Yes, version 1.1 on both machines.

02-20-2002 12:06 AM

dont know then. are you running any mods? if i remember from the other thread it was sending a command that was not recognized

Crow King 02-20-2002 04:47 AM

I've hosted through my linksys without any problems, both on my lan and through the net. You need to give us more info on the problem you're having:

1. You say the folks get kicked. Do they get a message? What comes through on the console? Do their pings go to 999 before they're kicked?

2. Are you using the default settings on your router? If not, what have you changed?

3. What operating system are you using on the host machine? If it is XP, have you updated your network drivers?

4. What model router do you have? Have you recently changed anything on it? Are you running the most up to date firmware from linksys?

5. Does this happen with machines on your network, or just with machines coming in through your WAN port?

If folks can see the game and are connnecting, I doubt if it is the router unless it is dynamically resetting your machines ip address. I have no idea why it would do that, but it would cause folks to lose their connection to you.

"If your philosophy does not produce corn, I don't want to hear about it." - Red Bear

zipgun77 02-20-2002 04:49 AM

I'm having the same trouble... on my 1.4 as well as my 400, both with sufficient ram and the 1.1 patch. I forwarded ports 12200 to 12300 (all you need with a router... yes mine's a Linksys) and some people connect fine... others get booted. I'm limited t0 128 upload on my cable, but even when my brother tries with no one in the server, he'll get kicked after a few seconds. I can usually get 4 or 5 people in, but some get kicked... some just ping at 999... some ping like a mofo at 50!! Don't know whats up. Tried hosting RTCW?

02-20-2002 04:55 AM

i'm limited to 30 on my cable. its so lovely. i could host a 1 v 1 server. just thought id bitch about that

Arkan 02-20-2002 11:46 AM

I'd like to know who is hosting through a linksys router. A friend of mine is doing so successfully but i'm not having as much success. I'm able to host for a few minutes before others get kicked off the server. I posted a question about this but in this post i wanted to hear from people who are using the linksys router and the settings which they use in the router BIOS. Just reply if you are hosting through a linksys router......thanks.

02-20-2002 11:48 AM

this was discussed earlier. the problem is not with your router it is with your game. reinstall it because it is giving some sort of command that the others do not recognize

Arkan 02-20-2002 11:54 AM

I did a clean install of MOH on the other computer on my network and hosted through it with the same results so i guess that rules the MOH re-install out. This post isn't meant as a cross post...i was just trying to hear from people who host through a linksys router to talk about settings. Thanks for your input on this anyway, and when i get to the bottom of this, i'll post my results.
BTW, are you hosting through a linksys router?

02-20-2002 11:57 AM

i dont host. the only way the router would be a problem is not letting the people connect in the first place. are you using 1.1?

Arkan 02-21-2002 12:30 AM

ok, 1st off, it's the router since i tried to host a TFC game and the same thing happened. I'm running WinXP on one machine and Win98 on the other machine on my network. Both have trouble hosting.
To answer some of your questions:
1.The people don't ping out....they just suddenly lose the connection.
2. Yes, i changed most of the settings in the router(you need to for a static IP)
a) The LAN IP is the router default IP (
b) The WAN IP is my IP provider addy (the one they assign me)
c) Subnet mask is default
d) DNS are given in "Status"...all three.
e) DHCP is set to "Disable" and starting IP is (
f) # of DHCP users is set to "0"
g) The forwarding ports are 12203 with "protocol TCP" enabled and IP of enabled.
h) DMZ host IP is set to
i) The router firmware is 1.42.3 (most recent)
j) I have the "Etherfast Cable/DSL Router with 10/100 4-port switch" model # BEFSR41 V.2

Do you see anything i missed in the router settings? How are your settings different?

TIA for any info.

Arkan 02-21-2002 01:08 AM

Hey have similar settings? Hopefully we can sort out our problems.

CO791 02-21-2002 02:42 AM

Hey ARkan...sad news...remember that old washed up wrinkled old man that plays under the name ZEke? He quit MOH. He says we are too fu..ed up.
Hope someone comes up with a fix for this problem. Atleast we know its not MOH.

CO791 02-21-2002 02:44 AM


Crow King 02-21-2002 03:49 AM

Are both machines accessing the internet through the router or is your 98 machine going through your XP box to connect? If it is, do you have the default firewall on the XP box turned off?

Second, do you ever have this problem when downloading large files or doing anything else that requires a persistent connection? Do you ever get disconnected like this from other servers when playing on one of these two machines?

And finally, when you host on one machine and play on the other, do you have the problem or does it just affect folks coming in through the router?

"If your philosophy does not produce corn, I don't want to hear about it." - Red Bear

Arkan 02-21-2002 10:32 AM

You mean we actually beat someone sooooo bad that they had to hang up the guns?? wow, talk about funny!!

Anyway, someone suggested to me to enable UDP in my "router forwarding port" settings and disable TCP. I tried that with no luck. Anyone with a Linksys router have any other ideas?

zipgun77 02-21-2002 11:39 AM

Arkan - MOH uses a few different ports besides 12203... thats why I forward ports 12200 - 12300. One post i read listed atleast 5 ports that MOH uses (within this range). It fixed my problem of seeing the server out on the net, atleast. The game also uses UDP (faster), but may use TCP as well... I have "both" enabled. As for some people getting kicked and others pinging great, I'm still at a loss! Hopefully, we can fix this somehow. I have re-installed several times to no avail. The only tweaks I have made to my server.cfg file are maxRate=9000 (to ensure equal bandwidth for all clients) and maxping=200 (to prevent 56kers from lagging the server too badly). There's no way we're the only two people with this problem.

Arkan 02-21-2002 11:57 AM

Thanks for the info Zipgun. I'll open up some more ports and see if that helps. I also had my maxrate (5000) and maxping (100)settings up. I'm gonna try the ports now. Oh, BTW, i contacted Linksys tech support but the bastards call back!!...i'll be at work then! oh well, i'll call tomorrow. If i find the problem, i promise to post the fix for ya.

Arkan 02-22-2002 12:06 AM

Well, i got it to work but just don't understand why.
Someone on another board suggested that i set DMZ to (I had it which is the IP of the host computer) It's not supposed to work this way but it does. When i called the Linksys tech the other day, he said the DMZ setting should be the same as the IP of the host computer since it's in "static IP mode". Now i'm really lost as to why it works with a different DMZ addy. The only problem i have now is that on gamespy, my server name doesn't show and it says "server full". My buddy selects "Launch anyway" and he gets in. Any tips on that or info on why the DMZ setting works?

BTW, i forwarded ports 12200 to 12220 (TCP & UPD enabled)

CO791 02-22-2002 12:09 AM

man Im dying to know what the solution to this is.

Arkan 02-22-2002 12:28 AM

Sorry, credit goes to [ReBel] on THIS board who supplied me with settings that for unknown reasons work.

Here's his info from another post:
[I am using a LinkSys router also, and have been hosting just fine without using the DMZ feature.
Here's what I'm doing:
1.) Static IPs (DHCP disabled).
2.) Advanced, Filters - DISABLE SPI, ENABLE Block WAN Request, ENABLE Multicast Pass Thru, ENABLE IPSec Pass Thru.
3.) Advanced, Forwarding, Ports 12200 to 12220 (both UDP and TCP).

Thats it, hope this helps]

Well ReBel, it did but i don't understand why. Like i said before, the only problem i have now is with GameSpy. (server name not showing & "server full" when in fact it's not).
Thanks all who chipped in ideas.

Arkan 02-22-2002 01:47 AM

Crow King...I have both machines hooked up to the router so they go through the router to connect to the net. I never have a problem d/loading files from both machines and i do have the internal WinXP firewall disabled. I learned a few things tonight but it's too late to test 'em. I'll post tomorrow with the results. Thanks

WeRD69 02-22-2002 02:37 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Arkan:
Sorry, credit goes to [ReBel] on THIS board who supplied me with settings that for unknown reasons work.

Here's his info from another post:
[I am using a LinkSys router also, and have been hosting just fine without using the DMZ feature.
Here's what I'm doing:
1.) Static IPs (DHCP disabled).
2.) Advanced, Filters - DISABLE SPI, ENABLE Block WAN Request, ENABLE Multicast Pass Thru, ENABLE IPSec Pass Thru.
3.) Advanced, Forwarding, Ports 12200 to 12220 (both UDP and TCP).

Thats it, hope this helps]

Well ReBel, it did but i don't understand why. Like i said before, the only problem i have now is with GameSpy. (server name not showing & "server full" when in fact it's not).
Thanks all who chipped in ideas.

I posted about this a while back. Firstly, as long as you have the latest firmware, DCHP doesn't need to be disabled. Also, DMZ may work, but I would recommend against using that option, because it totally opens your computer up to the internet.

I have this router here's how I have everything set (works perfectly fine):

- DCHP is ENABLED starting at the default (although you can use whatever you like, as long as it's in the same subnet as the router's IP).
- Use 'ipconfig' to get your IP address, and on the 'Forwarding' tab, forward ports 12201-12203 (used by MoH:AA) and port 12300 (needs to be there for Gamespy to report correctly) to your computer's IP.
- DMZ is set to the default

That's it. The reason you were having problems is because you had ports being forwarded to, plus you had DMZ enabled for the same IP. That doesn't work correctly (if it's for the same IP), you have to use one or the other.

Hope this helps,

CO791 02-22-2002 10:35 AM


Arkan 02-22-2002 10:44 AM

Hey Werd....thanks for the info. I'm gonna play with all the settings on my day off and see which one's work the best. At least now i can host if i want but i have to do some fine tuning for things to be right. I appriciate all the info & ideas from you guys.

CO791 02-23-2002 12:59 AM

Yes ARKAN and since my connection is screwed till the techs get here..youre the server man!

CO791 02-23-2002 02:13 AM

how much cash did it cost..cmon you gotta tell me so I can get it done 2.

lysis 02-23-2002 04:55 AM

i don't have static ip, am on dsl, and use linksys router to share the dsl with 2 puters.

haven't been able to get games to show up on gamespy yet.

forwarded ports 12201-12203 and 12300 to the ip i found with ipconfig


It now seems to work with gamespy using the settings posted by Arkan, but the settings posted by WeRD69 didn't work for me.

[This message has been edited by lysis (edited February 23, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by lysis (edited February 23, 2002).]

Arkan 02-23-2002 11:35 AM

Hey co791, i hope they don't do away with cable in your'd have to move then..BUWAHAAHA !!

Good luck with the tech's and see if they can drop a new line to your house...they did for me.

CO791 02-24-2002 12:35 AM

Damnit Arkan how much??????

Hellbaby2065 02-24-2002 12:47 AM

I run a server on my comp through a Linksys on a DSL connection. I have a static IP provided by my ISP, but this does not affect my home network, DHCP works as normal.

(You will have 2 seperate IP addresses, an EXTERNAL, and an INTERNAL. The INTERNAL IP's should be , being the IP of the router)

If you have DHCP active, you can still specify an IP for internal computers. (if you wish) Just right-click on Network Neighborhood and go to Properties. Next select TCP/IP, then click on the Properties button. Click Specify an IP. Then enter IP , Subnet
Set WINS to Disable, Set Gateway to then click add. Click on the DNS tab, in the Host field enter the name of your computer. Add at least 2 DNS servers to the search order, usually , , sometimes too. This will set up that computer as a static IP on the network. DHCP will still work normally, it will just detect a computer with that IP and automatically assign different IPs to the other comps.

(more on this later, gotta go I'm at work. )

Arkan 02-24-2002 01:21 AM

CO791,just be nice to the guy...offer him a beer and a burger or something and he'll hook you up!...i promise

Arkan 02-24-2002 01:31 AM

These are the settings i'm using with a 4 port Linksys router with 2 computers hooked up.

Lan IP = (router IP)
subnet mask = (default)
select "static IP"
WAN IP = your provider IP found in "ipconfig"
subnet mask = same # given on your "status" tab
DNS = same #'s given on your "status" tab (i had 3 sets of DNS IP's)

PASSWORD TAB = default settings

STATUS TAB = read only settings

enable DCHP server
start IP of
enter your DNS #'s
all other settings default

LOG TAB = default settings

exempt computers enabled
from IP (IP of computer # 1)
to IP (IP of computer # 2)

SPI disabled
block WAN request enabled
multicast pass enabled
IPSec pass enabled
PPTP pass enabled
remote manage disabled
MTU disabled

port 12200 to 12220 (TCP & UDP enabled) IP= enabled
port 12300 to 12300 (TCP & UDP enabled) IP= enabled



dmz host IP =

ok, thats the router settings. Remember to set each computer on your system to "static IP" and enter the IP that you assign. My computer IP for comp#1 = and IP for comp#2 = Enter the DNS #'s given in the "status tab" into each computer. You enter this info in the TCP/IP properties settings like [HellBaby] described.

This configuration is working for me but i'm still having trouble with GameSpy seeing my server clearly. I'm probably missing some port #'s for GameSpy. Anyone with GameSpy port #'s?

Hellbaby2065 02-24-2002 03:17 AM

In my opinion the best way to host is to download a software firewall like TinyFirewall ( ), then set up a DMZ to the server's IP. Make sure you run MOHAA in windowed mode first because the firewall will prompt you for connections.

This way you can open up all the ports you need and the server will still be protected by a firewall.

CO791 02-24-2002 08:16 AM

Brought a laptop to the outside of house with my modem...ran tests...tested fine.

Ran test with laptop at any split..

tested fine.

Looking like a problem at the coram station.
Ill give link if I find it

[This message has been edited by CO791 (edited February 24, 2002).]

Arkan 02-24-2002 11:22 AM

Well i'm glad your stuff is working Lysis. Alot of people have been giving my tips on the boards and i've tried alot of settings but i'm still having trouble being cleanly seen on GameSpy. I can host without problems now but am having trouble being seen. Most people who join my server are doing it through MOH itself. I need to find the proper ports for GameSpy.

CO791 02-24-2002 11:50 AM

you do realize what it takes for me to be a nice guy? Hey was our buddy involved in that biker melee? Ill bet he ran like a girl.

CO791 02-24-2002 11:52 AM

Arkan, so your server is all set ? All we gotta do is get it to show up on g -spy now right?

Arkan 02-24-2002 11:59 AM

Biker Melee ?? I must've missed that but i doubt it wasn't a Schwinn gathering..LOL !!

Ok, on a more serious note, ask the guy if he can run another line to your house since you're the first/last connection on the block (depends on which way you look at it). If he doesn't do that, at least see if he can update the line if it wasn't done so already. My line was over 15yrs old so he gave me a new one to the house. I'd throw him $50 if he gave you an additional line (dedicated line) free of charge. My buddy got lucky and got his own dedicated fat pipe!! If you get squat, don't worry, the sh;t's fast enough!!

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